ML, i really do not know. u would have to seek ur fertility specialist's advise. but i mentioned in my previous post that my hubby took cordyceps to improve his sperm count. actually, iui is a very simple process. nothing invasive. can try and see how.

i know how it feels like but dun give up. the baby will come at the least expected moment.

ML, I'm now ttc naturally, at the sametime taking chinese med to treat my endo. had fixed appt to see another gynae on last sat, but didn't go cos i've ovulated, so dr tan advised to go during next AF.

maybe you wanna try dr SF loh @ kkh, he's very popular in this forum. he's 1 of the top snr consultant in the fertility dept.
Jenn, thanks for the advice. i am sure have to wait for long for the appt. perhaps must wait for 3 months or more.
Hi gals,

Just want to encourage all of you who are ttc. I have been reading the thread and understand how all of you feels. I have been ttc for 30months and was so happy when finally tested +ve recently. My dh also have sperm problem. Very low sperm count, motilty and morpholgy. My gynae advice was to do IVF as she feels that was the only option for us. We did not want to do that and went on to seek TCM help. We have been seeing TCM for a year and went on to see a urology b4 we finally strike. We also make some lifestyle changes. So do have patience and you will soon be blessed with your bundle of joy. Babydust to all!
Care to share which TCM u went to?
Thanks for sharing your bundles of joy!
This will really spurs us on and not to give up...

just noted frm hb that he has low sperm count but will be seeing dr next week to understand the details. : (
Has anyone went for any blood test for hormone during menses?

I have been seeing Dr Tan for a year. The med and acupuncture did help my dh sperm count and motilty to go up quite a bit but the morphology was still bad. We then went to see a urology who did an operation on my dh. We strike 2 months after the op. dr tan med is effective and do take it faithfully.

Other ways to help in sperm count is make sure no hot shower, my dh takes cold shower every night, stop drinking coffee, wear boxers. He also take megamen and zine from GNC.

Heard from dr Tan that 10 couples conceive this month and 15 last month. Sometimes it may take a bit longer but do have patience. I was contemplating ivf too when we did not get any good news after few months with dr Tan. It will be good for your dh to go for a SA test to see how is the improvement. I am sure your turn will come soon
I hv went to KKIVF for my hormones test on D2 of my menses cos I actually wanted to try on IVF earlier on , bt on hold for the moment...
Oic, so u are one of the successful couples under Dr Tan, congratulations!
Wat kind of op did yr DH went and how much does it cost? Can share? And which urology did yr DH went to? Sorry for the many questions!
My DH has try to shower without the heater on and he goes to the swimming pool every week to cool his body down too...He dun drink cofy and has started wearing boxers for many years...He also taking Dr Tan's medication for a few mths le, bt we still dun dare to go test...cos too much disappointments earlier on.
Thanks, hope my turn will come soon too...
U hv a smooth 9 mths ahead!
hi babychole,

thanks for sharing...can share what are the tests will be tested for the initial visit and frequency of dr's visit? can't afford to take leave frequently... thinking how long will they check before proceeding to IVF

hi sportyger,
congrats! and thanks for sharing..
knowing that my DH felt down cos of news but will only know the details next wk.
U want to proceed to IVF le?
I myself hv not went thru tt yet, I just went to the D2 menses hormones test which took abt oni 1/2 hr for waiting + testing and payment. There will be a briefing if u really decided to do IVF.
Before doing the ET (Embroyos tranfer), there will be follow up visits and injections prior to tt...tink will need u to apply leaves quite often for the scans and blood testing...Aft the ET, u will also be given 2 weeks of HL. Its better to choose a gynae to learn more abt IVF if u r its betta to get yrself prepared for this journey as it is not easy..wif all injections...Good luck ya....
For my case, IUI is out for me cos DH's sperm quality and sperm count is no good...really poor so IVF is the oni option for me...We are nw trying out on TCM and hopes tt it will be improved...If can improve, perhaps I can try on IUI instead of IVF...
hi babychole,

I've been very worried these two days cos only know the results next week...don't know what other bad news beside low sperm count!

how long hv you been trying for TCM?
hi gals, thk low morphology abit hard to cure then low sperm count ?

hi sportyger, wat surgery did ur hubby undergo ? why did the doc suggest the op? cos my doc also said if my dh condition cannot improve, have to go for op.. but i didn't ask wat op.
Hi babychloe and ML,

My dh went for varicocele op. The urology examined my dh and found him with this condition. There are differing views about this condition as there are some who believe that this condition do not affect sperm count and quality. However the urology advise us to go for it. We decided to give it a try and is really happy that we strike 2 mths after the op. The doc was telling us that it will take 3 -4 mths to see results in the sperm count. But i believe that cos we also continue with TCM, it helps. ML do check what op does your dh has to do. Because a lot of factors can be the cause of low sperm quality and quantity, it was not easy to decide whether to go for the op too.
hi all, i have posted earlier abt my irregular menses... anyway i have done a blood test as recommended by my gynae, and the results show that i have high LH levels... mine is 13, compared to normal 10 according to my gynae.

She has advised that i take Clomid which will help me to ovulate. However I would like to know is there any natural way of reducing my LH levels, and being able to ovulate naturally? I understand fr gynae that exercise, lose weight and reduce stress helps. Can anyone share your experience?

I hv been trying on for 2 mths plus...Dun worry, there is always a solution for fertility plms!

Can I noe hw much u all spend on the op? And which doc u all went?
hi seemic, i also have high LH than FSH ... so far, i also dun know how to lower LH, but i thk its in born one ... the doc also did suggest tat i need to loose weight ... how irregular is ur menses ? guess loosing weight & exercise is the most natural way ...
Hi Babychloe,

The op cost about $4k plus out of which you can claim 2k from medisave. The doc is dr Li from gleneagles. Have your dh seen a urology before?
I hv tested on ES2, LH, FSH, Prolactinn serum and rubella...all these are for IVF....not sure normal tests issit the same?

I rmb one of the gynaes we went eva suggested my DH to go consult a urology bt we hv not went to one I am tinking whether to ask DH to go or not? Or shd I ask Dr TaN?

You can ask Dr Tan and see what he says. He was in favor of us consulting a urology after the results was still not good enough. My gynae was the one who referred us to a urology when my dh sa results show that it was very bad. However the first urology was not good, after asking my dh to go for a test like LH and FSH, he just dismissed my dh saying that the tests results are ok nd there is basically nothing he can do. We were really devastated and then went on to consult Dr Tan. My dh sa results improved but morphology was still at 1%. We then consulted Dr Li from gleneagles and immediately he asked my dh to go for the op. We deliberated for a few months before finally going ahead with it. We felt there was no harm going for it and dr Li was very confident abt the op improving my dh condition.
Hi babychole,

Happened that DH's sperm quality and sperm count is very poor. I was
. dh will be doing his hormone test next and dr suggest ISCI (like IVF) to us.

i began to feel helpless...
Dr suspected i hv polyp and will need to remove if want to do ISCI.
Thanks...will ask Dr Tan if my dh's condition dun improve within the next few mths...if my MIL noes tt my dh going for op, she sure v angree wif us....sigh!

I supposed u mean ICSI/IVF? Perhaps before u embark with it, be financially and emotionally and my dh has been hesitating since 2 years back...will go for it if by year end still no result...
U shd get everything rectified first before doing IVF....TCM will also help for u and yr dh's case...
hi ML,

i m not sure if high LH was inborne, coz i did get pregnant before 2 yrs back but terminated the pregnancy due to some abnormalities with the baby...

We are intending to try for one soon, but now that i am diagnosed with high LH, meaning that i would need help with ovulation... intend to start an exercise regime with my hubby to lose some weight and also to improve health...

U know of anywhere where my hubby can test his sperms? Coz if we really wanna start on clomid, i suppose it'll be better for my hubby to get tested first.

And i tink we may try TCM first also...

good luck to u and everyone!

The doc is dr Li man kay from gleneagles.
DO ask your dh to go for the sa test to monitor progress. At least will know whether there is improvement and also dr Tan can prescript medicine accordingly.
Hi babychole,

yes ICSI/IVF - I understand what you mean
will be waiting for dh to do a hormone test and redo sperm count before deciding.

will try for TCM first.
hi seemic, i am not sure if u can do directly with the centre. I saw my DH SA report, got no, u can call to check. Its D&G Partners Fertility Centre - Tel 64756221

yes, tats what the doc suggested, must get the hubby to test first (find out wats the prob). if not he said waste our eggs to start on clomid when the sperm quality is bad. haha

jenn, doc Tan is at Jurong one right ? very far for me ... i am going to the Novena one and ask if she can help to do accupucture to help me to jian fei and maintain my weight... i have put on abt 9 kg after i got married... scary..
Hi Sportyger, sorri for bringing trouble to you, do u hv the contact no.? Thanks...

I believes clomid can help in prolong consumption might thin the lining, u might wan to take note...if u r wif a gynae now, they will arrange for an SA test for yr dh...

Do give TCM 6 to 12 mths to c u noe TCM is slower....Good luck!

Dr Tan is at Clementi.
Thanks a lot! I saw u in another thread and I hope one day I can graduate and move to ttt thread too...U hv a smooth 9 mths ahead! Congrats on yr bundles of joy!
Babychloe, I am sure you will too. Understand how you feel cos I been through it too. I also took Bai fong wong before ovulation. 1 bottle after my menses clear. Just make sure when you take bai fong wong, there should be a few hours interval when you take dr tan medicine. Do not take bai fong wong after ovulation.
U tok the BFW from Eu Yang Seng? Also the gold label one? Ya, Dr Tan did tel me not to take aft O cos its no good for ttc ppl...
I really hope I can strike soon!
Ya i took from Eu Yang Seng. My friend recommended me to eat as she told me she took at first to regulate her menses. She took for abt 6 months and then she started ttc. She strike like immediately once she start. I check with dr tan before and he says its ok to eat, just make sure dont eat after ovulation.
Okok, wah...seems like Eu Yang Seng's BFW works wonders...hope tt I can be lucky too when I tok it in my next cycle...
Thanks a lot...
ML, Dr Tan is at Clementi. I guess any TCM should be able to provide weight loss treatment. You check with your TCM lor.
Hi Babychole,
Thanks for your information. Will wait for re-test for DH's anaysis first. i afraid won't be able to wait more than 3 mths cos i have another medical condition which require me to take medication but will have complication for pregnancy..Currently, it doesn't cause any harm to me but dr suggested that i shd quickly get pregnant then work on that.

thanks! Wont' think that far first cos have a lot of hurdles to go only hold on to faith and one step at a time.
I also understand if really want to go thru IVF - will hv to be mentally and emotionally prepared first.

Any recommendation for infertility doctors?

Intending to go for IUI due to my PCOS and DH poor sperm result. Wanting to check out whether i am having endo or fibords problem as well.
