Sharing your views on Bad/Good Overseas Spree Organisers

Rainbow_abby is my favorite spree organizer! She provides prompt service, replies to email fast and very polite lady! tks Abby for your time and effort , will continue to stock up my supplies from you
and she is a very busy mom too
I think kittyladies is a responsible person. I had encountered disputes with her but she resolved very fast and items received are all in orders. I would definitely spree with her. She had indicated her terms and condition v clear. If the dealer sent items wrongly or cheat her, it's not her fault at all. There is always risk in order from website.
as a spree org, i'm shocked and suprised to see that there are fake transaction details provided?

Sometimes in the midst of all the transfers, I dont even track one by one and verify all payments since they provide full details.. like the one shown in the pic....

i think i have to be more diligent in future.
And really check thru every payment that is made!

there really exist all sort of people.. and this is so sad to swallow...
I have been making purchases here for at least 3 years. N I have encountered good and bad spree organizers. In fact, Some organizers whom I have known for years will SMS or email me if there r good deals. I love shopping here. Off hand to name a few good ones Vinnie(iherb,Mothercare), Wingkei (TCP,Carter's), Rach, Jxmum, Dreams (amazon), tan Leng Leng (btw where r ur sprees now?), .....

I've just made a disney purchase through Kitty(3ladies) recently. I hv a habit of sending email to Organizer for my order. Kitty had forgotten to post my order on her forum but she replied my email n noted my order. My nick was mentioned at least twice on her forum: one after she placed order n another on her summary table. The estimated arrival was end July but I received my items few days ago. I wrote her an email to inform her that I had received the items but received in return from her my registered mail tracking numbers. It took another day for her to notice I had received my items n she replied my email again. Normally I m very careful to determine if a spree organizer is good or bad. It takes a few order transactions to know it. I have a good experience with her this first time n if I didn't notice wrongly, she has improved quite a bit from the first day i noticed her here. A little to add, shipping charge is slightly higher I feel.
I have joined kitty spree quite few times. So far i hv quite gd experince with her. my recent spree i ordered osh kosh & armani and armani came much later. i requested to hold my osh kosh item in order to save on my courier fee. Really appreciate kitty fast response and also for accommodating to my request for waiting for all my items to arrive & combine my package for courier. Though she did make some mistake in my payment but she is fast to response & rectify. i hv done my personal spree before and i know is not easy. Will definitely order again from her
Comments on Good or Bad Spree Organiser

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<font color="ff0000">Terms and conditions for using the form</font>:
1) No one will be responsible over your purchase and decision
2) No one will be responsible if the comments are misleading
3) You take your own risk if you enter into any transaction base on the comments stated in the spreadsheet
4) No information other than those stated in the spreadsheet will be given

<font color="ff0000">Guideline on using the form</font>
1) You may download the spreadsheet into excel and do a sorting for better analysis
2) Take note it is POSSIBLE for spree organisers to post good comments on themselves, do not rely on the spreadsheet solely.
3) Take note it is POSSIBLE for anyone to sabotage the spree organisers, do not base on a single bad comment solely.
4) Other than using this spreadsheet, you should search the spree organisers' thread to check on the credibility of the spree organisers.

<font color="ff0000">To Spree Organiser who disagree with the comment stated</font>:
1) You may state your reason and counter the comments given by user in this thread.
2) Your counter comment will be recorded in the spreadsheet for users to judge.
3) I do not make judgement base on your comment and I will not remove the comment given by the user.

Any recommendation or suggestion is welcome but I do not entertain everyone

P.S. The bad comments are normally true while the good comments could be posted by the organiser herself. If an organiser is flooded with bad comments but have equally same number of good comments, my advice is take the bad ones.
Have too joined kittyspree too and have good comments for her.

First and foremost, the things we bought are from overseas. And some of these items may habe not been taken care of while in US or when shipped over here.

If the items are in US, and one doesn't like the items, one can do a one to one exchange or get another items. This is the common practice for US and UK purchases made locally.

The items I bought through kittyspree were the bath and works. Its online website only allows USA credit card holders to make purchases. This is not the first time I bought through someone to this online website; thus have sent required expectations.

I must say kittyspree was constantly updating me on where my items are too and when I would receive. by the way throughtout the ordering to the time it is about to ship, she has not collected money from me. Only when items were ready for shipment.

She took a faith in me that I will honor my orders and thus I am delighted with her service.

Re the issue with some items through her, I think the only way is to go through crocs, see if anybody traveling to US and see if can do a one to one change with receipt. (My sis could change something for me when she was in states).
Hope that helps to clear the air.
Hi, I too join kitty spree for the first time, drugstore spree, and her international shipping charges are reasonable despite the many bad comments on her? I got higher shipping fees ordering from another organizer previously so I decided to try kitty spree. She's might take 2-3 days to reply your email but will definitely reply so pls patient and wait cos it's not easy to handle so many sprees! Anyway I had received my items bubble wrap with no extra charges and no spillage with my shampoo n cream. I am a satisfied customer! Hope she can consider adding smartpac and courier service to her delivery Mode to make it even better! Cheers!!!
Comments on Good or Bad Spree Organiser

To comment:

To view:

(Suggest to view in Internet Explorer)

Terms and conditions for using the form:

1) No one will be responsible over your purchase and decision

2) No one will be responsible if the comments are misleading

3) You take your own risk if you enter into any transaction base on the comments stated in the spreadsheet

4) No information other than those stated in the spreadsheet will be given

Guideline on using the form:

1) You may download the spreadsheet into excel and do a sorting for better analysis

2) Take note it is POSSIBLE for spree organisers to post good comments on themselves, do not rely on the spreadsheet solely.

3) Take note it is POSSIBLE for anyone to sabotage the spree organisers, do not base on a single bad comment solely.

4) Other than using this spreadsheet, you should search the spree organisers' thread to check on the credibility of the spree organisers.

To Spree Organiser who disagree with the comment stated:

1) You may state your reason and counter the comments given by user in this thread.

2) Your counter comment will be recorded in the spreadsheet for users to judge.

3) I do not make judgement base on your comment and I will not remove the comment given by the user.

Any recommendation or suggestion is welcome but I do not entertain everyone :)

P.S. The bad comments are normally true while the good comments could be posted by the organiser herself. If an organiser is flooded with bad comments but have equally same number of good comments, my advice is take the bad ones.
Hi about a few weeks ago I bought this 2B cream from this lady by the nick of guojia123 but till now I did not receive my item. Has anyone deal with her before ?
My experience spree-ing with Kitty over the past months have been pleasant and smooth sailing. Deliveries were prompt and Kitty kept me up to date on the progress on orders. Reasonable shipping charges and promptness to my queries on my orders. Good job, keep up the good work.
At least 5 mums and I are having a very bad experience with KittySpree(3ladies). After waiting for 3 months, she wrote us an email to declare the package as lost in transit and per her terms and condition, she is not liable. We requested for documented proof of our purchases from Crocs and her communication with CGW on the shipping, she was unable to produce.

This really make us doubt if the items she purchase are authentic and if she did purchase on our behalf. If not, why can't she show documents to proof her integrity?

Please see the link for all communication :

In fact, she has notified us via email that there are more than 1 incident of package lost in transit under her sprees and many mummies are affected.

My advise, until she can proof authenticity of the products or proof of purchase, be wary when you spree with her. You don't want to be in the same situation as us.
i am in the same batch as ribbit. i must say Kitty is very irresponsible in handling this accident if it is not a cheating. she keeps on asking us to wait patiently, and then told us the lost is found and wait for more time for them to ship over . and after another one month, she suddenly notify us it's lost and that's it. she cannot provide any proof that she really place the order. and she even cannot clarify the fault is on the merchant or the shipment company. we have many doubts. even if she is not liable for the lost, she must show some evidence that she doesn't take the money away.
those that give good feedback is just because it not happens to you and you are lucky. believe me, once the lost happens, she will just ignore your queries.
those that keep on dealing with kitty, please notice that in her t&c, she said she is not liable for the lost. but if you check the CGW policy which is the shippment company she uses, the shippment charge includes insurance against lost. so if lost happens, customer should get compensation. then why she still claim she is not liable for the lost? I have asked her this question but she didn't reply me. i cannot help supposing that she is not honest in saying she use CGW for shippment.
I do have several successful dealing with her before. but this bad experience will erase all the good impression she gave me before.
please be alert
hi all,

just to share on lost shipment of crocs USA.
I've ordered from another lady many times.
There was once when the parcel was lost within US by the domestic postal company.
the postal company could not locate the parcels, they did not know whether the parcel is in their premise or missing.
what resulted was USA Crocs refunded the organiser all funds for that purchase.
and all spree-ers got their $$ back.
The whole process took about 2 months.
hmm.......I also find it is weird that she can't provide any doucment to proof that she has purchased the shoes but instead she keep repeating "copy & paste" the same answer and continue to take orders?!

Should't Invoice/DO or other documents will be provided for any online purchasing? Otherwise, how to know if the things have been purchase or not???
Hi ladies, just to share.. I've ever purchased from crocs US online last dec on my own. I went back to my acct & was still able to view the order history. Hope this info helps. ;)
She should be able to view her order history. I've ordered from Crocs USA too and like Glad, I can also view my order history. You just need the order confirmation number and customer's Last Name to view.

If it's lost in transit TO CGW, then she should contact the merchant. They will track down the parcel, if not they will refund.
If it's lost in transit FROM CGW, then she can claim because CGW has mandatory insurance for their parcels.

Is my item in.Which Batch
Place on 9 july old navy. Tks

***Can u pls kindly reply my post... Been posting a few time. Hey cum on pls dun ignore my post!!!!

Hey pls refund me the $ if u never order at all....Don't tell me you never see my post unless you are blind.

So piss off....... Don't deal with her unless u are prepare to get all the nonsense or $ gone...
wow, was going to order. jialat. how does a spree-ist make money from the sprees?

batch 162 n 162 mummies, what was her repky re parcel status?

Thanks for all comments and feedback.

Crocs Batch 161 & 162 kindly refer to your email for the proof of purchase.

Any enquiries, please feel free to email me at [email protected].

Thank you for your understanding.
I want to warn mummies about Kate Spade spree organized by xoxo Samantha. We have been chasing her to send out our items which supposedly reached Singapore 2 weeks ago. She has been giving lots of excuses as to why courier is delayed. Not sure why it's so difficult to arrange for courier when the items are with her. I've requested for refund. Hope to get the matter resolved soon.
Hi Starlyte,

Just to emphasize here, I dispatch based on items arrival and schedule on weekly basis.
Recall that I have asked you twice to pls collect your first item long ago it has arrived, due to many items arriving to me but you insist to hold back the item first.

You have received your 1st item a week ago, and I did inform you that due to now items are in different loc, due to my limited space at home , I dispatch on weekly basis only.
I see some common spreeists on chasing items/collection to expedite which I politely answer as based on schedule and delivery fulfilled.

You can of course post here your experience on spreeing with me, its everyone's right.
Thanks for the thread starter. Hope you don't mind I check this out often to learn from comments and see more how I am "rated".

I just read a bad comment from zombiemum.
Thanks for highlighting the "waiting period" - this is indeed a learning curve for me to revise my terms.
Being you as a seasoned organizer yourself, you may have been upset due to your set expectations on me.
Sorry for that, anyway I did not hear from you (even a message or email) after receiving the bag.

For spreeist lingling,
Thanks for comment, at least a bit of it is appreciated.

At first, I just don't wish to reply u back, but since u have 'touched' on me, I should voice out my concern.

If ur a organized & responsible organizer, u won't receive negative / bad comments from ur spree-ist.
If ur competent in handling the spree, nobody will chase & keep urging u to send out the goods after the items have arrived S'pore for so long!
They won't be this angry, frustrated & upset if u efficiently send out the goods after all payment is made.
Instead of twist & turn the real facts, can u reflect on ur own mistake first?

First of all, when joining a spree, we will go through the Tc & Cs first before deciding to join.
As stated clearly in ur thread, we can do self-collection at venues that u have stated.
But when goods finally arrived & ready for collection, we request to collect as per stated in thread, u keep delaying in delivering them by giving ALL sorts of reasons & excuses which is hard for us to believe.
Changes of meeting / collection time with very short notice, late turning up for the meet up, promised to send out goods on a specific day / time as requested by spree-ist but REPEATEDLY failed to do so for countless of time after numerous arrangements!
Once u broke that promise, it's hard for us to give our trust to u anymore.
If u still dare to argue on this matter, we don't mind post all of our emails & sms-es communications as proof.

As I have mentioned & highlighted before to u, as a spree-ist, we have patiently waited for the goods to arrive from the day of ordering till they arrived S'pore.
The waiting time is not long, usually can take up to 5-6 weeks.
Ok, done with the waiting time, finally goods arrived S'pore & ready for collection.
Of course we anxiously will try to arrange for collection / delivery of goods once 2nd payment has been made, correct?
After we have paid the 2nd payment, nothing is done by u!...
U took ur own sweet time to arrange for collection & only schedule for collection based on ur own fixed timing.
Even if we opt for mail / courier, u don't even bother to arrange to send out as soon as all payment has been made!
Giving excuses: very tight schedule on ur side, have this appointment that event going on, dispatch / expedite goods based on schedule & location blah blah blah...
If u can arrange for courier to send on a day, why don't u try to do it all at once?
Very difficult to do so?

If u send out goods within 1 week is still acceptable, but dragged on for more than 2 weeks!!
Even some spree-ist still did not manage to receive their goods until today (this week is 3rd week already)!...
Don't u think this is too much & over already??
Do u think it is acceptable??
Do u call this fair to us spree-ist?
We promptly paid everything as per needed, but u selfishly took ur own sweet time to deliver the goods as based on ur own schedule.

One thing that left us wondering, u have time updating & replying ur threads, but no time to send out goods??
Also, very prompt in taking orders as well...
No time at all to make a trip to post office?...

We are not demanding spree-ist, we just request what is right for us only & very concern if our goods really are here / whether being purchased at all.
It is very normal once 2nd payment is made, fair enough u should dispatch the goods as soon as possible, correct?
Do u think we should just keep our mouth shut & just wait for u to deliver the goods anyhow u like??
We're not supposed to chase u to deliver the goods although 2nd payment has been made weeks ago??
Of course we will feel anxious & worried!...
It's not few dollars worth of goods, Sam...
They worth few hundred dollars, all of our hard earned monies, my goodness!!...
This is our main / big concern...

If u still think we are not right & very demanding, then u're really having a problem there.
Enough said, I hope u can do better & reflect what's the prob that lies on u...
I still have my Tommy goods pending, and I hope u can deliver them as promptly as how we promptly paid our first payment to u when ordering.
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At first, I just don't wish to reply u back, but since u have 'touched' on me, I should voice out my concern.

If ur a organized & responsible organizer, u won't receive negative / bad comments from ur spree-ist.
If ur competent in handling the spree, nobody will chase & keep urging u to send out the goods after the items have arrived for S'pore for so long!
They won't be this angry, frustrated & upset if u efficiently send out the goods after all payment is made.
Instead of twist & turn the real facts, can u reflect on ur own mistake first?

First of all, when joining a spree, we will go through the Tc & Cs first before deciding to join.
As stated clearly in ur thread, we can do self-collection at venues that u have stated.
But when goods finally arrived & ready for collection, we request to collect as per stated in thread, u keep delaying in delivering them by giving ALL sorts of reasons & excuses which is hard for us to believe.
Changes of meeting / collection time with very short notice, late turning up for the meet up, promised to send out goods on a specific day / time as requested by spree-ist but REPEATEDLY failed to do so for countless of time after numerous arrangements!
If u still dare to argue on this matter, we don't mind post all of our emails & sms-es communications as proof.

As I have mentioned & highlighted before to u, as a spree-ist, we have patiently waited for the goods to arrive from the day of ordering till they arrived S'pore.
The waiting time is not long, usually can take up to 5-6 weeks.
Ok, done with the waiting time, finally goods arrived S'pore & ready for collection.
Of course we anxiously will try to arrange for collection / delivery of goods once 2nd payment has been made, correct?
After we have paid the 2nd payment, nothing is done by u!...
U took ur own sweet time to arrange for collection & only schedule for collection based on ur own fixed timing.
Even if we opt for mail / courier, u don't even bother to arrange to send out as soon as all payment has been made!
Giving excuses: very tight schedule on ur side, have this appointment that event going on, dispatch / expedite goods based on schedule & location blah blah blah...
If u can arrange for courier to send on a day, why don't u try to do it all at once?
Very difficult to do so?

If u send out goods within 1 week is still acceptable, but dragged on for more than 2 weeks!!
Even some spree-ist still did not manage to receive their goods until today (this week is 3rd week already)!...
Don't u think this is too much & over already??
Do u think it is acceptable??
Do u call this fair to us spree-ist?
We promptly paid everything as per needed, but u selfishly took ur own sweet time to deliver the goods as based on ur own schedule.

We are not demanding spree-ist, we just request what is right for us only & very concern if our goods really are here / whether being purchased at all.
It is very normal once 2nd payment is made, fair enough u should dispatch the goods as soon as possible, correct?
Do u think we should just keep our mouth shut & just wait for u to deliver the goods anyhow u like??
We're not supposed to chase u to deliver the goods although 2nd payment has been made weeks ago??
Of course we will feel anxious & worried!...
It's not few dollars worth of goods, Sam...
They worth few hundred dollars, all of our hard earned monies, my goodness!!...
This is our main / big concern.

If u still think we are not right & very demanding, then u're really having a problem there.
Enough said, I hope u can do better & reflect what's the prob that lies on u...
I still have my Tommy goods pending, and I hope u can deliver them as promptly as how we promptly paid our first payment to u when ordering.

Hi Jing Hui,

Sure, I do have all the communications/sms and your emails to me. As spreeist speaking, yes you are correct. There are delays during the holidays and change of timing/collections as indicated and I have informed.
I am speaking with the arrangements you had with me.

I have to inform that dispatching is happening now on weekly basis as I see that most of the expectations are set on terms on first spree thread page of 4-5 weeks not including local dispatching.

Anyway, sure I will keep to note all the complains as again learning curve for me.
By end of the day, the items received by spreeists some manage to get touch and inform received, others have not heard after which.

Due to of course some events here on forum some spreeists are now very cautious/alerted/ anxious of receiving goods and I try to manage as much as I can based on schedule and availability.

Again even prior to you ordering, I informed you that I update whichever items I received.


I ordered both the Kate Spade items together. It's only natural that I want to consolidate the delivery of both items. This is the first spree I've joined where spree organizer is so disorganized that even though my items were supposedly delivered together, I was charged x2 for courier as my items were in separate "warehouse". I did not once grumble about the extra courier fee I had to pay to get both my items so do not harp on this. Even 3ladies (who received some bad comments here) allowed spreeist to consolidate orders graciously. Had I known in advance that u're so disorganized, I wouldn't have asked for both items to be delivered together.

As a spree organizer, it's very important that you stick to your words. U claim that u can only despatch the items once per week. I understood this and kept quiet, patiently waiting for u to arrange for courier. But it has been 2 weeks! U had 2 chances of despatching my items for the past 2 weeks. But each week, u'll send me an INVALID tracking number. Have u heard of the story of the boy who cried wolf? I really doubt you have my item with you. If my item is with you in Singapore, why is it so difficult to arrange for courier when you supposedly despatch items every week to "quiet" spreeists?

I do not wish to escalate this issue. So kindly check what went wrong with the item that was supposedly despatched last Friday and send me a valid tracking number by tomorrow. Otherwise, pls refund me.
Hi Starlyte,

Sorry I do understand your frustration
But just to highlight, I don't ask spreeists to top up excess if items are dispatch separately.
I think I made it clear to you before hand when I asked if you can collect first item.
I cannot answer and compare my self on "senior" spree organizers here, we all have different ways of managing sprees and even at that, I get my fair share of complains and may be those small percentage that are appreciative.

Sure then update you as I always do to ANY spreeist.

I never wish as well to be well known be here or anywhere as "disorganized and lousy"
Well said zombie mum & starlyte. For all those potential spreeist, this is one lady who cannot deliver what she promised! Till today, my bag is STILL NOT DELIVERED. Read all d post on the kate spade spree and you can judge what crap she gives. We have been patient and understanding , accommodating to her whatever non business day blah blah blah... But everyday seems that the courier ' did not pick up' , ' item not collected' but not blaming herself for a commitment to send the goods that have longed been paid for. The fact that I took an excess order bag from her seems that I get second class treatment as others have received their bags even after much agony! Now where the hell is my damn bag?
Hi tulips12,

I treat all spreeists equally, regardless whether you are spreeist of just bought excess and asked to waive a fee.

As for your bag, I replied you in #524 of my KS thread because you asked refund on weekend if bag is not delivered.
Then you said okay to send bag.

Sure, any one can back read on my KS Spree thread, items which arrived/dispatched and those schedule for delivery.
Sincerely appreciate spreeists who have waited and received their items. Agony? That is quite harsh word to say as it equates suffering.
Again, sorry if I didn't meet your expectations.

To add in, you requested refund and gave time if not you go police, if that is your way, I cannot counter. But do give acknowledgement. Will sell off your bag then.

By the way, my lunch is 12:30 Do provide bank details so I can queue up and deposit on your account your refund request.
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Hi All,

This is my FIRST and will be my LAST time joining a spree organized by Miss Samantha.
I joined her Fast Kate Spade Surprise Sale Spree.

The ordering process was smooth and easy. I made payment on 22nd June for 1 excess bag from surprise sales batch 6-7 and a wallet with gift box. And on 29th June, I made another payment for another excess bag also from the same batch. As it was my first time joining a spree, Miss Samantha was really patient in answering my question and to help estimate shipping cost and any other related questions.

However, my nightmare began shortly.

On 3rd Aug, I finally get to see my shipping information and top up details. (Do note that no confirmation email was sent to me!) On 5th Aug, I made the balance payment in the morning and requested courier mode by taqbin. Upon confirmation by Miss Samantha that payment received, she replied will update me on tracker once its dispatched. On 7th Aug Morning, I enquired Miss Samantha on this and she updated that she will email me once the courier pick up at her side. When I enquired deeper, she kept saying that that courier came late! And guess what? The 2 days was wasted. No Sign of the courier! (I have a 3 year old girl and I had to make special arrangements so I could stay at home and wait for the courier to arrive)
Based on my previous experience with taqbin and the fact that they are a professional courier company, do you think that they are late for 2 days? Again, I gave her some benefit of doubt and I sent her another email arranging for a NEW courier option and delivery time. Hoping to get a reply and confirmation of tracker by Monday (19th Aug) but I was again left stranded! No news no updates!

**To note**: bibibobo's parcel was collected by taqbin on Monday 19 Aug but mine was not collected at all. My courier mode was also by taqbin. IF on 7 Aug Miss Samantha said my parcel was waiting for pick up, I simply DO NOT understand why mine was not collected together with bibibobo.
Refer to page8 of thread to see all sorts of reasons that she gave me.

[Refer to photos attached: printscreen page 6 thread, Email Printscreen 1 and 2 & printscreen page 7 thread]

SO Miss Samantha gave me a time and date for self-collection; 16 AUGUST 2013 FRIDAY 3:15-3:30 pm at CCK MRT.

Guess what she did?? PLEASE SEE all the SMS conversation between me and her.
[Refer to photos attached: Page 1 to Page 5, Please read from LEFT to RIGHT then next row]
  • Meet up was at 3.15pm, at 2.15pm 1 hour exact before our meet up time, she SMS me saying 1 of my items color is wrong. I was already few stations away from CCK, changed timing to 4.30pm. I am pregnant with my #2 now and bringing along my 3 yr old daughter with me. Miss Samantha is AWARE of my situation!
  • At 4.06pm, she SMS me again.. NEW ISSUES!! Instead of collecting 3 items, I ONLY managed to collect ONE. My mum was with me when her SIL MAID passed me the bag.
  • Miss Samantha rearranged a "so called SPECIAL COURIER" for me the next day, she claimed she got to paid $100 for this and she absorbed this cost.
  • Confirmed "SPECIAL COURIER" to my mum place on sat 17 Aug 9am to 12 noon. BUT my mum only received the bag at 1.06pm. My poor mum awake since 9am can't go out get lunch. Miss Samantha's "so called SPECIAL COURIER" need lunch, only can reach around 1pm.
  • Then she SMS me again, to change timing to before 1.30pm.
  • MY MUM RECOGNIZED THIS "SPECIAL COURIER" BECAUSE THIS SO CALLED SPECIAL COURIER IS THE SAME MAID THAT PASS ME MY BAG AT CCK MRT ON FRIDAY!! WHAT A JOKE! And Miss Samantha still claimed because of me, she had to pay extra for this courier!! Is this maid hers or her's Sil? This maid came together with a little kid about 4-5 years old to deliver my remaining 2 items. This maid is a smart one! My dad asked her where is the driver?? Maid replied the car did not park downstairs, park somewhere outside. Maid said they stay yew tee. Maid insisted the unit given was to send to #13-810, until she called SOMEONE to confirm using her own hp. My mum and dad tried asking maid to call using our phone but maid refused.
  • BEST PART and the MOST RIDICULOUS one.... MISS Samantha blame me for giving wrong address where it was clearly her own mistake! And when her driver got lost in my area, she BLAME me too!!

If my item is prepared for courier pickup the week before, how is it possible that the van has a wrong color for my bag during my self collection??? Countless changes! And because of her screw up in making arrangement, i have to suffer all these rubbish she gave me!

However, Thanks you Miss Samantha for the SUCCESSFUL DELIVERY ATTEMPTED IN THE END.

***Did i mention? Miss Samantha is using a Hi-CARD!


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Miss Elnuevoella/Shiela

Sure thank you.

I am also getting a transcript of the events that happened during delivery to your house
(from the warehouse people/driver, my SIL and the maid)
Since you have posted yours, will post mine as well later on once I gather all info because from what I have known, all is documented.

Thanks for the post above, I have even invited spreeists who joined me to refer on this thread so next time, expectations will be manage in future.

Thank you.
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Sorry I am at work and I do not have IB token.
So I do cash deposit if there is any refund.
Do refer on first page of my spree.

Reason why I asked for your account details to over the counter deposit by 12:30 onwards.

Please reply with this info asap.

Miss Elnuevoella/Shiela

Sure thank you.

I am also getting a transcript of the events that happened during delivery to your house
(from the warehouse people/driver, my SIL and the maid)
Since you have posted yours, will post mine as well later on once I gather all info because from what I have known, all is documented.

Thanks for the post above, I have even invited spreeists who joined me to refer on this thread so next time, expectations will be manage in future.

Thank you.


Kindly take note of my request posted earlier to investigate what went wrong with the despatch last Friday and to provide me a VALID tracking number by tomorrow. Otherwise, pls refund me.
I would like to say that despite repeated requests for $248 for pediped spree, my money is still not refunded even though xoxo_samantha said ahe would by 10pm today. I will share my police report case number here so that anyone who needs to can quote my case number to the police. Anyone can pm me to learn more about my case.

it's been the most hideous and fruitless day of correspondence with her. Granted that she replies promptly to the issue but her replies just doesn't solve the problem and made it even more murky

In short this is what I replied at 1650 today

Look I think I have been fully civilised from start to end. I have a tracking number with no proof that my address is attached to it. I have one more tracking number which from the beginning has been unregistered till now. And I have a day full of correspondence with you which yields me little comfort other than finally having the first tracking number BUT without my address. you have full confidence the shoes are there and I have absolutely no confidence my shoes are there. You said you will liaise with them over the unregistered number and the other registered number without my address tomorrow. I am choosing to back out of this absolutely complicated affair and you can just sell those shoes.I paid promptly on all accounts and been extremely civilised. You can liaise with them on returning those shoes to you and go ahead to sell them. Refund $248 to posb savings 245-03718-0 NOw

I gave her till 830 she said she will be home 1/2 hr after 9pm and asked someone to refund for her at 830pm but I receive no reference number and she will refund at home and now at 1120pm I received an email saying the refund is in process and also this

Kindly refer on terms, my acct is joint (passbook) thus earlier when you pressured for refund, I have to ask some people to do the I-banking transfer for you as you may think that going to CAM on a sunday is convenient, thus informed you the funds will come in your account.

suddenly 3 hours after my dateline all this about difficulty in refunding came in. This is on top of her word games with me

Did i say im nt refunding u?

No point saying if u will or u wont. Just refund it now posb savings 245-03718-0.

I honestly do not trust this person's words anymore. Just refund me my money NOW!
Just want to actually at least defend my self on this case.


Your items I have all day tracked and traced and yet end of the day, you said you are infuriated.

This is my reply to you on the other thread,

Sure, we've got it all covered on the email /sms.

Repeated request - yes but did I reiterate on the delivery, how to refund when your items are out to be delivered to you.

I am not the owner of the courier company to make it all work in my way. But did I made a long way of making sure all items dispatched to respective spreeists not only yours.

You were the one who actually refused to received items today and PRESSURED refund as taqbin failed to deliver your items today.

I think by right, I should be also given the case number because I am the accused regardless of valid documentation.

"This is on top of her word games with me

Did i say im nt refunding u?" - Sorry I felt strongly bullied by you. And never will I take out on the $$ as well.
Earlier, did I not asked you to wait on the delivery because I have confidence on delivery of your ordered items? But you refused. Just refused.
You can summarize the amounts of $$ involved on corresponding sprees of mine.

To add in, I think you confirmed on receiving the initial transfer done to you.
I smsed u when I received a sum of $48 at 830pm when my refund should be $248 and u gave me no reference number nor did you tell me that you or your friend as you claimed refunded me a $48 out of $248. What am I supposed to do or feel or think after a whole day of going back and forth? It feels like I am being taken for a ride.

I asked u since 430pm that I want my money back n you agreed... it's been 8 hours and now only $48 is in... what is this?

Upon purchasing I paid promptly second payment also prompt and the TWO tracking tracking number fiasco upon which, one is still unregistered

So now with$48 in with the remaining $200 not seen you want to play the victim card? I didnt refuse to receive my items today... my supposed tracking number is not even registered to deliver today! I sat at home all day waiting!

U sent me a pic of the tracking num with no address seen and another tracking number as yet unregistered since friday for the delivery of 4 pairs of shoes from pediped. I know not till now why I have 2 numbers for the same shipment but since u claim u follow the Company allocated size for packing I shall not argue anymore. Though I have had packages half the size of a man from them and no issues at all...

So yes at 830pm I got $48 with no ref num and no confirmation that u refunded the $48 to me and now where is my $200? I will be reporting first thing tmr morning if I still dont get it and y I didnt report at 9pm tonight as conveyed to u was coz I tried to understand and give
way since u said u need half an hour home n so forth and now it's 0028 and u can type here n type there but just not refund my balance back

If still not in by the time I report tmr morning, I need not give u the case number the IO will contact you.

Look all I wanted was 4 pairs of shoes for my daughter. I had to jump through hoops with u and with absolutely no faith in u now all I want is my hard earned $248 back while u sell the shoes... I am still jumping through hoops with $48 back as a 'reward'... it just doesnt make sense anymore

Just pay me back

I never wish to sound or play as victim as you have posted above.

All I can say is - sure I am agreeable on the refund on basis that you SEE the parcel come your house, with your address on it, and items on it.

As for the "unregistered", I will get a confirmation on this from the location where it was dispatched initially.

Once I see that you cancel it as per taqbin tracking, then transaction is considered void. Even retail shops has this terms when buyer is not happy with a purchase, they can always return it back. In my case, the items are out on its way to you, and as per taqbin yesterday, given a tracking number, one can always received it.

I thought when you say, you wanted to received the shoes, but during mid afternoon you asked for me to refund even so it was on its way to you.
I did my part on following up with taqbin, if they never came in time for you, please see original waybill attached on the parcel.

Understand that you will be making a police report. It is in your discretion.

$48 refund was a fact that I am open on the refund terms, but then again, on this side, where items dispatched and tracking is given to you, should it be that you see the items yourself before judging and accusing me. I don't made up excuses on refunding you I have answered you in all honesty.

Just last night, before I asked somebody to I-bank to you, I thought refunding you would only give you the assumption that items were not sent to you or your intended home address, again, it is up to you. Once they deliver for you to see, accept or refuse and return to sender (ME).
All I want is you to see the packed parcel.

Based from tracking, delivery to you is this morning.

Once I confirm either way (you accept or refuse) I shall proceed on the refund by afternoon.
For goodness sake I dont know what jollies you get for playing with words and making things difficult for people.
U claim now that I OMITTED RELEVANT info

My stand is clear already and now u email me this


I never wish to sound or play as victim as you have posted above.

All I can say is - sure I am agreeable on the refund on basis that you SEE the parcel come your house, with your address on it, and items on it.

As for the "unregistered", I will get a confirmation on this from the location where it was dispatched initially.

Once I see that you cancel it as per taqbin tracking, then transaction is considered void. Even retail shops has this terms when buyer is not happy with a purchase, they can always return it back. In my case, the items are out on its way to you, and as per taqbin yesterday, given a tracking number, one can always received it.

I thought when you say, you wanted to received the shoes, but during mid afternoon you asked for me to refund even so it was on its way to you.
I did my part on following up with taqbin, if they never came in time for you, please see original waybill attached on the parcel.

Understand that you will be making a police report. It is in your discretion.

$48 refund was a fact that I am open on the refund terms, but then again, on this side, where items dispatched and tracking is given to you, should it be that you see the items yourself before judging and accusing me. I don't made up excuses on refunding you I have answered you in all its honesty.

Just last night, before I asked somebody to I-bank to you, I thought refunding you would only give you the assumption that items were not sent to you or your intended home address, again, it is up to you. Once they deliver for you to see, accept or refuse and return to sender (ME).
All I want is you to see the packed parcel.

Based from tracking, delivery to you is this morning.

Once I confirm either way (you accept or refuse) I shall proceed on the refund by afternoon

U just choose n pick what u want to say. I already wrote black n white to u that I wont want those shoes n since u are ' liaising' so much with ta q bin u Might as well take me out of the equation n tell them to get the items back to you.

Now if I am the one rejecting the shoes from ta q bin keeping in mind that only a certain num of shoes are with one tracking num and another unknown number of shoes are with an as yet unregistered number will u claim that since I reject u dont need to refund?

And am i supposed to feel mollified that I received $48???a $48 that u didnt tell me u transferred and I have to assume it's from you...
$48 to say that u are open to refund when from last night till now u didnt say that and all u kept saying was refund in process refund in process n now is refund only upon after I return the shoes
IF it reaches me

Stop with your word games
That was what I initially informed you right, to please see first the shoes and and then for your own judgement.

Again, as I said earlier, once there is confirmation on what you intend with the delivery - accept or reject - I will proceed as what I committed above.

Re: the shoes not on registered do not disappear magically, once I get confirmation on both then again, I will proceed on your refund.

Again, tracker is there, you can always call taqbin to check on delivery status.

I am not playing word games, I just answer you based on course of events and factual evidence that there are shoes out for delivery to your place.

Apologies if taqbin failed delivery yesterday and caused inconveniences to you.
The unregistered number may not mean the shoes disappeared but it doesnt mean that it will magically appear... now you want to put all liabilities on ta q bin I also dont want to argue with you...

I cant call ta q bin for an unregistered tracking number when it's your side who made this error
I received two shoes today. The hoo haa over the other two pairs of shoes with unregistered tracking number since friday turned out to be that it wasnt sent out for dispatch in the first place...
Refund money received for the two pairs that are still in the warehouse.


Comments on Good or Bad Spree Organiser

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