Sharing your views on Bad/Good Overseas Spree Organisers

Hi Trapped,

Think this debate is useless and not getting anywhere. Since we are looking at it from different perspective.

As long as spreeorganizer can provide the similiar service as CGW and at a much better rate and faster. I believe I can do my maths and got the freedom to choose the company which I buy from. Neither am I doing any promotion for any 3rd party company but just highlighting how I order from.

Anyway, I shall not comment any further. If you feel that I am not eligbile. Feel free to write in to the mods.

Thanks and happy holiday

<font color="ff0000">Advise to displeased people who "demand" their comments to be posted in spreadsheet but comments have been removed with NO notice given:</font>
1. ask moderator to set up a system too, see if moderator can help:
2. Post with your own forum nick OR nicks in this forum, if cannot post here, do post in other threads
3. Create your own spreadsheet and have your own rules
4. <font color="ff0000">DO NOT “SPAM” THE SPREADSHEET or mis-use spreadsheet</font>
5. Do not view or post if think spreadsheet is unfair

<font color="ff0000">This spreadsheet is for BAD/GOOD OVERSEAS SPREE ORGANISERS ONLY. Please <u> do not post in spreadsheet </u> if you disagreed with the terms or think is “unfair”.</font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1"> Things not to ask:</font></font>
1. who have posted the comments in the spreadsheet, as no records are shown. That is the pro and also con of the spreadsheet – anonymous for entry of records. Please do exercise your own judgement when reading the comments posted by others.
<u>Do beware of:</u> Bad organisers might post comments of themselves as "good organisers" or bad spreeists might also sabotage good organisers in spreadsheet etc.
2. for modification of spreadsheet (sorting the records or adding new information columns etc) as it is time consuming. Thank you for your understanding.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">To view:</font></font>;hl=en&amp;output=html

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<font color="0000ff">Only selected comments made will be posted in the spreadsheet/forum to share.</font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Please be considerate when entering comments.</font></font>

Thank you for sharing your comments/views on spree organisers. Hopefully a rating system will be created soon by moderator...
For the bank account and personal details (email address, home address), best is create a own spreadsheet. Don't feel very comfortable about putting such personal details in spreadsheet. Plus if the bad organisers want to create a new bank account, email account, they can also do so, hard to track.

I think I would go after the spree organiser whose bank account number is used for transferring funds to. Got black and white. To me, if the spree organiser got a lot of comments under "bad", I would choose not to join, unless have joined that particular organiser before.
I started off with hosting spree, using my friend account "tequilaneat" due to the 1 year requirement to post on overseas thread. So all the while, I am sharing an account with her.

<font color="0000ff">I think this highlighted a very serious problem in the spree section. If anyone can "borrow" account from another organizer, then how do we know who we can trust ?

I think that in most forums, it is not allowed to "share" accounts, all those who share will have them accounts suspended.

In the internet, do not trust anyone so easily. </font>
<font color="ff0000">Jingyi (teepaack)or tequilaneat or whoever you are..</font>

Debate? No, why? Jus an intregrity issue...

You mentioned much better rate.. but this is not passed to your spreeists...
sorry, I also find this jingyi (teepack) very suspicious... if it means that she is ordering from me, then directly reselling to another person. I'm sorry I won't tolerate it.

This is your reply to me; veron_ng (teepack) or jingyi (teepack)... you said that tequilaneat and veron_ng and jingyi are three different individuals? But your reply below says otherwise (you said you loaned your a/c to tequilaneat and not jingyi?). There are just too many loopholes in your stories.

Hi Michele, Just to clarify, I'm veron (teepaack) who placed order from u cause ur exchange rate is lower compared to Tequilaneat (after I placed 3x orders). It was after my last reply to u that I loan my acc to Tequilaneat. She is by far, responsive and refunded me promptly. U can read thru her spree thread and u'll realised that I originally placed ordered for 2x bags from her then I drop 1x to order from u as 1x item is offering at 15% off and the other item thru u was on 25% off. The post that I posted to clarify Tequilaneat is still responding emails, is merely a helping hand. So I did not expected the confusion caused really. Look at it this way, y would the same person place order and organize another of same spree? That person is definitely CRAZY!! Lol, My main intention is just to enjoy the BEST bargain price.

i think its very sad that spree organisers are being exploited by spreeists to make money. we go through all the effort to get your the goods that you want at cheap prices, only for you gals to turn around and make quick (EASY!) bucks! Maybe the mods should completely close off this section and move all the sprees under Bulk Purchase so that we can be compensated for all the time and effort that we put in!
Haiz, its actually very sad that we spree organisers spent our time and effort to organise a spree and in the end, they sell those loots for a higher price. How can we stop them? When we only know after they collect their item??? Sigh!
wow.. complicated. how about... we ask
teepack, jingyi and the 3rd party for their IC number... this one cannot lie.. and we match them up..

If she really can weave so many lies to cover up her first lie.. then there must be more to it mah.

agrees to glad. ya lor. and people are accusing that we as spree org are the one profiting?!

We do not have the right to ask people for IC. We are not police.

Similar to Maybemummy's case, just need to be careful loh...
this is human nature, they get sth, they think they can just boom up the price and get buyers.. sad to say, some people (like me initially) dun do market price research to buy, i see i just buy... after few occasion, i found cheaper alt pricing for the same product, my heart pained at the price i paid...

as spree organizers, we cant stop people from buying at a spree price and then sell their loots at a higher price, coz it's their freedom, unless we know who are the ones tat does this kind of thing and we stop them frm joining our sprees. let those people create their own sprees and know the hard work of doing one.. maybe they will appreciate more and realise tat it's so wrong to ride on pple like tat.
trapped, mods are able to ask, because they are allowed to release such information since they are the enforcer of this forum... although i don't know what are the exact implications?

in the past when i was participating in spree communities, that was what it was done. because when they sign up, there is a disclaimer that in the event of suspected fraud or reasonable scenario, they are allowed to release sensitive information one.

not sure is it same here?

hahaha pooh3bear, the way you explain it, makes me laugh.. in a good way
I'm glad some mummies see the seriousness of sharing of a/cs. I don't see the reason why there shld be rejoice when Jingyi came fwd to explain herself. We shld be alarm instead of rejoicing.

It has caused confusion as per *michele*'s. Who is who when organizing or buying in the forum.

1. She has violated rules of the forum and didn't see anything wrong with it. Making a joke out of the mods I feel.

2. She didn't explain upfront on sharing of a/cs only after some mummies become suspicious n posed questions then she explain in the thread. That means all her spreeist are not aware she is not actually Tequilaneat or Teepack.

3. Understand that Tequilaneat(the original) has organized some sprees before and received gd feedback in the spreadsheet. By borrowing Tequilaneat a/c, it's like riding on the gd organizer feedback of Tequilaneat when Jingyi herself has no prior track record yet.

4. As for CWG vs, I may be wrong but I belieev CWG is a corporate e-commerce company with partnetship with banks like OCBC etc. They provide purchasing serv &amp; will charge when the items are purchased. So, spreer's $ is at risk only at spree organizer. on the other hand is set up by a couple of local guys who loves to spree. They may eventually use CWG, concierge svc etc like our own forum's organizer. Jingyi, wld thus, have to trf $ to these guys before spree has to go thru. Hence, risk of spreer's $ is both at Jingyi &amp; spreeorganizer. Quote from Jinyi's AX thread:
Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2010 - 2:06 pm: Edit Post Delete Post Print Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
Hi Mummies,

Sorry for the radio silence. The person in-charged of is currently on reservist. He is unable to check anything for us at the moment. He mentioned that he will be back this weekend to sort out the packages for us. As for the refund, reassure that I will do the refund to you once refund me.

Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2010 - 8:50 pm: Edit Post Delete Post Print Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
hi clara,

i seek your understanding... i am helpless as well. I am chasing already. I had also ordered a few of my own items from them. I hope the person in-charged could get it settled by end of this week.

Once they get back to me. I will sure get back to you k...

Really sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Please bare with me for the moment. Will keep everyone inform once he had sort the items out.

Thanks so much for your patience.

Sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused.

Not trying to disrupt Jinygi's spree biz...but I find nowadays the forum has become more complicated. I was away for sometime &amp; when I come back realised that regular can-be-trusted spree orgn has reduced their sprees. More new organisers coming up... &amp; one of them is this Teepack/Jingyi/Tequilaneat. to spree like that?
Now thatdalynn had mentioned that, I was thinking, if she can take the orders and order through, then what for should the spreeist join her? they might as well join spreeorganizer directly?
unless she has commissions or discount from that place?
Hi dalynn,
I don't wish to put any personal opinion here about Jinyi/Veron/Tequilaneat cos I've accidentally upset an organizer that I liked with my personal views.

Btw, I had raised and highlighted the 'to-date' SMH environment and there are many appeals to Mods previously. Nothing was done by Mods.
I believe this is also the reason why things are somehow evolved to current state because there is lack of control by the Mods - probably due to shortage manpower to manage high traffic volume.

I hope ... if making a joke out of this whole series of events can alert the Mods, why not? Rather than 1 mommy highlighted and then whole thing died down cos Mods didn't follow up. If you read the other threads in highlighting to Mods, there are many occasions whereby mommy highlights (>2 times) and no action by Mods.
Maybe Mods have other higher priorities to handle instead of such cases.

I don't know the reason why mods took a long time to grant access to the restricted areas.

For those trying to sell or buy, there are other forums or portal like ebay etc. And if they do send email or pm to spree orgn to buy, it's up to spree orgn to accept. Afterall, the spreer is releasing their $ at their own risk.

But to gain access via back door to sell for profit or to conduct spree...hmmmm. The risk is greater on unknowing spreer's $, esp if org conduct spree for exp items like Coach/KS &amp; in many batches.

Ah well, it's up to mommies to once again be extra careful lor.
Deleted from spreadsheet:
had posted earlier on but didnt see it appear on spreasheet, so reposting. thought it might be my computer's error. joined celiaa's f21 spree and am very happy with her prompt updates via emails. she is also very friendly and allowed me to self collect at her void deck as i was taking care of bb... will join her again.

To the person who wrote the above message:

Sorry for the delay, as have to update the spreadsheet info shared by others manually. Thanks.
<font color="ff0000">Advise to displeased people who "demand" their comments to be posted in spreadsheet but comments have been removed with NO notice given:</font>
1. ask moderator to set up a system too, see if moderator can help:
2. Post with your own forum nick OR nicks in this forum, if cannot post here, do post in other threads
3. Create your own spreadsheet and have your own rules
4. <font color="ff0000">DO NOT “SPAM” THE SPREADSHEET or mis-use spreadsheet</font>
5. Do not view or post if think spreadsheet is unfair

<font color="ff0000">This spreadsheet is for BAD/GOOD OVERSEAS SPREE ORGANISERS ONLY. Please <u> do not post in spreadsheet </u> if you disagreed with the terms or think is “unfair”.</font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1"> Things not to ask:</font></font>
1. who have posted the comments in the spreadsheet, as no records are shown. That is the pro and also con of the spreadsheet – anonymous for entry of records. Please do exercise your own judgement when reading the comments posted by others.
<u>Do beware of:</u> Bad organisers might post comments of themselves as "good organisers" or bad spreeists might also sabotage good organisers in spreadsheet etc.
2. for modification of spreadsheet (sorting the records or adding new information columns etc) as it is time consuming. Thank you for your understanding.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">To view:</font></font>;hl=en&amp;output=html

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<font color="0000ff">Only selected comments made will be posted in the spreadsheet/forum to share.</font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Please be considerate when entering comments.</font></font>

Thank you for sharing your comments/views on spree organisers. Hopefully a rating system will be created soon by moderator...

<font size="+1">Finding yokiestar</font>

sorrie to interrupt the thread. Need to find a spreeist nickname : yokiestar.

Anyone who know the spreeist or spreeist herself can contact me at [email protected] for the collection of the items.

The spreeist has not been contacted me since the order.

Beforehand, do let me know the date of your posb transaction to me so that i can verify that you are correct owner. thanks
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1"><blink>Merry Xmas &amp;</blink></font></font>

<font color="119911"><font size="+1"><blink>Happy New Year Everyone!</blink></font></font>
<font size="+1"><font color="119911">M<font color="ff0000">e</font>r<font color="ff0000">r</font>y <font color="ff0000">C</font>h<font color="ff0000">r</font>i<font color="ff0000">s</font>t<font color="ff0000">m</font>a<font color="ff0000">s</font>~</font></font>

Holiday mood ... brain not functioning well
hello all..
finally its xmas eve!

just a thought.
what do you think of spree organisers who charge handling charges, let's say for sprees that require alot of coordination with concierge etc? or those merchants known to give alot of trouble like wrong items/rejected payments etc?
As a spreeist, when I buy stuff via singaporemotherhood, I'm always hoping it will be a happy experience. After all, most of the time, it's just us mothers who are helping each other out right?

I had my hb try to collect some clothes from a spree organiser's friend/relative during lunch time. Prior to the meetup, telephone numbers were exchange. As we all can appreciate, lunch time is only 1 hour, and the fact that it's the husband who's collecting, let's all try to be considerate and on time.

5 minutes passed, no sound no picture. Husband calls me. I called the spree org's proxy, she says she needs another 10-15 minutes more. 25 minutes passed, still no sound no picture. I call the proxy again, and she tells me another mother is late so she is kept waiting. No apology nothing.

My hb is obviously annoyed and he has to rush home to wait for the hob/hood people to come by and do some repairs. So, he's not going to continue waiting. I tell the proxy and she was not pleased. Obviously, this means she has to make another effort to pass stuff which has nothing to do with her.

We arrange another meetup the next day.

The next day comes, and I tell the proxy, my hb will be there sharp. Please be on time. She goes "*big sigh.. fine, I'll go down 5 minutes earlier."

Har? No need to cut your nose short for me. I'm just asking for punctuality.

When they do meet, my hb told me, she was really rude. "O, you checkered shirt. Nah." then she left.

I'm like what's with the attitude?

I know it's not her fault that the other mother was late. The least she could do was CALL! No one likes to be kept waiting indefinitely. And, if she's so buay song running this errand for the spree org, then just don't do it la.

dunno who wrong who..
but maybe the organizer late because of waiting the other mummies, or ties up with last minute job. And she left earlier maybe she must chase another appointment that she already late? not sure also hoh..

but sometimes spreeists also late on the appointment.. some because of the trafic jam, or caught in last minute by the job, etc.. not sure..

just be patience lor... hehehe

(*make love not war... hehehehe.. over here we make friend not enemy.. hehehehe)

but you can option courier if you din like the meeting up.


i like this:
(*make love not war... hehehehe.. over here we make friend not enemy.. hehehehe)

meeting up is always in this kind of situation, it's either u wait for them or they wait for u... no choice, can be late due to many unforseen circumstances...

so i always promote courier, is better and faster, same day can receive liao, now courier also not very expansive, slightly $2-$4 more than reg post that needs 3 days for delivery...
Courier is much cheaper now. Only $4.90, depends on what courier service, sometimes even cheaper compared to registered mail. Courier is good, no need to waste time and energy to travel for meet up.
i had an organiser who issued me a cash cheque for a refund for a couple of $$$.
expected me to go on all the way to the bank and queue up just to cash tat Cheque!!!!
<font color="aa00aa">Hi, Keyan:</font> <font color="000000">Why must a cash cheque be issued when refund can be done via internet banking or ATM tranfer?
Ya lor.. Use the gmarket taqbin promo online now $4.90 but u call taqbin hotline is $6...

I hope the promo dun end too early..
actually this incident happened a few yrs back...but tat organiser is still active. i ordered 2 items and 1 item went oos.. as i opted for normal mail and the cash cheque was sent together with the available item. (no chance to communciate to the organiser at all). in the end i didnt cash the cheque.
no becoz at tat time my boy was still a bb.. i dun live and work near tat bank at all.. and dun tink its worth gg all the way down on wkend and queue jz to bank tat cheque..
Then u should ve rejected the cash cheque. It is NOT normal for someone to give u a cheque for few dollars. I had a fair share of Good and Bad organizers... but I am happy that 95% of the sprees I joined is with the GOOD ones. Usually, I would just go in to their previous sprees and see if there is any complain from any one... but sometimes out of "kiasu-ness" and do not want to miss out on the discount, promo and the ridiculous price down... I would anyhow join new spree organizers... arrrhhh... that was when I get all the BAD organizers but sometimes the new ones can be reliable. Overall, it really ve to depend on ur luck.
I see.. I was thinking of quick cheque deposit.. Anyway, it's weird of the organizer to issue cheque as usually it will cost compare to free ib service.
Didn't know issue cheques cost anything. Some banks do give out free cheque books. Cash cheque is different from normal cheques?

For Cash cheque can ask someone to bank in for you? So far I haven't receive cash cheques...Another way is tell the organiser you don't accept cash cheque, then ask organiser to keep balance for you next purchase, no need refund.
oh dear .... I only just realised there is such an active thread amongst "spreeists &amp; spree organizers". My Lord ! If only i had known this thread earlier.

Merry Xmas to all &amp; Special thanks to oppsgal for the effort of the spreadsheet. Excellent job! Two thumbs up!

I have been a spreeist for a while but not very active. . . I do occasional purchases only hence didn't know this thread existed.

People, please correct me if i'm wrong. I've always had that impression that "spree organisers" are "businessmen/women". And hence I have this impression that they do make money out of our "business transactions". Hence I have never questioned spree organisers on things like exchange rate/shipping charges cos I thought that's where they earn (u know those "margin spreads"). And I don't mind them earning since i thought they are "running a business".

But i read somewhere (in one the threads here) that a spree organiser said she is organising a spree not to make money but to get an item for herself - that got me confused ? Do people go through all that hassle for zero token of appreciation? ie no profit?

I join spree cos i thought these businessmen/women (no matter how much they earn from us) will still be selling things cheaper than if we get it from outside since they do not need to pay shop rental , utilities etc. Is my understanding correct? Can someone enlighten me?

I'm shocked that nowadays there're "not so reliable" overseas sprees. I started off joining Bulk Purchases but discovered many are selling fakes &amp; are cheats etc... hence i "moved over" to overseas sprees cos I thought overseas spree organisers more "reliable". Looks like I am wrong. Looks like this will become yet another bulk purchase place.

But really, Thanks for this... I will now walk in with EYES WIDE OPEN ;p
<font color="aa00aa">Hi, DTJ:</font> <font color="000000">Most spree organisers organises spree for the purposes of consolidation through sharing of shipping charges as well as leveraging on certain discount code/promotion so that the best deal can be transcend to all the spreeists and usually they do purchase their own items in the same spree. Sometime it is to hit certain MOQ so as to entitle for free domestic shipping (within the country of origin of the item).

As for motivation to organise a spree, most mummies here organised sprees not for the purpose of making the extra bucks but rather to minimise the cost incurred to get certain items that they want through sharing of costs (although spree organisers are unable to control the shipping charge incurred as that will depend on the types of packaging the merchant/supplier used. )

As for reliability issues, it really depends on the integrity of the organiser (be in BP/spree). Not all the items featured in BPs are fake etc. Not all the overseas spree organisers are unreliable. It takes time to build up a certain trust between organisers and buyers/spreeists.

Some of the differences between BP and Oversea Spree. BP has certain running costs i.e. S$25 for a period of 7 days but that does not apply for overseas spree. However, access right to overseas spree are also controlled by the moderators.

Also, BP organisers needs to surrender their NRIC to the moderators the 1st time they organise a BP, that does not apply for spree organisers. Suppose if you lodge a police report against a certain BP organiser, moderators can step in to help by furnishing information of the BP organiser to the police. In a way, BP organisers are being scrutinise by the moderators.
Hi All, Morning !!!!

Why does the spree organizer have to charge a handling fee for self collection @ her convenience???

Anyone have any views on this?
Wow! Everyone is so active in this thread. Actually, I do understand the problems with meeting up. There will be people who are bound to be late. I'm just asking for abit of meeting up ettiquette, give a call if you're going to be late. It's basic courtesy.

Even though my hb was kept waiting for so long, I didn't kick up a fuss. I just said, ok, we'll meet next day, no worries. So, why need to give me/my hb attitude because it is not my fault you were late. That's all. Also agree, next time, will definitely do a Ta-Q-Bin!
i totally agreed on your opinion.

Why we wana take thr the trouble to organizer sprees? not becoz we got too much free time on hand.. it's to get sth of our desire items and if one person is ordering themselves, then it's too taxing on sole orderer... but with other spreeists joining tog to get the items shipped back, the heavy cost is being shared out amg the others tog with you. so at least not so siong and everyone who joined enjoyed the benefit of paying a portion of the hefty shipping to ship their items back.

mab3ru (mab3ru)
spree organizers are not to charge handling fees unless it's for the packaging materials like envelopes, bubble wrap (if necessary).
hi mabel, i believe that is for me. haha.
had explained to you through my email that i charge handling fees only for spreeists who ordered through my spree lj and not through SMH (it's a mandatory thing in spree comms to pay handling fees).

For those in SMH, they only pay me handling fees out of goodwill, and i do not collect if they choose not to. it's like an "up to you" thing
The organiser do not charge anything for self collection except shipping cost. Unless if the organisers went for business trip/holiday trip to help you buy items, then usually they charge you $1 per item (but do not charge shipping). But do bring along your own paper bag if organisers say to bring one during self collection.

Always open eyes big to check on the credibility of the organisers, be it BP or overseas organisers. Most the overseas organisers do not earn anything except credit card points. However, some do earn profit by pushing their own cost of purchases to you in terms of shipping costs, at the same time earning credit card points.
Sometimes the items might end up more expensive then what is selling in Singapore due to high shipping charges on how the goods are packed during shipping or how the organisers charge the shipping cost and the exchange rate, so it is not always cheaper compared to what you can get from local.
<font color="ff0000">Advise to displeased people who "demand" their comments to be posted in spreadsheet but comments have been removed with NO notice given:</font>
1. ask moderator to set up a system too, see if moderator can help:
2. Post with your own forum nick OR nicks in this forum, if cannot post here, do post in other threads
3. Create your own spreadsheet and have your own rules
4. <font color="ff0000">DO NOT “SPAM” THE SPREADSHEET or mis-use spreadsheet</font>
5. Do not view or post if think spreadsheet is unfair

<font color="ff0000">This spreadsheet is for BAD/GOOD OVERSEAS SPREE ORGANISERS ONLY. Please <u> do not post in spreadsheet </u> if you disagreed with the terms or think is “unfair”.</font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1"> Things not to ask:</font></font>
1. who have posted the comments in the spreadsheet, as no records are shown. That is the pro and also con of the spreadsheet – anonymous for entry of records. Please do exercise your own judgement when reading the comments posted by others.
<u>Do beware of:</u> Bad organisers might post comments of themselves as "good organisers" or bad spreeists might also sabotage good organisers in spreadsheet etc.
2. for modification of spreadsheet (sorting the records or adding new information columns etc) as it is time consuming. Thank you for your understanding.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">To view:</font></font>;hl=en&amp;output=html

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">To post:</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Only selected comments made will be posted in the spreadsheet/forum to share.</font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Please be considerate when entering comments.</font></font>

Thank you for sharing your comments/views on spree organisers. Hopefully a rating system will be created soon by moderator...
Hi bubuchan,
Thanks so much for the details. It is really insightful - i now know more about sprees. Yes I agree with you that it takes time to build trust between spreeists &amp; organisers. Really thanks for making the effort.

Equally thankful to pooh3bear &amp; oppsgal too.

The credit card points insight is "refreshing" (I never thought of that... in fact, i never thought about the motivation behind spree organisers - i only know it is a lot of work &amp; hence they should be "compensated"; monetarily or not) Maybe that's why i have the "misconception" that it is just a business venture.

Really thanks for offering your insight.

Happy New Year to all
Dear 2kidsmommy (kimmies)

Is it me you are refering to?

I didnt give you attitude at all. In fact, i apologise to everyone who called me asking me why I was late. I lost my staff pass and could not go in to my office at all to collect the loots sitting in my office.

So i end up taking a cab to my director house and borrowed his staff pass. All numbers are in office. As I could not get in, how am I suppose to inform everyone that I was late?

Then after I collected all the loots and leaving the office, one mommy sms me and told me she is coming to my office. I said fine, and I had to wait for her to come then rush to the MRT to meet the rest. One mommy even kindly asked: did you find your pass? I shake my head.

As your loots are safely collected the next day, I was early I reach downstairs at 12. but still I dont understand why you come here to rant. But anyways, happy holidays.

That's why I always prefer to join back the same favorite organisers - trust is there and also to minimize risk of joining "bad" spree organisers too. I have always check back to the spreadsheet that others have shared the information on good/bad experience they have. However some information in spreadsheet shared by others might not be always true, so have to read with cautious. Some information such as being "bad organiser", might become "good organiser" have to use your own views.

I do not organize sprees and only join sprees, because husband do not want me to organise sprees.
This is also good as some spreeists can be "demanding"...some even "sabotage" good organisers.

Thanks to all the wonderful favorite organizers I have joined so far. Hope good organisers will not stop organising sprees and more good new organisers will organise sprees for the coming year.

<font color="119911"><blink><font size="+1">Happy New Year to all my favourite organizers &amp; everyone too.</font></blink></font>
Hi Qi, yes, it is you! Sorry you feel that this is ranting. After all, this thread is for people to come and air their views.

And, anyways, I'm really confused. Because you must be mistaking me with someone else. I was the one who had to meet your sister. If you recall, in your emails, you asked me to liase with your sister, not you.

Also, I never knew anything about losing of pass etc. So, any normal person who is kept waiting for half an hour of a precious lunch hour to do Christmas shopping and run errands will naturally feel annoyed.

There are always 2 sides to every story. And mine was, my hb was waiting for half an hour, no sound no picture, then next day when he collected the loot, he was annoyed because well.. he just felt you or your sister was rude.

Like I said, there's always another side to the story.. so, I guess it just didn't work out between the 2 of us (which would be the first time for me).. so.. what to do. I was annoyed. I find some place to seek solace. Now you are annoyed that I'm annoyed. I guess that's the way with sprees la. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't.

<font color="000000">Actually, good or bad is pretty relative. Just like I always think that the word fairness is relative as well, it definition varies with individuals

I believe most of the spree organisers organise spree because they have a <font color="aa00aa">PASSION</font> for it. After all, it really takes lots of effort and hardwork to effectively manage a spree. If you enjoy doing something you love, you will keep doing it, the passion motivates you.

However, if some spree organisers organise sprees because of their <font color="aa00aa">PA$$ION</font> (i.e. handling fee, additional packaging fee, credit cards points, peaks etc), then it is really up to spreeist to assess if that <font color="aa00aa">$$</font> is worth paying for it.
