Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

Hi girls, I am new here, hope can get some advice.

I have been TTC about 2+ years without success..have tried clomid, TCM. A fertility specialist advise me to do lapo to check endo or other problems before doing SO-IUI, and my TCM doctor also said its good to check it out.

But I am abit worried..and not too sure which gynae to go to for this lapo? If there is a way to know if I have endo wihtout ops? Any gynae to recommend for the ops? Thanks!

Hi gigigirl,

Did u ask your gynae any other suggestions to check if got endo without lapo?

If I'm not wrong, only lapo can check if got endo, how severe it is, and which part of the organs the endo has 'spread' to. At the same time, the doctor will check the tubes and ovaries too. So it is 1 stone kill many birds...

I was like u...very worried n refused lapo initially. But later got cyst in ovary n no choice, did lapo to remove it n found got endo. Doctor on the spot cleared the endo as much as he can n check tubes etc. It is keyhole surgery, mine is 3 keyholes, some pple have only 2 keyholes. Only pain 1st few days and it is day surgery. Dun worry....
Hi Riushiki,
Glad that you have helped another gal
. Endo are very small and cannot be seen on ultrasound scans. It can only be confirmed with a laproscopy - the degree and locations of the endo. Fibroids, endo, cysts, adeno, etc in the womb have very similar symptoms...

Hi Marble,
Hugs... Wish you a fast recovery
. Wish you a great holiday in Turkey. Turkey is a very beautiful and romantic place

God bless you too...
Take care

Hi gigigirl,
It's better to do a lapro since you have TTC for 2+ years already to check it out. Make sure your gynae check your tubes to make sure there's no blockage as well during the lapro. And also clear the endo during the surgery.
Better go to a knowledgeable and skilful gynae for the lapro. I think endo can only be diagnosed with lapro. Lapro can increase the risk of uterine rupture in future pregnancy. Hence a gynae that can do a good job for you is important.

Hi qwer,
How's your Christmas? Are you at work already? Hope you had a great holiday with your dear dear
Hi Lyn,
Christmas Day spent at home leh...only yesterday morning brought my little one to Qian Hu and farm mart. Then afternoon to the beach. FUN!

Today back to work already. How u celebrate? Take care!!
Thanks lyn and gwer. No, the specialist did not mention anything about able to detect endo without lapro. Read some cases here who strike after the lapro to remove endo..very it sort of help me to pick up courage to decide to so. But not too sure how to look for gynae that is knowledgable and skilful. do you have any recommendation?
Hi gigigirl

If you are really keen and wanted to confirm whether you have endo, you can see Prof Tay Sun Kuie of SGH O & G dept. His sub-speciality is in endometriosis which I am going to see him too in Feb 06 (already made my appointment). He is a senior consultant so the first consultation charge will be $80. You will be considered a private patient should you self-referred yourself to see him. Hope this info helps you. Take Care
Hi gigigirl

Sometime blood test can also confirm the possibility of endo. I think is called something125? Sorry cannot remember the full name.
Hi qwer,
I had a small Christmas dinner party at home
. So I was busy preparing and cooking for my guests
Lucky my hubby helped me to clean up the house. kekeke.... else I will be flat.
Now is post Christmas sale!
Tonite I will be going shopping for books

Hi gigigirl,
I will recommend the gynae I am seeing now. He's very popular and hence long waiting time especially on Saturdays. Weekdays still ok. He's careful in his diagnosis and make diagnosis fast. Cost wise is reasonable. I think he's good cos I am comfortable with him and he gives me the advice, support, and most importantly the results that I want

If you want to consider seeing my gynae, drop me a PM (email). Just click on my username to PM me.
Wish you good luck and hope your dreams will come true...

Hi hopeformiracle,
How are you? Hope your dreams will come true in the new year
Jia you!
I think the blood test you are referring to is called CA125. It's actually a cancer marker, mainly for ovarian cancer. Not all ovarian cancer patients will have a high CA125 reading. For endo patients, sometimes, not always, the CA125 reading will be slightly higher. CA125 can also be used as a marker for other cancers.
Hi Lyn, for your guests ah! You must be a very good cook! :p Ya now post x'mas sale everywhere. Expo now has book sales and metro warehouse sales too!!

Hi hopeformiracle,
Ya..hope your dreams do come true in the new year! I also hope mine will come true this year too!

Hi Riushiki,
So did u go for the jab? After your 1st round of heavy AF, how're u now? I think I never 'work hard' enough or perhaps too exhausted to TTC already. So I think my AF is reporting soon. Today is CD28. I had spotting this thot AF coming. Quickly get ready. But now no more spotting and dry liao. So weird!!!
Hi gigigirl,
My gynae is same as Lyn's. To me, he is a very careful & helpful doctor. So far he has helped me a lot...and I'm comfortable with him.
Thanks girls, for your advice and well wishes. Wish all our dreams comes true in the new year!

Hi lyn, tried to send PM to you, but the system says you do not accept PM. I think your profile option "Do not send me "Private Message" e-mails from other board users" may have been selected. Alternatively, can you send your gynae's name to me please? Thanks.
Hi qwer,
Ok la... I can cook meat quite well now with lots of "patterns". kekeke... Now trying to learn how to cook vegetables well
Gotta go and read more recipe books and get the hang of cooking nice vege...

Expo a bit far for me and I am lazy to go there... :p hee... later I am going out to meet a client in town this afternoon... kekeke... shopping time again
Then meet a friend for tea some where...

Relax relax ok? Dun bother about AF too much ok? Stress can cause AF to go haywire...

Hi gigigirl,
oops... sorry about that... I have sent you an email this morning
Take good care...
Hi all,
I am new to this thread. I was previously from the TTC thread. I migrated here because I was just diagnosed with endo and fibroids. In addition my husband has variocoele. The doctor recomemded surgery for the both of us. And his charges gave me a big scare!! So now a bit confused about what to do next. Hope to get some encouraging stories here.
Hi Bernice

So sorry to hear about you and your hubby condition. Guess you must be seeing a pte gynae which is why the surgical fees are expensive. If you doc suggest that you go for surgery to remove the endo and fibroids, he must has a reason for it. From what I am told, both conditions can interfere with TTC so its best to remove them. I have friends that conceived after removing their endo and fibroids. As for the surgical fees, do you have any personal medical insurance that you can claim? You can use certain percentage of your medisave for the surgery. Like for my case, medisave covered about 40% of the surgical fees and the balance I claimed from my personal medical insurance. There are ways that you can do to have your surgical fees fully covered by medisave.. If you like more information, you can PM me.. Take Care and don't stress yourself..
hi bernice

i conceived after having my endo removed (fibroid as well). it took me 15 mths in total. my baby is 3mths old. its really worth it but u may want to consider a doc that charges lesser.
if we have endo and leave it alone, will it lead to anything serious like having the need to remove the whole uterus? whats the chances that we will "survive" and reach menopause w/o any problems?
Hi All
I'm back from my holiday :p

Qwer, I think my AF is reporting soon too ... got a bit of spotting since yesterday but still not here yet
Hate it :x Dunno why like that :x

I think my gynae managed to diagnose the teenager with endo coz her ovaries are enlarged and blah blah from the scan. Not sure too :x

Lyn and Qwer, which gynae are u girls seeing ? I am thking of seeing another gynae for a second opinion ...

Thanks ! :p

Worried, hmm endo is a progressive disease. If u leave it alone, it will get worse I think. :x
Hi Ladies

Happy New Year!! May All Your Dreams Be Fulfilled in the Year 2006!!

Hi Riushiki
How is your holidays?? Hope you have an enjoyable time and come back more relax and ready for TTC

My AF finaaly reported after 66days of delay.. Today is already CD10 and it still refuses to go away.. kekkeke noti AF playing games with me.. :p

Worried, If you have endo, its best to treat it early before it get worse.. Late stage of endo can lead to adhesions - all youur reproductive system, bladder, intestines may get glued together and it will affect conceiving.. It may also cause endo ovarian cysts.. Thats what happen to me and I underwent an op in 2004 to remove the cysts endo,etc... So if you suspect that you have endo, please see your gynae about it and have it treated early..
Take Care

Counting down to my next review with gynae..
Hi Bernice,
How big is your fibroid? According to my doc, people with fibroids have very high chance of having endo too. The most important is to find a skilful doc to do the surgery
Medical fees is indeed not on the cheap side. I had my fibroids removed too... Even after the surgery, we gotta take good care of our diet to prevent recurrence. There are several books about that which you can borrow from the National Library.
Take good care and wish you all the best. May your dream of having a baby comes true soon.

Hi worried,
According to my gynae, endo is a condition in between fibroids and cancer. Endo will get worse if not taken care of.

Hi Riushiki,
Welcome back to Singapore
. How's your holiday?

Hi beary,
Happy new year to you too
HOw are you? Are you still experiencing pain? When will you be seeing your gynae again? Hope things are getting better on your side. Take care. Good luck.
Hi Bernice,

Just to share with you my experience.

I was worried about the cost of surgery at first, till I visited my gynae, and told him that I was actually delaying the surgery cos I knew that cost is very high, (my friend went for lapo and her bill is $14k).

I told my gynae that I was exempted to covered under medical insurance, And my gynae willing to charge me cheaper.

Hence, my cost of surgery is as follows: I went for my Laparatomy - ops of "huge" fibroid. It cost me $6k for the ops, after medisave deduction $2.6k, I just need to pay cash of about $500, and as I was covered under Medishield, and it allows me to claim up to $2.9K. I was given only 42 days of Hospitalisation Leave, and was admitted for 2 days only..

Is better that you tell your gynae that you cant afford to have such a costly surgery or just tell your gynae ur finanical problems. Think they are negotiable on their cost.

If you need to check with my gynae, you may PM me.

Take Care.

Hi Lyn

How are you?? What's bb gender?? Prince or princess... kekeke so happy for you and so excited to know the gender kaypo hor..

As for me, well, still the same, still having pain as usual but guess I am immuned to it.. Will be seeing my gynae on 2nd scheduled the date for surgery... He said that to do it after all the holidays so that I can enjoy my holidays instead of staying at home recuperating...

Take Care and are you still going to UK??
Hi beary,
I am very good
I dunno the gender yet. I will be seeing my gynae this Friday
Hopefully can see... lol...
Are you going through lapro or TH in Feb?
I am not going to the UK already
. I get very stressed thinking about that too... But now ok already since I have decided not to go
. I might go to Laos for travel with hubby for our last "er ren shi jie" overseas before baby arrives

Take good care of your health
A healthy body is really important for TTC and a problem free pregnancy
Hi Lyn

Thanks... wow.. travelling to are right. enjoy ur 'er ren shi jie' before bb arrives.. Once bb arrives, both of you will be very busy.. Drawn up your schedule for bb's arrival - duty roster, etc...kekke.. Glad to hear that you are holding back your trip to UK.. Got worried when you said that you wanna go there in that you are not going... no more worries liao..kekekke
Don't know whether its going to be lapro or traditional open surgery cos I had an open surgery before...but definitely not TH as yet...this surgery will be my last option before my gynae decide to embark on TH.. He will only let me know on 2nd Feb.. he does not want to let me know first...Guess he knows that I will be worried once I know what procedures..kekeke

Take care and keep me informed of bb's gender after your visit to gynae this friday...
Thanks everyone for the encouragement and information.

The thing that confuses me is why my previous gynae never mentioned any of these issues. And I do not feel that he would be so negligent because he is the head of department.

I only have 1 fibroid and its around 13mm. I was told that this should not be the cause for infertility. I can get some coverage for my operation but I dont think I can get any for my husbands procedure (other than medisave)as insurance does not cover for infertility treatments.

Oh did I also mention that I have PCOS to add to my list of problems. Sigh....I will give it some more thought and will see how it goes

Thanks again everyone.
Dear All

I m new to this thread, and on around October last year, i was found to have a 5cm Endo cysts on my left ovary so the doctor suggest me to go for operation but i didn't as i hope to try for natural recover.

To be frank, i was introduce from my friend to take health supplement to improve my immune system and let it do the fighting for me and i was having it till now is 1month but i decided to go for another checkup on March this year again to see for any improvement.

I hope tat it can recover as i really very afraid to go for operation lor
Hi Bernice

Go seek second opinion on your fibroid..Relax and don't stress yourself over these things...Things will go smoothly for you.. Take Care...

Hi yukiko

Welcome...Hope the health supplement helps you.. Hope to hear good news from you soon.. Take Care
Hi Ladies,
A very Happy New Year to u!! Hope the new year will be a fruitful year for all of us!! May endo stay far far away from us!!!

Hi Riushiki,
Tried to PM u but can't. My AF juz over leh...think TTC takes time. Btw, do u notice any difference during AF after the laproscopy? I hv leh...glad that I've done my laproscopy :)
Hi Coral

I'm not too sure if it's a sign... but for a long time I was having blood clot... till I discovered that I had endo and had my cysts removed in Nov05... this 2 mths, my AF was not as heavy... and I didn't really notice any blood clots too... If u r worried, it's better to do a check wif Gynae...

Gals, juz wondering how long did u take after laproscopy to TTC...
Hi All
I can't access this forum during office hours coz my company has just banned it !!!

Anyway, my spotting suddenly just ended after 5 days !!!
Dunno what happened ..... Still waiting for the AF to arrive :x

I just emailed my gynae to ask him whether izzit normal ?

Do u girls know what is lap by excision ? I read that this is the latest method used by doc in US and it's supposed to yield the best results for endo patients. Lessen rate of recurrence and higher rate of pregnancy plus less surgery adhesion :p Do u girls know which gynae is currently using this method in S'pore?

The lap is supposed to remove the whole endo implants and not only remove the surface of the endo by laser etc .. something like that :x
Hi Coral

I think blood clot is not good no matter whether it's endo or not :x

I also have blood clot and I used to think it's normal until my gynae said it's a possible symptom of endo. My other two friends who got endo also suffered from blood clot :x

Better to see a gynae for further check up to be safe
Hi beary,
hee... you are more kan cheong than me... Thank you for the concern
I have put aside what I want to pursue in UK. I get very stressed and will cry every nite when I think of it :p. It's like my parents' dreams shattered. My hubby told me to leave it cos the stress ain't good for me now.

Hi yukiko,
Wish you "meng xiang chen zhen"
. Take good care
I took two months after lapro under the guidance of my gynae

Hi coral,
Blood clot during AF is a symptom for endo, cyst, fibroid, etc. It seems like light AF flow could mean fibroids. Before my surgery, my AF getting thick like phlegm and lesser. After the surgery, it flows like water and a lot. I was surprised that my gynae said it's normal and good...
I think different people has different symptoms, and there's a list of symptoms which can get a bit confusing. It's better to check it out with your gynae.

Hi qwer,
Glad to hear that you feel a difference after the surgery. May your dreams come true soon
Morning All,

Thanks beary, i really hope tat i can recover and it can help others oso, so that we wont be so suffering and like qwer say let endo/fibroids stay far far from us
<font color="0000ff">Hi Lyn,</font>
Thanks...hope so.

<font color="ff0000">Hi Coral,</font>
I think I still hv clots...if those are called clots...they aren't those big blood clots like b4 surgery...juz tiny pieces ocassionally. Anyway, I try not to think abt the endo problems anymore. Think too much also no use...juz keep myself busy with work, my gal, some housework &amp; knitting...and time will pass very fast. No time to think wild anymore, hee hee...

Recently my mother told me to give away my gal's old baby clothes to the salvation army. She said no point keeping cos also don't know when I'll conceive again. But I refused :p I think I still want to keep for a little while more...

<font color="119911">Hi Riushiki,</font>
Did u test with HPT? I ever heard some ladies who are in early stage of pregnancy...had light spotting few days and then stopped.
Thanks for the advice. My AF is rather normal, usually last about 6-7days. The thing is I just did scans and xray to check for endo and am cleared of it. But somehow, I wonder if it's normal to have the bits and pieces of blood.Cos my Mum told me her AF is only in liquid form. Gynae told me not to worry, but just want to be sure lor.
Hi coral

if i not wrong i remember i saw a tv serial abt TCM it say bits n pieces of blood when having AF is no good lor, avoid raw, cold dishes n cold drinks something like tat.
Thanks yukiko. I'm not a fan of cold drinks will try to avoid the raw and cold dishes. Trying my best to keep my body healthy...
Hi coral

you're welcome, i myself also not sure lah, but everytime my AF going to come, i will avoid cold things lor and it do help, yes, to have a healthy body is the wealth of everything lor so we jiayou together cos i am oso trying to keep my body healthy
Hi Riushiki,
Congratulations! Wow... It's a great news indeed. Meanwhile, take good care
Wish you a smooth 9 months and a healthy baby

This news is like a birthday present to me
I am so happy for you
Hee hee
Went to my gynae today. He said I'm the first of his patients to kena strike straight after lap.

I'm thking of course .. he asked all his patients to take lucrin. They won't have a chance to try to conceive :x

But guess my pregnancy is only 4.5 weeks hence still cannot see the fetus. Will have to go back next week again :p

This is really amazing :x
Hi Riushiki
Congrats! May I know who is your gynae?

I am also seeing xia rong now for treating my endo. So much medicine to take. Am taking the powder and need to take 6 packs a day. So bitter.

Am trying hard to give up coffee and change my diet too.
hi lyn
I am interested to know your gynae who treats endo and is he/she a fertility specialist? pls email. me. Thanks.
hi all ladies,

What are the don't and do after lap surgery? im scheduled for one this 23 and very worried now. been ttc for 1+yr already. By the way, if menses does not clear, can do lap?

Hi Riushiki,
Luckily you did not opt for the jabs
. Do try to stay positive

Hi lotr,
You got mail.

Hi AAbaby,
Dun carry heavy things. Have more bed rest. There will be spotting after the lap. If bleed too much, call your gynae.
Wish you a fast recovery.

Hi Gals

Juz wondering if anyone of u here shared the same condition as I did... one mth after the Laproscopy... My wound starts to itch like mad.. and there's also some yellowish dischard fr my belly button (one of the wounds)... M I having infection?
