Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

Hi ladies. I'm still in recovery room waiting for my milo. A doc came a few mins ago and said they retrieved 4 eggs. I'm so sad to hear that. How did 12 follicles become only 4 eggs? That's such a high attrition rate. I was hoping to hv some embbies to freeze but doesn't look like that will be any. I'm soo sad. I know all it takes is 1 but I also know rarely does it work on 1st try and hoped to hv some snow embies. This journey is just so painful and heart breaking :(

Oh sorry anie angel i Know :( 33% eggs is a bad ratio you re right you have to ask Wong what s wrong - are you low amh? How old are you? Theres a solution for each of us we need to be positives And still you have 4!
Big *hugz* to Anie.... Have faith okay? Stay positive. All of us know that the journey is always filled with obstacles and can never be smooth sailing.

When I first embarked on IVF, I always remind myself that there will always be obstacles ahead... and I always told myself not to be worried too much.
Worrying whether there will good number of follicles...
Worrying that Prof might not be able to retrieve the follicles in the left ovary because it was too high...
Worrying on how many eggs were retrieved... how many were mature... how many were fertilised... Worrying on the growth of the fertilised eggs....
Worrying on how many embryos to put back... Worrying on how whether the rest of the embryos can survive freezing...
Worrying whether the embryos will stick and result in pregnancy.... Worrying whether my thyroid medication will affect the bb... So many worryings along the way....
So please try not to be too sad... It's not good for your body. Prepare your body for your embryo okay? We only need ONE good quality embryo.
Gigi - my AMH is 14.4 and I am 32 years old.

Cheeka.- thanks dear. This whole journey seems to be full of worries isn't it? I am trying to throw out the worry and get back my faith. I just needed to cry and get it out of my system. I need to be cautiously optimistic and be prepared for anything. Whatever happens will happen and the logical brain knows it's not in my hands anymore. It's the illogical brain I keep fighting with.
Anie...Ya the drop needs to be explained...from 12 to 4.
Neways.. dun worry...just let it go...its difficult.been there done that.move forward... Await the call from nuh chr tomorrow. All you need is sticky embby.prepare your body for the embbies.
Anxiety is normal worry is normal for we all want it so much n so bad . acknowledge the feelings n move ahead.
You have good amh And you re young il thought you would have more follies And more eggs
Am 38 and should have average of 10 follies
You Will see Wong at egg transfer ask him if it can make u Feel better but cheeka is absolutely right ;)
Take care
*hugs* annie, u have already done ur best. Now its all in His hands. Its normal to have those worries , juz like wat cheeka mentioned. As we all know, ivf is unpredictable rite. Every step surely got setbacks. These setbacks are the ones tat make us stronger. Agree ladies?

U can ask prof why u only gotten 4 eggs out of 12 follies. Tat happens to us here as well, esp those with low amh. We are still looking for answers. Now wat u can do is continue to have faith & hope tat ur eggs are matured & will get fertilised. Leave all in His hands k. Dun worry so much & take things a step at a time. Rest well, recover & prepare ur body for ur ET alrite?

We will all be behind u. Giving u support & encouragemt. Juz have a gd rest tonite esp in this cooling weather...
Thanks for all your encouragement ladies. I'm better now. Leaving it all in God's hands. Hopefully there are some that make it to embryos that can be transferred. What time will the embryologist normally call?
Anie {{big hug}} u have already done all you can, have faith in your 4 little fighters, we will pray that they fertilized n grow beautifully. The embryologist usually call me around 9-10am. Have a good rest tonight babe.
Hello ladies
My low amh buddies just to inform you in the ivf thread there is a girl named babycomecome with low amh 0.6 who took 75mg dhea among other intakes who just bfped :))) on 2nd try
Hello GiGi, it's certainly made me hopeful ;)
I went to DrLoh for my HSG review today...all clear no blockage, womb etc looks great he says.

Discussed ivf cycle with him & seems December not good time...too many holidays & with Lunar New Year end Jan 2014(was told he takes leave this period) seems my cycle with him will be in Feb. Also, since I will be on Saizen (growth hormones), I will need to see him for these shots in Jan somewhere during my period at intervals with continuation to when cycle starts.....update you on his schedule & Saizen's application ;)
Ouch not good he told me to come back early jan day 2 of my cycle but I calculated my day 1 should be 31st of December or 1st of jan! And I ll be back from Europe on the 5th only :( so I was thinking of asking him to give me a pill to push 3 days ahead let's see... You know his exact holiday dates ? Do you meet him at TFC or TMC now? Gigi
Ouch not good he told me to come back early jan day 2 of my cycle but I calculated my day 1 should be 31st of December or 1st of jan! And I ll be back from Europe on the 5th only :( so I was thinking of asking him to give me a pill to push 3 days ahead let's see... You know his exact holiday dates ? Do you meet him at TFC or TMC now? Gigi
I see him at TFC
Dec is standard holidays but Jan's Chinese New Year seems his leave is longer (the nurse told me saying it's his usual but that Loh didn't give dates yet)....he was quite vague when I ask, I asked the nurse, you can email him
Saizen ... Why you re on saizen?
Seems Saizen can help....he saw my ivf records & say he prefer to start me on Saizen prior to cycle (cos NUH gave me Saizen during the cycle) & he told me that the trigger shot won't be done by myself
He told me he had case where empty follie & he halt the OR asked for blood test & realize trigger not present, he stop OR gave suppress then send lady home & gave trigger next day with OR later date & manage to get 4eggs eventually
But he highlight with low amh & if really empty I can consider donor egg in BK where he knows a great hospital
I seeee I should ask then..I heard that too about empty follicules :human error or product expired
Great for bk my doc in Europe recommended me eugin Spain and I know 2 girls who went to this clinic but it's more for western people I guess
Hum am really concerned for this holiday thing I would not want to mess up with my cycle !
Hi sisters am back after a short break. Can i ask u something. I did my iui in sep and till today i have not got my menses. I took duphaston last week and ended the last pill last friday. Till now no symptoms or sign of af. What could be wrong here??

My planned stim day for ivf is dec 9 and it will get pushed back if af still delay. Very worried ladies.
Dec somemore alot of holidays.

Any cycle buddies here for dec? For iui i had a big follie 22 mm prof confirmed ovulated lining good and said troops were good. Wonder y no fertilization and no period. Its a mystery v worried if that egg formed into another cyst. Is there a possibility??
bbcripps - BUG HUGS. you are a strong woman and I am amazed by your positive attitude. you know, what you wrote a while ago, the story about your flying off to bali and then getting a bfp (sorry, dont mean to remind you of your previous sadness) and then you mentioned about everything being fated. when i read what you wrote, something clicked inside me and told me that yes, these are all beyond our control and that it is all fated.
if you believe in a God, then its all in God's plan and timing. if you do not believe in a God, then its fate.
this journey has been far from easy. and sometimes we wonder why we have to go through all of these. but believing tat everything that happens in life has a purpose.....
and bbcripps - i just want you to know that you have inspired me to a certain extent, with your positivity and your kind words.....
bbcripps, love ur super positive attitude! Muacks!

Anie, you are not alone... Hugs! Yup, embarking ivf is a real tough battle for us... Hang on!!! Go on cry.. You'll feel better, i did! Lol!
Kopibaby, haha, thank you for your kind words, u know I realised I have been TTCing for abt 3 years now, that's abt 30 months of disappointment, tears n sadness. But human spirit is resilient, after a couple of days, u get up with a renewed determination to catch the next ovulation n try harder again. N yes I believe in God, n God is great for He has opened my eyes to the big picture. In the midst of all these disappointments, He has made me see that I'm blessed... I am blessed because I have a hubby who is my rock. He may not be the richest, or the handsome-est, but he is a kind, loyal, loving man who loves me with all his heart. I have a job that while it's stressful, it pays decent money for me to indulge in silly materialistic things whenever I need retail therapy. I have a supportive family n circle of friends who love me unconditionally n never once pressured me to have kids. N I have a mother in law who lived thousands of miles away so we will not get on each other's nerves haha (she has 4 daughters in law, n I'm her favorite, that's cos she only gets the best of me, when I'm on holiday there all super relaxed n chirpy, haha... she never had to see me on a Wed evening after work, when I'm only marginally less cranky than a hungry grizzly bear, haha) So I cannot be sad for long, cos I have lotsa things to be happy abt. N I truly believe I will succeed one day... I already placed my order with God, He's working on it, my extra special delivery will come soon! :)
I just got a call from the embryologist. Only 2 out of 4 got fertilised. It's another 50% attrition. I had a good crying spell. Now I am over it. After coming in here and reading bbcripps post, I feel a lot better. I totally agree with kopibaby. I think ur wonderful positive attitude is amazing. I read yr posts and I find strength. I am really glad I joined this forum and hv people who understand the issues we face.

I have lived a good life. I had a good job, worked overseas, pampered myself with luxury holidays and handbags and shoes! The one thing I want is a child. And that will happen. God has a plan for me. He just hasn't revealed it. Whether it is my own child or thru adoption, I know deep down it will happen.

It will happen for us all.
Good morning ladies

Anie angel am sorry 50% ratio :( but if you keep those 2 till day 3 then transfer the 2 not only one right ?
Bbcripps you re absolutely right :) myself i lived in many countries had a great Life And when compared to my neighbours with 4 kids i just think ok you made 4 kids but i made so many other things (!) :) have you been to nuh today?
I was There one of the 2 foreigners with long hair

Ok thought you might want this info : Wong told me he s here december ans january

Low amh buddies : j told him i take dhea he said ok i asked about saizen he said too risky to grow dangerous cells (machobaby Loh said what about side effects ?) And endo scratching he said why not its cheap procédure with no side effects
The thing i want to take my dhea for at least 3 months so i wont do in december plus even if i like him a lot i also want to give a try with "Crazy Loh". :)
Hi sisters am back after a short break. Can i ask u something. I did my iui in sep and till today i have not got my menses. I took duphaston last week and ended the last pill last friday. Till now no symptoms or sign of af. What could be wrong here??

My planned stim day for ivf is dec 9 and it will get pushed back if af still delay. Very worried ladies.
Dec somemore alot of holidays.

Any cycle buddies here for dec? For iui i had a big follie 22 mm prof confirmed ovulated lining good and said troops were good. Wonder y no fertilization and no period. Its a mystery v worried if that egg formed into another cyst. Is there a possibility??
Mesara, did u ask prof abt this???
It's v long oredi
Anie, ok u have 2 little warriors, ET is on Fri? All the very best, quality over quantity remember. Jia you jia you!

Gigi, I was there at 10.40am till abt 11.05am. I only saw one Caucasian lady sitting at the first seat in front of the CTG room, was that you? I was the one in a green dress, munching on an apple.

Prof has given me the green light to do a natural FET in Dec, so I will give CHR a call on Day 1 of my Dec cycle n go for my first scan on Day 10.

Yes I truly believe that all the ladies here r blessed. So whether we succeed this month, next month or next year, life is sweet, n it will only get sweeter when we finally get our lil bundle of joy. Today while waiting in Prof's room, I was so inspired by the notice board behind his seat with the photos of all the IVF babies. I vow that when I succeed I will send him the biggest damn photo I can print... maybe a life sized one hahaha.
Bbcripps, so hows ur holiday plan? The bb photos behind prof's table? I always look at them while waiting for docs to come! Thinking when will be my turn to post on there too:p
@bbcrips we left at exactly 10.40! My hb had meeting at 11am so we had to run - yes There was a caucasian looking at her phone not me - i was also looking at those cards i loved the big one before after with triplets (!) :)
bbcripps, u are damn funny lor. We should all send Prof life sized photos when it happens!! :p

I await the news of my 2 lil warriors from the embryologist tomorrow to confirm ET. Hope they are fighting hard!
Kopibaby I also feel its v long. I did bt in oct but negative. So was given duphaston to induce. Due to my trip I just took last week lor.
Gigi u are a pretty lady, I am sitting behind you and you are speaking French to him. I noticed you cos a nurse called a Chinese name and u so happened to stand up and wana ask something so u were telling her you are nt the lady she is calling. Funny you.

My review with prof was gd, he answered many questions. So you still decided to leave prof for crazy loh?

I asked abt growth hormone and he said he dont think I need it but if I insisted he can let me try.

Bb blues if we used saizen do we still continue with pergoveris or other growth hormone durimg stim? i forgot to ask
Syrian, prof is using the same protocol on me for 2nd cycle as he thinks my response is ok as I retrieved 4 eggs and with 3 fertilized initially. He is ok with endo scrapping.

I dont know shld I seek loh opinion, what's his charges for 1st consultation?
Miric your turn will come exactly 9 months later! I moved my Dec trip to one week earlier, it's just a short trip to Bali, easy to change.

Gigi, yes I love those photos of the triplets too! I was also looking at the big one in the middle where Prof had more hair, haha.
Aaahh slim girl early 30's long hair just Behind my hb? I was wondering if i would Know someone but you seemed really nervous you should not be nervous dont worry you Will succeed ok?! I was asking how many people before us cause hb had to leave And was wondering should i stay or should i go lol
we waited for 45 mn total ok 1st thing change your nickname :)
Wong was not in favor of saizen with me why he would be with you ?
Indeed hb And i think Loh and Wong are both great but are just opposite attitude
Talkative / discreet
Innovating / classical
It depends on what you like
Same Wong would use same protocole but would add 1 day stim cause i had 2 immature out of 3 but he has no answer no increase egg number (Loh thinks dhea helps)
For pricing 1st consultation with Loh at TMC was like nuh i think cant remember but he s about same price :) honestly i like them both !
No stress think of your embbies tonight n sleep tight. Tomorrow is going to bring good news.

When is your BT? All the best. How are u passing time in the 2ww?

Gigi n bbcripps
Ya I kno which 1 you talking about... funny lah you both!
Hey Gigi I used to take French in college, as part of my European Studies degree. I studied it for 3 years, n I did a summer exchange program in Besancon. I have already completely given back all I have learnt to my teacher though, hehe. My brother actually did his degree in France, he was there for 6 years, first in Lyon, then in Poitiers. I think he still managed to retain at least 70% of his French..
bbcripps besançon (?) believe it or not never been there but there is a famous couvent in besancon named "les clarisses" dedicated to infertilty (!) that is a god sign dear
Thanks Masara the rate is reasonable.

Gigi I was not nervous at all today just getting impatient as I waited very long.
Hey girl I am the same age as u or even older my dear.
Prof didn't support just told me that there is no proven success on saizen and he will not recommend cos I have more than 3 eggs, but If I insisted he can let me try.
hum you re right then i was the nervous one :) i don't know you but since i know am low amh i feel damn old (!)
ok take care girls

Bb blues I know u tried saizen before. Why did you say saizen didnt work on you? How long are u on saizen?

I took saizen 2 months prior to my cycle then continue during the cycle together with Gonal F and menopur. I find that it did not work for me because the number and quality of eggs is about the same as my previous cycle. But thats just me. Maybe it will work for you! Good that Prof let you try, at least is a different protocol. :)
