Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

Cheeka, how r u?
When is yr ER??

tsf, my cycle buddy... *hugs* So happy for you and for your two embies! :D Good luck for you ET tomorrow! You're going to be officially in 2ww with Hopemiracle and tigger :) Your two embies will fight hard... dont forget the brazil nuts and a little bit of durian, which I read may aid implantation.

My ER is scheduled on Wednesday. I have 23 follicles and at risk of OHSS, estradiol is 31000. Left ovary still high and not retrieveable - wasted 10 follicles there. Now feeling bloated and urinating so little... drinking Pocari Sweat to minimise symptoms. CHR asked me to monitor my symptoms and weight gain. Hope everything goes smoothly, if not, I am prepared to abandon this cycle and freeze the embies. Health is more important.

Dear ladies, thanks for all the words of comfort...... I will wait for phone call Tmr. Hoping for the best. This journey haven't been smooth sailing.... Fell sick 2 times during stimming and fall sick again after ER... Well I did my best... Hope I have some good news to bring to all of you tmr.

Hi agar2, my follicle sizes as follows:
11, 16, 16.5, 16.5, 17.5, 18, 18

tsf, u hv gd sizes.

All the best to yr ET and 2ww!
Ladies today is my D2 and I will be doing iui this cycle, I am confuse of how to take clomid. Package said take 2 times a day but yesterday I call the nurse, nurse said take 2 tablet once a day. Anyone can advise me on this? Thanks
Congrats cheeka. Hope your er will go smoothly tomorrow. Think egg whites n h2o can help ohss. Pray that your symptoms subside and you can be united with embbies this cycle. Jia you.
Tsf all the best for your et today. Brazil nuts and durians aid implantation. So make sure you have them. Keep tummy n feet warm so that embbies feel cozy. Most importantly talk to embbies. All the best.
Hello dears
Had my scan this am still only 4 follies
17,17.5,18,18.5 day 9 stim
Egg retrieval thursday day 11
Pray to have 4 mature eggs
Morning ladies!

Tsf, good luck to your ET today!

Gigi, wow! your follies really grow beautifully! So fast you can go for your ER! Happy for you! So your trigger is tonight? Jab yourself or have to go clinic? What time is your ER?

Cheeka, do take good care during this period. If really bloated, drink immunocal. All the best to your ER!
Hi Cheeka, happy for u, up your immunocal intake, that should help with your bloat. Also any isotonic drink is fine, whichever taste best to you :) my preference is 100Plus Edge. Remember to drink water as well, you don't want to end up taking too much sugar from the isotonics. Also, when you up your protein, up your liquid intake to prevent constipation! Jiayou!
Sara thanks for your advise. I called clinic and they said both way is fine and they advise me to follow nurse direction. I am going to meet prof on my D11 since prof is onleave starting my D12

Tsf all the best for your et today
Thanks Mesara, bbblues & Maomi. I just hope that my symptoms dont get worse. Phew... so many obstacles.... first, follies grew slowly, then, left ovary quite high, now, risk of OHSS. I dont know what else coming...

your follies grow very fast and beautifully with even sizes! Only 11 days of stimulation! Mine is 14 days!!! Actually, I always find that my follies mature quite late in the cycle, just like last time when I did IUI. Hence, maybe that Prof thinks that mine not growing well, hence he added pergoveris, and that's why the over-stimulation. Good luck for your ER on Thursday! Im one day ahead of you.
Morning ladies..

Fuztweet, is it prof biswas? Actually i also have fibroid. Got 2 abt 1-2cm. Mine was intramural. Discovered last fresh but prof said its ok not to remove as location-wise, will not affect implantation. Pray tat it remains tat way. Hope all goes well for ur consultation wif him. All the best.!

Tsf, all the best for ur ET later. Happy reuniting wif ur embbies later. Take care!

Gigi, wah ur follies sizes very even & big. Wats ur secret? I also plan to grow my follies fast. Hope to catch prof before he goes on leave.

Ladies, do u feel some stomah cramping after taking immunocal?
Dear ladies, thanks for the wishes... Didn't sleep well last night... Feeling v stoned now....
I have alot of gas in my stomach since ER day... Keep burping and farting... Feeling uncomfortable... Anyone have this experience???
Tsf, I have not been sleeping well since stim days till now. I do have a lot of gas too ESP after ER. It will get better. Although many sisters here mentioned abt durian and Brazil nuts, but since you just recovered maybe you can start slow, importantly is stay healthy first.
no i dont know why they grow so evenly but am happy cause have so little hopefully they all have an eggo_O
i ve been also praying hard particularly my hubby who is very much into it
i go to acupuncture (EYS paragon - very exp :() every 2 days and take chinese herbs also plus 2 egg whites plus if i feel bloated i have 2-3 plums after meal at night i think acu works wonder on me
i had only 9 days of jab cheeka today is the last one
bblues they will tell me the timings this pm i have to go back to the clinics so that they will give me last gonal f jab plus they will prepare the trigger jab for me for tonight and i will jab myself the nurse said easy o_O - i don t want my hubby to jab i just breathe in (i love yoga) hold my breath jab and breathe out

can anyone tell me why to wear socks for ER and ET??

take all good care
i forgot to mention but its obvisous no tea no coffee no alcool no soda of any kind and nobody smokes around me - well but girls i still have only 4 follies!
Gigi, I think the OT is very cold hence better to wear socks to protect your feet.
So are you going to continue your acupuncture after ER and ET?
@bbblues you mean the room temperature? Ahh well i m always freezing in nuh anyway
My acu has to tell me tomorrow i Will continue for sure but i dont Know how often yeah
Am not at the ET step yet they have to fertilize you know... Your scan is tomorrow?
Cheeka how was the trigger jab? You had it yesterday night?
Tsf drink prune juice or fruits even better
Gigi, my trigger jab (Suprefact) was last night, midnight... cinderella's timing. Hahahhaha.... I'm feeling super bloated now...
@ cheeka was it painful? Good luck for tomorrow its Nice to be 1 day apart with someone!
@ bbblues can you tell me again your follies size last saturday ? Cant find your post good luck for Tom as well :)
Dear cheeka, bb blues and Gigi, all the best for yr ER!!! Hope u all can retrieve wonderful eggs.

Hopemiracle, orange tigger: when do I start the inserts after ET huh? No one mentioned to me
Gigi, :) thanks! Not painful, but the needle is rather "soft" and difficult to poke. Sometimes I wonder if my tummy skin thickens due to all the injections.

Tsf, thanks! How's your ET? For my case, one day after ER, to start crinone gel. Then from 2nd day after ER, they gave me a schedule of vaginal inserts to follow - 3 times a day. ~sweat~
Hi all,

Cheeka, congrats on the many eggies and all the best to ur ER! Hydrate urself well and if body not ready, better to freeze the Embbies and do a FET so ur body can rest and be ready.

Tsf, welcome to the 2ww!
I suggest u to call CHR for instruction. For my current cycle, I only have crinone as support, i put the crinone after I reach hm and the next dose and subsequent dose in the morning at the same time. Cannot quite recall my fresh cycle. I also called up CHR to check on the dosing cos the Day Surg nurses dun know the instruction.
Tsf - Hopemiracle is correct as it is better to check with the CHR nurse. Fyi, I started crinone only last week and stopped on the ET date, but continue it on the next morning till my BT date. However I think it may be different from IVF (as I am on medicated FET). :rolleyes: Welcome to the 2ww - eat, sleep and rest well, dear.
Cheeka, yup i also feel tat its more difficult to poke in the trigger jab needle. I panicked when i cant seem to pierce the needle in. Guess the tummy does get more resistant/rubbery after kena so many jabs.

Cheeka, bb_blues, gigi..all the best for ur ER ladies! May u all have great quality & mature eggs, ur future bbies..
Dun forget to wear socks in OT. OT is freezing cold. I shivered so much last time till they gave me a warmer. Mayb bcoz partly we are anxious & scared as well haha!

Gigi, u took herbs during stim? I though prof said no chinese medication once start stim? Going for my 2nd scan tmr. Hope my eggs will grow as well as urs. .
This is crap. So I told my boss I will go for the trip. Then I wrote to the US side to request for detailed meeting agenda.
And US responded that they are considering postponing the meeting to Nov!!!! I was like ?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!
And now, it is too late to call CHR to start for this cycle liao....
Anyways, glad to hear that the embbies survived thawing and a few of the ladies her underwent ER and ET.
Hope to hear good news from all of you soon!!
Those in 2ww, take care and rest well!
the nurses gave me a form with the entire process ER and ET tsf you dont have that? it says to start crinone gel on the day after ER and no crinone on the day of ET...
syrian well i mentionned the herbs to the nurse and no reaction i must say i did not tell pc wong i think it s natural so no big deal huh?:confused: anyway my chances are so low (remember he gave me a 10-12% success rate) that i allow myself to try whatever i can no? but yes i might be wrong dont know indeed
The thread is really moving fast :)
I will have ER tomorrow too. Prof Wong also said my left ovary is high, hopefully it will lower tomorrow. I am feeling bloated, I feel my tummy going to explode especially after meals.

Wish Cheeka, Gigi and bb blues all the best for your ER.

I only get to know yesterday need to insert pills and gel after ER till pregnancies test. Wondering how people do it at workplace? I thought of going back office during the 2ww but now change my mind.
Morning sisters!
Cheek, Gigi, bb_blues and mustard seeds, all the best to ur ER later!
Stay cool and relax, dun think too much abt the qty, pray for quality!

Bring socks to keep warm!
Good morning ladies!

Cheeka, congrats on ur number of eggs. Hope they will be great ones. Remember to drink ur immunocal, egg whites, isotonics & lotsa water for bloatedness. Take care of urself & follow nurse instructions abt monitoring ur weight & symptoms. Hope u will be ok. All the best for ur ER later. Update us k.

Mustard seed, gigi, bb_blues, all the best for ur ER too! May u gals be blessed with great looking egg too!

Kopibaby, aiyoh! Ur company shd have updated u earlier abt the postponed meeting. Nvm lah juz use this time to tiao ur body, eat supplements & prepare ur mind abt this whole ttc-ing thingy. That might be a blessing in disguise. U never noe rite?
Today is a beautiful morning because we have gigi, mustard seeds, bb_blues (hope I didnt miss out anyone) going for their ER and they are gonna have many many many follicles retrieved. PC Wong is gonna perform his magic and try t reach the high ovaries.

Do update us on your progress ladies! You are all in my thoughts.
Gigi, bb_blues, cheeka and Mustard Seeds: All the best for your ER today.

Orange tigger and hopemiracle: How are u ladies? Am 11dpiui. Felt nauseous on mon and today morning. Then on and off cramps in abdomen thigh back n boobs. Belly button seems abit swollen. Wonder why. Af symptoms not in sight as if due should be 9 oct.

Between check with you ladies. Will hpt strip carry any line before testing. I did one cheap strip test today. BFN but can see shadow of second line. Wonder if it means anything. Anyway think it's still v early.
Hi mesara, I m good. Not much symptoms, just some twinges and backache, prob from the crinone gel. Trying not to read into the symptoms... Stress.

Keep your hope up and remain positive!

I have those cheap ones in the past also, shd not have a line before testing. 2 lines shd appear if positive cos one is a control line and the other the resultant line.
Hi ladies, heres update for my 2nd scan.
Left: position high. Got 5 follies ranging frm 7,9,11mm.
Right; got cyst but prof said ok. Got 4 follies . Sizes 9,10,11,12mm.
Starting cetrotide & pergoveries tmr.
Cheeka, I feel breathless and boobs soreness after I started my inserts so that was not the real symptoms.
How's your ER? U must be feeling sore as you have a number of follies. Take care!
Mesara - I am feeling alright on my 5dpfet. :) Are you taking any medicine at this stage as I am not familiarize with iui protocol? Sometimes it is the chemical reaction of the medicines we have taken previously or now showing the shadow of the second line. However, do stay positive as it can be indicating positive news too. Just be careful at this stage - no fall, no carrying heavy things or etc...
Morning ladies,

The thread moves so fast. So many ladies going for their ER soon! Mustard, Gigi, Cheeka, all the best and good luck!

Syrian, progress is good!

Just seen Prof, ER estimate this saturday. Right got 4 follies from 12 to 17mm. Left got 4 follies from 14mm to 18mm. Lining 10mm. Hope the smaller ones can catch up.

Gigi, my previous scan was 7 follies ranging from 5 to 11mm. Did you measure your lining ytd? How was it?

mesara, faint positive may just means positive. Looking good! Try testing in another 2 days!
keep all the good news coming in!!! :D
me going to see Dr Zhao at Raffles for acu...
me halfway on Nor E... realised have alot of discharge... and last night, feel cramp like AF :(

Bbblues my lining was 8mm they said no problem about that! It Will still grow
Oh my g you have more And more follies! How lucky
