Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

Nervous babe yeah i start perjoveris today you ré right i could have asked why since growth ok i guess they want to make sure they keep on growing well but he did not mention some new ones would come up! :(
May i ask how many scan do we usually have?
I ve been taking blackmore conceive well plus 2 egg whites plus herbs ( i stopped cause huge diarrhea i have to tell my acu ) plus acu every 2 days since day 5 of cycle
Syrian you dont seem to be low amh your AFC is great!

Good luck to tsf for your ER and all the best to Hopemiracle and OrangeTigger for your ET. Jiayou!

Gigi, thanks for asking, had my scan today. Rt got 3 around 7mm to 11mm. Lt got 4 around 5mm to 11mm. Lining about 7mm. Prof say lining not impt for now. So you don't worry about your lining too. Your progress is good too, at least your sizes are more even! Me going to start pregoveris and centroid tmr!

Regarding the pregoveris, the nurse say those with low AMH will have to take this as this improves the quality of the eggs. She also told me the centroid is more painful than gonal F and the pregoveris is more painful than centroid. Sigh...

Syrian, I also dun think you have low AMH as that is a good number of reserves you have. Hope all will grow nicely!

Nervous_babe, all the best to you! So you will be the upcoming star to spread bb dusts here! :D
Ooooh bbblues that is fantastic! Prof was happy no? I started the 2 other jabs this am at the clinic true the perjoveris one slightly hurts but still ok - the thing u think this is a bit too complex for me the mix the bubble etc...
Well from afc 4 i got 4 follies guess it wont change now i have to hang on to it!
Take care ladies
Nervous babe when do you start?
Dear ladies...

I feel so sad.... 8 follicles only manage to retrieve 4 eggs only.... Right side is abandoned... Total cannot be reached... Dun even know if I'll make it to the 2ww! : *(
Oh tsf sorry to hear that but you Know 4 is still good! Just wait to Know how many Will be fertilised ok?
Try to rest to prepare your body for ET
Hi tsf, *hugs*
I know it is discouraging but u need to remain strong for the 4 follies that made it.
Rem min81 shared before that quality is more impt. Rest well get ready for the next step.
Tsf - Please dun feel sad. Yr 4 follies will be strong. Do not stress yourself and look on the bright side to welcome yr embryos in a few days time. Big Hugs, dear
Tsf 4 is better than none. Have hope. All u need is one. There was a sister in this forum who had one n it was fertilized n she got Peggy. Miracles happen with one. God has given u four. Hold on be strong n positive.
Nervousbabe, I only started having prob closer to blood test which I think I was aldy preggy :) no issue, prof will switch your inserts, morn crinone, afternoon utrogestan n estrofem then evening utrogestan again. Just bring along a wet wipe for wiping the exterior of your vajayjay before insert.

Tsf, which is worst? Having retrieved 15 yet only 4 fertilized n 3 survived? Have faith in your eggies! Remember it's the quality not the quantity. Take 2 antacid pills. Shld help with your nausea cos might be fast too long.

All the best to all that had ET or er done!!!
Tsf, dun be sad. Try to remain positive. Have faith in ur 4 follies. No use having lotsa folliies but quality is not there. Are these 4 all matured? Try not to worry to much. Rest well, recover from ER and prepare ur body to be ready for ur embbies alright. Take care..
Nervous_babe, gigi, bb_blues, juz like my first fresh. They counted 5 follies each side but in the end, retrieved only 2 eggs. Thats y the phobia still there. Keeping my fingers crossed this time & praying hard as well.
Tsf0205: * hug hug* dun be upset ... Maybe all 4 follies will fertilized and be matured for ur ET??

Dun think sooo much and get good rest, oki??

Syrian: Dun worry .... Hope u get more eggs and they grow to ideal size :)
@ duffy bear and naomi
i wish to thank you to keep on posting in this forum even though preggies this is really a relief to feel support from people who ve been through this all thing
take good care of your tummies :)

Thks for replying, How's ur twinnies doing?

I need to ask how to do it when not lying down? Sry can u pm me if is too private.
Sometimes I have problem with both utrogestan and estrofem even when lying down. Only with the help of crinone then I am ok with estrofem .
Hope, orange.. Do rest well and take good care.. :)

Syrian, thanks for the reply.. My fibs are 'subserosal', - on the outer wall lining of the uterus.. Abt 4, ranging from 2-4cm :(
I spoke to the nurse this am to ask which doc is prof referring me to.. She mentioned an indian prof but I din catch the name properly.. Arghh.. But I made an appt to see him on wed for an opinion/consultation.. Will see how it goes... *prays*
Dear ladies...

I feel so sad.... 8 follicles only manage to retrieve 4 eggs only.... Right side is abandoned... Total cannot be reached... Dun even know if I'll make it to the 2ww! : *(

Hi tsf,
Can share what are yr follicles sizes in yr last scan prior to ER?
Ok girls i messed up with my cetrotide And pergoveriS jabs this morning i lost fluid in both what the f**** i called chr they cannot tell me to redo in case hyperdosage well i guess i ll have one more day of shots - remain positive - when i press the cetrotide liquid came out between the needle And my body :eek::confused:
Nervousbabe, actually I switched to inserting while sitting on toilet bowl after that. Maybe u want to try? Or try to lift one of your legs up, I think it helps. PM u later. How far r u from BT? If u r not far, u might have conceived already. Cos that was my symptom.

Gigi, could be your body is starting to reject jabs, try to massage your tummy abit before jabbing n release your pinch a little when the liquid starts flowing in
Maomi, I m still far from my BT just that I might need to go back office. Anyway, dr zhao did say that if one is small frame and with the progesterone inserts we could have all the symptom like breathless, bloated etc.

Gigi, yeah, release the pinch may help as the liquid have more area to flow to. I always forget to release too. Jia you
tsf, ~hugz~ my cycle buddy. I can feel you... prof also said my left ovary is high and might not be able to reach. Try to think this way... we do what we can, but the location of the ovary is not within our control... so take it easy yah... try to be positive for your other ovary's eggs... *HUGZ*
Dear ladies, thanks for all the words of comfort...... I will wait for phone call Tmr. Hoping for the best. This journey haven't been smooth sailing.... Fell sick 2 times during stimming and fall sick again after ER... Well I did my best... Hope I have some good news to bring to all of you tmr.

Hi agar2, my follicle sizes as follows:
11, 16, 16.5, 16.5, 17.5, 18, 18
Tsf0205:ur eggs sizes r good... Hope to hear ur good new soon :)

Gigi: I think u got to release the pinch after needle poked in and then slowly inject the medicine.... Then the solution won't 'spill' out ba....

I m worry cos gg for my 1st scan tml ... Worry bb not in right place.... Scare ectopic pregnancy after the past experiences... Didn't slept well last night... Look like panda now...
Good Morning, Sisters. So happy that I do not have to work for the next 2ww. :D

TSF - Dun worry, the embryologist will bring good news to you. All the best, dear.

Duffy_bear - U must stay positive and have faith that this will be a smooth prgnancy. Relax and I believe your scan will turn out good. :)

Gigi - Relax your muscle when injecting the medicine to your body, dear.
Dear all, bringing some good news to share....4 eggs retreived, 3 mature, 2 fertilised... feel very relieved...
Duffy bear, i too have high risk of etopic pregnancy.... may your scan be smooth. Good luck!
Hello girls!
Ok this morning my hubby did the mix me only jabbing now And i released the pinch and it worked for both jabs ouf thanks !!
Tsf great !!! I with i had that 2 4 eggs 3 mature 2 fertilised this is just what we need!
Duffy bear when i had suspected ectopic prégnancy they said i had to have big pain around tubes if you have no pain no bleeding dont worry you have to be positive
Take all good care
Congrats tsf! Do u know when is ur ET? Rest well and be ready for the next step.

Duffy bear, have faith, your bb will be at the right place!
morning ladies...
kopibaby> discuss with ur hubby... I think both of u shld make this decision together.
As for me, I know my Oct cycle will most probably affect my promotion. Both immed superior and boss wasn’t very supportive abt the 2 weeks HL and asked if I can postpone?! *roll eyes*
I told them nope! I am even prepared to tender if they are going to stop me from taking the HL! Hahaha.. me already 36, don’t wana delay further…
somemore I not high flyer so ok lah :p
Mesara - how are you feeling on your d10iui? When is your BT date?

Miric - Not completely bed rest as you must move around so that there is blood circulation in the womb. For lunch, my DH bought for me and my mum cook dinner and my DH go to collect my tingkat. :cool:
@tsf And cheeka who have this ovary problem cause too high i just remembered i read about a girl on a western forum who used ostheopathy to replace back this ovary And she said it worked wonder - why dont you give a call / try Never Know ..
Hello ladies!

Tsf, your 2 embies will be the ones!

Hopemiracle and orange, congrats! Enjoy your 2ww. Relax and watch comedies. Oh, when you get off the bed, don't sit up immediately (like doing situps), turn to your side and use your hand to push your body up. This is to prevent using your tummy muscle. Learnt this from my previous cycle.

Started the pergoveris on sunday and is a b***h! So painful! And the centrotide is also so itchy and I got a 10cent size of red patch around the jab. Hope is just rashes and nothing serious. Gigi, you experience this?

And also want to ask if any of your hbs did sperm freezing prior to the OR? This is just for backup. Me and hb are considering doing but the andrology lab was wondering why we do this since he is not traveling and his sperm count is good. Are we too KS? Maybe I will ask Prof about this for my upcoming scan.

Have a good week ahead ladies! Jiayou!!!
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Good afternoon girls
Bbblues no i Didnt expérience that but the nurse mention its one of the side effects the itching also can happen - I also asked her if we could put cream she said ok but itching would last only few min so phone them to ask what to put on cause you its been more than 5 mn :mad:
For the pergoveris it burns!! I just breathe in press breathing out! And i press very very slowly

Also you manage the mix ? I am so bad at it!
Thanks Orange-Tigger cos my MIL says she wana move over to cook for me...nice of her but hehe I rather not lah keke
Orange Tigger, Am feeling normal. Just that backaches come on and off. Feel bloated. Other than than that very normal. Thus, not getting too hopeful but still trying to keep the positive thinking alive. No symtpoms might mean nothing so just drowning myself at work. Pray daily. Feel depress at times but I still aussume I have an embby in me and talk to him be strong...papa and mama love him alot and want to hold him in our arms soon :)

When do you think I should do HPT? Coz Prof told me to see him next Thu....if nothing by then AF should report...

Tsf: Congrats on your two strong embbies. They made it. When is ET. Soon they will start to grow in you. Take care.

HopeMiracle: How are you getting on the TWW?
Gigi, you are so brave to jab yourself. My hb did all the mixing and jabbing.
The itch only last few mins, is the rash that worries me. This morning I jab the other side, shall see if the rash appears this time.
Wonder why blood always oozes out after the pergoveris jab. Got to use up to 2 alcohol swaps to stop the flow. *sighs*
Miric - I will have the same reply as you too. Heehee.

Mesara - Most sis will have this mixed feeling in their 2ww, including myself. It is good to stay positive as I do have gf who got pregnant through iui. Frankly speaking, I do not have the courage to test on my own. :D I rather do a blood test in the hospital as it is more accurate. Let pray for tons of bb dusts coming to this thread.
Bb blues
The rash should be Normal, it will goes off after a while.
For the pergoveris, you may want to try using the ice pack to numb the area before jab.
We are asked whether we want to freeze the sperm but think it costs more than $200, so we didn't.
But as long your DH does not have sperm count problem, should be fine to do without freezing. Just my thought.
Good evening ladies!

Miric, kudos, all ready to sacrifice for the little one (s)! I also gave up my job to ttc, but hoping to return to work force if possible. Dun burn ur bridges w ur bosses but just be sure abt ur decision on ttc, I m sure your determination will pay off :)
The last fresh I did not have 100% bedrest, I bought all the fish, meat etc to store and cook on my own. Can boil soup w slow cooker and steam ur dishes? Easier to prepare and wash up. Maybe u shd consider ur MIL's offer, really great to be looked after, haha, this time I have my mum to help.

Bb_blues, thanks for ur advice! I m too chor-lor already, movement still quite big, need to be more demure. :oops:
Continue to Jia you in ur stimming!

Gigi and bb_blues, Regarding the injection thingy, I used to apply ice wrapped in cloth, to apply at the area I am injecting like what nervous_babe suggested. It worked to reduce the duration of itchiness. After I got use to the jab, I stopped. Was not on pergoveris,so I m not certain abt the rxn it caused. Jia you!

Mesara, I am good! life is abt zzz, eating, watching tvb drama, reading....
Good to remain positive... Jia you! Pray for peace, remember Philippians 4:6, I pray that you will receive this peace from God :)
This time I tell myself not to look for symptoms cos v stress de.
Some sisters shared that they have no symptoms and still BFP... So take heart!
Dear ladies, Thks for the encouraging ...

Tsf0205: good luck for ur ET on tml!!!

As for me, I still continue to eat egg white , drink milk and some durians !!!

Oh, I oso went Dr Zou for my accuptures sessions after ET...

ooooh its getting so fast this thread today :D tsf orange trigger duffy bear keep on you re on the right track!

@bbblues i dont have blood with the pergoveris jab only when i did it with the nurse i think it was because she told me to jab further up (she wanted to help and she had noticed i usually jab quite close to my belly button cause i know there s no veins around) - so i think that day i touched a vein - anyway i have no bruises and no blood i do it very slowly and myself so that i can control my pain i prefer but yeah for the mixing of pergoveris this is really difficult i think so hubby does it now

question to all ladies - why do you recommend to wear socks for ER and ET :eek:
good night
