Sharing your views on Bad/Good Overseas Spree Organisers

u must visit more often...hahaha.. :p

actually, i think the selling price of 1 item is very much to one's individual. wat u said is very true, when u buy in high, there's no valid reason to why u should sell low esp when it's BN, unless u really wan to sell it fast for space or watever reason.

but in this spreeist case, it's pretty much obvious that the profitting is there. alth we might feel it's wrong to jerk up the price so high, but there'll still be people who will buy.

so it's like chinese saying "one is being to beat and the other one is willing to be beaten."

pooh3bear: i do leh. but i only recently started organising sprees here... i think it's like, you must be either organising spree or joining one, then you will know all the "happenings"... hahaha..

cos where i always org sprees in the past, people just pay leh. won't question de, cos we trust one another.. haha.

or sometimes in the case of ppl buying over priced items, it just happen that they don't know the "actual price".. haha..
hee hee...actually i used to join sprees, then later on, i organize sprees... so i m a spreeists and at the same time a spree organizer.. i know the agnory of one face at both situation.. there's alot of good and bad things and people going on....

ya, i agree, last time, there's alot of mutual trust amg one another... so different from now...
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">Hi Piglet74,</font></font>
First of all, I would like to apologise to you if I made you feel disappointed. You know I've joined your spree twice and I have no qualms about you nor the way you manage your spree - you even check through my orders and ask me at 1am on duplicate order.

My posting was to share with anyone here that there are various ON/GAP/BR organizers and that shipping cost is charged and reflected differently. That's all! No intention to even say who is GOOD nor BAD.

It was just my shipping cost homework to share with anyone if they may be interested (like me) on the various 15-NOV ON/GAP/BR Sprees and read up on the various organizers.
Because I had paid S$34.31 for 12 items (1970g) with Twinkle. This is much higher than the shipping cost I had with you in prior 2 ON/GAP/BR sprees and higher than Simplee's.
So I raised up after reading the postings by other ON/GAP spreeists.

Frankly, I don't know and never in my intention to make anyone upset or whatsoever. I am very Shocked and upset that you had reacted in this manner.

Sorry if I had made you upset but again I wish to reiterate that it is not my intention.

I had clarified my shipping cost with Twinkle and I will drop you an email separately on this.

Been in SgBrides/SMH since 2005 and this is the first time I'm facing such upset situation
<font color="ff0000">*** clarification on my earlier 12-Dec-1233pm posting ***</font>

I just want to clarify that I am not labelling any ON/GAP/BR organizers as good or bad. I just want to share on 15-NOV ON/GAP/BR sprees to spreeists who may be curious on the shipping cost charged by various organizers because I feel that my shipping cost is higher than what I used to pay.

I had clarified with my organizer separately. She gave me screenshots and am cleared.

Had wrote to Piglet74 to explain my message intention.

Frankly, I can just keep mumm and post my negative feedback anonymously in the spreadsheet with I didn't do so. I do recognize and appreciate the organizers' hardwork and thus spend time to write email to clarify.

That's all I've got to say because this is not the right thread to clarify myself - which I had done so separately via email.

That's all. Thanks!

<font color="ff6000">Oppsgal, sorry that I've ruined your thread.</font>
hi kerene,

I felt it is good that you bring up this.

Because of this, organizer can explain that we can not controlled high/low shipping charges due to the merchant do the packing.
And hope spree-ists more understanding about this situations.

I felt that you are one of nice mummies in here.
Hope you and piglet/twinkle are ok.

Hi kerene

apologise for my over reaction. Probably currently facing too much stress.
Thanks for yr email clarification too.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Piglet74,</font>
thanks! I'm really sorry if I've messed up your Wednesday cos I only check this thread today. I still want to spree with you if there is a chance
if you go Pioneer Mall, jio me and I treat you a cup of kopi ok?

<font color="0000ff">Jun3</font>, thanks! I'm feeling relieved now. Phew!
<font color="ff0000">Organizers in this thread</font>,
I had created a separate thread and spreadsheet so you can start doing your information sharing

I will not monitor the inputs unless required, because I don't think why spreeists should be marked good/bad - if they pay, place order; if they never pay on time, drop order (I thought).

Anyway not here to make any enemies so hope you moms will make good use of the thread and spreadsheet information.

And this thread by oppsgal will be used mainly by spreeists like me
<font color="ff0000">This spreadsheet is for BAD/GOOD OVERSEAS SPREE ORGANISERS ONLY. Please do not post in spreadsheet if you disagreed with the terms or think is “unfair”.</font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Things not to ask:</font></font>
1. who have posted the comments in the spreadsheet, as no records are shown. That is the pro and also con of the spreadsheet – anonymous for entry of records. Please do exercise your own judgement when reading the comments posted by others.
<u>Do beware of:</u> Bad organisers might post comments of themselves as "good organisers" or bad spreeists might also sabotage good organisers in spreadsheet etc.
2. for modification of spreadsheet (sorting the records or adding new information columns etc) as it is time consuming. Thank you for your understanding.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">To view:</font></font>;hl=en&amp;output=html

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">To post:</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Only selected comments made will be posted in the spreadsheet/forum to share.</font>
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Please be considerate when entering comments.</font></font>
<font color="aa00aa">Hi, Kerene:</font> <font color="000000">Thanks for the additional effort to create a separate thread for bad spreeists. At least there is proper revenue whereby organizer can be informed of certain "bad" spreeists and be mentally prepared when dealing with them.
<font color="000000">My apology should be <font color="0000ff">avenue</font> instead of <font color="0000ff">revenue</font>. </font>
sorry to have to post here, but joined a KS spree by tequilaneat in end Nov, items supposed to be 'expected 3 or 4 weeks later' and organizer went 'missing'

she stopped updating her thread
claiming that she will update status via emails, but to date have not receieved anything.

and emails sent to her a couple of days ago were not replied.

Anyone has her mobile contact or joined her sprees previously, please advise.

have also noticed that she's on the list of 'bad spree organisers'
Hi Gracelyn,

This person is opening a Kate Spade Spree as Jinyi (teeapaack) yet she has the same email address as Tenquilaneat. So is it the same person?
Jinyi ( teepaack )

Jinyi posted this on tenquilaneat tread this morning.
Posted on Friday, December 17, 2010 - 6:41 am:       
Hi, Tequilaneant last replied me on dec 14th.
<[email protected]> wrote:

Your order is in the midst of being shipped to US office. Will keep you inform on the status.
Apologies for any delay in replying as my uncle is in ICU at the moment. So in and out of the hospital.

Yet both have the same email address as evandy512@
Hi I'm a silent reader and never spreed with tequilaneat before. With ref to Lynn's post, I noticed that the posb ac number is the same too.
So weird that 'Jingyi' says 'tequilaneat' replied her when they share same email ac and posb ac. Hm.
to those affected by the "Jingyi" and "Tequilaneat", I suggest that you should email both at the same time in a same email and confront her. If a person has the same email, same bank account, then it must be the same person right? Unless she come up with some weird reason, like oh they are sisters and they share the same email and bank account, but it is still very unlikely.

will advise you to faster get back your money or at least some explanation cos years ago, i was cheated by a lady like this too
Hi, im a silent reader too.. Just got excess to this thread recently. But have been spreeing via email in SMH for almost a year now.. Ive join tequilaneat Bebe spree before. Everything was ok juz a slight delay.
But never join her Kate Spade before, always stick with Mahalia cos she is the best =D

Hopefully mummies who join tequilaneat KS spree will get their bags.. Perhaps a delay?? But that does not explain why she is opening another spree using diff nick...??
Hmm, I also noticed the same name (Jingyi) when she posted in her thread this morning but they have joined different dates so I thought its different person.

I joined her KS spree and emailed her for the update and she replied. But I am wondering why the updates are not done in the thread which will save everyone's time to separately email and she has to answer individually. An explanation from her would help people from speculating.

If a table is provided to update everyone, that will be easier.

Hope the delays in her replying is due to some urgent personal matters.
to comment on that.. i personally don't update details on the site as well. i do my updates all through emails.

reason being : privacy.. imagine you join VS spree then you buy all sort of bras or whatever kinky stuff you can think of, i doubt anyone will want the whole world to see their loots right... hahaha..

that's why my sprees are all updated through emails and the spreadsheets are attached there. plus. we don't have to individually email ar. can mass email de, hahaha..
Hi hi,
I've never joined "Jinyi ( teepaack )" nor "Tenquilaneat".

But I'm sure there are users with > 1 userID may be due to
- initial ID was banned so user created 1 more while Mods lift the ban on initial ID after justification
- each ID for different purpose?

But many thanks for sharing all these information! It makes me more knowledgeable on what to check when it comes to cyber-sprees
Hi <font color="ff0000">oppsgal</font>,
Possible to add the email contact and Bank Account details in your form/spreadsheet?

It will be good to act as another checkpoint cos we never know which ID may be used.
Imagine there are so many highlights on "maybemummy", she can just create a new email account and 'migrate' her previous distribution list to do start her email sprees.

So having the account details/Paypal is another good reference for spreeists ... just a suggestion
yes, agree that the nature of your spree might not be appropriate to update status via thread. But for KS spree, there is nothing to 'hide' and its cumbersome for buyers to email organiser separately and asking for status from time to time.

Buyers prefer organisers who are prompt in their reply and give frequent updates. E.g in this instance when organiser took a while to reply emails (which I'm sure she has a lot of emails asking for updates for various batches) and buyers are guessing what has happened to her.
<font color="000000">I think there is a service annoucement at Vpost which says <font color="0000ff">We are experiencing problem placing orders with the merchant - Kate Spade - Kindly do not submit Vconcierge request for Kate Spade orders before this annoucement is removed</font>. Maybe that could be the reason for delay for some of the Kate Spade spree. Hope this information helps. Thanks.
Hi mummies,

I am quite curious - are tequilaneat &amp; teepack two individuals or one? I am asking coz this teepack person is both participating and organising KS sprees?

When I click on the spreeist's name on my thread, veron_ng (teepack), I am brought to the profile of Jingyi (teepack)?

Slightly confused here...
Hi michele,
Sorry, I'm not sure if teepack or tequilaneat are the same ... never joined that spree before. Maybe other mommies here can answer this

If you go to "Edit Profile", you will have both <font color="ff0000">Username</font> and <font color="ff0000">Full Name</font> which will appear your written posting.

Example "* michele * (absolut_vodka)"
- you can change <font color="0000ff">* michele *</font>
- but never be able to change <font color="0000ff">absolut_vodka</font>

Got it?
<font color="ff0000">Thumbs UP for this thread!</font>

Happened to check out the spree threads of both Jinyi (teepaack) and Tequilaneat. I think the identity explanation had been made to the spreeists in the thread itself!
Great that this thread is checked out by many organizers and spreeists' concerns are quickly taken care of

Hi kerene,

I dun think the threads answer the question if they are the same person?
quoted as "changed her nick" then "sharing a/c"?

Posted on Friday, December 17, 2010 - 12:11 pm:       
To all mummies,

Sincerely apologies for the confusion as I have change my nick from tequilaneat to teepaack. Please kindly note that I am now sharing an account with teepaack.

I will be updating the thread once again. Sincerely apologize for any delay in reply to you all as my uncle is still in ICU at the moment so most of the time I will be down at the hospital.

The person is organizing KS sprees but yet placed order on my spree thread?
<font size="+1"><font color="000000">Hi all,

Apologize for the confusion. My name is Jingyi, previously using tequilaneat nick. Did not notice that there have been so much comments on me. Haha.

Please kindly allow me to explain the details so that it will not affect my friend reputation "tequilaneat".

I started off with hosting spree, using my friend account "tequilaneat" due to the 1 year requirement to post on overseas thread. So all the while, I am sharing an account with her.

However, recently, due to certain personal issues (unable to share), she has taken back the SMH account. So during this period, I am unable to post any updates on any of the thread as I do not have an account which is 1 year old. All I am able to do is to contact via email.

So during this period, I have seek permission from teepaack whom is willing to share her account with me based on trust.

So that is why I am re-posting using teepaack SMH account. So just to clear the confusion, "tequilaneat" is now back to the original owner and I will be using "teepaack" account from now on.

If any mummies have any further enquires, or any problem with their orders. Please feel free to contact me. Hope all mummies kindly understand the limitation faced by me as I also do not wish to change the account so often.

Jingyi (Hotmail : [email protected])
<font size="+1"><font color="000000">Just to add on to that, I am not a person with multiple account.

So just to re-assure all the mummies that I am not a scammer. I will honour all money transfer and orders or refunds.

Jingyi (Hotmail:[email protected])</font></font>
*thumbs up to jingyi*
YAY, now everyone is happy and it's a friday, "double happiness".... hahaha..

*thumbsup to oopsgal* i think your thread is becoming "Clarification Corner" liao, good good! :D
hmmmm...I just feel that moderators shld look into this sharing of a/cs. Firstly, rule of not able to post due to age of a/c is violated.

2nd, in terms of disputes...who do we go after? Which a/c owner? The net is afterwall not transparent.
Hi Jingyi,
thanks for clarifying in this thread

Hi dalynn,
in terms of disputes, I think the bank account will be the owner cos that will be the information to provide when lodging police report if there is any MIA cases.
kerene, I guess the bank a/c can be used but just want to urge mommies to be careful. I, for one, won't be joining any sprees by someone who in the 1st place is not eligible to participate in the restricted section.

Already there are those who are eligible with valid own a/cs can cause problems

Also, those mommies who are willing to share your a/c &amp; be careful. This is not a gd practise in the cyberworld.
Actually, I am confused. Meaning to say that there are actually 3 persons involved?

1. tequilaneat - Member more than 1 yr
2. teepaack - Member more than 1 yr
3. Jingyi - New member less than 1 yr

Jingyi is actually the spree organiser using tequilaneat's nick to post.

Then something happened. Tequilaneat took back her account.

Jingyi now borrowed Teepaack's account? Is this correct?

If you cant post, it meant you should not be organising spree. This is the Rules and Regulations posted by Mod here.
<font color="000000">I agree with mummy dalynn that sharing of accounts is not encourage as it will cause confusion between spree/BP organiser and spreeist.

For myself, sometime I may not notice the similarity in the bank account information until problems have arised. I mean why should I be joining a spree with a mindset that something "bad" is going to happen. If I have such mentality then I shouldn't be in this cyberworld.

In this instance, if mummy Jingyi has not come in to clarify on the sharing of accounts, by just reading at the posting prior to her clarification, I thought she, together with mummy tequilaneat and mummy teepaack are creating separate accounts to create the impression of false competitions i.e. like that of Sim Lim Square, different shops selling similar PC and pheriperals but actually operate by only one boss. Hahaha.... The side effect of watching too much Hong Kong TVB serial

Though this thread is meant for highlighting bad/good spree organiser but because of its high viewership, other critical issues have been using this thread to create visibility and awareness and that has benefits all spreeists and spree organisers.
I guess it's not easy or technically feasible for mod to monitor sharing of acc.

It's up to mummies who are willing to share n expose ur passwd to others to be more careful. Don't be a victim of cyber identity theft.
wah, today so "happening".... was out whole day... just came online to check out the updates...

i really dun think the sharing of acct is a good idea... it's very confusing and if anything goes wrong, it's difficult to say who is the culprit....

quite sensitive also..
Yeah i totally agree it's not wise to share accounts.
I think things should be kept simple. Join sprees or
organise sprees only when you're allowed to post in the
thread. I mean, seriously, what's the big deal with having to
wait for a year before you can gain excess?

I miss spreeing for the purpose of simply splitting shipping cost.
It's getting too ridiculous with calculative beings around.
Hi michele,

Apologies as I just shared the account with teepaack recently. So if the KS order was placed through you a few days or weeks back. Then it must be the original owner. Actually, teepaack also placed her KS order through me last time.

That how I know her and she trust me course she has spree with me before.

<font color="0000ff">Hi all mummies,

Just to assure all mummies in SMH. Since I am using the account "teepaack". I will ensure to take all responsibilities on my side for all the sprees that I hold under her SMH account.

My contacts and bank account are on the thread. So I believe there is no reason for such worries about sharing account or running away with the money.

Neither do I wish to create false competitions as all threads previously under "tequilaneat" was being halted or closed. So there is no 2-sided competition as what bubuchan (nurnurnini) suggested.

Anyway Happy Holidays to all.

Just to share some good news. My uncle has been transferred out of ICU. Seriously, not a good place to be in. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Hi mummy Jingyi: </font> <font color="000000">Glad to hear that your uncle is out of ICU.

The reason why I have pointed out such "conspiracy theory" is I have personally experienced such situation in another forum, different persons with different accounts, selling items of similar nature (with certain price variation) and upon queries by some buyers (after sometime into their business) turns out to be sibilings. In such situation, no matter how you compare to get the best rates/offers, it still end up in the same family's pocket.

It all depends whether your fellow (existing or potential) spreeists having read your clarification after browsing this thread is still comfortable spreeing with you. If they are, they will still spree with you.

However, that will mean that your original SMH account (not that one that you are sharing with mummy teepaack now) may not be active enough to gain access right to the SMH restricted marketplace. Like mummy tequilaneat who has exercised her rights to revoke your use of her account, mummy teepaack may also do the same to you some other day, thereafter what happen? And when the actual mummy teepaack after obtaining the "ownership" of her account back from you, start posting in other sprees, that particular spree organiser will be confuse who is locking the order with her......

I hope you understand where I am coming from, sharing of accounts does have long term implication but most importantly you are still at the "mercy" of the original account holders as they have every right to take back their account ownership from you at any point in time.
Jingyi...just wondering why do u insist on organizing sprees when u are nt allowed to? There are other eligible spree orgnz dd KS spree.

I just feel that u r opening a can of worms... Setting the trend of ineligible users orgnz sprees, violating the rules. In the end will make the oversea spree thread more complicated if issues arises.and who knows mod may react by imposing stiffer rules affecting those who genuinely have been following the rules.
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but just read ur ks n Armani thread. U r placing orders with another website not actually via the actual official website?

So it's kind like u r acting as middle person between the actual organizer n mummies here?
I have the same thoughts as you too.

In her thread, Teepaack posted to say Tequilaneant replied her.
<font color="ff0000">Is this the actual owner, Teepaack, replying or is it actually Jingyi herself posting??</font>

No clarification was made till Gracelynn posted an enquiry here.

And Jingyi mentioned that Teepaack was actually her spreeist who trusted her...
Hi Trapped,

As explained. tequilaneat is back to its original owner. So she is out of the picture.
Currently, I am using teepaack account - Jingyi. Actual owner, Veron is one of my friend that I knew her as a spree shopper initially.

Hi dalynn (dalynn),

I find your comments unfair.

Allow me to explain,
First, stating the source ( that I purchase from is to clarify how I do my spree to be more open.

Second, its true that I am acting as a middle man. However, those AX spree like slepyvon is also ordering from
So is that classified as a middle man as well since slepyvon is not purchasing from AX directly ?

Moreover, ordering through charges a 5% service of all AX orders that require mummy to pay and processing time take 3 days before confirmation.
For, I do not have to pay the 5% service fee and I can get the order placed within 1-2 days.
So logical thinking applies.

Third, if there is any unethical practise that I have made or doubts about the authenticity of the items?
I would have received lots of complains regarding my spree.
Rather than complaining over my usage of the SMH account.
For your info, I have coducted over 30+ AX spree and 16 KS spree. So should have at least 50 over mummies to look at the items that they have brought.


Jingyi (teepaack)

Dont think u answer my question that when <font color="0000ff">Teepaack</font> posted to say <font color="119911">Tequilaneant</font> replied her, who is the real person posting that statement.. Is ok if u dont know, just curious.

Anyway, and CGW is abit different. Spreeorganiser organised for everyone, consolidate shipping for all merchants to save shipping charges. It works like spree organisers!

CGW ordered on your behalf for ur order only. No consolidation of orders.. They dont gather orders from various merchant to ship together.

Correct? But in SMH, I thought we are not allowed to order via third party website?

Er.. if you cant post, it means u r not eligbile to organise spree. What motivate you to INSIST of doing that even after Tequilaneant took back her account?
