Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

Ladies, I also saw Prof yesterday but in the afternoon! After that I rush to TMC to see Dr Loh. Really information overload.

The first thing I asked both doc is whether I still have chance after 3 failures. Both said OF COURSE! Lol.

My review with Prof: He will do the same protocol and dosage for my next cycle, plus a endo scratching (I request). He is very encouraging and fatherly. He said that usually there will be about 60% (out of the follies) of matured eggs retrieved, so mine 3 eggs out of 7 follies still not too bad. I ask him about Natural IVF, he don't really encourage because there is no control of the cycle and there is a high chance that we may missed the retrieval but he can still do for me if I want. I ask whether I need to do a Laparoscopy to check if anything obstructing my implantation, he said endo won't hinder implantation for IVF. He said not necessary but if I want, he can do for me.

My review with Loh: I asked him if I should do a long protocol next cycle since my short protocol only yields 3 eggs, he said my fsh is very high hence can only do short. And of cos, he ask me to take DHEA, 2x25mg per day. I asked him about Natural IVF, he said no hurry to do this and since I can produce 3 eggs maybe should do another cycle. I asked him about endo scratching, he said he can do, very simple. I asked him about Laparscopy, he has the same explanation as Prof but he still book for me a slot. Hence, I will do a Lap with him 2 weeks later. I also asked about donor eggs, he is surprised that I am even thinking about that and he said I am positive and good to open to options but we should try more cycles before going into donor eggs. He further added that a 48yo woman preg with twins via donor eggs came to consult him, he said he don't dare to take her cos she super high risk. Funny Loh.

Seeing dr Loh after more than a year, I have forgotten how crazy and funny he is. We kept laughing and joking in his room, even his nurse slap me at the back for being so funny. Anyway, I waited 2 hours to see him, got to make full use of the consultation! Lol.

hi bbblues
omg those 2 docs must be wondering how come they have same questions with different low amh girls : you machobaby and i so funny lol
yes loh is really funny at one point i thought he was mad really cause never seen a doc like him - usually they are stern serious no fun

this is so great positive news you know am happy for u - just to give you an idea to compare with my talk with wong yesterday:

yesterday wong was telling my review his words were:
"we had 4 follies ok they grew evenly am happy we got 3 eggs out of 4 am very happy we got 1 mature egg out of 3 am not happy but this only egg fertilised so 100% fertilisation rate so am happy
my conclusion is (i was holding my breath...) you go for 2nd round"
i said "what??! of course i go for 2nd ivf!! but how do i get those eggs matured"
i must say wong was surprised lol he said well " i propose to add 1 more day stim to make sure they will be mature"
i said" well maybe its afew hours only" we said together "nobody knows" sigh that s***ks
and my hb said how do we get more eggs? he said no scientific proof some people try things i said "i bought dhea" he said "yeah some try dhea growth hormones but am not in favour cause side effects blabla"
and that was it
you know he wont say we will succeed gooooo! loh is more positive i feel

sorry i dont understand what is the explanation for not doing laparoscopy? endo is not supposed to hinder implantation? and laparoscopy is not supposed to check if you have endo or not? am confused
and now he asks dhea 25*2 only?

ok anayway i already have appointement with sf loh tomorrow (so happy to npot work full time! la) :) to plan his schedule and mine! (i want to take holidays and make sure we are synchronised !:))
take care
bbcripps, crossing my fingers, crossing my toes!!!

Sunshine, BT coming monday... Im beginning to love nua-ing at home wahahaha!

There was once, karen and i were in the room waiting for dr Anu, we were both looking at the triplets! She asked me can u imagine how big the mummy's tummy?? I went nodding... Beautiful pics there, all the miracle babies :)
Bb blues seem like prof said the same things to us all. He went thru my file and explained as what you have mentioned. You have xx follies xx eggs so am happy that xx got fertilised and so on. He even said initially he was worried I may nt even get to ER stage as I started with 2 AFC and my growth was very slow. He told me abt the canadian supplement and say dhea have no proven records and as well as saizen. If I want, endo scrapping is the safest but also no proof that it helps implantation. I asked him abt the success rate in nuh for low amh he told me low amh problem is only during stim, as long we can get to the ET stage we are on par with the other ladies.
Oh yeah he said small follies may have egg too so bb blues ur previous 2 cycles even the size is small u managed to have so many eggs hor. Say big follies may nt have egg so no explanation on why some are empty. Haiz
I asked him abt the success rate in nuh for low amh he told me low amh problem is only during stim, as long we can get to the ET stage we are on par with the other ladies. Haiz

Did he really say that? Once we have our transfer our success : 28% then??
hi bbblues
omg those 2 docs must be wondering how come they have same questions with different low amh girls : you machobaby and i so funny lol
yes loh is really funny at one point i thought he was mad really cause never seen a doc like him - usually they are stern serious no fun

this is so great positive news you know am happy for u - just to give you an idea to compare with my talk with wong yesterday:

yesterday wong was telling my review his words were:
"we had 4 follies ok they grew evenly am happy we got 3 eggs out of 4 am very happy we got 1 mature egg out of 3 am not happy but this only egg fertilised so 100% fertilisation rate so am happy
my conclusion is (i was holding my breath...) you go for 2nd round"
i said "what??! of course i go for 2nd ivf!! but how do i get those eggs matured"
i must say wong was surprised lol he said well " i propose to add 1 more day stim to make sure they will be mature"
i said" well maybe its afew hours only" we said together "nobody knows" sigh that s***ks
and my hb said how do we get more eggs? he said no scientific proof some people try things i said "i bought dhea" he said "yeah some try dhea growth hormones but am not in favour cause side effects blabla"
and that was it
you know he wont say we will succeed gooooo! loh is more positive i feel

sorry i dont understand what is the explanation for not doing laparoscopy? endo is not supposed to hinder implantation? and laparoscopy is not supposed to check if you have endo or not? am confused
and now he asks dhea 25*2 only?

ok anayway i already have appointement with sf loh tomorrow (so happy to npot work full time! la) :) to plan his schedule and mine! (i want to take holidays and make sure we are synchronised !:))
take care

I did ask Prof if I should have stim for one more day to let my smaller follies to catch up as 2 of them are 14mm, he said I already have 3 big ones and quote "bird in one hand is worth two in the bush". Wa, first time hearing this term. So deep. I don't dare to ask him what he means but my hb knows. Lol.

Both drs said endo will only affect natural conception and won't affect IVF. So since you are already doing IVF, there is no need to check if you have endo. I still want to go through Lap just to have a peace of mind.

Loh said i only need 2*25mg and said 75mg are more for Caucasian. Maybe that explains.

Enjoy your consultation with Loh later. What are you asking him this time?
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Bb blues seem like prof said the same things to us all. He went thru my file and explained as what you have mentioned. You have xx follies xx eggs so am happy that xx got fertilised and so on. He even said initially he was worried I may nt even get to ER stage as I started with 2 AFC and my growth was very slow. He told me abt the canadian supplement and say dhea have no proven records and as well as saizen. If I want, endo scrapping is the safest but also no proof that it helps implantation. I asked him abt the success rate in nuh for low amh he told me low amh problem is only during stim, as long we can get to the ET stage we are on par with the other ladies.
Oh yeah he said small follies may have egg too so bb blues ur previous 2 cycles even the size is small u managed to have so many eggs hor. Say big follies may nt have egg so no explanation on why some are empty. Haiz
Think all the low amh ladies ask him the same thing. I ask him about endo scrapping. He almost burst out laughing, he must be wondering why today so many ppl ask him this. Anyway, he corrected me sternly saying is endo SCRATCHING and not endo scrapping. Lol.
So you intend to do another cycle with Prof? What did he suggest? How long will you be on saizen? He told me I can do my cycle in Dec and can put me on priority *so touched*. But when I went to CHR to check, they said dec fully booked. Very difficult. In any case, I am not doing in Dec, most likely in March and I may do with Dr Loh instead. Wa, pocket big hole again.
He almost burst out laughing, he must be wondering why today so many ppl ask him this. Anyway, he corrected me sternly saying is endo SCRATCHING and not endo scrapping. Lol.

LOL I burst out laughing also reading your post!
i myself said "i heard about endometrium scrapping or scratching not sure" he said scratching - for sure now he understands we know each other lol- my hb could not understand any words he told me how did you get all this medical vocabulary i said "dear i delivered in english and i have internet nuh buddies!" my hb asked prof what a mature egg is lol prof and i stared at him like "euh you are so out and very patiently prof explained him like talking to a kid - well it means the egg is ready you know... ready to get fertilised" lol extra lol
LOL I burst out laughing also reading your post!
i myself said "i heard about endometrium scrapping or scratching not sure" he said scratching - for sure now he understands we know each other lol- my hb could not understand any words he told me how did you get all this medical vocabulary i said "dear i delivered in english and i have internet nuh buddies!" my hb asked prof what a mature egg is lol prof and i stared at him like "euh you are so out and very patiently prof explained him like talking to a kid - well it means the egg is ready you know... ready to get fertilised" lol extra lol
Haha. Prof is really patient with his patients. Think all the ladies told him endo scrapping then when i also say endo scrapping, he cannot take it anymore and have to correct me.

Same with Dr loh, I ask him about the Lap procedure and if he use this thing called abdominal gauze to protect the womb. He also cannot take it and said that thing is called interceed! *he even repeat 3 times* He even write down big big for me to see. He said we ladies always go see internet anyhow see but don't know the proper terms. Oops.
I did ask Prof if I should have stim for one more day to let my smaller follies to catch up as 2 of them are 14mm, he said I already have 3 big ones and quote "bird in one hand is worth two in the bush". Wa, first time hearing this term. So deep. I don't dare to ask him what he means but my hb knows. Lol.

Both drs said endo will only affect natural conception and won't affect IVF. So since you are already doing IVF, there is no need to check if you have endo. I still want to go through Lap just to have a peace of mind.

Loh said i only need 2*25mg and said 75mg are more for Caucasian. Maybe that explains.

Enjoy your consultation with Loh later. What are you asking him this time?

am going to loh cause i have no work tomorrow my kid at school so free time and its more fun than going to movies:)
no just kidding because i want him to put me on pill to be sure to have my ivf with him in january (machobaby told me he leaves for christmas so do i and for CNY so i want to be in between) then i will be able to book my flights accordingly plus i want endo scratching in december plus i want saizen (except if it costs me a bomb)
Bb blues I asked endo 'scrapping' too but he didnt correct me. Maybe I am the first few these days who asked so he swollen my mistake until he cannot take it. That's y he corrected u . haha. For saizen. He said either I start 3 mths before my cycle or 2 wks before I think. Am not sure will I still be on pervogories if I m.on saizen? U knw?
gigi yes prof said low amh is low reserve since we can transfer nice embryo be it satisfactory or gd grade is consider gd as we have the same chance as other ladies. Btw. Gd or satisfactory embryos are judge by human eyes only so he asked me dont be too concern on the grade. U also interested in saizen? Did prof or loh suggest that?
Good afternoon ladies!

Gigi, nervous babe, bb blues, u 3 r hilarious la, all see prof same day n ask same questions. Good for comparing notes! Hmm seems like he's quite alright w endo scratching, maybe I should give that a try too.

Gigi wow it's definitely a sign fr God, I have not thought of Besancon for years, dunno why it suddenly entered my mind last night.

Anie, big day tomorrow, I wish u all the very best!

Miric, 2ww almost over! R u going to poas?
low amh ladies. something to consider.
i considered for a while before deciding to share this as i do not want to be accused by getting commissions etc.
please note that i am NOT saying that this works (or that it does not work) but i found this prodt while searching online and it seems like all natural herbs.
please note that i do NOT receive any commissions or whatsoever but i thought i would share what i found with fellow sisters here...
i ordered three months worth of supplies for the starter kit (since body takes 3 mths to adapt/adjust).
go google ovaboost by fairhavenhealth.
something to read about......
kopibaby no need to apologize soo much dont worry ;) what is this product about? it contains melatonin which is a strong hormone i see the rest is all classical : folic acid vitamin E coq10
i am not sure if i can mix dhea with melatonin i would prefer not to except if my doc say ok - have you alrealdy tried kopibaby??
thanks for sharing
any new thing am happy to know :)
Bb blues I asked endo 'scrapping' too but he didnt correct me. Maybe I am the first few these days who asked so he swollen my mistake until he cannot take it. That's y he corrected u . haha. For saizen. He said either I start 3 mths before my cycle or 2 wks before I think. Am not sure will I still be on pervogories if I m.on saizen? U knw?
gigi yes prof said low amh is low reserve since we can transfer nice embryo be it satisfactory or gd grade is consider gd as we have the same chance as other ladies. Btw. Gd or satisfactory embryos are judge by human eyes only so he asked me dont be too concern on the grade. U also interested in saizen? Did prof or loh suggest that?
nervous_babe, that time when I was on saizen, i also have menopur during stimming. Menopur complements the LH element and I assume pergoveris function the same as menopur hence I think you may have pergoveris plus gonal f plus saizen. If you were to take saizen 3mths then you should start early right? When you intend to start your next cycle?
Good afternoon ladies!

Gigi, nervous babe, bb blues, u 3 r hilarious la, all see prof same day n ask same questions. Good for comparing notes! Hmm seems like he's quite alright w endo scratching, maybe I should give that a try too.

Gigi wow it's definitely a sign fr God, I have not thought of Besancon for years, dunno why it suddenly entered my mind last night.

Anie, big day tomorrow, I wish u all the very best!

Miric, 2ww almost over! R u going to poas?
bbcripps, yes, you should give endo scratching a try. Prof said this is a very simple procedure, he won't charge you for the procedure but you need to pay for the equipment used which is only about $40. You can do it on you IVF cycle. I did check with the CHR nurse, she said usually patient do endo scratching on the month they start nor-e. :)
kopibaby no need to apologize soo much dont worry ;) what is this product about? it contains melatonin which is a strong hormone i see the rest is all classical : folic acid vitamin E coq10
i am not sure if i can mix dhea with melatonin i would prefer not to except if my doc say ok - have you alrealdy tried kopibaby??
thanks for sharing
any new thing am happy to know :)
gigi, check with Dr Loh on this product and see what he says.
Kopibaby, thanks for sharing.
Thanks ladies. All set for ET tomorrow. I am at peace with the 12 follicles becoming 4 eggs & 4 eggs becoming 2 fertilized embryos. I have 1 good grade and 1 satisfactory grade as per the embryologist. I will be only transferring 1 embryo since I have bicornuate uterus (double uterus), carrying one baby will carry the same risks as twins. If I put 2 and both implant, the risk of me carrying twins will be the same as carrying quadruplets! So it's ok, I will put in 1 embryo. If it doesn't work, I am all geared up for FET in Jan or fresh in Feb. Hopefully it won't be necessary and the embbie will stick stick stick! :p
anie... for sure it will stick... we all pray pray pray! while you relax relax relax!!!

Miric...All the best! Any symptoms? Usually too early ...i think.Only in Korean drama got preg and have nausea and vomiting instantly... real life so different
All the best anie!!! :D

Sunshine, i had cramps like AF coming, the wicked cramp :(
I tot so too but apparently, i heard from my acu dr who has an ivf patient wif kkh, already who just done her BT last week or thw week before already has morning sickness wor! She having twins :)
U mentioned ur boobs feel funny, how funny? Sori me just dont feel anything wif my boobs wahaha!
They felt Very tender...if you touch it sort of feels tender.
No lah everyone different.

Having twins.... yea the symptoms could be more I guess not sure
ok my symptoms if can help:
last year when i was pregnant without ivf so without even thinking about it i had big af cramps i was taking panadol for 2 days thinking af were coming then after 3 days i noticed but what the hell they are not here so i ran into a pharmacy bought extra panadol plus hpt rushed to my mil place and it was positive! i was so in shocked damned big BFP i had no boobs sore nothing then 3 days later i had a BT it was very high cant recall the figures 2 weeks after of course you know MC but i mean i had not one single symptom except AF pain
when i got my kid the day after my intercourse i told hb i was pregnant i knew it he laughed at me 1 week after i had a early hpt it was faint positive total i used 8 hpt ( i still have them :)) they became more and more positive :)
the year of my other MC i had missed periods no symptom again i had hpt it was BFP i went to doctor to confirm 6 weeks later no heart beat so MC
i am not sure you have more symptoms with twins i think it depends on women and on pregnancies
but apparently pregnancies are more difficult for twinns of course you have to feed double!
Yup the evil cramps...! But no cramp these 2 days...boobs no feeling too lol! No feeling except lazy! Wahahaha! Well, shall wait for BT...
If its gota be, it gota be...
hi..joining you ladies here..i've finally booked an appointment with nuh in feb..

this will be my 4th fresh.. 1st time doing it in sg and most likely be going thru most procedures without my hubby..don't know what to expect..can someone enlightened me on the best route to take from tampines to nuh? Are there any sisters in tampines going there and knows of a 'short cut'? By train/bus? Cos my appt time is 9:30am and would like to get there on time..

btw, i've just got email from them that prof is on leave from 23 Jan-1 ladies
nervous_babe, that time when I was on saizen, i also have menopur during stimming. Menopur complements the LH element and I assume pergoveris function the same as menopur hence I think you may have pergoveris plus gonal f plus saizen. If you were to take saizen 3mths then you should start early right? When you intend to start your next cycle?
Bb blues, since prof don't encourage I don't think I will go for the 3 months course, either I do without or start 2 wks prior to my cycle, all the stim already affect my mood badly and now add 2 wks jab, gosh! If I start DHEA then saizen then my cycle, will I be over dose? Haha
Welcome chrisl!
Where did you do your ivf before ? Dont worry my hb was also away and nuh nurses plus this forum help me through à lot!
Why are you doing ivf?
I Know tampines but cant help for trafic !
Welcome chrisl! Thanks for updating us on prof's leave. Hmmm I'm not sure if there is a bus from tampines. Alternatively it's a straight train ride to buona vista and u hv to change there to kent ridge station.
Morning ladies!

anie, all the best to your ET. Your fighter will definitely stick to you like uhu glue. :)

chrisl, welcome! I stayed in Tampines too! I think the most direct route will be what anie suggest, take the EW line (green) to bouna vista and change to circle line to kent ridge. There will be directions to go NUH from there. Will you be in sg for good? Or just stop by for procedure? Hope Prof will be your miracle doc! :)
Good da morning!!

Welcome chrisl, where are you from? Hope this sg ivf will be a success! :)

anie, water parade for you soon! It will be over very fast... I was so happy to see Jane in the OT during my ET :D i like her! She makes feel feel ease:)
Good morning ladies!

Anie, all the best for your ET today! It just takes one, n this will be the one for u! All the best babe!!

Chrisl *big wave* U r back in SG? All the best for your upcoming cycle, may it be THE cycle for u! Sorry can't really help on the transport bit, but ya the train sounds the easiest I think.
Good morning ladies! Its friday again!

Anie, all the best for ur ET later! Hope ur embbie will stick stick tight tight!

Welcome chrisl! I stay in pasir ris & like the sisters said, straight route frm tamp till buona vista (50mins) , change to circle line at buona vista to kent ridge ( another 10min) .Total journey abt 1hr+ including waiting time. Btw wat makes u choose prof? Hope hes the right doc for u!
I did ask Prof if I should have stim for one more day to let my smaller follies to catch up as 2 of them are 14mm, he said I already have 3 big ones and quote "bird in one hand is worth two in the bush". Wa, first time hearing this term. So deep. I don't dare to ask him what he means but my hb knows. Lol.

Both drs said endo will only affect natural conception and won't affect IVF. So since you are already doing IVF, there is no need to check if you have endo. I still want to go through Lap just to have a peace of mind.

Loh said i only need 2*25mg and said 75mg are more for Caucasian. Maybe that explains.

Enjoy your consultation with Loh later. What are you asking him this time?
Hi bb blues, u mentioned that both docs mentioned that endo does not affect Ivf chances. Which 2 doctors said that??

Hi Anie, all the best for yr ET! Dun worry abt the satisfactory grade embryo. It may make it to the end.
Thanks ladies! Waiting at day surgery for my room and just did my water parade. Hope I can tahan til 11.30am! Embryologist called earlier. Good grade embbie still growing. The satisfactory grade embbie has slowed down growth and now is poor grade. Unlikely to be frozen. So I am going into battle with my one perfect warrior. Ganbette!! :p
Hi bb blues, u mentioned that both docs mentioned that endo does not affect Ivf chances. Which 2 doctors said that??

Hi Anie, all the best for yr ET! Dun worry abt the satisfactory grade embryo. It may make it to the end.
tsf, is Prof Wong and Dr Loh who said that. You also have endo?
Hi ladies
Ok Loh gave me a pill to delay my menses And have ivf in Jan right after my Christmas holidays
For ovaboost i showed him on my phone the product he said some research had been done on melatonin for eggs but report not clear so he s not sure i should take - he tells me to try dhea first
For saizen not in favor for me - he says dont do too much
Same for endo scratching no need he thinks my problems are eggs quality not implantation
" they give you egg grade just looking at it they dont do biopsy so most of the Time your good grade embryo is not viable your problem is quality "

Hope can help ladies
OMG. Holding my bladder was like the hardest part! :eek: I was breathing big puffs thru my mouth all the way. Luckily mushy fr CHR was there. She said ya yr bladder is really full! I immediately peed once back to my room. That's always worrying isn't it? Whether my precious embbie drops out! My 12 cell is inside now. Fingers crossed! My hubby damn funny, keeps telling embbie to "dive dive dive" cos he loves diving. Haha.
Congrats Anie u r officially in the 2ww now! Wow, 12 cells sounds great! Have a good rest n enjoy being the "queen of the universe" for the next 14 days! :D
bbcripps, i like that - queen of the uinverse! Whahahaha

Anie, when the OT nurse pushed me back to my room, she asked me go pee, i told her can later? She said better to pee dont hold alright... So i went in, then the ward nurse came in asked hubby, where is your wife? Hubby said peeing, she said aiya, should hold awhile (-_-)lll lol
Hahaha all these conflicting advice! Anyway when prof came and ask how I was I said "bladder full" and he said ok after procedure once u r back in the room you can pee. So shld be ok la. Anyway there was nooo way I could hv held on la! Hehe

bbcripps - I told my DH abt yr queen of the universe comment and told him he must treat me as such.... He rolled his eyes! Bwahaha
Hi bb blues, I'm not sure if I have endo, but always have pelvic pain during AF. How does the doctor confirm if one has endo? Can a ultrasound or HSG test determine?
tsf, unfortunately, the only way to know if you have endo is through Laparoscopy because endo normally forms outside your uterus and normal ultrasound and HSG cannot detect. You can check online on the symptoms of endo. For me, I do not have the symptoms but I just suspect because of my retroverted uterus. If you do not have the symptoms then don't have to worry too much ya.
Hi ladies
Ok Loh gave me a pill to delay my menses And have ivf in Jan right after my Christmas holidays
For ovaboost i showed him on my phone the product he said some research had been done on melatonin for eggs but report not clear so he s not sure i should take - he tells me to try dhea first
For saizen not in favor for me - he says dont do too much
Same for endo scratching no need he thinks my problems are eggs quality not implantation
" they give you egg grade just looking at it they dont do biopsy so most of the Time your good grade embryo is not viable your problem is quality "

Hope can help ladies
Too bad Singapore do not allow Pre-implantation Genetics Diagnostic (PGD) else we will know if the embryo has any genetic defects before doing ET and will save us alot of heartaches. I know Malaysia do this test but definitely not cheap.
So did Dr Loh say what protocol for your next round? Long or short? Dosage?

Speaking of universe, u ladies should go catch Thor! Good mindless entertainment to pass time. I must be the only person in the whole theatre who thinks Loki is way hotter than Thor though. :p

Anie n Miric, don't worry, during my ET, Nurse Christine was there, when I asked her when can I pee, she said I can go right after, don't worry, cos (n I quote), "different hole" lol! Wah lau, I also know different hole la, but when u strain, things can fall out of all 3 holes at the same time wat!! Alamak. But I did wait for abt 20 mins before peeing la.
