Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

Ya..i think its shld be better quality lor, if not who wana pay for that of amount?? heehee...

i think bobux soles are something like shoo shoo lor, if i'm not wrong...
i mean..who wana pay for that kind of amount??
Morning mommies,
Talking about shoes, I bought one pair of shoo shoo shoes for my gal but haven't let her wear yet. Somehow, I felt the sole is quite slippery, dunno whether it is really anti-slip.
hi caymom
u also bought one pair? i doubt it is anti slip...
cos my boy fell down twice while wearing it..and slip cos of water...the surface is not rough enough..
though the shoes looks nice

just my opinion
i mean for robeez shoes...cost sgd42/pair lor..quite ex..

i havent let her wear the shoo shoo yet..wait for her birthday next mth...
wkday depart fm SK MRT:
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wkend n ph
same as above + additional 1455 1615

this i got from PP pamphlet. a while back... but should still b ard there lah, the timings
caymom, I asked e cleaner e last time she was here on how to get rid of e moulds and she also suggested using bleach. Ydy she was here n she asked for bleach. She scrubbed e area immediately wif e bleach n alot of it came off already - so she said e next time she comes, she'll let e bleach soak for a while first.

Hmmm, from wat u ladies reported, I'm glad I din join in e spree to buy e shoo shoo shoes heheheh(no offence ar).
As for bb shoes, I think though comfort is important but more significantly, e shoes has gotta be 'stable' when e child is walking or Esp - learning to walk. Those soft shoes might be good to put on when they're not walking(look cute n nice), but when they're learning or already walking, we shld get them proper walking shoe -those like our track/running shoes.
I've bought some soft shoes for my girl from Mothercare n Beni Beni earlier(cos booties were made for really young infants only and I want her to wear them when we're out), I find them only good enuf for wearing not for walking.
hey wif e price u mommies are paying for those shoo shoo or whatever, u can all get good shoes frm those sports brand like Puma, Nike and they all look great too!
I saw a really nice one at Puma boutique last wkend(cost 45.90 i think) but my nieces hv bought my girl a pair of sports like shoes(from Tollyjoy) on her 1st birthday and my SIL got her a pair frm Shanghai much earlier. Maybe later, when I need to get her a bigger sized one!
Thanks. I will continue to try bleach. After a few tries with all sorts of cleaning agent, I think the mould is getting lesser. Maybe the mould has been there for too long, so became very stubborn and will take longer time to be removed.
ya! tks sweetheart...

The one I got is really nice except that they hv white chocolate inside which I pick out, too sweet for me.

Will probably go to the United Sq outlet... can shop around oso.
violet, can go the shoes 4 kidz at basement to check out the bobux and shoo shoos. selling 42 and 35 respectively. i saw the design u getting for ur ger...
ya... i saw someone posted somewhere on the prices. So ex hor... so the BP is really worth it. But dunno when will receive lor.

Btw I getting for my boy, wanted to buy for gal too but a fren told me my gal shd hv out-grown these shoes liao since she is going 4 soon.

I ordered a cooler bag fm another BP and is getting it soon. So excited.... with that cooler bag, I dun hv to worry about my BM when taking half days fm office to go shopping
4yrs old shld have out-grown these shoes liao lah...not suitable for her liao lo...

wow...cooler bag..i dun think i will need it since i've already stop BFing...heehee!
violet, heh, thot u getting for ur ger... oops... ya, v ex hor so the BP is v worth it too.
havent placed order yet so won't be so fast... hope the newer designs r nicer

me ordered clifornia bb calendula cream from another BP (sigh spend $ again!). but also much cheaper... all these BP v tempting leh. trying hard to control....
ya linda,
I a bit chong(1) dong(4) type when it comes to buying for kids, so fortunately my fren *reminded* me... so save $25.50.

hmm, the shoes... I said I got my gal to choose for my boy la 'cos I cannot decide lor.
Talk about spending $, I tot hving ML at home can save $ but end up I still sign and sign on my cards and join BP!! Better hide my credit card bill this mth, else har my ears no peace ah.
violet, sorry, me blur (as usual)... no wonder i had impression it's for ur ger.
tempted to join those gap, gymboree, old navy sprees but thot, haiyah, clothes will outgrow easily. might as well select carefully wat to buy.
hahaha...oops...i joined old navy n gymboree sprees also!

know clothes will outgrow easily but cant control myself leh...when i saw those pretty pretty clothes online, really feel like owning one myself.. very bad also the chong dong type one...

but ok lah..dun choose those really ex one lor..
hello all mommies
how is everyone? been so busy at work lately and thinking of taking a break

hi linda
i have joined those sprees as well and got scolded by hubby for spending so much esp they outgrown so fast.
But like you, simply cant resist the temptations hehe...
hi joleena
ya lor..hahaha...

anyway, u r thinking of taking a break?? do u mean a short trip/holiday?? how's yr combi BP getting on??
hi mummies... me too very bz at work... sianz... want to peng san leow...

there was a lunch gathering some days back at rivervale rite? when was that huh? did anyone go?

joleena, i msn u the da chang jin flash u got see or not?
hi linda
yes thinking of a break. not going anywhere. just wanna relax haha
combi BP? going on well. not as responsive as shoo shoo. but so far we have around 13 pairs.
any of your friends interested?

hi jen
yes i receive and play. very cute hehe. but in office so i play it softly and close quickly too hehe

we din meet up at all cos everyone was just so busy
hmmm ... so many BP ... really tempting ... but succumbed to it at last ... sigh ... me not working yet still buy so much.

But lucky my parents and sisters are helping me to buy stuff for my boy, esp my big sis. She's in Aust, so can get nice and cheap stuff
did any mummy go to the mattel warehouse sale?? how's it?

me gian the gymboree n old navy sprees leh. but bought so many things 4 my boy liao...
me also wanna buy jane high chair from cheong choon... $ again... argh

I was there this morning at around 9:50 and alrdy ppl queueing outside.

Got some hot wheels for my boy, got a barbie pop up playhouse and an Ello creation system for my gal

This year's scale is smaller than last years and items are lesser. I left around 11am before the queue for payment starts.

OVerall the prices are pretty ok la... quite cheap for some fisher prices stuffs and little people toys too.
but some pple posted tt FP toys almost grabbed up...
me wanna get FP toys leh. the ocean aquarium for 40 is cheap wor
ya... those mummies is really GRAB one...
Fortunately my boy got a lot of hand-me-down toys liao so I don't go for FP stuffs.

The staffs will usually replenish the stocks in the afternoon or next day but only if they have available stocks.

From the past yr's exp. FP gets wipe out the 1st day and little or no replenishments over the next few days...

You can try go look see look see? Maybe can find other stuffs that interest you?
morning ladies..

i'm also very busy week...also hoping to take a short break !

oh..talking abt the da chang jin too, had watched it, sent by my frens..realli veri funny...heehee
linda, you saw it too? hehe... v funny hor? i "use" what i learnt to sing to my gal before sleep... now every night she see the show on tv, she will go "uta... uta-ta-ta..." wahaha... and when i ignore her, she will continue say "mummy, uta... uta..." to ask me to sing... duh...
Hmm ... they really do that?

Anyway, sometimes I do see pple selling the 400g milk formula, esp Similac ... why are there so many for sale? Similac no good?
mikel, i think these ppl got samples and wanna sell them lah. wonder why they take e sample in e first place when their kid(s) dun take tt brand leh... cos alot of us who genuinely want, usually boh stock liao(from clinic) lolz...
Similac's by Abbott Lab and Abbott is deemed to be one of the top labs scientists wanna work in, so shld be not bad a prdt one but it's ex lor.
i saw the flash and it's really funny... hubby and me can't help but laugh everytiime we hear the song now...

btw ladies, there's a sales at a shop in OUB centre, 2nd floor I think, selling OKUNISHI brand.

I got 3pcs rompers for my boy at $13.90 oni. Considered quite nice design for boy, gals ones are even nicer...
If you have time, go check it out. The shop is visible once u go up the escalator.

Cloud9 on the 4th fl oso hving some discounts.
I'm rushing for time so oni look see a bit and left. So may go again some time next wk...
I used to give my boy similac but his poo is too watery, so changed to Enfalac on the advice of his PD.

Violet Blaze
No matter what brand, girls' clothing are always the nicer ones.

ya... i know... my elder one is a gal. Go into any shop sure can get something for her.

When i look at those clothes yesterday, my hands really itchy. But she has toooo many clothes liao so I control la, else hubby nag & nag again.
