Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

I think you are having an infection, especially if there is yellowish discharge. Is it red and warm to touch as well? I think you better go and see a doctor. Not necessarily gynae, and GP is ok too.

Hi Riushiki,

Congrats to you

Hi yuki

ya, think you having infection, better go see your doctor fast, cos i got a friend after operation oso tis symptom and is infection lor
Hi all ladies,

I have a question here. I have a 6.5 cm fibroids. My own gyane ask me to remove it. My gyane also told me that the fibroids will grow with pregnancy, I went for a 2nd opinion. The second gyane told me the fibroids will shrink with pregnancy and do not need to go for ops. I am confused now. Can one can enlightened me. I am thinking of going for 3rd opinion.
Hi Yukiko

Hahhaha... yr nick was my chinese name... (jap translation) wanted to use this but used by u already...

Anyway, I talked to my gynae and she has given me some antiseptic powder to apply and antiseptic lotion to wash... However, after applying and washing for 2 weeks plus... still the same leh...

If it's infection, wat will happen actually? the wound juz continue to itch?

Hi brownie

Is fibroid and blood cysts similar? I was told that blood cysts was fed by the monthly menses... that's y if u r pregnant, then the blood cysts will not grow... coz nothing feeding it mah... but if u r talking abt shrinking... dun think it will shrink leh..
Hi brownie

As far as I know and according to what my gynae told me, fibroids will grow during pregnancy and it will fight for space with bb...Sorry but this is the first time I heard that fibroids will shrink during pregnance.. Think you better check with another gynae or stick to your own gynae.. Take Care
<font color="0000ff">Hi brownie,</font>
I agree with beary &amp; yuki. From what I know, only cyst won't grow during pregnancy. 9 mths pregnant no menses, cyst will shrink and dry up eventually. Fibroid is different. It will 'fight' for space with the growing bb inside and it may or may not grow.

I hv a colleague who didn't know she had fibroid till she gave birth via c-section. Her gynae removed the fibroid at the same time. For her case, her fibroid didn't grow or rather grow slower. I also nvr heard b4 that fibroids will shrink during pregnancy.

If you're still in doubt, best is to get a 3rd opinion.
Hi Yuki,
I think you are having an infection. There should not be any discharge from the wound. Do you keep your wound dry when you shower? I used waterproof dressing when I shower for 3 weeks, and clean my wound 3 times a day plus change dressing for a month...

Hi brownie,
Fibroids grow with pregnancy cos fibroids grow on hormones. During pregnancy, there are loads of hormones ideal for fibroids to grow. So far, I have not heard of anyone with fibroids having them shrunk during pregnancy, instead it's the other way. My fibroids grew uncontrollably during my first pregnancy and I lost it...
Think you better seek another opinion. Take care.
Riushiki, congratulations!

Brownie, so far those I know who had fibroid, their fibroids never shrink during preg and they usually have ti removed during c-section or after birth.
Hi Gals
Thanks !! I was having a tough time making the decision to go on hormone or tried my luck :x

I told myself ... one month grace period hee :p

Anyway still can't see the baby on US. Will have to rescan next week as it's too small.

Will just have to leave everything to the one above since I totally have no control what is going to happen next :p

Gals, dun give up ! Miracle does happen and I am one of the rare cases ! I mean the very least I managed to test positive :p The rest of the 9 months will be important too ....

By the way, my gynae said "either my skill very good or your hubby's sperm very powerful !"

Damn embrassing :x
Hi Lynn

Where can I get waterproof dressing? Wat kinda dressing are you referring to? So far, I was having the waterproof dressing on the 1st week of op... after removing it, I was using it anymore... Initially, I was using a cream to help heal the wounds. After 3 weeks, I developed itch around my wounds and perhaps, because I was scatching, my wounds got pimples like thingy around it... and sometimes also have yellowish liquid... After seeing doc, she gave me a lotion to wash the wound and a powder to prevent itch...

Is there anything else that's necessary?
Hi yuki

haha..., we both really cute as i wan to use yuki as my nick but is already been used tat y i put a ko at back n systm accpet it.

I know is really torturing for you lor as i had saw my fren wound b4 after her operation, really hope you have a speedy recovery.

Hi lynn

ya, is abit confusing lor.
Hi Riushiki,
Hahahaha.. Your gynae is very funny... Take good care

Hi yuki,
You can get the waterproof dressing from the guardian pharmacy.
For me, I use antiseptic solution to clean with sterilised cotton wool, then apply a layer of antiseptic cream over the wound, then put a small piece of sterilised gauze over the wound, and then put the waterproof "sticker" on. You can get the waterproof dressing from the pharmacy, so no need gauze and waterproof layer separately.
Aiyo... Try not to scratch the area around the wound anymore. It sounds bad... Do you sweat a lot? Sweat can cause itchiness too. Try to keep that area clean and dry.
hi ladies,

Anyone did lap with Dr Loh SF from KKH? He said he going to do two scopy - lap and another one v sometin which i think i from below. Anyone under CSC card? What is the max claim?

<font color="0000ff">Hi aababy,</font>
Mine was laparoscopy &amp; D&amp;C. Dunno is it the same. As for the CSC card, perhaps u gotta check with your HR. I'm holding MSO card, new scheme, so cannot claim.
Hi curious,
Thks. Mine is the old scheme so can claim but don't know how much. It is my husband that is with SAF. Do you know how to check with HR? My HB sure won't chk for me cos too troublesome

BTW was your laparoscopy done by Dr Loh SF too? What is D&amp;c?

Hope you are recovering well!
Hi Ladies

Check with those of you that have been on GnRH before?? How was your AF cycle after the last jab?? Need to know cos mine has gone haywire liao.. Delayed for 66 days and den AF resumed on 22 Dec 05 and stopped on 31 Dec 05..But started spotting from 1st Jan 06 till now..... Anyone has this problem before?? Thanks
Hi AAbaby, my csc card also fm hb under SAF. The claim is usually 60% (i.e. the company pay 60% and we pay 40%) I've never used it for lap before so not sure if it works the same way for lap process too.
Thks coral,
i know abt the 60-40, wonder whether it works the same for lap cos lap very expensive

Who is your gynae?
AAbaby, my gynae now is Dr Tony Tan. But I did my lap in Glene with Prof Chris Chen.

I believe the 60/40 thing should work. Cos that time when I had other major surgery in KKH after I lost my boy, the 60/40 applied. You can try checking with the admin/registering pple in KKH, but they usually say they don't know. My hb printed the handbook for me, the last time I read, don't see details like this. I'll try to go look for it again and let you know.
HI Coral,

Sorry to hear your loss. Hope you are fine now. Are you on TTC again? All the best to you. Also thks for checking for me.
By the way, do i need to shave before the lap?
Hi brownie,
I went through laparotomy myomectomy. I cannot go through laparoscopic myomectomy cos my fibroids are too big at 8cm each. I was surprised that when the fibroids were taken out, they measured 12cm each...
I had my surgery at Gleneagles, stayed in for 4 days. Spent almost 10k. I claimed about $400 from medishield. I paid about 5k cash.
Hi AAbaby,
I don't think it is difficult to check with HR dept. Ask your husband to call up his HR dept, talk to the person in charge of insurance &amp; hospitalisation. She shld know.

My lap wasn't done at KK. I did it at pte hospital. D&amp;C is a procedure to wash &amp; clean up the womb lining.
Hi Lyn,

Thanks for the info...did not know that there are laparotomy and laparoscopic. I went to Thomson yesterday to seek 3rd opinion and the gyane suggest laparoscopic...the one that is done using keyhole surgery.
Hi Riushiki,
Yeah!! CONGRATULATIONS...please take good of yourself and the little one.

Hi Brownie
Please refer my post on 2 Jan 06 for the cost. Mine was the laparotomy myomectomy - which is the c-section cut. therefore the charges compare to the keyholes surgery is much cheaper. FYI, I was only hospitalised for 2 days and was healing well. My fibroid was 12cm x 10cm big. I was staying in Thomson Medical - 1 bedded.
My gynae is Dr Kee Wee Hiong, he got 2 clinic, one at Jurong point (Night clinic) and the other one at Thomson Medical #04-06.
Hi yuki

How your condition liao, got improvement?

Hi All

Just checking for treatment on fibroids and endo is it the same, using laproscopic?
Hi AAbaby, I did not need to shave. My procedure is 3keyhole.
Yukiko, the gynae treated my endo and removed the fibroid at the same time using the 3 key hole method.
Hello gals!
Wow... The sun is finally out! kekeke... Can dry my clothes already and no need to bring umbrellas out...

Hi brownie,
I went through laparotomy (open surgery) and laparoscopy (keyhole surgery) before. Laparoscopy recovery was very fast. For my laparotomy, I had blood transfusion as well cos my fibroids are too big and I lost too much blood. For laparotomy, I needed complete bed rest for about 2 months.
Laparoscopy was not as bad. I opted for day surgery. I could walk on the day of the surgery and the wound does not hurt. I only rested for two weeks and I need not have to have complete bed rest. I was up sitting in front of my PC after 2-3 days bedrest. kekeke...
I think your fibroids will not be as bad as mine
. Dun worry too much
Remember to rest well and eat well after the surgery.

As for the charges, my laparoscopy was cheaper than the laparotomy. In fact, for my laparoscopy, I did not have to pay cash. All from medisave, and medishield...
I dunno how the medisave and medishield work though...
Wish you a fast recovery

Hi AAbaby,
I need not shave for the laparoscopy too. I think it varies from doctor to doctor, depending on their preference. But I did shave before I go to the hospital.. lol... I was KS cos I scared if need to shave and I haven't, the nurse would do it for me... Very paiseh...
Brownie, I was discharged on the day itself and only had 1 week of mc. Mine cost 7+k. I recovered rather quickly. Only experienced pain when they woke me after the surgery, but there after it was fine. I only took pain killer for the first day. In fact, that time I was preapring for my wedding, so was out and about on the very weekend trying gowns... Hb (then bf) took very good care of me, on one side you can't even see any trace of wound. Like Lyn, I took very good care when bathing and keep wounds dry for the themto heal quickly. Also I took Yu Sheng soup only 1 week after to prevent scarring if drink the soup too soon. I was treated for endo, a 5cm fibroid, and polyps, and blocked fallopian tubes...It's a very fast process, so don't worry. I was worried sick that time as I know nobody who has been trhrough this, so I cried and cried and refused to go for the surgery until my hb keep persuading me to do it.

Yes Lyn, it's finally sunny, but too bad, at work can't wash my clothes. Hope it's like that on Sat and Sun.
hi coral and lyn,

thanks thanks for all the adivce and sharing....will have to call the gynae to book a timing for the removal. just wondering how come my gynae did not remove the fibroids when i deliver via C-section then safe me the trouble of going through hospitalization again.
Hi coral

I also struggling to go for the surgery, a few of my frens and my family members persuade me to go for surgery for this 5cm cysts in me but i jus cant bring the courage to do it so finally i told them i decided to give a try on the health prdt and after 3mths still no improvement then go for surgery lor, no choice.

They still worried for me lah but they c i so insist so they never say anything liao, when tat time my gynae say i got cysts need operation i really want to cry out, i still don believe and after my menses i go for 2nd scanning and the cysts still there then i really don noe wat to do tat time, but now i try to relax n after March i will c how it goes.
Brownie, not all fibroid can removed during C-section delivery, like mine, my gynae had arrange for that during delivery, but who knows, when he open up he decided not to make me losing too much blood, therefore he did not removed it. Me after 2 years later, then when back for operation. To me, I dont find it painful at the wound, only thing I encountered is change of taste buds till 1.5mths later then resume back to normal.
Hi Brownie, I heard from any lady who delievered, her gynae also did not remove it when they did c-sect for her, also did it sometime aft delivery.

yukiko, that time when gynae told me abt my issue, I felt so lost and refused to make any further appointment and just walked out of consultation in a daze...then hb caught hold of me and assured me everythign will be fine after treatment. He said if I leave it things might get worse might as well treat it while it's still not too serious...but the week before surgery I was still crying alot and was even thinking of calling off the wedding..But the surgery actually went very smoothly and was much less complicated that I thought. But until now, I'm still very very afraid to go into operating theatre.
Brownie, maybe your gynae didnt detect the fibroids when he did the c-section for you?

yukiko, I found out I got fibroids and got to operate one yr after my marriage. It's a shock to me too. I rem I cried when my fren called me at that time. So scared abt the operation that I even made a will before it. Sounds silly now cos I've recovered very well and even conceived with a gal one yr after the op. So dun worry.....
Hi Coral n Giggler

I think a few years ago i went thru a small op on my hand oso bcos of cysts tat y i so afraid to go thru it again n somemore tis time is womb, i hate the after op feeling, feeling pain, so if can choose of cos i don wan to go thru it again.

I always feel i sound naive n stupid when i tell pple i try on prdt to get rid of cysts but i really don noe wat can i do n jus by trying n c how
yukiko, don't dwell on the pain now. I know it's hard but keep your mind off it else you suffer more than you need to. Take care. Eat well now. For after surgery got to abstain from some food (esp seafood).
Hi brownie,
Did you have the fibroid since your pregnancy? Is it becos the fibroid is not safe for removal since during delivery, you gonna lose a lot of blood? Fibroid, especially big ones can "suck" a lot of our blood. It might be too risky to give birth and remove fibroids togather. I lost a lot of blood and needed a transfusion when I had my fibroids removal. I was pregnant then, but lost my baby...
Hee... I cried and cried the nite before my laparoscopy. My hubby hid inside the toilet and cried also... Partly was scared of the pain of surgery and partly cos I had an ectopic... I suffered lots of pain during my laparotomy till I needed painkiller on the drip, so was very scared of another surgery. I had laparotomy and laparoscopy within a year...
But dun worry, laparoscopy is almost painless
. I did not take the painkiller my gynae gave me
. I only had pain when I woke up from the anaesthesia, but that was not bad. I am sure you are brave enough to go through it
. Jia you!

Hi Yukiko,
Diet is very important for any supplements to work
. Supplements will help, but change in diet is very important to make it faster
. You can read through the thread on what Riushiki and others have shared about diet a few months ago.
Hope you can conceive soon
Hope you do not have to go through the pain of surgery.. Take good care.
Believe in what you are doing and you will succeed
Hi Aababy, the handbook say maternity related will not be covered. Hb told me my procedure for bb matters were not covered. But I think endo and fibroid not maternity related right???
Hi AAbaby
I had my fibroid remove by Dr SF Loh, laparoscopy (keyhole surgery).....didnt know got to shave so the nurse did it for me, 3 holes, the total cost is abt 5.3K as I stayed in double bedded for 2 days....can claim around $2.6K from medisave...
hi lyn,

thanks for sharing your experience. Guess I have to call the gynae to make arrangement for the surgery.

Any one heard of Dr. Beh from TMC? His clinic is at the 5th level. My own gynae is at TMC 3rd floor, I just need another opinion and saw Dr. Beh name in TMC that says he specialised in laparoscopy.
Hi Brownie

Are you referring to Dr Beh Suan Tiong. He used to be from KKH and left to set up his own clinic. He is still teaching in KKH and SGH for MIS. So if he is the one that you are referring to, then reassured that you are in good hands..
Thks for checking. I remembered that my hb's colleuages's wife has a 60-40% claim even on maternity expenses. But they are on the old scheme like mine. Very confused.

aiya got shave
thks for informing. btw, how is Dr loh's skill?
hi brownie

Go ahead and seek his opnion. He was one of the sought after doctor when he in KKH before leaving to set up his own clinic.. Take Care..
