Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

Too bad Singapore do not allow Pre-implantation Genetics Diagnostic (PGD) else we will know if the embryo has any genetic defects before doing ET and will save us alot of heartaches. I know Malaysia do this test but definitely not cheap.
So did Dr Loh say what protocol for your next round? Long or short? Dosage?

what???? biopsy not allowed in singapore? are you kidding? but its like what we say in my country : "peeing on a violin" i mean i never asked because i have only 1 egg but if i had many i would require it cause no need to implant if not viable its a waist of time energy and money

can you explain me once and for all why you worry about endo?? i always thought ivf was suitable for girls with endo so no need to worry when you have endo have ivf - i m wrong?

lol annie you re a real fighter i would have peed on the table - myself i cheated and drank really little cause my bladder gets full very fast!
what???? biopsy not allowed in singapore? are you kidding? but its like what we say in my country : "peeing on a violin" i mean i never asked because i have only 1 egg but if i had many i would require it cause no need to implant if not viable its a waist of time energy and money
Yes, we cannot do this test in Sg unless the couple has any genetic issues. We also cannot freeze our eggs here. So many red tapes...sigh.
can you explain me once and for all why you worry about endo?? i always thought ivf was suitable for girls with endo so no need to worry when you have endo have ivf - i m wrong?

lol annie you re a real fighter i would have peed on the table - myself i cheated and drank really little cause my bladder gets full very fast!
Yes, you are right! There is no need to worry about endo if you do IVF. Sorry if I caused any unnecessary worries here. I want to do Lap is because other than wanting to know if I have any endo, I also want the doc to clear any obstacles that may be obstructing the implantation. To me, this Lap is just to give me a peace of mind and one thing less to worry. Clean womb clean start. haha. :)
Yes, we cannot do this test in Sg unless the couple has any genetic issues. We also cannot freeze our eggs here. So many red tapes...sigh.

oh my... that s why he didn t propose it to me i thought it was only because you risk to lose eggs in the process so because i only had one lah

for the protocole we did not talk about it this time - it will be short of course, he uses menopur, fot trigger dont remember if its ovitrelle and for dosage all depends on the number of follies i will have at day 2 - we bet on dhea for this round
bbcripps!! LOL!!! Yah, we worry that once u sit on the bowl, everything will flow out! Wahahaha!
But my urine was dripping bit by bit cos bladder was too full, ended up, i have to pee quite a few times to empty my bladder
Yup, will be catching Thor soon :)
tsf, unfortunately, the only way to know if you have endo is through Laparoscopy because endo normally forms outside your uterus and normal ultrasound and HSG cannot detect. You can check online on the symptoms of endo. For me, I do not have the symptoms but I just suspect because of my retroverted uterus. If you do not have the symptoms then don't have to worry too much ya.
Bb blues I did lap for my dermoid cyst in 2010 by dr loh n he said I had endo but he cleared it. But when I went to see this doc at yishun chong pang he had a 3d scan machine n scanned n told me endo had returned. Tat was last year. I also have retro uterus.
Yes, you are right! There is no need to worry about endo if you do IVF. Sorry if I caused any unnecessary worries here. I want to do Lap is because other than wanting to know if I have any endo, I also want the doc to clear any obstacles that may be obstructing the implantation. To me, this Lap is just to give me a peace of mind and one thing less to worry. Clean womb clean start. haha. :)
Bb blues I feel the same. Clean womb clean start. I will be starting nor e on 25 nov. And scheduled to start stim in dec 9. When will endo scratching be. Will dec 9 be too late for endo scratch??
Yes, you are right! There is no need to worry about endo if you do IVF. Sorry if I caused any unnecessary worries here. I want to do Lap is because other than wanting to know if I have any endo, I also want the doc to clear any obstacles that may be obstructing the implantation. To me, this Lap is just to give me a peace of mind and one thing less to worry. Clean womb clean start. haha. :)
Bb blues I feel the same. Clean womb clean start. I will be starting nor e on 25 nov. And scheduled to start stim in dec 9. When will endo scratching be. Will dec 9 be too late for endo scratch??
Thanks ladies! Waiting at day surgery for my room and just did my water parade. Hope I can tahan til 11.30am! Embryologist called earlier. Good grade embbie still growing. The satisfactory grade embbie has slowed down growth and now is poor grade. Unlikely to be frozen. So I am going into battle with my one perfect warrior. Ganbette!! :p
Congrats Anie. This will be yr sticky bean.
Finally AF reported after inducing with duphaston. Fingers crossed for my upcoming cycle. Hope n pray no more hurdles. Any cycle buddies??
Bb blues, thanks for the clear explanation on endo... Prof strongly advise me to do a lap as ultrasound shows I have swollen tubes. Did a HSG at KKH, result show no problem at all. I have also understand that doing lap can affect yr AMH, so that's y I worry... The reason I'm considering lap is because of my high right ovary, wondering if its worth the risk...
I also have symptoms of endo! Painful n frustrating!
Tsf I knw how painful n fruatrating endo is and over the years it has worsen. Why dont u do 3d scan to confirm if have endo before lap. Agree lap will lower amh. And do swollen tubes matter for ivf ?
Anie, congrats for officially into the 2ww. Rest well & relax!

Tsf, gigi, mesara, bb_blues, i thought endo will not hinder ivf. If im not mistaken, gigi or bb_blues asked pc wong & sf loh abt it. Yup i agreed very much tat endo is evil & cause so much pain & suffering!

My low amh buddies, finally i made my appmt wif sf loh. Seeing him next thu. Gonna prepare questions to ask him. Have to make my $ worth. Btw i have been having this on/off cramp for days on my right ovary i think. Worried if might be ovarian cyst twisting. Anyone got similar experience before? During my last scan, prof said i got right ovarian cyst. Hmm..wonder wats causing the pain?
Mesara, yup swollen tubes does affect ivf. Fluid might leak frm tubes & hinder implantation. Tats y gynaes will prefer to unblock or remove tube prior to ivf.
Tsf : if i was you i would seek 3rd opinion - either you have swollen tubes or you dont have ! I would do the Max to avoid invasive procedure particularly if it lowers our amh level
Syrian :) All the best!!
Good morning ladies! Its friday again!

Anie, all the best for ur ET later! Hope ur embbie will stick stick tight tight!

Welcome chrisl! I stay in pasir ris & like the sisters said, straight route frm tamp till buona vista (50mins) , change to circle line at buona vista to kent ridge ( another 10min) .Total journey abt 1hr+ including waiting time. Btw wat makes u choose prof? Hope hes the right doc for u!

hmm i think cos i googled him and he seems to look like a professor? lol with lotsa experiences..and also NUH is the only hospital with recurrent miscarriage clinic (i have at least 3 now with some chemical pregnancies counted) and oh think NUH having no extra suppression jabs now cos i can really do without the pain! lol well thus feel ok 'try them see how 1st' + SF Loh is expensive cos pte hospital and i cannot afford him and also kk female doc or too handsome doc i no faith hahah
Bb blues I feel the same. Clean womb clean start. I will be starting nor e on 25 nov. And scheduled to start stim in dec 9. When will endo scratching be. Will dec 9 be too late for endo scratch??

Congrats Anie. This will be yr sticky bean.
mesara, I checked with the nurse and she said endo scratching is usually done around day 27 of the month you take start nor-e, but this is other doc's SOP. For Prof, she is not too sure and said can call women's clinic and check. I think you better check early else may miss the boat.
:rolleyes: Singapourian mixed to norvegian :rolleyes: For sure makes wonders... It definitely worths several trials :))
Why dont you try in norway? I always assumed northern european countries had great health system
Sf Loh same price as Wong roughly - you tried him before ?? How was it? Am considering him for my 2nd round
Wong really looks like a professor :) And even if stern he s super nice :)
I heard good things of sadhana (my neighbours works with her but i dont want her to see my personal items lol Thats why i dont go )
Tan hh hum :cool: Did not Know we had a bomb in the ivf band i should consider him :D
mesara, I checked with the nurse and she said endo scratching is usually done around day 27 of the month you take start nor-e, but this is other doc's SOP. For Prof, she is not too sure and said can call women's clinic and check. I think you better check early else may miss the boat.
I asked Wong on wednesday he said anytime except during menses
Anie, congrats for officially into the 2ww. Rest well & relax!

Tsf, gigi, mesara, bb_blues, i thought endo will not hinder ivf. If im not mistaken, gigi or bb_blues asked pc wong & sf loh abt it. Yup i agreed very much tat endo is evil & cause so much pain & suffering!

My low amh buddies, finally i made my appmt wif sf loh. Seeing him next thu. Gonna prepare questions to ask him. Have to make my $ worth. Btw i have been having this on/off cramp for days on my right ovary i think. Worried if might be ovarian cyst twisting. Anyone got similar experience before? During my last scan, prof said i got right ovarian cyst. Hmm..wonder wats causing the pain?
syrian, tell dr loh about your pain and see if he can do a scan for you. Maybe is your ovulation period now, thats why got cramps.
Yep Max of 16000$ for girls on highest dosage (low amh ) you cant claim
You Will see nuh is super professional
@bbblues in TFC you Know where the surgery ward is? It looks small i mean compared to nuh facilities no??
Gigi, the surgery room is right inside TFC. It is definitely smaller than nuh. The recovery room are just 3 or 4 beds outside the surgery room, no single bed wards.
Thanks gigi n bb blues. I will call for am appt on Monday. Between prof is away for two weeks starting monday.
Gd mrn... Ladies... Hope u all have a wonderful weekend !!!

Super busy after went bk to work... :(

This late afternoon gg to see Dr Chew for review and fix my scoping date with him....

Thinking to ask him if I can start my FET in jan as office gonna closes down for many days!!! Wonder if he will schedule medicated or natural FET for me ....
Good morning ladies!

Miric all the best for your BT! Waiting to grab your baby dust! :)

Duffy u r doing your FET with Dr Chew n not Prof? Prof is away some days in Jan I think.
Bbcripps: I'm with dr chew... Hb likes him ...

U doing FET in jan too???

I try to see if I can do my FET in jan cos company closing many days for cny !!!if can, I try not to take hospilisation leave so tat nobody know abt it!!!! Hahahaa....
Duffy haha I can totally understand where u r coming from, I'm doing my FET in Dec for the exact same reason! Cos year end everybody clearing their leave, including me, so my absence will be much less conspicuous. Jia you jia you, hope this round will be THE round for both you n me! :)
Ooooh sorry miric i really thought you would strike : so many eggs and a day 5 transfer of 2 eggs !
Bbblues i wanted to ask you of you Know if Loh brought with him in TFC his embryologist ?? :)
:(:( Miric dear I'm so sorry... *GIANT HUG* We will try again ok? U still have many many beautiful frozen embbies waiting for you. We cry today, but tomorrow we will wake up with the promise of a new cycle n new hope. 明天会更好,我们会成功的!
Miric: Hope u r feeling better now... Like Bbcripps say, we will 成功 one of these days!!! Dun give up !!!

Bbcripps : oh... U r starting on fresh cycle wit prof in dec??U got extra frozen embryos? I target to do scoping in dec so unlikely will be able to do my FET in dec :(
Ooooh sorry miric i really thought you would strike : so many eggs and a day 5 transfer of 2 eggs !
Bbblues i wanted to ask you of you Know if Loh brought with him in TFC his embryologist ?? :)
Yes, He brought the chief embryologist from KKH to TFC.
Duffy, I'm doing a FET in Dec, I have 3 frozen embbies, hopefully they can survive the thaw. Good luck for your scope! I think I want to try endo scratching this time round, hopefully can help w implantation, the recommended day to do it is day 21 of the cycle before the ivf cycle. I will try to make an appt for Prof, hopefully they can squeeze me in.
Thanks bbblues you Know he confessed to me he was very controversed here in sg could not get more détails but apparently his departure was no smooth at all !
Thank you ladies... I havent cry yet tink will cry tmr when hubby return to work...:( i must cry hahaha i will so that i will feel better...
Only will be seeing prof next mth when he returns.... So not sure whats in the pipe line ... Go back to slave
I am very good example that it really doesnt matter how many fantastic grades one has... You only need The one that sticks to you... I dont know mine failed in which stage i swear during the 1st week, i can feel them in me... But last week, i had a bad bad cramp middle of the night, and the next day, I can feel my womb is 'empty' I seriously dont know how to put it but just really can feel.... they left me.... So when CHR broke the news to me, i'm kinda expected it:(
Thanks bbblues you Know he confessed to me he was very controversed here in sg could not get more détails but apparently his departure was no smooth at all !
Lol. Have heard stories about his departure. Well, think he is more happy now in private clinic.
P.S. We can discuss about him in private message if you want to know more. Hee hee..
Miric hugz. Hope your review with prof will shed light on what happened n how to better things in next cycle. Have a break n keep trying. Never lose hope.

Ladies today is day 4 of af. But am having super bad cramps. V scared. Might go to kk a&e if pain worsens. Anyone experienced cramps much later in af??
