Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

hi all,

So sian, my lap surgery has been postponed due to AF today
Dr loh has to re-sehedule for me to 6 Feb.. aiya, mentally prepared already and now has to go thru the mental stress again

according to my dr, he says that menses will cause the dye to be unclear when they chk the fallopian tubes. best to do it after mense for a better result.

worry mum,
thks. i was there alone at kkh and was already so prepared untill dr loh said postpone
the feeling was terrible then... now better already.
Hi i had this experience too when i got myself mentally prepared but was told to postpone to 2 mths later because of my thyroid relapse....and it was like the day the feeling was as lousy.....but not to worry as you will be having yr op in 2 wks time...

I wish all of you a endo, fibroid free doggie year, may all of you have a Happy n Prosperous Chinese New Year with good health n wealth
Hi Ladies
Happy New Year and May All Your Dreams Be Fulfilled in 2006!!

SAw my gynae yesterday. My surgery has been postponed due to my irregular AF cycle. My doc wants regulate the cycle first as he say its is no good for me to have irregular cycle... Phew... now can relax first..
Hi Gwer
I'm okie
Baby is doing well too. Just heard his heartbeat during my last gynae appointment :p

Thanks for asking
Been eating a lot of junk food ... coz have junk food craving :x :x :x :x
Hi hopeformiracle

My review yesterday has good and bad news. Good news - my ovaries are now back to normal. Bad news 1 - AF cycle irregular- no good, now I am like at menopause period which according to my gynae is not normal as my last jab is in Oct 05. Bad news 2 - my uterus has grown again which means my adenomyosis has spread and grown. Bad news 3 - postponed surgery to regulate cycle but the surgery option given to me earlier may not help me now cos of my growing uterus so its back to square one - TH.
So delay surgery is also delaying TTC and if during the delay should my uterus grown again, then my hope for TTC is really gone.. Anyway, I am very positive about the whole news as I have prepared myself over the CNY holidays for it cos I know I will get bad news because I have been spotting for the whole of Janaury which is abnormal to me as I never have this symptons before..
Hi beary,

Good to see you are taking things very positively. Keep up the spirit!! Hope things will improve for you along the way...*hugs*
Hi Beary

Sorie to hear abt this... it's important to have a healthy body for TTC too... so take care of yrself and make sure everything is fine before you start TTC... I'm sure u also want a healthy baby, rite? No point rushing.... take yr time to take care of yrself...

Btw, Gals, juz wondering for those who has endometrosis, is it advisable to take EPO, dang gui & Bai Feng Wan? I have been hearing differing ideas... so also dunno wat's true... Any advice?
Hi Riushiki,
Happy for u!! Junk food ah...well, eat sparingly lor...but try to ensure u have enought rest and good nutritious food :) All the best!!

Hi Hopeformiracle,
How are u?
Hi ladies

Thanks for the encouragements. Even my gynae was telling me yesterday 'Think positive my dear, with positive thinking, things will be brigther and better'.. With all the encouragements from you gals and my gynae, I am sure I will be ok...


All the best for your lap on monday and speedy recovery to you...
HI ladies,

Thanks. I am very happy to find mental support here esp from those of you who had went thru the surgery and shared the experience
I hope all goes well...

Always stay positive ok

Ladies, this year will be a SMOOTH & PRODUCTIVE YEAR for us
Jia You! Jia You!
Hi Beary,

It great to hear that you are so postive. Must take care ok.

I am fine. Done my HSG last friday and 1 tube block. Planning to do GIFT next cycle.
Hello all,

Im back from my surgery. Given two weeks MC but i don't think i want to rest for so long..should be back at work next week.

Hi 30s,

The ops was smooth i think..there was two cuts. One on the belly button and another 3inches below. It was quite uncomfortable and moving ard was not easy. they didn't shave my hair, maybe b'cos i trim it myself...hehe..

Strange, Dr Loh didn't talk me to me after the ops. He will only see me two weeks after. I wonder what they have done during the surgery and what they have found out. To be honest, i am rather worried
wonder what they have found out
hopefully is nothing serious.
AAbaby, now is the time to rest and recuperate, don't worry too much first. Wait to see doc or give him a call if that can set your heart at ease. Take care.
Hi AAbaby,
It's better to have a good rest after surgery. Becos the cut is small, so it may seem like a minor one, but it's important to have a good rest.
Do try to keep your wound dry to prevent infection. Did your doc teach you how to clean your wound? Last time, I clean my wounds and change the dressing daily starting from 3 days after the surgery for two weeks till the wound heal properly.

Hi hopeformiracle,
Baby dust to you
Good luck
Wish you "meng xiang chen zhen"

Hi beary,
Dun give up hope on getting better
If you believe in TCM, go for it. Try not to take the painkillers. They are not very good for the liver. I read that inefficient or weak liver is the main cause of the lumps growing in women.

Hi yuki,
I had fibroids and endo. My gynae specifically told me to avoid dang gui, bai feng wan, and EPO. I took EPO for 2 months and then I had sudden growth of fibroids! Never will I take EPO again nor listen to the sales people. Becareful of what you are taking...

Hi Riushiki,
All the best
Take good care... Sometimes it's really difficult to resist the cravings of junk food... hahaha.. cos I am experiencing that too... But really gotta try to resist for the health of baby
Hi Coral,


Hi Lyn,
The nurse told me to change the dressing only after 5 days. I went to a GP to change the dressing every 3 days. The nurses never tell me how to change the dressing

By the way, how many days did you rest when you went for the lap?
Hi AAbaby, think if the dr give u 2 weeks mc...better have a good rest since it is quite uncomfortable....u mean Dr Loh didnt see u on the 2nd day of the op? maybe the op is successful thats why he didnt see u..dun worry to much..u can just email him or call him if u r worried...the nurse also didnt tell me how to clean the dressing...but reminded me to keep it dry while showering....anyway, the dr help me to remove my dressing a week later....
Hi AAbaby,
It's better to rest for 2 weeks. For me, I had complete bed rest for 3 days, then I am up chatting with my friends on my laptop on my bed... I started going out after two weeks...
Try to keep your wounds dry
I used antiseptic solution to clean with cotton wool. Then apply antiseptic cream over the wound and cover with waterproof dressing...
Hi AAbaby,
Ya since Dr gave u 2 wks least rest well for 1st wk. For my case, I felt drowsy for 1st few days after lap & spent most of my time sleeping during the 1st few days. Avoid carry heavy things too.

You can email to your doctor? Or call him and check what's the outcome.
Hi AAbaby

I was given 1 mth's MC to rest... think it's important to hv ample rest after a surgery... even though it's a minor surgery...

My Gynae didn't see me after the surgery too... our appointment was 1 week after my surgery to remove the dressing... She didn't teach me how to change dressing too... coz she say actually not necessary to put dressing... juz make sure that wound is kept dry... but for mi, I develop itch... maybe because I'm too greedy... went to eat prawns... so the itch developed 3 weeks after my surgery...

Avoid carry heavy things also very important... I was sleeping most of the time for the first few days too... coz feeling very dizzy... and my blood pressure was very low...

During the next appointment, my gynae explained to me wat was removed and wat has been done during the op... and wat to expect after that also... so shld be happy, in the meantime now, juz rest well... and dun think too much...
Hi 30s,

No Dr Loh didn't see me and the nurse said that he would only want to see me after 2 weeks. The stitches will dissolve on its own so i do not need to go back to remove it.

Hi lyn, gwer & yuki,

i didn't go back to work on Mon, now i'm still resting at home cos my GP also discourage me from going back to office... i am also afraid that i may strain myself if i were to head back to office esp my work environment is so hectic.
by the way ladies, do you have menses like discharge after the lap? what was that? i'm still having it after 1 week thou it isn't heavy.
Hi AAbaby

I had mensus like discharge and it lasted until the next mensus...dr told me its normal to hv it but u can check with him again if he sees u
hi ladies,

anyone heard of CRYPTOMONADALES, it is of the same family as spirulina and chlorella. Heard that it is good for pple with endo. Very tempted to try but also worried abt side effects.

Pls advise, thanks.
Hi blurblur...

The scientific name for cryptomonodales is called Chlorella Sorokiana. The cells structures is very different from chlorella and spirulina. Chlorella has a function for the body, and spirulina another function, but cryptomonodales has both the functions of spirulina and chlorella.

Which brand of "cryptomonadales" are you looking at? You can PM me if you want...
hi lyn,

think you to turn on ur PM functioncos it is off now.

is it true that cryptomonodales can help to reduce endo? do you know the functions.

are you also using it?

actually, i was introduced to this by a friend...she is using it for her diabetic problem. I am not too sure abt the brand. You can PM me
Hi ladies,

I am also suffering from endometriosis. Juz want to share my story as an encouragement for those of you TTCing.

We started TTC last March and achieved no results. So we decide to see a doctor last september. Hubby went for SA and found to have low count and poor morphology. We were very sad and not too sure what to do. My Prolactin (a type of hormone) is too high, hence started on some very nasty pills which caused me to vomit and I even fainted on the first day i took the pill.

1 mth later, I went for HSG and found that one of my tubes were blocked. Was quite devastated upon hearing that. I immediately decide to go for laproscopy straight away. During the op, my doc found that i have mild to moderate endo. He removed as much as he could and the op was a success. My tube was cleared!

I waited anxiously for the next menses. When it came, for the first time, I was so happy! It means I can start TTC again. I read from the forum that many people actually conceived right after lapro. I thought maybe it would happen to me too. Then 1 month passed, 2 months passed. No news. I thought to myself, maybe it's fate. Everytime i see a pregnant women, I would somehow feel sad for myself.

Then, exactly on the 4th month after lapro, I missed my menses... my temp stayed 36.80 and above. That night, I jumped from the toilet seat when I tested positive!!! We are very thankful that we have finally made it. I am now 6 weeks pregnant.

Ladies, hope my story can give you some encouragement... Just want to say that we endo sufferers must stay strong and be brave for the op. I wish you all the very best in your TTC(if your are TTCing). If you had been through the op already, here's a pat on your back! "Pat, Pat" You have been very brave and you have made the right choice to go through it, even though it was tough. :p

Hi Reverie

You really give us alot of hope... this is my 4th mth after I've done my lap too... hopefully, will be like u...
