Yes done the test and result is low risk and baby gender also known Did you do yours?Hi Elm,
So far it has been smooth...except for cramps that come on/off...I brought up the cramps to my gynae last week during my check-up but he did not detect any abnormality after pressing my abdominal area + ultra-scanning. Probably due to body changes I guess.
Last 2 days I had bad cramps on my left side.....reminds me of Day 1 & 2 of my menses. But the cramps will ease up whenever I stand or walk & after a warm bath.
So I supposed it's some muscles pulling due to my expanding bump. And it's on the left side becos my little one is nested on my left side....I confirmed it with my gynae during the last visit...lolx
Today the cramps have more or less subsided...phew...I wonder if this is what they call the round ligament pain?
Have you done your tests (harmony/paranoma)? Know the gender of your baby yet?
I also have pulling feel a lot, so far still bearable type. Apparently quite normal cause our uterus is expanding, as long as no bleed or not too painful type.