applemuffins that what is worrying me but my gynae kept saying it's okie i had bad cramps last wk during my menses n saw him on day 1 and he perscibe me another 4 that's y i went to see him yesterday cos very bad cramps and insist on a scan..

i m stopping clomid for at least 2 months after this.. hopefully no more clomid no more iui..

hi joan,
my worry now is that i have no af since D&C. gynea suspect a case of walls of uterus sticking together preventing af to flow...i am worried..v v worried and now deciding between two options :

1) take hormone pills to induce af
2) go for op to insert balloon bet those walls to allow AF flow..

anyone with similar experience to share and help me? me desparate now...need to make decision by tonite. cos schedule for op tmr morning.
Hi all,

In my personal opinion, I think this baby thing is a gift from God......all things are pre-destined and I believe that we all should let nature takes its course....a lot of things and events are just beyond our control.....though many times, we can plan this or that.......

Taking clomid, IUI or IVF can aid us to have a child but there are many health hazards involved........if one's body cannot take the stress of all such methods, we will experience pain and make our health worst..........coz all these methods are not such, when we meddle with nature, things may just go very wrong....

I am not sure if all of you agree with me.....but what I want now is to be happy and healthy.....if a baby comes along, it is just an additional blessing and bonus......if not, just think positively that we have more time for ourselves to enjoy life........

Applemuffin, do listen to your gynae advise and weight the pros and cons of each method......and ask if there are any other side effects to go for option 2. Dun worry too much of the baby and age thing....your health is more impt cpd to any other things in this health means no baby as well........

Take good care and have a great working week ahead!

hey AngelBee,
u also having appointment at mt e? my appt is 1030am with dr charles. i am this tall girl with specs and short hair. haha do say hi if u see someone like tat...

I have been on this GnRH jab b4. it's to stop my menses for 4 months after the op. side effects on me are little... probably just a little mood swing and hot flushes. but the dread is really having no AF for 4 months AGAIN and can't ttc in the mean time.

I am on my second round of clomid... today's day 7. supposed to see dr fong next monday to check if follicles are growing...

By the way, i also visited chung hwa hospital at Toa payoh yesterday. they have an infertility dept. they gave me medicine but did acupuncture for DH. drs there are quite ok. now taking their medicine plus cordecyps. hopefully see effects soon.


I agree with you. Sometimes we are so bogged down with this baby thing that other areas of our lives stand still, especially our husbands... i think they suffer the most. Think if we re-focus, then we may be happier.

How do you fix an appt with Chung Hwa hospital at Toa Payoh? Which chinese TCM did you see?

Let us know your experience with Dr Charles?
hi joan,

wow! that was fast!
you can call this number to book: 62513304.
They have a dr for the female patients and another for male patients.
The consultations are for appointments only but be prepared to wait for your turn. I think the fertility dept is opened every wed and sat, 7-9pm only. Oh... and remember to bring cash cos i think they dun accept nets... :p

And sure... i will let u gals know abt dr charles. Have a beautiful day!
hi joan,

me & hb had made our decision to take medicine and wait for af to come...2 more weeks to go. failing which, we will consider going for the op. during these 2 weeks of waiting, it will tough for me...certainly need support from groups like this to pull thru...

u r sooo rite, health is my top priority now. after so much ordeal, having a bb is my least priority...if have, blessings, if not, we can still enjoy blessings already given (hubby, job, travel etc).
my appointment time is at 7.30am. Dont think we will have the chance to meet each other.

Keep us update on your visit to Dr Charles, and what he advice he gave.

Medicine from Chung Hwa comes in powder form or have to brew? Cos I see that different chinese sinsehs, their medicine also diiferent.

When you had your D&C? What i heard of is some, their AF dont come for 3 months. Dont worry, medicine should able to help to induce AF.
Angel bee,

chung hwa's medicine is in prepared forms... like pills, capsules and syrups. no worries about brewing... let me know the outcome of your gynae visit too.
Hi angelbee,

i had my D&C on 27 Nov. Till now, almost 2 mths...i really hope med will induce...v worried abt gg for another op.
Have you ever thought of seeking chinese sinseh if after taking induced pills AF still havent come? Perhaps they can help. I feel that shortly after D&C then go for op. not good for your health. If really no choice, 'bo bian'.
been taking tcm since last year. my tcm encourages me to go for op cos she said if it is really asherman's no amt of herb will help "open" the uterus.
let's hope that medicine is able to induce the AF. Dont worry ok. maybe it;s not as serious as what you think.
Yesterday I went out with my sec frds for dinner ..... my gf was 3 mths preggie is her 2nd child .... so all of them kept asking abt me .... kinda stress! didnt really let them know abt my condition .... sigh ....
went to have iui scan and had an injection..tom iui very very depresed past few days kept asking y y y cant i have it naturally cos the blood test, injection n even the scan is not very comfortable..i have low threshold for pain..but never mind,.. maybe it's a learnign process then i can help those who have to go thru this tooo...

still feeling weird with the injection to induce

qing qing i can understand how u feel.. but have to be brave and strong about this...
qingqing, i understand how u feel. after my 2nd m/c i totally cut off all meetings with my frens. only recently after 2 months, i managed to meet one fren who knew abt my case all along...we dont have to feel we are failure about not having kids as fast as others can. there are things in your life that u have, others dont.
have a great weekend ahead
i, too, understand how u feel. it's not easy... really but it's something all the ladies here have to go through... in one way or another. This journey is filled with doubts, anger, pessimism and sometimes we can become so pre-occupied with this "problem" that we turn a blind eye to the blessings that we already have with us. it's certainly a sad thing to be sub-fertile... but at least we have our husbands with us.
let's encourage each other to be less pre-occupied and instead fill our minds with better thots. afterall it is TGIF...enjoy the weekend...get busy with CNY prep. For me, i am celebrating my hubby bday looking forward to it. sad or not sad, the day passes...we want to be happy people!!
toy collector.. worry not about the scan.. the injections.. you will slowly get used to them.. Most important thing is to relax.. "cause when you tense, it is harder to put the scope/probe into the vaginal. As for the injections at the backside, they are to release the eggs. My doc tot me a trick.. he would ask me to cough when he is about to inject .. that would help to distract a little and not concentrate on the injection..
hello ladies.. i should have read about findingmiki entry..was so tense that the nurse must asure me to relaxx.... was telling my hubby this week alone my groin has been opend 3 times..twice by scan n yesterday for the scope...

the lab lady said hubby 3 percent ( same as 4 yrs ago but y last time can/??) so they enhance it so that the gd swimmers can swim up... very encouraging until at the end..the nurse asked me when is my next iui was so upset i said what ..this is supposed to be successful rite? i mean maybe u asked me 2 wks later i still can reply u... but now just when i just had iui u asking me how many more rounds my gynae rec...

i rec 1 or course! but never mind...will be brave for 2 wks n even thou told to check on 21 st feb but i think i check from 18 on wards...

yes baby dust they scan on day 12 to see if my follicles has grown so saw 1 on the right side...

well i have the cny packing to keep me occupied so hopefully 2 wks passed in a breeze hopefully the CNY day i will know th e result..

findingmiki do rest well..have your AF come? when your next round?
u r very brave... I'm already like dying whenever i have to go for any vaginal scans. always secretly hoping that the dr will give that a miss. tat's why i'm always so tense... drs always have to ask me to relax! and do share the procedure. what happens after day 12?

I went to see dr charles lim and we've decided to stay on with him. I find him a very knowledgeable and humourous. He did a very detailed check on me and my dh and spent quite some time explaining to us our conditions. In all, he has a plan la... That is to let me try naturally first, with the aid of 2 injections to help with the mucus. Told me to test for ovulation from day 13 onwards. Try this for one or two rounds, if unsuccessful, then go for IUI. If that's still not ok, then try lap again b4 IVF. He gives me a sense of certainty.
Hi toycollector, another trick.. The probe is like your man's "ahem" A bit hard but with lots of lubricant .. it slides in easily as long as you allows it.

I would suggest that you relax for now.. Don't think about it. Whatever will be will be. You have already done your part and let his sperms does their part. The high expectations would give rise to higher stress levels. Relax.. focus on other things.. Remember life still goes on. So like you said.. be busy with the cny packing..

For me.. my health is coming back..
back to work already. AF will be induced starting from 24th Feb as i don't think my would ever come on its own.. thus the next IUI cycle should be starting 6th March..
hello Dor
i roughly estimated the cost for u okie.. blood test is about 200 they found out they forgotten to charge hubby's one i think. then scan n iui n sperm enhancement is about $510/- and injection is about $15/-..

but for me i incurred another cost of the scan cos i feel pain on day 11 so went for a scan so all in all about $800/-.. the nurse said if doing ivf dun use medisave so all cash..

well iui is not scary they scan u on day 12 or 13 then onday 14 ( if u ovulate) if not they give injection to expediate it then they will ask your hubby to go at 8 to give the input then about 10 the lab would have done it and dun be shocked to see only 2 drops of input.... they said got million in it but my heart really dropped.. then put in. using a mental thing to open your vagina..

then u rest for 20 min but me about an hr cos i refused to go..a bit of cramp in stomach but over all okie can go shopping after that still..

well i think i will not tell those not so close friends that i went thru iui ( esp those very staunch on child is a gift and not assistance is needed) cos u really dunno if u are pregnant cos of iui or by natural means cos they tell u to do it at nite and following day..

so for all you know it's really thru natural means but there goes your $800/- but even if it iui i feel that it's God who created the child not me not iui ( given the fact the success is few percent).. so to succeed thru iui is a miracle baby tooo and will be just as loved by me and hubby and kor kor...
toy brave of u...hope yr miracle bb is on the way.

thanks circumstances like that, staying positive is the way i is the 6th day of taking sign of it normal? i heard some ladies get their af 3/4 days after taking med...
Hi applemuffin, I guess it really varies from people to people.. For me, My AF would only come 1-2 days after the medication. Cramps during the medication - not that I recall.
thanks findingmiki, 2 more days to go to know if my af can be induced with med. pretty excited... almost like testing for preggie..

this thread has been great...allowing me an output for my feelings, thots and frustrations at times...
hello finding miki.. hope u will succeed on your iui and have a smooth 9 months.. eat lots of vit..

thanks findingmiki and applemuffin..i also wished it my first and last attempt..

i read with interest what Joan wrote but the gynae told me if i am increase my chances for pregnancy from 0 to 1 percent wont that be great..i also very uncomfortable with clomid in the beginning cos they say better not interfere with nature but i really have no choice cos just dont ovulate so now hopefully with iui it wills stand a better chance of been pregnant.. i know i might strike if i try another few more months but then i wil be older n less energy so i think the dr feels it's better to try iui to shorten the trying time.. of course i wish to cut cost and time but now i might be cut time trying but not the cost...

..of cos it still in God's hands whether i have or not.. but i think i will rest for a while after this.. i am so tired of clomid n if this month no cramps it will be GREAT news..

all the best to you all tooo.
Would like to share the other view of clomid.

For girls who are not ovulating, it is usually due to hormonal imbalance. When the hormones are not balanced, it would not lead to ovulations. Some are gifted that their hormones are always balance and thus they have no problems conceiving etc. Some had their cycles goes haywire when they are under constant pressure at work or home. Some just lack certain hormones.

Clomid is to induce ovulation. It gives us the hormones that we needed to make the system balance and then allows the eggs to grow and mature.

When our immunity is low and we have flu or cough, is taking medicine viewed as meddling with nature? Doesn't clomid work the same way as the flu tablets and antibotics?

Like any other medicine, it is not good to take for long term as each has its side effects. Doc would usually suggest a break after taking clomid for 6 months.

For some, clomid din work well, I am one of the example. I need to rely on injectibles.

In this journey .. I realised that if TCM is combined with western medication, things would be smoother. TCM focus on the strengthening our internal organs. While western medication targets at the problem area. In order to get pregnant, all comes into the pictures. To be pregnant, there must be egg and sperm. Then the lining must be of a certain thickness, enough to support and not too thick that it hinders the engagement of the embroyo. After which the mother's health must be in good condition to be able to give baby food supply. Each practise has their part of play. Diet plays a part too.
The journey is tough. Most of us when we embarked on this journey, we had somewhat hope that our journey is short.

For some, the journey is short. For some, it had seems never ending. It is a test of our preservance.

For some, the journey had been smooth. Yet the journey can get tough, rough, rocky, teary for the others. It becomes a test of our endurance, energy and strength.

A emotional roller coaster ride... lots of ups and downs.. and no one knows when the ride is going to end.

There is one thing that we know though, there are us around us. We yelled together, cry together, embrace each other thru each challenge.. each hurdle.. And those who had left us earlier, they would regularly visit us to give constant encouragement. We have US. That is the important thing. is so important and most of the advices and knowledge given here are so valuable.

keep is still beautiful despite all the low points we have encountered.
findingmiki and applemuffin ..i agreed with u...

for some of us journey is short..and some is like never ending...there are really a lots of ups and downs..i also agree with applemuffin that supports played an important part especially the strong support from our family...
my hubby always wanted a 2nd bb but he had never give me any pressure...whenever my AF starts, i am always disappointed but he will told me..we shall not give up and keep on trying..but i believe that god will ans to our prayers one day and give us what we want..

so ladies, keep trying..don't give up!!!
Ladies, my TTC journey is long, never ending cos i haven seen the light yet. I ams hoping for surprise every month and every month i am feeling disappointed. This feeling is really terrible. Thats why i visit this thread to gain support.
yeah! we should be like the energizer bunny...always charged-up, ready to go..

i have officially finished my AF induction med awaiting anxiously for Ms. AF to swing by. My HB said this morning when i was checking for AF..that the whole thing is just a cruel joke on us. We used to be so happy when we dont see AF. Now we are hoping each morning to see AF...sigh! So unpredictable ya...still i am not losing hope...will wait patiently till Valentine's Day b4 i visit Dr Wong again and perhaps will schedule for a op to fix my problem then.

Gals, pls do continue to send your support to me....need tons of it...
A friend tells me this..

The journey is long and tedious. Rest if you are tired. Rest is to allow you to continue walking. Rest more whenever you need to. It allows u to walk even longer. As long as we keep walking.. we have hope.

If we fall, what do you choose to do?
Stay fallen and think about the fall, or choose to stand up and continue towards your destination? Of course, one will never reach the destination if remain fallen. But having fallen before will make one understand the possible causes of falling and allow one to make better preparation to avoid falling again.

The path might be long... the end results is worth the trip..Focus on the end results.

What's important.. we are not alone in this journey. Sayang for the falls .. sayang for the heartbreak.. HUGS for the courage.. HUGS for standing up again.. HUGS for walking.. as long as we continue to walk.. we can then find answers. Just come here whenever support is needed. I found strength from US. I hope you would too. Lets embrace each other .. for disappointments.. for joy
Hugs.. applemuffin..
Proud of u..

HUGS.. share with us the joy when your AF is here.
Afterall we do want AF to be here for u this time round..
isn't that's whats impt right now for u ..
Yes findingmiki...need it to come badly...keeping my fingers n toes XXX next 7 days. I hope to have a happy celebrative valentine's day...
hi everyone, mia for a while...

i still around but just too lazy to input...

supposed to go for my HSG xray today, but not going as i din know that cant ML... so cant go loh...

toycollector, jia you!!!!

applemuffin, jia you!!!

in fact, all of us should jia you....

i also veri tired of this journey... my AF was late for 4 days.. giving us lot of hopes n of course disappointment too!!! so my DH promised that he will be cooperative this month...

hopefully, with god's help, i can save the $$ for treatment!!! cos spending to give my DD to disneyland for her first may holiday!!!

everyone, jia you... me too got to jia you with my spring cleaning(still havent done mine yet) super lazy...
hello dor ...yes i wish u need not spend it on iui toooo can save the $$ for your trip... let's look forward to CHinese new year n the yummy food!!
babydust hugz ... dun be too sad .... i myself too ... now i suspect i have pcos .... and have went thru the day 2 n day 21 blood test next fri i will be going for pelvic ultra scan hopefully i will be ok .....
sigh went to see sil new born yesterday..on the way back..son asked gu gu baby comes out already how come mei mei still not out? OOPs!! dunno what to say just tell him to pray.
hugz toy collector

babydust me going for pelvic ultra sound scanning on 16 and on the 21st feb will be seeing doc at KK so will know whether am i diagnose with PCOS anot......
Ladies, my AF reported today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another failed cycle. Today i cant tahan and broke down in front of DH. He console me, say sure got chance one, try again.

Btw i noticed that last month and today my AF came earlier. The cycle used to be 28 days, for the last 2 times, my AF came on come its getting shorter, is there something wrong, i tik that if period cycle too short also not good for conceiving. Anyone can advise.
hi babydust,

according to my TCM, she said earlier period means earlier is a good sign. hence u probably should start BD catch the O day.

cheer up yr HB said, will come one....yr patience n hard work will be rewarded...keep spirit high okie
Hi all.. any suggestiongs wat to do?

My brother just had a newborn.. celebrating the 1st month soon. I on the other hand.. is recovering from the m/c that i had a month ago.

At first my family is not thinking of having a celebration for the baby's 1 month. But they changed their mind and now it is going to be a big affair where 90 people were invited.

I can't imagine meeting those relatives, my parents' friends. CNY is bad enough.. now having to face all of them at 1 go...


I am sad.. angry.. frustrated and yet helpless. any tips?
hi findingmiki, here's my suggestions:

1) Go book a short trip to "escape" That's what I did..we are gg away from Fri - Mon (2nd day of CNY then come back), by then no need to visit any relatives liao.. U can do the same during yr bro's newborn 1st mth celebration.

2) Endure and go for the celebration. If relatives ask n they are close to u..tell them the truth. If not close, just say working on it lor..

Think most importantly is how u feel abt meeting them. If too pressurizing, i suggest u dont go..just send a gift in sure yr bro will understand. I cut out all gatherings and communication with frens and cell groups when i mc in nov...only meet up with my immediate thinking is that i have no need to "entertain" them cos they are not close to me. Only recently, i start meeting up frens..closer ones..still selective.
hope yr frustrations will go away...

Thanks apple..

I would need to go for option (2) as my parents and my brother would be very hurt if i did not attend the celebration.. I would in turn blame myself much if i had caused the hurt.

Guess it is better that i suffer rather than them.. 'cause if they suffer.. i would blame myself even more.. At least .. I can just cry it over and be done with it..

Need to think of what else to reply them.
Now i have got 2 on the list..
1) If close ones.. say the truth
2) if not close .. say "still working on it"

I had felt better after expressing my feelings..
