Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

Hey sisters I feel so Comforted by your words. Tested infect. Got emotional. I knw we are always there for each other. Thank you sisters. May each and everyones dream of carrying that bundle of joy in us come true soon.

Thanks ladies for ur well wishes. Hope all will be fine.

Mesara, sorry abt ur BFN. Take time to heal & come back stronger k. Gd to noe that u already planning on ur next step forward. Jia you!

Hope_miracle, all the best for ur BT tmr! Update us k. Have faith.
mesara - sooooo sorry to hear that :( BIG HUGS....

we may end up being cycle buddies.....lets see how the timing goes....
meanwhile, take care and rest well for now. pamper yourself a little....
gigi, you can search for melodyli1981 at the ivf thread.
I agreed that going private is really treat you like cash machine. One of the clinic (don't want to name here) even charged me for alcohol swab and syringes!. really profit oriented!
If you really want to go private, Dr Sf Loh price is very reasonable, almost same price as nuh.
Hi all sisters, many thanks for ur well wishes, deeply appreciate your the messages!
No bb dust to share.

Mesara, *hug hug*
We have tried out best... Hope it is clearer for u on ur next step.

For the sisters in 2ww, Jia you in ur journey, dun be discouraged by us, hope u gals can BFP this time :)
oh no :( i was really hoping a good news - so sorry hopemiracle be strong we have to keep on I know this is depressing - who is next? my BT is on the 18 but dont count on me i only had one embie so no much hope
Hopemiracle - big hugs. Take some time to pamper yourself and get a good rest before deciding on the next step....

We will have good news on this thread, each one of us. Soon!
Hopemiracle... BIG HUGS! So sorry... You still have 7 snow embies right? Still hv many more chances... This thread needs some good news and encouragement... Please good news please....
Hi sisters, thanks for ur encouragement.
I m taking a break and then see how again. Try natural for now, hope can naturally strike :)

Please do not be affected by me. Be positive! God bless and have a nice weekend!
Dear all, today is my 2nd scanning but bad new...

One sac grow smaller and the other sac show no heart beat...

Doc said I early miscarriage and want to do a D&C ASAP ... So I m schedule next mon...

Hb was v encouraging and told me not to be upset... Say it was fated...

So gg to rest for few months b4 embarking a FET ...
oh noooo! this is so bad luck :( really sorry duffy bear i know how you feel i had myself 2 miscarriages be brave at least you know you CAN be pregnant :)
take care
Duffy, oh, that's bad news!!! I'm so sorry to hear that. U must be very devastated.... *hugz* sorry dearie.... Please stay strong.
Duffy_bear : I am sorry to hear this sad news. Pls do not think too much as you have a very supportive dh who will walk this difficult path with you. Lots of hugs and loves.
Duffy bear, so sorry to hear this piece of news.... Hope u are feeling ok, glad that yr hubby is very supportive. I guess fate is playing all of us.... We yearn to have our own kids yet our journey is so tough.... Some ppl just have it so easy and choose abortion.....

Lets all Jia you together and we will make it one day!
Dear ladies, Thks for the encouraging ...

But I still feel disappointed knowing my 2 sacs didn't develop well...

Btw, I was under subsided patient under clinic G but after doc told me the D&G will be done by medical officer but will be oversee by a senior consultant ,I was hestating & feel it would be better if a senior consultant or consultant to do for me.... Though it will be a small produrces, but worry abt the skill of medical officer...

So I upgrade to dr chew to do my D & C ... Feel more safe with him...

Nurse told me I will be converted to private patient Liao...

So if I go for ivf or FET, will be under private rate??
Hopemiracle, *hugs dear* dun be discouraged k. U noe tat u have tried ur very best. Im sure the time will come one day. Theres always light at the end of the tunnel. Dun give up trying. Who noes miracle might strike without u realising it. Have faith k.
Duffy_bear, oh dear! So sorry to hear abt ur bad news. *big hug* be stong k. Its not easy especially when it ends this way. This is so unpredictable. One moment u are happy den next all gone. Really hope u can stay strong wif hb supporting & encouraging u on. Juz remember tat u are not alone k.
Ladies, we need to inject more good news here, in this thread. Has been gloomy these few days..also feel sad for the sistas here..

So tsf, u are next in line for BT. Hope to grab bb dusts frm u..

Nervous_babe, yup my ET tmr am. Only transferring 1 embryo, satisfactory grade. But its gd enough for me. Must have faith in my only precious one. Wish us luck ladies..
Dear Syrian, all the best for yr ET tmr!

Any idea of any of the supports will contribute to hcg readings? Planning to do HPT tmr.
Ladies, i forgot to ask CHR something. CHR only told me to prepare cheque for ET tomm. Are there any other payments to settle before ET? Eg the extra cost after deducting from govt grant & medisave? I remembered tat we did pay the extra cost last round but not sure when.
Syrian, all other payment shld have been cleared before ER. For ET, only cheque for the insurance. And of course ur water. If you are given the prescription earlier, you need to bring along, else the nurse at the ward will pass you the other inserts after ur transfer. Gd luck and wish your precious one stick.
Tsf supports will not affect hpt reading, gd luck.
Hopemiracle and Duffy: Hugz Hugz Hugz. Be positive have faith and keep trying. Easier said than done but what to do. Tough time gals. But let's build up our health try naturally and come back stronger.

Those who are in tww All the best to you. Don't be disheartened by our BFNs. Have hope and believe in your embbies. Waiting eagerly for your babydusts sisters.
Hopemiracle, so sorry to hear abt your bfn, have a good rest n come back stronger... We will succeed one day soon... Jia you! {{hug}}

Duffy_bear, I'm so so sorry to hear abt your scan. I think u absolutely made the right choice to upgrade to somebody more senior, cos even though it's a small procedure, it is nonetheless still a surgical procedure on your womb n an inexperienced doc might scar your uterine lining. R u working now? If u have company hospitalization insurance, u can claim for your d&c. I was able to claim for mine for all visits starting from the day the pregnancy was deemed non viable. Will u want to have a second opinion as well? In some cases the sacs develop a bit slower in the beginning, but they do catch up by the third or fourth scan. I shall pray for a miracle for you! Have a good rest, n take care. {{hug}}
Dear all, Thks for the encouraging ...

I had learnt to accept it...

Bbcripps: doc did not give me another appointment for scanning.... No hcg blood test was taken too.... But doc said based on the report, my sac was growing v slow and the problem is they can't see anything inside the sac at all...

I think they r finding for the whitish dot inside the sac... My first scan show the white dot in the sac but 2nd sac show all black black ....

Do anyone know how many months to rest b4 trying for a FET after D&C??? Gotta to plan my schedule next year...

I have company hospitalization insurance but I will be doing a day surgery and gg bk home on the same day... Dunno whether can claim fm company insurance or not???
Duffy_bear, no words can describe your pain. I am really sorry to hear this. Big Hugs! Wondering if you should seek 2nd opinion or at least get a BHCG test? Hope Dr Chew can confirm if the pregnancy is viable before doing the D&C.
Syrian, all the best to your ET today! For my case, I paid the estimate balance cost on my ET day itself. Maybe you prepare a cheque or credit card for the payment just in case.
tsf, if not wrong, think only the trigger (ovidriel) jab contribute to HCG and this should be gone after 3-4 days. Are you having any progesterone jab? Not sure if this jab contributes?

You are so brave to test! I don't think I have the courage. Good Luck!
Morning girls
Good luck syrian!
Ok today is 8dp2dt i got BFN with a 20 miu test not very sensitive but i hoped i would have a faint line but nothing
Good luck girls
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Duffy, don't mean to push the issue, but usually before a d&c is done, docs will check repeat hcg level to make sure it's falling, n a second scan to make sure there's no growth in over a week. We have been through so much in this journey, u might want to be 100% sure before going for the procedure. My d&c was not even done in the hospital, I did it at my gynae's clinic at Mt E, the procedure took 5 mins, I rested for another 30 mind before leaving, but can claim, no problem. I had my d&c in June this year, n here I am, going for a fresh in Oct. Prof Wong says 3 normal cycles r sufficient as a bare minimum, physically. Of cos, mentally, take as long as u need. Take care.
Duffy, *hugs* yes, I support ur decision to get a more qualified and experienced doc for ur d&c. If u do decide to do IVF next time, I think it will be as private patient, but I think. Can still go poly to get referral if need be. Not very sure on that.
Also, I agree with bbcripps to look for a 2nd opinion. While it might not change anything and diagnosis may still be the same, it's just to be safe and piece of mind. Jia you and pray for strength during this difficult time.

gigi, woah.. U hv courage to test! I'm too scared to test.
Oh, don't worry Gigi it's still early, the line will show up for u soon!

Just got back from my 2nd scan, after 4 days of stimms, I have 5 follicles on my left, 6 on my right, size ranging fr 7-10mm. Lining 6mm. Still a wee bit disappointed, was secretly kinda hoping that more follicles will magically pop up, but guess not, hahhh. Going for my tcm later, maybe she can poke some more follicles out of my ovaries for me, hehe. Ok ok I know that's not how it works, but I'm going to wish for it anyway. >_<
Sorry tsf :( do you Know what Will happen next? After BT do we have appointment with prof already fixed or we have to call? Does he make a debrief or not?

I expected this outcome cos I had low chances to start with.... Will do BT on mon then see how... I'm not sure what is the next step...
