Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

Hi Tub,

Do you like to do a blood test to confirm the levels of progesterone? Only then can you confirm whether your levels are within the norm or not........

Dun get worried just by looking at temp chart.......okay??


I cannot advise you as I am also at my wits end since I cannot even conceive one child.......I am also suffering from endor...........just treasure what you have alright? Do you know that there are so many people there that have a lot of difficulties even getting into the 1st child stage? So, stay happy and treasure your kid now......just take it that if the 2nd child comes along, it will be another God's gift and bonus.......

Cheer Up everyone!

Hi all,
I jus went thru my 2nd Laposcopy. This time, i wasn't given any drug to stop my menses after the op. Menses come as normal but still very painful. I m in agony. What is the diff between b4 op and after op!?!? They removed a big chocolate cyst from me and left the fibriod there. I mus say i m very mad and skeptical abt my gynae. Why didn't she remove the fibriod? I m also trying for baby but my gynae never even mention abt blood test to confirm level of progesterone etc. I know a few friends went for blood test of hormones when they can't conceive.

Now i m still taking mc during my menses cos it is so painful. Jus so upset abt what is the use of having the op?

I m so sorry to whine and whine... feel so frustrated and painful now.
hi aeina,

my first menses after my lap was also very painful..but the subsequent ones were painfree. Like u, I was very disappointed then, but my gynae advised that 1st menses will be painful becoz there is a lot of healing going maybe you should wait a few cycle to see if it improves.

dun get too upset. fertility rate is supposed higher in the few cycles after look at the bright side and ttc harder, yeah.
My 3rd cycles and i m still having pain and backache. I called up my gynae and her nurse paged for her. She didn't call back. Nway, i was very disappointed with her. She didn't even look at my wounds after the op while i was in hospital. During my 1st check up to remove stitches, i was having diarrhoea, and i told her abt it. She said she is not sure what i eat at home. Later on, she told me could be effect of my anti-biotics. Very unhelpful gynae.
hi aeina
maybe u may wan to try taking ginger drink (purchase super brand ginger drink, which i took bef..and during my menses) i also exp backaches lor so i drink some (make hot one)then the pain eases off and the flow is smooth. no more bloating also
me also suffer from endo (last yr did lap) and after that on jab for 6mths.. now starting to TTC after regular cycles
Hi Jkids

Its possible to conceive the 2nd time. My doc told me to try after 6mths upon 1st delivery, in case endo returns again.I tried when my bb reaches 9mths, and it took me 3 cycles b4 I conceived.
Hi all,
The last time when I was here it was in July 2006. I shared my story and continued TTC. I promised I'll come back to share if there's any good news. So here I am. After my laparoscopy in Aug 2005 and GnRH thereafter, we started trying diligently and with much encouragement from a lot of gals here, we finally made it! I'm in my 5th weeks now and will be seeing my gynae again in 2 weeks time to ensure everything is A-ok. Thanks gals and I hope my news can bring hope to those who are still trying. Don't give up and please continue to pray...
Hi Sherl75
congrats! so u made it! reall give hope to me,
I m also tryin TTC since my AF is back in Jul. me too did my lap in Aug05 and GnRH for 6mths...and i hav to induce my AF when it did not come back after tht jabs... so how did u maintain your body after the lap ? did u start on clomid?
or TCM? pls share yr story. thanks for your encouragment to all the gals here!
hey Sherl75!
Now must take care ok? and remember to sprinkle some bb dust for the rest of us here still ttc-ing!
Hello Sherl75,

Congrats to U!! Yah, sure.....really give hope to people like us........

Well, I think the key to success is to really relax and take things easy........I know that it is easier said than done.........pls share your story with us.........

I really really hope one day this dream of motherhood will really come true for all of us here still TTC......

Take good care of yourself!!! Cheers!
Hi gals,
After my lap and GnRH, we tried clomid...I did see a TCM, just a normal one at EYS. Did not try those recommended by some of the gals from this site cos those famous ones are really busy and hard to get appt. So I just told the TCM dr that i'm TTC and need something to 'tiao' my body. I took the med regularly for 4 months till I discover my pregnancy. After the GnRH my AF came in Feb, so we actually tried for 6 months. And I think the TCM helped too. BTW I also have thyroid problem. So gals, pls pls dun give up....and continue to pray...I will pray for all of u...
Hi Sherl75,

Thanks for sharing all those encouraging information.

Can I ask if your hubby sperm count and normal morphology is normal?

How I envy you fast can get a chance to start a family......

Pls spread all the babydust to all in this forum TTC...

Hi MK,
I will definitely spread baby dust to all of you here....
My hubby have a normal sperm analysis.
Well, while I'm glad to be able to start a family soon....I am also full of worries and concerns... For example, it was said that women with endo will have a higher chance of miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies...So up till now, I still do not have the courage to tell frens abt my pregnancy...And I'm praying and hoping that this saturday gynae follow up will turn out okay...

At least, you are lucky....your hubby has a normal SA....

But for me and hubby, seems that both has a problem....and my hubby sperm quality is very bad.......

I am now scratching on top of my head whether I should really do the ultimate, IVF.....which really, I am not prepared.......

U take care okay.....just believe that you have passed one hurdle and 9 mths should be smooth.....Cheers!
Hi MK,
Thanks for your encouragement...I will try to stay positive...

Well, I think if u really want to have a baby and IVF is the only solution, why not give it a try... Did u try IUI first? Are u on any TCM? The reason I asked was bcos I believe sometimes TCM may help to strengthen the womb for implantation. And u must remember that TCM must be taken for a period of time before u feel any difference...the process is slow...U may wanna do some preparation before u try IUI or IVF. I hope this help...
Hi Sherl75,

I am taking some herbs from EYS under Dr Xia Rong.....only taking for abt 2 mths......hopefully this will help me improve the overall health......

Right now, I am pretty adverse to IVF......maybe take more time to get myself prepared for the challenge......

Whatever it is, I think that perhaps, it is fate that determine our baby dream........this is a true fact of life....if not fated, IVF will not help either......

What impt, treasure the existing and not worry over things that have not happened yet.

Hi MK,
It's good to know that u've started TCM...give yourself at least 6mths to a year to get your body ready. Be patient.

I was like you...adverse to assisted pregnancy...and leaving it to fate...I gave myself timeline...till age of 35. I was already prepared to spend a carefree lifetime with my husband...go travelling, movies etc...

In fact to tell u something very embarrass, I actually went to see a very famous fortune teller and he confirmed that I'll be childless in my lifetime. I was not affected by what he said but told myself probably it's fated then. However I still continue to try but I guess I was less stress and bo-chap after that... Then 2 months later I missed my AF...I couldn't believe I'm pregnant and actually did the test 2x...

No matter what, as long as you are happy, your husband is dun have to force yourself to do something u are not ready for.

It is need to feel embarrassed abt this....well, your story is indeed very heartwarming to me..........cheers to least, you hit the target this time......have a smooth 9 months ahead......

For me, like you, I am adverse to assisted that I know my hubby bad sperm quality, according to gynae and medical science, it is only a miracle if conception really happens to me........well, my hubby and I seems to be in a doom state.....if no IVF, no baby....that what the gynae is trying to say......

Nowadays, I am just feeling very down....just like feeling that I am lacking a big part of life if I do not have the opportunity to start a family........well, it is all fated.

Why cant I be like you to consider bo-chap? Stop seeing gynae and stop doing anything....

Hi MK,

Initially, like u, I was very down and depressed. I thought what is the use of being a woman when I cannot even bear my husband a child...I felt I let my husband down...

I guess because my husband was very supportive and understanding. We had a lot of discussions and agreed that having no children should not be the end of the world to us...having no children doesn't mean that we're not family...we still have our nieces and nephews...

We also tend to look at people who were childless and still lead wonderful and colourful lives...

I guess that's how we learn to let go....It's not easy...

Being bo-chap should not mean to give up...It should mean, stop thinking too much and enjoy making out with your husband...continue to try and have hope...

I'm not sure if u've read my earlier post but I hope by sharing this, u might feel better. My brother and sister in-laws (husband side) had been TTC for 8 years. Both have problems. Bro-in-law had bad sperm analysis. Sis-in-law also have some gynae problem. They tried TCM and had 2 failed IUIs and IVUs. The last one caused an ectopic and she was left with one fallopian tube. And guess what, she's due to deliver a baby boy in December this year...conceived naturally...
Sherl75, is truely a miracle indeed!!!

Perhaps, God is testing all our patience.....for those who persisted, and have strong faith, will be eventually be rewarded with their fruits of times, I kept on questioning why my prayers are not one of the weekend svc, I was told that I did not pray correctly......perhaps, my faith is not strong enough.....

Conception is a gift of love from God and it is only in his timing that conception can for me, conception problem could be a test of faith.......I should not give up on myself and faith right???

Let us now jia you together......

Hi Joan,
I agree with u...maybe God is really testing on our patience and must continue to jia you, ok.

I dun think there's right or wrong way of praying... I guess as long as u pray with sincerity, one day God will hear and answer your prayers...So dun give up, ya!

Jia you...and baby dust for you...Cheers
Dear all

I have recently went thru a surgery to remove my cysts and fibroid. I am now on dycapeptyl for 3 months.

Do anyone know how to prevent endometriosis from recurring. I understand that rate of recurring is very high.

I also read somewhere that taking dang-gui, pai-fong-wan can worsen endo, is it true? I went to chinese medical hall and the physician told me that dang-gui is very good for woman if taking after menses.

Hi xueyan,

if you believe in TCM, then it's better to consult a proper one trained in gynaecology, rather than consult those in medical halls and self-medicate. it's best to take TCM under a doctor's supervision.

here's a list of foods my TCM physician told me to avoid:

- fast food
- spicy food
- green tea
- cold and/or raw foods/drinks
- chocolate & coffee
- cooling things like bittergourd, chinchow, etc

take care.
Hi Marble

Yes I do believe in TCM. In the past, i heard stories that TCM could cure endo (cysts vanished) and have thus consulted few physician. However, i feel pain after taking chinese medicine. As a result, i have stopped seeing them.

Do you have any TCM that specialise in gynaecology to recomment. THanks in advance.
Hi xueyan,

i consulted Xiarong from EYS before and she told me endo no cure. it's an inherent problem with the hormonal balance in our body and no medicine can cure it permanently. at most, TCM can stop it temporarily while we are on the meds, but like she said, you cannot take TCM med for the rest of your life...

are you trying to conceive? if so, I recommend my current TCM dr Du Xue Mei in bt timah. There's a thread on her somewhere..u can search for it for more info. Otherwise, there're also some good ones if you search around this forum for recommendations...

Do anybody has experience of decapeptyl jab? I had a second jab now and have the following side effects :

- hot flush
- nausea
- my skin is very dry especially my face
- mood swing

Please share your experience. I feel that I look horrible after the jab. My skin is so dry that open pores become so evident. I look pale and people comment that i look different. I feel so sad and now contemplating whether to take the third jab...

Hello gals...
It has been a long time since I came in here. I thought maybe I can share with you my story and there's still hope. Never give up
I had very big fibroids and endo too. And I managed to conceive after laparotomy and laproscopy
Now my son is 6 months old. Do try to stay positive and dun give up
Never give up in search of better health
Jia you...

Hi Marble,
How are you getting on?? Long time never chat...

Hi Joan,
Conception is a gift of love from God, and is also dependant on our health

Hi Sherl75,
Congratulations on your pregnancy. Do take good care.
Congratulations to your brother and SIL. Gonna see their baby soon...
I did not take any jabs to stop my menses after my surgeries, though my gynae told me that I have to
It's up to you to decide whether to take the jabs or not. And your gynae will sure say you gotta take just to finish the course since you already started it...
xueyan, its not uncommon to get very unpleasant side effects from decapeptyl. i took a course of 4 jabs a couple of years ago. it was horrible. i cldn't sleep, had mood swings and very bad hot flushes. almost contamplated stopping after the third jab.

doctor of course advised against it but said it was up to me. at the end i opted to finish the course and until now my endo has not recuured.

if yr symptoms are bad, let yr gynae know, they have other meds to counter the side effects.

good luck!
Hi ladies,
have any of u heard of natural progesterone cream? i ve read many books that said this is good for fibriod and endometriosis but realise i cant seem to get in Singapore. I m going to take a big risk and order from states and try it out. if it works, will let u gals know.
When it comes to hormones, it's better to check with your doctor. Hormonal imbalance can cause lots of other problems with health... Becareful. Maybe that's why it's not available off the shelf in Singapore. Take care.
hi everyone,

i'm new to this thread. just wanted a place to voice our my worries and hope to get your opinion on what i should do next.

my husband and i have been trying to conceive for the past 6 months. it may not have been long, but we decided to get it checked out by a gynae to ensure everything's working as it should. my GP referred us to Dr Benjamin Tham of KKH (he has a clinic in AMK, but related to KKH) and he scheduled an ultrascan for us after suspecting i have a cyst on my right ovary.

today was the day we went for the more detailed ultrascan in KKH. i was shocked to learn i have a 7cm cyst on my right ovary and polycystic ovaries on my left. sigh... even now, i'm still in shock, i guess. Dr Tham immediately advised us to go for a laparoscopy which i'll be doing on the 2nd week of jan.

it all happened so fast that till now, i'm not sure if i've made the right decision. i've been reading up on dermoid cysts online, cos that's what he said i might have. till now, he's not really sure what i have in me, just that it's a cyst that's not supposed to be there and he needs to check it out. also, there is a possibility he'll remove my right ovary if it can't be saved. cos he said he might not be able to remove the cyst and save the ovary. i guess he's just telling us the worst case scenario.. but my heart froze when i heard him say that.

has anyone here been a patient of Dr Tham before? pls pls pls... would really appreciate your feedback as i'm not sure if i should get a 2nd opinion. i'm truly comfortable with him and he's a really nice doctor, but there's still a nagging doubt which tells me i should probably get a 2nd opinion just to confirm what he's telling me.

also, has anyone had a laporoscopy done by Dr Tham before? is he good? i'm afraid he'll not do well and he'll have to remove my right ovary. i'm really really scared that will happen.

if anyone has had a dermoid cyst before and has had it successfully removed without any negative side effects plus successfully conceived after that, please let me know. i'd really like to hear from you.

i appreciate all the stories and sharing you girls have posted up on this site. i can't imagine going thru the fear of the unknown each time i step into his office or go thru more tests. your courage and perseverance is truly an inspiration to ppl like me.

please PM me if you'd like to chat with me. thanks.
Hi krispy

Tried to PM you but your settings PM is off. I have been consulting Dr Tham since 2004, plse feel free to PM me if you need further information...Take Care..
Hi Beary,

Saw from previous posting that you have done the open surgery before, can I check with you, is that after the op, our menses will come immediately?

Hi Lyn,
I jus started using the cream in beginning of jan. Only used 0.5 teaspoon a day. Frankly, i m very desperate to be well again. becos of my menses cramp, i feel like removing the whole womb and everything inside me. i dreaded to see days of my menses coming. i even had nightmare cos my pain was very severe every mth. Although not everyday, it is scary to think of it. I guess the cream was my last resort. My sis was in USA so she managed to order and bring it back for me. Wish me luck oh
Hi aeina,

I would suggest that you find a gynae and do ultrasound. I suspect you may have endometriosis. I discovered mine quite late. Just went for laproscopy 1.5weeks ago to find out that i have severe endometriosis (endo), adenomyosis (growth that look like fibroid) and blocked rt tube. Normally when my mense come, the pelvic pain pain of different degree stretched from 1 and 8 days with migraine, vomiting and diaehorea. Hence it's best to go for proper check-up for appropriate treatment.
Hi Simp,
Thks and u r right i ve endo and went thru 2 lapo already... still having menses pains badly every mth. Nway, now seeing TCM. My condition has improved a lot i mus say but still got to take cautious care of myself... also, i think the cream has helped a bit.
Hi aeina,

may i check which TCM did u go and what did they prescribe for your condition? Also what about the cream, could you tell me the name and cost of it? How long would you be able to see effect. I am taking TCM medication but i scare the physician may not know how to handle my problem. He prescribed me medication to tiao the blood daily and nearer the mense period, he gave another set of medication to bu the body. My only concern is that these will grow the adenomyosis (growth) in my womb.

Yes after 2 weeks of operation, my mense came on 5 april and i have painful mense and stretched to 3 days with another 2 days of discomfort on the wound area. Think the body is super weak then. Now i am much better and keeping cross about my coming mense to determine if the body is receptive to the TCM.

Care to share what type of food did u avoid specifically. Seem likes a lot of food have to be avoided for long term health benefit.
Hi ladies,
dunno where to start my infertilty problem... I had endometriosis & ovarian cyst (abt 8cm) over the right ovary and i went for laparoscopic surgery 4yrs ago at KKH. Now, the cyst (approx 3cm) had grew back. I tried TCM & see ThongChai (gynae name is Loh Kin Yee) for about a year (2006) and switch to gynae Dr. Fong Yang (clinic at Tiong Bahru) beginning 2007. He advised me to go for another lap to remove the cyst so as to increase conceiving chance but i reluctant to go thru' the procedure. So, he suggest injection (GnRHa) to stop my help reduce or shrink the cyst, clear the womb lining cos very thick. I took 2 jabs...menses stop for 3mths and now i've taken clomid (2pills for 5days) and on 27Apr, gynae gave another injection to induce ovulation (to release the egg). Dr Fong advise the best timing to do it is over Saturday morning, Sunday nite & Monday nite. Not sure whether i am over sensitive or what, i do feel a little discomfort (slight pain)over my abdominal on Sat & Sunday. Anyway, Dr Fong say i may do a urine test by 14 or 15May if i missed my menses. If menses come then go back see him & decide the next course of action. Anyone share similar experience?
Hi ladies,
dunno where to start my infertilty problem... I had endometriosis & ovarian cyst (abt 8cm) over the right ovary and i went for laparoscopic surgery 4yrs ago at KKH. Now, the cyst (approx 3cm) had grew back. I tried TCM & see ThongChai (gynae name is Loh Kin Yee) for about a year (2006) and switch to gynae Dr. Fong Yang (clinic at Tiong Bahru) beginning 2007. He advised me to go for another lap to remove the cyst so as to increase conceiving chance but i reluctant to go thru' the procedure. So, he suggest injection (GnRHa) to stop my help reduce or shrink the cyst, clear the womb lining cos very thick. I took 2 jabs...menses stop for 3mths and now i've taken clomid (2pills for 5days) and on 27Apr, gynae gave another injection to induce ovulation (to release the egg). Dr Fong advise the best timing to do it is over Saturday morning, Sunday nite & Monday nite. Not sure whether i am over sensitive or what, i do feel a little discomfort (slight pain)over my abdominal on Sat & Sunday. Anyway, Dr Fong say i may do a urine test by 14 or 15May if i missed my menses. If menses come then go back see him & decide the next course of action. Anyone share similar experience?
Hi steph77,

I can sense your worries and loss, what's your plans? Maybe it's good to get a 2nd opinion on the odds of a 2nd laparoscopy and to see another TCM for 2nd opinion as well? To cover all grounds before u decide?

I am thinking of switching to another TCM that is expert in the areas of gynae. Currently i am seeing this phyisican in chung hwa and not sure if he is expert in this area.

If my womb is not tiao properly and cannot conceive, then my ivf program will start in sep. most prob, my doctor will use the same technique as dr fong, to use jabs (GnRHa) to stop mense for 3 to 6 months before giving clomid and injection to induce ovulation.

Take each step at a time ok
Hi steph77,

Can sense your worries and frustrations... Not sure how bad is your cyst which dr Fong Yang advises u to go for a lap...

I'm also under Dr Fong Yang (paragon clinic)... I see him 'cos have been trying some times after m/c and doesn't want to go back to my former gynae as it doesn't seem helpful... though he is really very professional... Dr Fong managed to diagnose me having adenomyosis and encouraged me to reduce the oversizing ovaries due to it... Had completed my jabs and visited him last week. My ovaries have reduced back to normal and he encourages me to try and at the same time for HSG... I believe afterall these, the trust on the gynae is very strong. Take things slowly, don't rush... Sometimes u might want to seek a second opinion due to your instinct...

I know is not easy...sometimes a second opinion will be a better choice. Don't give yourself too much stress that's what I can say... And I keep telling myself too... I believe we can make it one of these days...

I had laparotomy to remove my cysts and fibroids last september. I really hope that endometriosis will not come back.

Can you ladies be kind enough to tell me what food to avoid. I also heard somewhere that should refrain from taking pak-fong pills, ba-zhen soup. Is it true?

Please help.
Hi All,
Just to share my story.
I fell pregnant in October 2005. Before I could even see my gynae I started bleeding, like a normal period and thought I was mistaken that I was pregnant even though the home pregancy test said I was. Anyway, I went to see my gynae who did an ultrasound and she found 2 X 6cm cysts attached to my right ovary and fallopian tube. She also told me I had miscarried. At that time, it was not known whether those were fibroid cysts or the cancerous version. There was also the risk that removal could damage my fallopian tube making future conception difficult. She scheduled a laparoscopy the same evening with a D&C.
During the op, she also found that I had endometriosis and she removed as much as she could. The cysts were not malignant and everything went ok but after reading up on what was wrong with me I realised it was quite serious and that it would be difficult to conceive again. I am not young either, so in all honesty, time was not on my side.
Anyway, I was worried and upset for quite some time after that but in March 2006 I discovered I was pregnant. Now I have a healthy 4 month old baby girl. My gynae was "shocked" as the egg came from the ovary and the tube that had the cysts on it.

First and foremost, I believe that my gynae is good. She was really thorough and did not rush in removing the cysts and endometriosis even though I was in the operating theatre for much longer than expected. I saw so many photos she took during the op so I was able to see how 'cleanly' she cut and burnt it all away.

After that I changed my diet and lifestyle (eat healthy and exercise) but I think the most important thing I did was take my mind off the stress of trying too hard to fall pregnant. When I believed my chances were low, I just resigned myself to leave it to God/fate or whatever and my wish came true.

Unfortunately, my labour did not go well and it is not likely I will be able to have any more children but that's another story....

So for all of you who are going through this, I will never regret having the cysts and endo removed. Also, if you can try to take the stress off yourself (I know it's hard) I honestly think it will improve your chances even more. Best wishes.
hi gals;

i am new in this thread an am not sure if i should check with you gals. i have an ecptopic pregnancy 3 months ago and right now ready to ttc. Despite my enthusiasm to try again, found out that i had brown/red discharge during my mid cycle, which is now 18 days of my cycle already. I do not think the bleeding is due to ovulation as it has been a week ever since.

Though the bleeding is quite minimal, can't help but worried if this is normal or should i get worried.

Is my above symptons similar to endometriosis? Can anyone explain to me what are the symptons of endometriosis. I heard that it is continue of bleeding and can remove only by laparoscopy. Anyone experience this before and advise?


Hi Simp & bbang,thanks for sharing & encouragement.
Simp - how long have u been ttc ? Since your doctor will be trying the same technique as Dr fong, i suggest you wait & see the results before going for ivf. The doctor u refer to is sinseh or western gynae at where?

bbang - personally i find Dr. Fong very good. He explained patiently, listen & give appropriate advise although his consultation charges abit expensive. share with you ladies...i tested with a + sign this week ! Will see Dr. Fong next Monday to confirm. Meanwhile, baby dust to all & Jia You!
