Support group - Miscarriages

Hi all, it's been a while since I was here. Two months I think.

Just received news fr gynae that I have blood clotting disorder. I was supposed to get another appointment to see another specialist on this. No idea what kind of treatment are they going to recommend. Scared and worried. Is this a rare condition?

Hi mangohope, was browsing through the old post since my m/c, and noticed you mentioned about blood clotting condition. Not sure if its the same - mine is protein c. Is it similar?

Thks!! Had cleared my issues w my family.. N also had went to the temple to ask to "chao du" the fetus. I feel so much better aft doing that. Hopefully the bb can come back to me if i can conceive again..

Gg bac to wk tmw.. Hope not double doses of work for me..n i can take it well of everything..

Tomorrow is " li chun". So new year n new start. All the best, Ladies!!
This cny I'm seeing so much preg women and babies around and the making baby topics... It just makes me dread cny more and more hais...
hello all ladies......Happy New Year........

Have been busy lately so didn't come in to chit chat............ :)

I have done my sohosteroscopy...and found that there's a adhesive band...also know as asherman's symdrome...this leads me to wonder..if its cause by my c-section like 3 yrs ago...and I have not go for any checkup again before embarking on IVF. Leading me to 2 miscarriages.............sigh...........
I am scheduled for day surgery coming monday...........and hopefully everything's gonna be fine.................
Am so afraid that the surgery will cause infertility................. I am so heartbroken cos I didn't do any checks before IVF..I could have save my sad..........
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Hi ladies,

Im new in this grp. Just found out tat i had a missed miscarriage last sat. Had a D&C on Tues and nw resting at hm. V sad tat tis happen during cny.

Even more upset by the words i hear fr my mum when i told her on last Sun. The first thing she say is tat i cannot go visiting during cny cos pple hse hav god instead of consoling me. Then aft my D&C, i called her to infm her tat i had done it n nd her to help me buy some stuff for e mini confinement n again she say tat then she oso cannot go visiting as well.

The thing is y she care oni abt visiting n secondly i din even enter any delivery suite or hospital. My D&C was done in my gynae clinic. Actually i wanted to celebrate cny as my kids r so looking fwd to it n i wanted to forget e pain of e loss. Nw cos of her words, my mood is dampen.

Wat make it worse is my younger sis is delivering tis few days. She has her mil n fil to help n ask my mum to help as well. On my side, i hav no mil to help. Im grateful tat she don giv me trouble let alone helping me. Im v disappointed tat my mum is unfair n insensitive during tis period. I wanted to tel her how i feel but hold myself back.

She came to my plc on wed to cook me dinner n then nt even any call fr her. Im nt sure if im been too sensitive & emo.

Aft e D&C, my mood swing. At x, i m ok. At x, i wil get emo n cry n tink of my bb.


Sorry for your loss. Stay strong for your children. Take care!
hello all ladies......Happy New Year........

Have been busy lately so didn't come in to chit chat............ :)

I have done my sohosteroscopy...and found that there's a adhesive band...also know as asherman's symdrome...this leads me to wonder..if its cause by my c-section like 3 yrs ago...and I have not go for any checkup again before embarking on IVF. Leading me to 2 miscarriages.............sigh...........
I am scheduled for day surgery coming monday...........and hopefully everything's gonna be fine.................
Am so afraid that the surgery will cause infertility................. I am so heartbroken cos I didn't do any checks before IVF..I could have save my sad..........
Big hugs my dear. Recover well and soon. Not too late to find out. Better late than nvr. Let's hope everything becomes better after ur op. Jia you.
Hi all, it's been a while since I was here. Two months I think.

Just received news fr gynae that I have blood clotting disorder. I was supposed to get another appointment to see another specialist on this. No idea what kind of treatment are they going to recommend. Scared and worried. Is this a rare condition?

Is it the same as "sticky blood" that i heard some ladies mentioned before?
hello all ladies......Happy New Year........

Have been busy lately so didn't come in to chit chat............ :)

I have done my sohosteroscopy...and found that there's a adhesive band...also know as asherman's symdrome...this leads me to wonder..if its cause by my c-section like 3 yrs ago...and I have not go for any checkup again before embarking on IVF. Leading me to 2 miscarriages.............sigh...........
I am scheduled for day surgery coming monday...........and hopefully everything's gonna be fine.................
Am so afraid that the surgery will cause infertility................. I am so heartbroken cos I didn't do any checks before IVF..I could have save my sad..........

Hugs hugs! Its the past already so dun think too much into it. Just focus on the future. All the best to the surgery!
Dear all........
I'm back in town from Taichung...enjoyable trip but today will have rhematology appt...pray hard everything is fine or there is solution for my problem :)
Hi miracle

Dun read too much into it and think positive
Better to learn abt it now n do the surgery than later

All the best for ur surgery !!

Thanks baby sparkles...hopefully after the surgery like 2 months later....we can embark together on conceiving journey.........and see KKH
Hi ladies,

Im new in this grp. Just found out tat i had a missed miscarriage last sat. Had a D&C on Tues and nw resting at hm. V sad tat tis happen during cny.

Even more upset by the words i hear fr my mum when i told her on last Sun. The first thing she say is tat i cannot go visiting during cny cos pple hse hav god instead of consoling me. Then aft my D&C, i called her to infm her tat i had done it n nd her to help me buy some stuff for e mini confinement n again she say tat then she oso cannot go visiting as well.

The thing is y she care oni abt visiting n secondly i din even enter any delivery suite or hospital. My D&C was done in my gynae clinic. Actually i wanted to celebrate cny as my kids r so looking fwd to it n i wanted to forget e pain of e loss. Nw cos of her words, my mood is dampen.

Wat make it worse is my younger sis is delivering tis few days. She has her mil n fil to help n ask my mum to help as well. On my side, i hav no mil to help. Im grateful tat she don giv me trouble let alone helping me. Im v disappointed tat my mum is unfair n insensitive during tis period. I wanted to tel her how i feel but hold myself back.

She came to my plc on wed to cook me dinner n then nt even any call fr her. Im nt sure if im been too sensitive & emo.

Aft e D&C, my mood swing. At x, i m ok. At x, i wil get emo n cry n tink of my bb.

Sorry for your loss...............mood swing is normal my dear..............I have been into that phase as well............and will keep blaming ownself...........
Do things that you like.........go relax..........keep your mind busy..............we are here for you..............
Hi ladies finally I manage to convince my husband to the polyclinic to get the referral letter for the both of us! Hopefully the queue is not too long if not he'll back out again :(
Ask u ladies

For those who quit to ttc what do u do everyday n how long a break do you intend to take ?
If I need fresh I'm seriously considering to quit
I stopped trying for like 1 year before trying again the other time... The 1st mc is really too painful... my 2nd one tried for like 3 months got it, 3rd one didn't even try and just happened 2 months after my 2nd Hais... ytd was on fb and seeing so many of them getting preg just makes me feel llike deleting my fb away... not that I don't feel happy for them but it's just feeling not fair why can't I be like the others....
I feel so offended by the doctor at yishun polyclinic, cos I was trying to get the referral letter for nuh clinic g, and this John Cheng was like under what? And I just ans him saying recurrent miscarriage dept?
And he was like miscarriage dept? And laughing away... He can be ignorance to not know but I just think that the laughing attitude just sucks! Argg
Ask u ladies

For those who quit to ttc what do u do everyday n how long a break do you intend to take ?
If I need fresh I'm seriously considering to quit

I just did last Oct. DH and I went through a long consideration before making this decision, cos surviving on a paycheck in SG is not easy. But I really to do so as my job is very stressful and there are a lot of obstacles from work throughout my ttc journey.

I had a freelance job as well as a full time job. So, now that I had quit, I am putting it into full time, but its more relaxed as I managed my own time. I plan to start some online business to help the household income too.
I feel so offended by the doctor at yishun polyclinic, cos I was trying to get the referral letter for nuh clinic g, and this John Cheng was like under what? And I just ans him saying recurrent miscarriage dept?
And he was like miscarriage dept? And laughing away... He can be ignorance to not know but I just think that the laughing attitude just sucks! Argg

OMG!! So unprofessional!
OMG!! So unprofessional!

Ladies for the first appointment at clinic g is just the consultation right? No test will be done? Think I'll pass the test and just see the specialist there don't know can they work this way not :( don't wanna spend money and go thru the test again
Ask u ladies

For those who quit to ttc what do u do everyday n how long a break do you intend to take ?
If I need fresh I'm seriously considering to quit
I did not reli put a timing to it… We jus allow nature to tke its course.. Meanwhile we r enjoying each other's accompany, shopping spree, staycation, vacation, spa treatment and not forgeting our daily supplements for e pre-conceive… I guess it will come wen we least expect it. Sit back and relax.. Stress is not gd for conception… Wats meant to b urs is urs, wats not meant to b urs is not urs… Of cos its sad.. Im a nurse and ive seen alot of couples go thru infertility and dey gracefully grow old together.. Dey hv each other..
I feel so offended by the doctor at yishun polyclinic, cos I was trying to get the referral letter for nuh clinic g, and this John Cheng was like under what? And I just ans him saying recurrent miscarriage dept?
And he was like miscarriage dept? And laughing away... He can be ignorance to not know but I just think that the laughing attitude just sucks! Argg
Pls do complaint to e managment site.. Dats so insensitive..

Ladies for the first appointment at clinic g is just the consultation right? No test will be done? Think I'll pass the test and just see the specialist there don't know can they work this way not :( don't wanna spend money and go thru the test again
Just bring all ur test results. If u did the test before they probably won't ask u to redo them. Ya first is just consultation. Probably only see the specialist on 2nd consultation.

Ladies for the first appointment at clinic g is just the consultation right? No test will be done? Think I'll pass the test and just see the specialist there don't know can they work this way not :( don't wanna spend money and go thru the test again
My appt to the recurrent dept is end of apr lor when I seem dr in clinic g in end is a long wait
Today I have done all the blood test including the test that will be done in recurrent dept now wait for one month later to go back for 2nd is so costly I paid for ard $1k plus for 12 rubles of blood broke now...
Hub no go w me cos he just took quite a few days leave to go tw w me n aft discussed we both thinking to wait for blood test result n c the solutions the dr provide to us...hopefully everything is under control lor...but dr says trace antinuclear antibody actually nth serious just wait for result out den discuss further from there...
guys, NUH sending my hub to do a dna defragmentation test.
basically sperms could also could cause miscarriages. this one is different from those mobility test etc. coz since both so healthy and can conceive the drs are at their wits end. this is what I read abt from the test:
but he only testing on 15th feb, results only know when I see nuh again in march.
Yours faster many lor...mine wanted to wait for appt already so long in end of apr...
Waiting time is such a painful time lor..
My next appt to c dr is 14march cos need to wait all blood test result out.
My younger sis delivered tdy. Im happy for her but at e same x feel sad. My miscarriage bb will b e same age as her bb though her bb couple of months older than mine. N same age as my gd fred bb as well who is due in May. I cannot avoid cos she is my niece. Will always b reminded..
My younger sis delivered tdy. Im happy for her but at e same x feel sad. My miscarriage bb will b e same age as her bb though her bb couple of months older than mine. N same age as my gd fred bb as well who is due in May. I cannot avoid cos she is my niece. Will always b reminded..
Same 2 miscarriages also last year and my elder sis delivered last month by right same age but unexpected case happened sis stayed next to my block lor..more sad
Hi ladies.. I hv some queries.. Im hving e same symptom similar to my 1st one.. Im too afraid to do preg test.. Hubby pestering me to do preg test cos im a nurse hes worried tat e over exertions cn harm me..
My younger sis delivered tdy. Im happy for her but at e same x feel sad. My miscarriage bb will b e same age as her bb though her bb couple of months older than mine. N same age as my gd fred bb as well who is due in May. I cannot avoid cos she is my niece. Will always b reminded..

I am facing the same problem too. Me & 2 SILs got preggy in the same year. Seeing my nephew and niece grow up, is a constant reminder of my angel bb.
My af was on 21/1… its too early to chck oso… i hate e devastated feeling… Im putting everyting behind me… :(
It may be a little early to check, the general advice is to test on the day your af is due, or else the test may not show anything. Also, many pregnancy symptoms are similar to PMS, so it's hard to tell the difference. I guess in the meantime try to relax and not overt-exert if you can help it?
baby_sparkles me too. Depends on what your doc advised. For me my doc say can try again after 1 month.

Tis is my ferst tyme BD after D&C..... So scared when i saw blood when i wipe. But no pain......makes me worry :(
Was thinkin mayb DH was lil bit too hard while doin.
And everything Turned out ok? I tot they said risks r v high ?

Actually gynae and tcm guideline are 1-3 months after mc, but of course it also depends on individual body condition. You can start ttc when your hormones return to normal. I started ttc 1 month after mc for both times, but no bfp cos it is not a easy path for me to conceive.

baby_sparkles me too. Depends on what your doc advised. For me my doc say can try again after 1 month.

Tis is my ferst tyme BD after D&C..... So scared when i saw blood when i wipe. But no pain......makes me worry :(
Was thinkin mayb DH was lil bit too hard while doin.

Still have blood now?
