Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

Hi Gals, Simp & Bbang,

I am here cos of adenomyosis, not sure if its the same as endo or fibroids. Does anyone know how big then consider dangerous and threat to hinder implantation? I went to a KKH gynae yesterday and he said, the thicker part of my womb is just 4mm thicker and the area of growth about 1cm so its not threatening, but i am just worried.

Anyway, Simp, Bbang, i have signed up for IVF with KKH already. Guess i wont be going back to Dr Fong Yang anymore whom i rather stick with cos he's really nice and gentle. Hmmm ...

But i may see him next week, if my menses dont turn up on time. I need to induce my menses so that my IVF wont be delayed into Aug, i cant take leave in Aug.

I suspect this month, i didnt ovulate at all cos up till now, CD17 my BBT still low to the pits. But gynae say got scan corpus leutum so i have already O. But i know my body leh, if O, BBT sure shoot up one. Sigh ...

Hi steph77,
1st word to say,... CONGRATULATION! Yes.. i agreed with you.. Dr Fong is very patient, listen before stepping in his conversation.. which I like it... also that he will give very good advise too...

Hi maplebabies, I believe what you've made is what you deem best... I will pray and support you...

Ok... for the rest... don't give up... You soon will hit your target!

Stay happy, stay cheerful and stay young forever...
Dear Steph77,

I tried ttc for a few months and knew it has to do with suspected endometrosis. Then I went larparoscopy and realised it's severe endometriosis with secondary adenomyosis and blocked right tube.

I am seeing 2 doctors now, one KKH, Dr Loh SF, ivf expert and one EYS Dr He Quiling at south bridge road.I went dr he quiling for 2nd tcm opinion on my case. she seemed to have treated similar cases before and she versed in mandarin and english.

Hi tokidoki and xueyan,

endometrosis is an immune system disorder /chronic disease where the mense backflow from the uterus/womb and deposit elsewhere like the intestine, bladder, etc. It causes inflammation and internal bleeding. some who has this will have extreme pain, some may not. it depends on individual. cysts and fibroid, i dun think they are cousins of endometrosis but adenomyosis is a result of endometrosis. It can only be confirmed via a surgery called larparoscopy. Cant be detected by ultrasound scan.

There are many type of food that endo patients need to avoid. I feel that any food that are too complex for the body to digest are not suitable such as fried food, processed food, spicy food etc. It is true that we should not take herbs that will grow the condition such as dang gui, bak fong wan, bazhen etc. Any food that aims to "bu" the blood seem too risky for us. I am a victim of wrong "bu" by my mum as we are ignorant of the condition for many years.

Dear Maple Babies,

your adenomyosis is 1cm so it's ok, dun think it will take up space in your womb too much and affect the implantation of the egg. Mine is about 5cm so i think if i start ivf program, dr loh sf will give injection to stop mense and growth of adenomyosis for 3 to 6 months before embarking the course.
Steph77, CONGRATS!! 1st child ya? Take care!

Thanks Bbang for your prayers and comforting words!

Hey Simp, i also see Dr Loh! Ok, i go ahead with faith, hope dear God will walk thru this challenging journey with me.
Congrats Steph77,

U mean u haven't try ivf and conceive when given jabs to stop mense for a few months then induce ovulation and bingo, baby is on the way. Amazing!

I shall check with my doctors if i could do the same, if not then go for ivf.

So be a happy mum and rest a lot!

Dear Maple Babies,

Just be happy and go through the course. Dun give yourself too much pressure. Remember to relax and rest!

: )
Hi Maple Babies, Adenomyosis is uterine thickening that occurs when endometrial tissue, which normally lines the uterus, extends into the fibrous and muscular tissue. My gynae also say my womb lining is thick (abt3cm) which could make implantation difficult but i think yours shld'nt be a problem. Did u seek advise from Dr. Fong ? Who recommend you to go for ivf ? Normally gynae will find out the course of infertility b4 they even ask you to try ivf. If the reasons for infertility is severe, gynae then would resort to iui/ivf.

Simp - I have been ttc for 3.5yrs...long wait...and nope i have not try ivf. I was given jabs to stop my menses for 3 mths and then let my menses return back naturally (no need induce), Dr. Fong told me to take clomid (From Day 2 to 6) & then on Day 11, took another jab to help release egg. And hit jackpot!
Hi Steph,

Sigh ... long story ... bear with me ... i have been baring my heart out to Simp also. Thanks gal.

When i first saw Dr Fong in Nov 06, he already said my womb thicker on 1 side but since its rather slight, he say he wont treat it yet. He recommended me to go onto clomid cos he diagnose me with PCOS and since i have little EWCM, he also recommended IUI. But i went on 3 cycles of clomid and also took metformin and 1 IUI still no results.

Then i realised that actually IUI is not a good option for us as IUI still require good sperm to be able to swim about and reach egg but hubby's spermies bu zhen qi, poor morphology, maybe swimming in circles or in vain each time. Take supplements but also didnt improve. Seems the faster way is to directly force sperm near or into egg via IVF/ICSI.

So we started to consider IVF and went on to see Dr Loh at KKH. Dr Loh then said i dont have PCOS, over-ruling Dr Fong completely and ask us to try naturally. I was confused but actually my blood test did show no signs of PCOS. So i stopped seeing Dr Fong. But 3 months have passed trying naturally as advised by Dr Loh and still no news.

I went to another Dr Fong for another opinion. Went to Dr Fong Chuan Wee at Glen E and was told i have adenomyosis. Seems serious and i know adeno no cure and better conceive before it worsen till want to do IVF also wont have high chances. So we decided to go on to IVF now, dun want delay anymore cos dunno what else will go wrong or worsen and hubby and i badly want to have a child soon.

Not sure if our circumstances warrant an IVF? What do you think?
Hi Maple Babies - what is EWCM ? Did Dr. Fong Yang recommend IVF ? From your seem that all the gynae did not recommend IVF. If all 3 gynae did recommend IVF, yes i would suggest you try IVF instead of trying naturally. From my experience with KKH, the gynae always like to encourage ttc naturally but to me, it is a waste of time if we know what's wrong with our reproductive system, we should seek the correct treatment asap while we are still young. My hubby's sperm also poor morphology but gynae say it's not a major problem as long as the quantity is there.
Whatever it is, choose the gynae that you trust & understand your situation very well inorder to have successful treatment. I spread my baby dust to you & JIA YOU!
Hi All

Its been a while since I login to this forum. Was busy with work and of course my new born baby. I was an endometriosis patient. If you see my old thread, you will know the story... Fortunately I conceive three months later naturally after putting on clomid and metformin.. So I am here to give some of you some encouragement... dont worry,, your time will come... just have faith.. And you will be a Mummy soon.. One more pointer, must learn to relax and destress cos it will help.
Hi Ladies,
I m back. Think of quitting my job and rest for 6mths. Although my condition is better, i wouldnt call it cure. At least, my chronic fatigue sydrome, and pain is more managable now but i still need to go on mc. Used to ve pain like level 9, followed by constant vomitting, pain and backache that i can't even walk or sleep. Now at least pain has dropped to level 7. that's how i rated it. still ve occasion vomitting. Nway, thinking of quitting my job and rest for 6mths to do taiji and go on strict diet. my current workplace is diff to manage my diet cos limited food choice. Intend to become veg for 6mths.

Hi Simp,
seldom log in cos change new job but turned out job is less stressful but boss is extremely stressful. Got to serve him like king. I m seeing a sin sen in Clementi. Very exp sin seh oh. He is not bad but got to take appt at night and wkend. can't miss apt cos he is too packed. If u r keen to know, let me know. I will email u the details. Well, as for diet, i m avoiding food like dairy prdt, chicken, coffee. Was told cow were injected with hormones so that can produce more milk. Chicken also injected so that meat becomes more tender. Basically, shld take more organic food. as for the cream, i m using natural progesterone cream. i do not encourage unless u r desperate like i m. Suggest u can go library and read up this book, "Balance Your Hormones and Your Life from Thirty to Fifty.
by John R. Lee, M.D., Jesse Hanley M.D. and Virginia Hopkins Warner Books 1999 (395 pages)"
hi all,

i am a victim of endometriosis and have almost given up hope in trying to find hope to ease my mthly pain.

Every month the pain gets really bad. Cant walk, sleep, or do anything as I'm crippled by the pain. For this month, its not only bad, even after my menses is over, I'm still experiencing some cramping... even as I'm typing now.

I am on NSAIDS, Ibuprofen and I take the pills every 4 hours during my menses to counter the pain. It kind of works the first time I tried the pills. My menses ended last week and I think I consumed about 30 pills per mth. I tried many many ways liao but its killing me softly with the excruciating pain.

I have tried all sorts of painkillers, even my gynae or gp also said no choice but to bear with it. I'm also TTC hence, I can't to take birth control pills or hormone pills to reduce my menses.

At one point, Im in pain but at the other I want to have a baby. I already have a baby boy who is coming 18 mths now which everyday whom I met kept telling me how lucky and blessed I am to be able to conceive but I want to have one more to complete my family and then I will consider any options to do away with my endometriosis even removing my womb and reproductive organs.

So ladies, can anybody help me out and recommend a very good endo doctor to
1) resolve my mthly period pain
2) able to increase my chances of pregnancy

I used to take mthly jabs of painkiller to counteract my menses cramp. Typically I will be on MC and cannot sleep whole nite at all every month. I really wish there is a solution for this.

Appreciate anybody's help, please.
Hi Aeina,

I admire your strength to want to get out of this endo disease by resting for 6 months. Currently I am not working as well as my hubby is posted overseas so I am joining him next week. So I will try to see how I can tiao my body to health for possible conception either in a few months time if not ivf.

It's really a torture to suffer monthly. I am like u, even after my operation, my pain level still stay at 7 to 8, not very much improved from pain level 9. Currently, I am seeing Dr He Quiling to tiao my body at eu yang san south bridge road. Am seeing her for coming to a month, my mense should be coming these 2 days, then i can see if my body is receptive to her medication. My friends told me that i look better now in terms of health after my operation in march. So I am thankful for that.

Similarly I have also avoided dairy products and minimise intake of soya bean products, TCM doc told me to avoid seafood totally until i deliver baby. Chicken, i am still taking but i think there are just too many food that we hv to avoid like cake, bread, honey, red meat, sugar, salty food; exotic food that such as fried and spicy items. I think i will learn to minimise the intake, dun think we can avoid taking all these food totally at one time.

Hi Lisa,

I can understand how u feel, think your endo is serious, not sure u have this condition prior to your first kid or after that. I read that normally, adenomyosis (a cousin of endo)grow after you have delivered but it's not true. I have no child yet i got a big adenomyosis of about 5cm so it's extremely painful together with endo cells monthly. If it's adenomyosis, nothing much that gynae can do as they cant take out adenomyosis without removing the womb, so my adeno stay in my womb. My endo cells are taken out according to gynae but it's still painful.So like u i dont sleep for about 2 days, roll on the bed for 3 to 4 days and have pain before and after mense.It's really too much to bear, thin it's worse than delivering baby. At least deliver baby at most painful for 2 days, we have pain like that monthly.

even according to TCM, adenomyosis cant be cured and the pain will still be there. I suppose diet is closely related to how the mense pain will be affected due to the hormone and immune system imbalance and weakness.But according to western and TCM, this condition can go away when u conceive again. Hopefully by that time, the hormone replacement during the 9 months will save u. Then i think u should be careful on what u eat by seeing TCM on a regular basis to help yourself and baby.

A lot of pple said on the forum that TCM takes time to see effect. SO i am giving myself a few months to see the effect. Generally, my body is stronger coupled with healthier diet though not complete healthy. Not sure how it will help in my pain. But the TCM doc told me that should my mense is too painful for me to bear, i can go ahead and take painkiller without stopping her medication. It's seem that the medication is to tiao and not really clashing with western doctor. My TCM doc is from china, she has treated many ladies with various gynae condition and she understand both chinese and english terms. Very patient and listening TCM doctor.

If you are interested to get her contact, let me know. I went to her after seeing much comments on the forum and from my colleagues. Another specialist is Dr Tan Siew Buoy, which my ivf doc did recommend. She's with Thong Chai free clinic, non-profit orgn, so it's more cost saving to see her. She is one of the popular tcm doc as well. I didnt go to her because, her medication need to be brewed and i will be flying overseas soon, so i dun think i can afford to come back every few days or weeks to see her in singapore. for eys, i can take a month supply and it's powder form, so i am trying that in the meantime.

I can understand your frustation and helplessness, thankfully you already have a child. Many of us here are not so fortunate and have not bear any fruit in the meantime. However we can see your desire to have another kid. Since you have that dream, it shall come true despite the pain and suffering u r going through.

We are also here to support one another.
hi simp,

thanks for your advice and encouragment, truly appreciate it. I'm actually quite upset and down lately. To explain further, yes I think I had endo before I was pregnant. At that time I had quite painful period cramps and tried all sorts of methods to try to resolve the problem without knowing that I had endo. I tried TCM (those brewed type), primrose, many many types of painkillers, no cold or gassy drinks, no lime juice, etc.

Then went thru many many tests (probing, poking etc) and almost got misdiagnosed of having a tumor and the stupid gynae almost cut me open to remove my so called tumour which was my endo. My endo will swell up when my menses if near hence probably tats why the gynae saw it and said I must have it removed immediately. anyway, thank god I went for second opinion and it saved me $$ and being cut up for no reason.

Anyway, during the whole saga, miraculously, I somehow got pregnant in April 2005 and my further investigations of my endo was put to a halt. So, I gave birth in Dec 2005 and now my cute baby boy is turning 18mths. Anyway, I recently had another problem where my son could be autistic and am putting him thru therapies.

Sometimes I don't know whether is it because of me taking so much pills and having so much pain that might cause my darling baby to might be autistic. Anyway, tats beside the problem.

I am very stressed because every mth I have this pain and its getting worse. In fact, my endo was confirmed by my gynae after birth and he said it is impossible to remove it unless I remove my womb. The only thing now is to either take painkillers or take contraceptive pills.


I am so sad now. I kept telling myself not to be so stressed but it hard not to even think about it when I know my period is coming soon and I will be in utmost pain and there's nothing I can do about it if I want to try to conceive.

Yes please. I would like to give it a shot again for TCM although I know it's slow. Appreciate it if you could give me the contact.

In the mean time, Im trying to look for an endo specialist now cos I'm experiencing cramps now even without my menses so I'm worried whether is there something wrong with me or not. I read some of the threads here and was worried of some of the experiences shared by the ladies i.e. operation that doesnt work, taking jabs, etc. Actually, I'm really quite phobic on all these. But of course I do hear some success stories, though.

Totally at loss now. really hate my life everytime I'm in pain but I have to stay strong for my family. Keep looking positive tat I have a loving hubby and my cute darling son.
Hi Lisa

I too have endo, and have resigned myself to it!
I even had them removed before I got preggie, but they just come back again.
There's no 'cure', as far as i know, or i would have gone for it.

The pain is so bad, I even faint from it before. But now, I take precautionary steps. Once I know I am 'due' for my menses, I pop painkillers first. It does work. The pain is more bearable, and I am able to do most normal day work. This is important as i have 2 kids to take care of, menses or no menses.
Hi Lisa,

I agree with cowandchick, to pop painkiller first before the pain set in. I thin for most of us we want to stay away from popping far too many pills than our body can manage, that's why we go thr so much pain and take pills the last resort or when we give up fighting. I tried contraceptive to manage my pain, dun think it's that effective for severe endo sufferers. Instead i experience menopausal effect such as low libio, knee cap pain etc. Thin painkiller more effective.

The chinese tcm doctor is dr He Quiling, Senior Physician. The Eu Yan Sang TCM clinic is at 269 south bridge road, SIngapore 058818. Tel is 62235058. It's opposite the indian temple, near maxwell market and near smith street. Dr He is on off every wed and the clinic is not opened on sun and ph. Her lunch hour is 12.15pm to 1.15pm. The clinic is open from 9am till 6pm, mon to sat. They dun take appt so it's walk-in consultation. First consultation is $16, subsequent is $10. Prescription is $7/day. So if one takes a 1 month prescription, it's about $300. Once u r member, 5% rebate/discount. Initially i thought it was expensive but on second thoughts, to treat gynae prob at other tcm clinic is not cheap either. Unless u go to thong chai free clinic then it's different. Per day one takes 3 packs of prescription so I think the medication is fine if it works. Do bring along whatever medical report and explain to her your condition. When u walk in to the clinic, please specify the doctor u want to see, otherwise they may just refer to the available doctor. I read on forum that usually to treat cases like ours, a combination of tcm medicine and acupunture are used but i have yet to try acupunture. Maybe u can check and let us know.

Sometime ago, a friend on forum also given me this recipe guideline for endo sufferers to take note of our diet.PLease go to the website for more infor on the disease and receipe.

Please do not take anything to grow the condition. when i was younger and ignorant, mum was trying to help me so i took so many wrong herbs and grow the adenomyosis to this size. Anything that aids in "bu" blood we cannot take such as red dates, dang gui, ba zhen etc. We have to abstain from caffeine food not even green tea that is cooling, no alchol at all, not even yomeishu (too heaty), no chocolate, no ice-cream, no soya products, no refined wheat such as rice, bread, pasta but dun think we can do without them. Maybe organic food may be the way to go, but it's expensive. Basically i thnk only light easily digestible food are gentle for our bodies.i dun know how true it will be for u guys but i thnk we have to learn to know what trigger painful mense and reduce the intake of those element. Codyceps, ling zhi are good for us, in fact ling zhi is better. I checked with dr he as she said, ling zhi help to purge e blood clots that got stuck in our womb and strenthen immunity, cordycep helps to strenthen the body. But we have to take them in their original state meaning not the capsules or pill type. JUst like we take vegetables not the supplements type as the body can respond and absorb better than capsules. I will prob take ling zhi soon and see in a few months time whether it helps. I think the safer part is if u do not know what bu to take, always check with tcm doctor and how they help our bodies than we try and get the condition worse.

Hope they help u guys manage endo better.
Hi All

Happen to come across this thread and am glad to find support here for endo.I have had endo for a no. of years. Having to deal with the pain and lethargy is tough. I too feel that diet plays an impt role in the management of endo. I understand that foods that have high estrogen levels not suitable for us. Even some veges have higher levels of estrogen than others. So do need to choose what to eat.
I found out that I have a fibroid after I saw a gyne when I could not conceive after a yr+. gyne says it does not cause any problem, up to me whether I want to remove it. anyone conceived after removing fibroid?
Dear all

I am also an endo pain sufferer for many years. I remember that few years back, the pain was so intense that I ever thought of killing myself.

I feel very bloated few days after my menses are over. I have to drink a lot of ginger tea and apply lots of medicated oil to get rid of the wind inside. Wonder whether any of you feel the same?

I went thru a surgery to remove my cysts and fibroid in Sep 06 and had dycapeptyl for 3 months. Now it seems that the bloatedness and pain has recur (so soon!). The gynae actually told me that the surgery will relief a lot of pain. Looks like it is not happening to me.

Anyone of you who know how to prevent endometriosis from recurring. I understand that rate of recurring is very high.

I also read somewhere that taking dang-gui, pai-fong-wan can worsen endo, is it true? I went to chinese medical hall and the physician told me that dang-gui is very good for woman if taking after menses.

hi all,

looks like this thread is active again.

i was an endo sufferer as well. i had a lap to remove 2 endo cysts on my R and L ovary in Jul 05,then conceived in Oct 05 only to miscarry at 6 weeks. i'm now 38 weeks preggie and expecting my bb anytime..

i wanna drop all u girls some encouragement. i understand wat you're going thru' as i've been there too.

dun give up for those ttc'g. it will come, esp if your gynae has asked u to try naturally. after my mc, i tried 11 months bef i conceive again.

from my experience, i think the skills of the gynae is important in the outcome of the lap. i was blessed with a highly skilled gynae who specialises in such operations rather than in obstetrics (delivering bb's). after my lap, except for the 1st period, the rest were all pain free.

i also consulted a tcm dr and she put me on meds which included dang-gui. i asked her if dang gui was ok and she said as long as the entire conconction is prescribed by a qualified sinseh, it's ok. but try not to self medicate on dang gui.

maple babies,

i also saw fong chuan wee before during my early pregnancy and he diagnosed me as possibly having adenomyosis. if u ask me, i don't fully trust in his diagnosis and somehow don't feel totally comfortable with him despite his very hi-tech scanning machines. if u need more info, u can pm me.
Hi Simp and cowandchick,

Nice to hear from you! I've been doing some reading too about endo and here are some foods to avoid:

1. French beans
2. Dates
3. Soy beans
4. Citrus fruits (lemon, orange)
5. Raspberry
6. Carrot
7. Tomato
8. Butter, margarine

I think there are more, still reading up......

I've also read that it might help endo sufferers to follow an "anti-candida" diet. I personally think it's a strict diet. To follow this diet, one needs to avoid:

1. All types of sugar (eg. white, brown, honey, fructose, lactose, maltose etc)
2. Yeast products like bread, pizza, buns, etc)
3. White flour prodts cakes, biscuits, pasta prepared cereals
4. Fermented prodts
5. Tea, coffee, chocolate and all malted prodts
6. Cows' milk
7. mushrooms
8. peanuts and peanut prodts

As what simp has mentioned, we need to avoid certain herbs like dang gui. I understand other estrogenic herbs include ginseng, chamomile.

Hope the infor helps.
Seems like there's a limited choice where diet is concerned but I think it's good to try to exclude some foods. Seems like foods with no additives (artificial colouring, flavours,etc) are better for us.

Just wondering what types of painkillers do you take for pain during menses and after?

Dear Natsu,

I am surprised that we are not suitable to take french beans, peanuts, mushroom, ginseng,tomato, carrot and so on. There's not a lot of food that we can really take if we also avoid all types of meat. I am quite sad actually that i cannot take so many food esp if one loves food. But if it helps, i think it's worth the effort to help the system get in shape.I really hope my condition can improve.

Normally during mense, i take ponston, panadol. Now I am taking TCM to manage the pain and hopefully it is gentler on the body. But i must say painkiller is more effective and take when i need it. I also realise that body is getting numb to the effectiveness of the painkiller over prolonged use. But i cannot do without them if i want to function normally, otherwise i like i am a drug addict having withdrawal symptons with no cure.I think no matter what i do now, it can only minimise the intensity of pain. Pain is here to stay with me as the main growth cannot be taken out since it has grown into the walls of uterus unless the uterus is taken out. If i have children now, i would probably take it out. So now i just have to tolerate and learn to fight the pain monthly.

Currently, for TCM, i have to take the medication daily to manage the hormone. Just started about 1 month on the current doctor.Hope to see results in 2 to 3months time.

My most recent mense, the pain was reduced from 9 to 7 without having to take painkiller on top of the TCM medicine that I am taking. So this is good news, i do not know if diet and rest play a part, but i must say i am not very good in following a very strict diet. However i have reduced the intake of most forbidden food and stopped taking some already. However i think my body is still learning to cope with pain, i still have migraine and nausea attack on either my 3rd or 5th day of mense after continous pain for 3 to 5 days.

What have you been taking for painkiller to help manage the mense pain.

Hi Xueyan,

Yes, generally dang gui and bak fong wan are good for women but i think if we have endo then it is best to avoid to grow the condition. Unless you have an experienced doctor who know how to administer appropriately, then it best to avoid. I cannot take anything that grow my adenomyosis (a cousin of endo) so my doctor has told me to avoid herbs that "bu" the blood. I think it is best to find a proper tcm doctor and tell them your condition then they will prescribe medication suited for your body. This is because every women with endo has unique problem and respond differently. Hope this info helps. Go for second opinion if u r always unsure if the tcm doctor is accurate in her/his diagnosis.
Hi Natsu

Wow, it seems like there's a lot of food to avoid. Now, I feel kinda sorry I asked - I'm a foodie, you see! How to stay away from all that?

Actually, I almost forgotten how bad endo can be for me, coz bf my bb for 18 months, no menses! Then, when it came back, hit me like bad thunderstorm! Was incapacitated for a whole day. Lucky it was a Sunday, and my hb was around to help with the kids!

Like Simp, I too have very bad migraine headaches, with vomitting when i have my menses. It's usually a day prior to my menses, and can last a whole week. The medication I take for my headaches, Naproxyn, is also good for my mense pain.
Hi Simp,

Yes there are quite a lot of foods that are not suitable for use cos they promote estrogen activity/aggravate pain. Sigh... But I think it depends on the indiv as some may feel ok after consuming the foods. I'm trying to cut out wheat prodts and sugar as much as possible. I think increasing fibre will help and read that veges like broccoli/cabbage/brussel sprouts are ok for us. I'm going to check out some organic stores. hope to find a sub for cow's milk.

Thanks for sharing on the painkillers. I take synflex when nec and panadol and tylenol at other times. I agree that the effectiveness of painkillers may reduce after some time. But we need to take to function even tho' it's not good for the liver. Really hope there can be better alternatives.

Hi cowandchick,

Yes, it's hard to stay away from so much food. Sometimes I wonder what I can eat when I go out.

Thanks for sharing on the painkiller you use. I think in some ways, women are really stronger than men, having to deal with monthly pain, all the discomforts etc. I admire you for taking care of two kids and managing endo. I'm thankful for my mum's help cos it's tough at times.
hi all,
i've made my first visit to a gynae yesterday evening. i was sad after i heard about my pregnancy. it was my first pregnancy after a 6 mths marriage. The baby is only abt 4weeks old, waterbag only 4mm.

the story was like this...
my last menses was on 3rd May.
On 4th Jun, without knowing i'm pregnant (cos normally I have late menses), i went for an x-ray as i was suspected to have either urinary tract infection or having stone. And thereafter, taken some potassium citrate and a rather strong antibotic.
On 10 Jun, my menses still has not arrived, i decided to do a pregnancy test and surprisingly it was a positive. I was very very worried then cos during pregnancy, heard that medication and X-ray radiation will hurt the foetus.

After visit to the gynae on 12 Jun, the radiology scan through my vagina showed that there is a fibroid behind my uterus, this may affect my baby growth. But the gynae said that should not be a problem although there are still risk. I even ask can I choose to take away the baby and remove the fibroid. He immediately ask me why? Why did I choose to take away a life just for a piece of meat? He asked me not to have this thought, our lives started like the little foetus too. He will monitor the progress as time goes by. I almost cried on the spot.

What I'm afraid now is the x-ray, the medication and the fibroid will risk my baby growth and eventually an abnormal one. Really hate myself for not going check up earlier on. I rather take away the foetus now rather than hurting it for life. I'm afraid that taking away at a later stage will cause more problem. Should I go for second opinion? Its not that I dun trust the gynae, its myself that I dun trust. I'm afraid I could not take good care of the baby. pls pls pls anyone can advise me... weep...
Hi tyx,

You had an abdominal xray taken? A few shot may have been taken depending on the doctor's request on the number of different views needed for diagnosis.

I hope you can talk to more medical profession
personnel to understand the degree of impact, as
eventually, hopefully u will learned that it is not as detrimental as u think rite now.

The amount of radiation a person gets from a
chest-xray (which has higher xray dose compared to abdominal due to the area of exposure is larger) is 0.02mSv. Comparatively, the amt of radiation a person gets from the environment (natural background radiation) each year is 2.5mSV! For instance, a 4 hr flight would has exposes a person to the same radiation dose as a chest x-ray!

Based on this data, the amt of exposure u had gotten is small. I hope u see another gynae to get another opinion or assessment.

Best regards!
To Natsu,


I m a endo sufferer for many years too.

For pain killer, I had switched to using Diclofenac Sodium 50mg suppository, belongs to NSAIDs gp, for more than a year. I think it is just as harmful for liver, but is an effective pain killer for me as it does not cause much gastric problem as oral pain killer like synflex, panadol (although, the label may says, gentle on gastric), and i find i need only half the qty i used to take with panadol (they belong to different pain killer gp though, so one can't really compare its strength and effect just by physical qty). I get them from my gynae as it is not available OTC.

For diet control, can you kindly share with me the link to those list you have listed? I personally has skin allergy to tomato and citric food. Dermatologists couldn't tell me why, gynae and TCM i have visited dun seen to aware there is a link to endo and the skin allergy especially when it is trigger by tomato and citric fruits! As your list provided on this thread on 11jun, many such as 'carrot, peanuts, mushrm, citric fruits, tomatoe, etc' are new to me and aren't listed any where else i know, can you kindly advise where do you get them from?

How long have you being trying these diet, how have it improve so far? Should i avoid all nuts or just peanut?

Appreciate your sharing.
Hi chinese40,
yes. its an abdominal x-ray. after hearing from you, i felt more comforted. I've decided to trust my gynae and not go for another opinion le cos i guess another gynae would have said the same thing too. No one can tell now cos my bb is still so small now. will have to look at how it is progressing le. i'll pray hard that my bb will be fine and normal...
hi anyone knows how soon will endo recur after 1st op to remove it? how fast will it recur (estimate minimum time frame)?
Hi tyx,

Everytime when worry catch up on you (your concern is perfectly understandable), pull yourselve back, dun waste energy on worrying.

And, there anything you can do about it, if yes, do it, if no, sit back and relax!

Then, replace by thinking the positive!

When you worry, your baby will be worried. When you are relax and happy, your baby will be relax and happy 2!

Many many blessing to you and your baby!

hi Dear tyx,
i am from the Jan 2008 MTB thread & i read abt your story on this thread...just wanna encourage u to think positively. When is your next gynae visit for another scan? Fibroid during pregnancy is ok as long as gynae assure u that it will not affect baby growth & fibroid is not too big. My colleague had a 5cm fibroid during her pregnancy but she successfully give birth to a healthy baby so not to worry. If your EDD is in Jan08, do join us at the Jan08 MTBs thread & take gd care
hi chinese40,
u r very right. i should make my baby a happy baby. thanks for the blessings and i really look forward to a healthy happy bb of our own...

hi steph77,
thanks for the encouragement. i'm beginning to think positive now. my next visit is on 7 jul. my fibroid is 8cm, quite a hugh one. not sure when is my EDD yet cos may have premature birth. scare scare...
btw, what is TTC?
if you know when is your first day of last menses/period (LMP), you are able to calculate your EDD. There are some websites you could go find out.
TTC is "trying to conceive"
Hope to see u on Jan08 thread soon!
After a long search, i finally found a thread that is in S'pore.

Here my story, before my DD, my gyn told me to conceive early cause he suspect me of having mild endo.

Ever since DD is born i have more mid-cycle spotting issue. He just gave me birth control pill.But is stop after a while. AF was normal still 3mths ago , i started spotting right after i ovulated, i will spot till my AF came.

I decided to change gyn cos this gyn always put me on Birth pill.

This new gyn found a 3.5cm cysts on my right ovary. Last visit, it reduce to 2cm. But I'm still spotting. Has this got to do with endometrosis. This 7th July i going back. She is from Raffles hospital. I find her expensive. Should i change gyn now or i have to go thru all the test with her. I not sure & very depressed with the bleeding. I seems to take forever for her to come to a conculsion. She did not give me any hormonal pill or Birth pill to control the bleeding at all. I just fear i need to go for a lap to solve this issue
Hi - can anyone help me here ?

I read in this thread that there is 2 kind of operation ? The 3 key hole one, it is outpatient ? What the avg cost like,thanks
hui chern

the operation is called laproscopy(3 key) 1 gynae quoted me 4.5-5k. I think it varies from gyhnae to gynae. I have not done it yet.
hi hui chern,
laparoscopic surgery is oso known as key hole. Depending on how severe your cyst (size & type of cyst...blood/water cyst) then gynae will open min 3 or max 5 holes. This kind of surgery is either 1 day outpatient or 2 to 3 days stay depends on patient recovery rate. For my case, i stayed 3days in hospital (3holes) at KKH, cost ard $3.5K.
Blood or ovarian cyst is linked to endometrosis. For your case, yr cyst is small & i would suggest u try TCM first. Gynae normally recommend surgery but after surgery, the cyst will still grow back. Unless you plan to have baby aft surgery cos normally cyst will disappear when pregnant.
The cost for lap surgery for government hospital cost ard 3.5 to 4K depends on ward type, can claim from medisave & insurance policy.
For private hospital, can cost easily 4 to 5K.
Hospital charges does not include medication. Hope these info helps.
steph77 - thanks for replying. Actually i not comfortable with this gyn from raffles if she wants to do a lap just due to my bleeding, cos i'm not in severe pain or what. It's just have this abnormal spotting that i want it to stop

I find she is not experience, i think i will go back to my previous gyn & see what he says.

Read that you are pregnant, congrats !!!
Actually , compare to all you girls i consider very blessed. At least i got one BB. Sorry if i offended anyone with my whining.

Continue to jia you ladies, know is tough but i believe we are not called women for nothing. To be a mother, really very 'wei da' one.So don't give up.Take care ladies
i had a lap done abt 3 weeks ago to remove ovarian cyst, endo & adhesion & since then i have been having bleeding. for abt 3 days after the op there was light bleeding then followed by a few days of light bleeding to spotting. then my menses came, firt 3 days I had extremely heavy flow. (it was like "running tap". even when I'm just standing still, i can feel the blood flowing out.) after that it was a normal to light flow (till now). Ever since my menses came, I started getting cramps & feeling bloated again. There is also this heavy feeling in my lower abdominal area. Is it normal? do any of you experience this? is it possible for endo deposits to start recurring so soon? please help advice.
anggie low -* Hug *sorry , to hear that. Hope someone have this experience respond to you fast. Just to let you know you are not alone,take care
Hi Anggie,

When i did my laparoscopy in march, i have light bleeding after the operation then i was discharged to go home and rest. But i developed fever and went to see a GP. He told me i have urinary infection and was on antibotic jabs for 3 days before returning to take oral antibotic. My mense came about 2 weeks later. Similarly I have heavy mense and pain which i need to take painkiller for 3 days. Perhaps the wound area in our abdomen is still weak and raw making us weak and sensitive to the pull and discomfort. However on the 2nd and 3rd month, your body should feel better and stronger and the effects should be minimised. I suppose the feeling u got is normal as i did have that too. Endo deposit would recur in cases and i suppose my would recur since i have severe endo with one big growth still inside my uterus and my blocked tube is distorted. I suspect it would return. Currently i am in my 3rd month after laparoscopy and i still have cramps for 3 days with migraine and nauseaness even though i am now on TCM to tiao my womb for IVF in sep. But i did not take painkiller as the tcm medication help the body to tolerate the pain. I am happy as of now and should my pain is too unbearable then i would take painkiller. But before operation, i had to take painkiller monthly for about 2 to 3 days. My pain usually streches from day 1 to day 7 with the most painful from day 1 to 3. Perhaps you may wish to get a TCM doctor to help u tiao your womb for faster recovery. Do go for a healthy diet, it helps a bit, now i am mostly on vegetables and little meat as compared to my past. I am also learning to cut down on food which i feel is too complex for the body to digest. It is good to eat food that is prepared in a simpler and light manner. I also realised that i lose weight now that i am on healthier diet.

Hope this information help u.
Hi Anggie,

When i did my laparoscopy in march, i have light bleeding after the operation then i was discharged to go home and rest. But i developed fever and went to see a GP. He told me i have urinary infection and was on antibotic jabs for 3 days before returning to take oral antibotic. My mense came about 2 weeks later. Similarly I have heavy mense and pain which i need to take painkiller for 3 days. Perhaps the wound area in our abdomen is still weak and raw making us weak and sensitive to the pull and discomfort. However on the 2nd and 3rd month, your body should feel better and stronger and the effects should be minimised. I suppose the feeling u got is normal as i did have that too. Endo deposit would recur in cases and i suppose my would recur since i have severe endo with one big growth still inside my uterus and my blocked tube is distorted. I suspect it would return. Currently i am in my 3rd month after laparoscopy and i still have cramps for 3 days with migraine and nauseaness even though i am now on TCM to tiao my womb for IVF in sep. But i did not take painkiller as the tcm medication help the body to tolerate the pain. I am happy as of now and should my pain is too unbearable then i would take painkiller. But before operation, i had to take painkiller monthly for about 2 to 3 days. My pain usually streches from day 1 to day 7 with the most painful from day 1 to 3. Perhaps you may wish to get a TCM doctor to help u tiao your womb for faster recovery. Do go for a healthy diet, it helps a bit, now i am mostly on vegetables and little meat as compared to my past. I am also learning to cut down on food which i feel is too complex for the body to digest. It is good to eat food that is prepared in a simpler and light manner. I also realised that i lose weight now that i am on healthier diet.

Hope this information help u.
Hi Simp

Can you share which TCM you go to? How often do you have to visit? How much do you pay for each visit? How do you feel after taking TCM.

I am quite worry about TCM. I went for a few TCM before. It causes more pain than without, I don't know why. I suspect when the TCM is clearing the blood in the womb, it causes pain.


Hi hui chern & simp
Thanks for your replys.
my bleeding did not stop at all since my op. although there are a few days when it was light flow to spotting. these past two days I've been having heavy bleeding again (second time already). before my op, i was taking synflex everyday. some days I even take up to 8-10 pills.
did your docs tell you which stage is your endo? mine just told me mine is not serious. don'tknow what is my rate/chances of recurrence. I read that endo is actually classified into 4 stages. I just wonder with all these heavy bleeding and cramping (sometimes also pain in my thigh areas) will there be any endo deposit starting to build up again???
simp - all the best on your IVF.
