Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

Hi Xueyan,

I went to 2 tcm doctors for ensuing that the diagnosis are the same. The first one wasnt so good but the 2nd one that i am seeing seems ok for the time being. I am in my second month with her. She is dr he quiling from eu yang san (eys) at south bridge road. She speaks both chinese and english and seem familiar with gynae related problems. There are a bit of write up and sharing from the girls in the forum about her. Another lady you may consider seeing is dr tan siew buoy from thong chai free clinic near sgh. She is expert in this area but her medication needs to brew.

For the first month that i see dr he, i need to see her on a weekly basis to ensure that the medication is suitable for the body. This is because each person' body composition is different and absorb medication differently. So for the first month, when my mense came, i only took her medication and did refrain from taking additional western painkiller. So i think the medication shape up my body's womb and help to lessen the pain. so the pain level dropped from 9 to 7 but i still have pain for 3 days and migraine and nauseaness on 3rd day.

Dr he' consultation for first time is $16 and subsequently it's $10. Medication is $7 per day for about 3 packets of medication. Need to take the medication daily hence per week cost is about $7x7 days + $16.

My friends have told me that i look better in the sense that i do not look pale and weak hence i think that is good but i think diet is important also. I have learn to cut down on many food believe me, u will lose weight especially food is cooked in healthier manner and i cannot take seafood, caffeine, alcohol, dairy products and reduce meat intake. But i do sin a little while when i really miss taking those yummy food.

As I am now overseas, i took 1 month supply from dr he. Hence i shall monitor my condition, now that i need to adapt to new environment and food and hope the medication will help manage my mense. Dr he also says that i need minimum 3 months for the body to see effect but i think i need much longer treatment as i have been suffering the disease for more than 15 years but the last 4 years were really bad.

Hi Anggie,

Thanks, i will update on my ivf when i start in sep.

Maybe you want t0 check with your gynae on your case and why you are having a difficult time now especially yours was diagnosed as mild endo. Normally after clear up, mense pain would reduce or disappear for at least 6 months. MIne was classified as severe endo so i think mine is stage 4, that's why cramp recur after laparoscopy because my gynae cannot take out the 5cm growth from uterus without damaging it. Unless i do not want pregnancy, then he would remove the whole womb so i suspect my pain is due to the growth known as adenomyosis (cousin of endo). The rest of the endo deposit outside my uterus are cleared up i hope.

Better meet up with your gynae and ask him how to reduce the discomfort or pain u are going through.

Update us ok.

Hi just want to check, do you ladies have heavy periods ? Cos mine can be quite heavy & with clots too ? Anyone here not TTC and using Birth control pill to control your endo. Any info will be of a great help thanks
Hi Simp
Thanks. I've charted down my bleeding flow & will check with my gynae on my next visit. but i get a feeling that he will say it's normal as it's only within 1 month of the op & need to wait a few cycles before can see results. My gynae told me mine not so serious but did not tell me what stage. Sometimes I feel docs don't really tell you everything. I read that if there are ovarian cyst & adhesion it could be stage 2 or 3. It seems like sometimes some small deposits can missed and not cleared out. Don't know what are the chances of that. Also read that endo can start developing again within 2 months after op.
Hello ladies,
It's been sometime since i sign in. I am having my last endo jab tmr (4th jab) and hope everything is over soon. However, last 2 weeks i got frozen shoulder than went to see GP, GP say my blood pressure high. so now i have to take blood pressure med. Has anybody taking gnrh jab for endo and have high blood pressure ? can share experience ? Doc cannot tell if its there is a link. So sad and worried sick now.

Simp, remember me ? you are already overseas by now hrh? Good to hear that your situation is under control and you are taking gd care of yrself.

anggie, there is no guarantee that endo will not relap after lap ops. some people never get it, some come back very soon. For myself, i went ahead for the 4 jab to control the situation. But that means cannot ttc. Gynea say will reduce chance of miscarriage.
hi rest_relax_forever
yes. i've read that endo may or may not recur. just wondering what are my chances & how soon of recurrence. my bleeding after the op was scary. Have not had such heavy flow for quite a few years already. with all these bleeding don't know if there is any endo building up again. on top of that it seems like I also have polycystic ovaries.
I don't intend to go for the jab as i'm not ttc. furthermore it's quite expensive & i'm also scare of the side effects what what happens after completing the course. Afraid that once the course finish my flow will be very heavy. even after taking the jab endo may still return.
Hi rest relax forever,

Yes i remember u. *hug* to u. So good to hear from u. How are u feeling now? I have not started taking the endo jab yet, probably in sep when i start my ivf program, doc will give me this type of type for 3 to 6 months to shrink the growth and stop mense. Hope u r ok.

Yes, I am now overseas but my diet has changed a bit, not so healthy now because i have been out to meet people on and off recently and during these times, got to "entertain" to eat forbidden food. Now i am waiting to see how it is going to affect my next mense cycle. Keeping cross that the pain is under control. However I have started TTC this month and if i can conceive, phew i can say bye to pain for at least 9 months and help save the ivf cost. If not, then life goes on.

Hi Anggie,

It really depends on your immune system and how your body resume her strength to fight endo. If things go well, endo may leave forever.

Take things slowly and build up your good health and spirit. Then u have a better chance of ridding endo.

Though it is good to read up and find out more about endo, it is good to prepare yourself mentally how to manage your anxieties and worries. If your endo can be cured, good. If endo recur, we need to learn to cope with it slowly. It's easier said than done but dun give up. I am coping with this as well.

Brighten up and today's friday, think about the good things and blessings u have received.
Hi Simp
Thanks. I again have heavy bleeding today(3rd time). Yesterday was light spotting & i thought the bleeding is stopping soon. than this afternoon started to have menses like flow with some blood clots.
Well at least it's friday. tomorrow don't have to work, can rest for 1 day at home.
Dear tyx - I am in similar situation as you. I discovered 2 fibroids, 4cm and 6cm abt 2 mths plus ago... and was told to consider myomectomy. I was terrified of operation and didn't want to proceed. Gynae then told me that the other alternative was to try pregnancy for 6 mths before review again...and BINGO, i am now abt 5 wks pregnant....My gynae sounds confident and she said deal with it as it comes along...dun worry too much... For me, I just let nature take its course....

I also read that fibroids exist in 50% of women and in abt 80% (if i remember correctly), fibroids do not grow larger during pregnancy... just have to monitor more closely.
Hi Huichen,

I did take birth control pills for about 5 months to manage my endo in early 2006 when i was not ttc. It didnt help me very much in terms of managing my cramp. It help a little to reduce my cramp and i find my flow greatly reduced but my migraine and knee cap pain seemed more evident. Thin it's like menopusal effect. I decided to stop as i realised that painkiller is more immediate and i do not have to take daily for 21 days like birth control case. Then again when i went for laparscopy i realised i have severe endo so maybe birth control pills do not seem to help me much.

Maybe u want to check wih gynae what are the common side effects u will be expecting and how effective in helping u. I didnt clarify indepth and found out through administering this option.
Hi Simp
Thanks for your concern.
I'm ok, just kept feeling very restless & tired. Nope I've not been to see any GP or gynae on my bleeding yet. my next appointment with my gynae is next week. On Sat & Sun morning (past 2 days) upon getting up from bed, had large blood clots discharges. but during the day was like normal flow with some small blood clots now & then. Today my flow seems quite light so maybe it might end within the next few days. Will wait & see.
Hi Simp,

Thks for the reply. Yesterday i went back to see my previous gyn. Told him about my prolong bleeding and so on. Thank God, cause when he scan me, he couldn't find the cyst anymore. What a relief when i hear that.

But my gyn did mentioned that my endo has worsens. I had endo at the end of my uterus,near my bowel area. He said he can actually feel it. He do not encourage operation as long as i'm not in severe pain.Unless i want to get pregnant immed. or i need to use birth control to manage my endo cos i got heavy period + prolong bleeding. He said that i'm prolong bleeding is cos by my endo.

So i will start taking birth control pill again till both DH & i are financially ready to have another bb.

I really glad that i make the decision to go back to this gyn. He very ethical, always make me felt peaceful. So i will stick to him.

This month hopefully i won't spot again & i will start taking Birth pill. I will update here to share whether it help me or not. Take care ladies.
hi hui chern

can u share with me the details of your gynae? I like the fact that he does not encourage operations. some gynae readily recommend operations....
My gyn name is Dr Lim Teck Chai, he shares the clinic with a few gyn at Tanglin shopping center.

He is the gyn who delivers my DD. If you read my previous post. I go to him as my 2nd opinion.They are a christian clinic. I find he consultation fee reasonable. But waiting time can be quite long, about 1hr. A lot of people goes to see him, even those from indonesia & m'sia came just to see him.

If you want can always see him to see what he says about your situation. By the way, can share here what is your situation right now? take care gal
Hi Beauty Seet,

Thanks for your encouragement. I'm feeling better nowadays as tummy grow bigger... but sometimes mood swing and tend to go low mood and thought it's the fibroid that grew, not my bb.. : ( so stupid of me hor?!
Really afraid the x-ray and medicine I took earlier on when I'm abt 3weeks pregnant (but I din know that time) will affect my bb.. this sat will be going for 2nd round of check up.

By the way, where is ur fibroids grown? Mine was said to grew behind my uterus. Does different place of growth have different impact?
hui chern

i have endo, fibroid, cysts, enlarged uterus, pcos and retroverted uterus. a few chinese physicans have refused to treat me unless i go for lapo operation but my gynae told me that i dont need to cos my endo not serious so i also dun noe what to do...

i will read up more on Dr Lim and prob visit him if necessary... now im TTC...

thanks for sharing
noscon - oh ic,i too have,endo, fibroid & retroverted uterus. As you mention you have PCOS , do you still ovulate on your own or are you on clomid to help you ? Do take care & try to relax while TTC.How long have you TTC already ? Continue to keep us update here. Take care gal
Hi tyx

My bigger one is at the back also... Gynae said i most likely need caesarian delivery... i jus went for chk-up today and she said this 1st trimester must be extra exercise, more rest...

Diff position of fibroids does matter. U have to consult your gynae and take it easy - dun worry unnecessarily. U must tell yourself priority is to rest.

Take care and i hope we both will enjoy this motherhood journey
Hi Beauty Seet,

Just went for check up last Saturday, the fibroid had grown to 11cm. I saw it on the screen when my gynea do the ultrasound scan. so big, so scary I guess Im the 20% of the women whose fibroid grows during pregnancy. My gynea said that usually fibroid will grow due to change of hormone he says behind uterus, implications is lesser.

I'm now 7 weeks le. Really touched when I saw my bb. It was still so small but has a very fast heart beat.

Yeah lets just pick up ourselves and move on with our journey.: )
hi tyx - keep me posted on your progress and Jia YOU! Only now then I realise it is not easy to have a bb... i have always taken for granted that it is a very straight forward matter...All the morning sickness is already hard to bear and with this worry... haiz..

Ok, Keep our spirits up!
Hi Hui Chern,

I think i have similar prob like u, bad endo at the end of the uterus, near bowel area. Got blocked right tube and retroverted uterus. My 1st pte gynae was good as he suspected that i have bad endo and adenomyosis but his fees are really too much for me if i were to stick with him for my laparoscopy and ivf. So am now wih KKH, more affordable.

I am concerned that the ademomyosis/growth in my uterus is so near to the pathway obstructing the eggs from traveling to the uterus that makes conceiving almost so impossible. My suspicion seems valid. If this is true, there's little chance for my hubby' sperms to reach the egg who is not traveling down to the uterus. The growth in the uterus is obstructing the egg to flow to the retroverted path and the sperm is not a super-swimmer to know how to swim and not get blocked by the growth. I think i need a miracle hand to do the trick. Hopefully ivf can redeem me.

I am tired every month to fight the pain. Now even after laparoscopy the pain resumes to haunt me. Thank God that He is showing me direction to manage my diet and take tcm medication to manage the cramp. Though i still need to rest on bed for 2 days and cant really do too much walking or moving, i manage without painkiller this month, only tcm medication. Well this month, i am glad that i can sleep at nights for the 1st 3 nights of my mense. I am seeing improvement to my endo case. There's really a lot of $ and time and effort pump to fight the disease.

Hope that we can all be healed in time to come!

Trying for children is especially hard but i do think that we really understand the fact that they are gifts to parents and learn to embrace parenthood more meaningfully and gratefully.

Tyx and Beauty Seet, enjoy the gift of motherhood and give thanks. Very happy for those who have successfully conceived in this forum.For those trying like myself, let's look up to the sky and hope for the day we can conceive. Jia You!
Hi Simp, good to know that TCM medication is helping you manage your pain. As you mention in your thread that you have a 5cm growth in your uterus ? So there still a possiblity for you conceive naturally right.

Do you ovulate on your own,how long is your cycle ? Are you TTC while waiting to go for your IVF in sept ? Sorri for so many questions. Maybe you can do BBT method. Actually, i conceive my DD thru BBT method, cos i got irregular cycle.

My gyn also thought i might have difficulty getting pregnant cos of my endo. Thank God thru prayer & trust we manage to conceive our DD. So we must really learn to trust God as many times a lot of things are just not within our control. But thru God nothing is impossible. So don't give up, jia you k, take care
Hi Hui Chern,

Initially I thought I could conceive naturally, now maybe not so sure after failed attempts before and after laparoscopy. Think I am giving up on myself before God gives up on me. Haha.

My gynae did tell me how to calculate the days of my fertile period and i am working towards that. But I am not sure how to see if i ovulate and how long is the ovulation. My cycle is between average 30 and 32 days. So I see that my fertile period is usually between D14 and D28. So i tried a few times during these period of time but i think it is demanding on my hubby. My gynae told me to ttc on alternate days but i dun think we can really follow per se. To be able to ttc for a few times in a month is really a bonus for us and to ttc during the fertile period can be trying physically and emotionally.

Could you share/explain what is BBT method?My gynae didn mention this to me.

The day i conceive, i know a miracle has been given to me and the family. Now I am waiting upon the Lord on this, for i know this is really beyond me. In the meantime, I am praying for deliverance and healing from endo for the cramp is handicapping me from normal function.Really wish to hand off pain killer if possible.

Hui Chern, thanks for your encouragement and support. It is really a relief and joy to learn that ladies with endo can conceive and that is one of the motivating factor for those of us trying.
Hi simp,

BBT method is called the basal body temperature method. Cos our body will have different temp thru out the month, before we ovulate it will remain low, after we ovulated temp will remain high till the next period come.

I use this website
to chart my temp, it free, it will tell you when you ovulate. Can read about it & worth giving it a try. Very cheap, can get a digital thermometer & temp yrself the moment you wake up every morning. Another website is, this also teach you how to use this method but using their chart is chargable,but you can ask question in both forum without paying. The people there are americians so they are very helpful.
hi beauty seet,
sure will keep u update of my progress... u too, keep me updated too.
for me, not much morning sickness, just feel very tired now & then. can sleep for whole day during weekends. normally how do u sleep? left, right or upwards? with fibroid, sleeping upwards seems abit uncomfortable, not sure if this is abormal?
hi tyx

I am in the same Feb MTB thread as you... jus not so active as the thread moves fast. I am getting lots of Morning Sickness.. and suffering quite badly from heartburns and acids too...

Actually, i dun think we cld feel the fibroids.... don't be too conscious abt it. My sis says the gynae will tell us the best sleeping position later when the bb grows bigger (nothing to do with fibroid) but it is early stage now...
Hi Beauty Seet,

ya, the thread is really moving fast. My big tummy is due to the fibroid, bb still small small, more to embryo rather than foetus yet. My gynea told me that. I expected it le, so not surprise. He said it looks like as if I~{!/~}m 5 mths when I lie on my back~{!-~}. : (
Just need to vent abit, i yet to start on my birth control pill yet. Now i starting to spot just like last mth
. So sick of it, hopefully when my i start taking my pills it will manage this spotting. I hate endo urghhh...
Hi hui chern,

i can understand how u r feeling, i really hate endo as well. They are living parasites and never fail to paralyse me physically and emotionally monthly.

Hopefully birth control pill would work on u soon.

Have u try to change ur diet to improve endo? I have started last month to look into my diet and see if it helps. Endo sufferers are sensitive to certain food.If u like info on endo recipes that a forum friend rest_relax_forever gave me last time. I can either pm or email u the book.
Hi Simp,
can u PM me the endo receipes too..
I am a sufferer of endo too!
just went thru lapro to remove a 6cm cyst! and hope it doesnt recurr again..
for me before i was dignosed with endo, i only have menses cramp on Day one.. and thats it.. i have regular menses too.. so was shock to know i have endo!
currently trying on TCM also.. hopefully to tiao my body and prevent recurrence.
Hi Simp,

Can i have the endo recipes too pls? My email is [email protected]. Me too just went for a lapo to remove 2 endo cysts just passed this Monday and am also on dycapeptyl jab to stop my menses for 3 months. until my marriage. Hope the medicine wun affect my skin or weight as I will be getting married this year end.. =(
Hi Hi Hui Chern and Shirley,

I have emailed you the endo recipes, hope it helps. Do let me know if u did not receive it.

Shirley, update me on the effects of dycapeptyl jabs as i may be taking this jab in sep if i start my ivf program.

In the meantime, prepare for your wedding happily with less worry of menses. Congrats!

Hi Maggie and Noscon,

please give me your email addresses as the recipe is in pdf format, maybe too big for pm to accept.

Hi Xueyan,

You've got mail.

Hi Anggie,

My tcm doctor that anything that bu / replenish blood, endo sufferers should abstain. These include dang gui, red dates, wolfberry, liver, ba zhen etc. I used to take EPO since teens but didnt find them very useful for me. According to western school of thought (extracted from endo recipe), EPO is considered suitable for endo sufferer. For your testing.
Hi Anggie,

I agree it's a lot of info out there. Read it a few times myself and still cannot remember all the details. Recently, I just wrote down in simplified version on the suitable and sensitive food for easy reference.

Just take it at a time.
Hello ladies,
I am very depressed. Sigh..just heard that my sister-in-law is preggie -2 mths. I feel very happy for her but depress about myself. Sob Sob. Somemore, office got a number of colleague preggie, taking turns to go maternity leave. If i did not m/c , bb would have been due aug 22. As the date draw near, i get more sad...sorry girls...just rumbling cos no where else to share sorrows.

Dear rest relax forever,

Hope u will get over this soon and start ttc again when your body is stronger. I think u would have a higher chance to conceive naturally than me when your body is stronger.

I am today in a state of shock over my awareness of my ovulation date. I just confirmed that i ovulated on d18 this month and today is my d21 when 3 days of raising temperature confirmed my ovulation date. I should be happy to know when i ovulate so that i can time my ttc more accuaretly. The BBT method which i started this month is good. But looking at past month and this month ttc, i dun think i can conceive naturally. I saw last month ttc record and i know i am on the right days ttc on the actual ovulation date, one day before and after ovulation date but no success. This month i only ttc 2 and 3 days before my ovulation date based on BBT but i doubt i will conceive successfully. Moreover Hubby is too tired to ttc and on weekdays it's more difficult.

The only consolation i have now is that i have one more month to try ttc naturally before ivf starts in sep.

Endo is really getting in my way to becoming a healthier person and motherhood.

It seems like i have received a verdict that my womb just cant even manage herself, let alone carry baby.

I need a miracle.
