Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

Hi ladies..juz an update, my menses juz came :p so can call CHR on mon to start my cycle is shorter this time round, only 26 days.. I didnt even know tat menses already start..usually i will have bad pre-menstrual cramping but didnt feel it this time round..must be the effect of tcm & acu..

Straw..yesh u didnt see it wrongly..theres 1 on the head!! But not painful lah..not sure if raffles do moxibustion though. Btw wats moxibustion? Wat is it for?

Fuztweet..the frequency of acu & meds depend on ur body condition. For me, they recommend once a week. But like tat, my package will finish v fast far i only went acu 3x ..I was given meds to take during my last menses. To take for 5 days for my menstrual cramps frm endo. I also got med to improve my blood circulation. But this is optional, was given a choice on whether to take or not..i think u shd give tcm a try. I also didnt try on my 1st fresh. Trying this time round to see if theres any difference..

Gigi..i went to prof coz of few reasons..hes popular among the sistas here. Have attended his talks abt ivf & stuffs..Besides i work in nuh so its easier for me to go for scans & appmt without having to take leave..can also chk my BT results without having to wait till next appmt doubt hes stern but u can ask him any questions tat u have..he will answer all ur questions. I feel tat hes sincere in helping us all through this difficult stage in our life..initially i do feel tat he display this authorative air in him & i was kinda scared to create conversation wif him..but things got better eventually..hes a nice guy lah no worries, we are all in good hands..:)

Tsf..tats so strange, no explanation..yup the fluid is toxic & may affect implantation if it does leak to the uterus..i understand ur worries..been thro it b4. I think if time is at ur side, u might want to try tcm for few months & see if things get better..btw juz a precaution, if u do continue wif ivf & if they see fluid in ur womb, they might abandon the ET.. i had tat scare during my last ivf when they found fluid in my womb juz days before my ER. Was so worried tat my lap for hydorsalphix failed. Luckily it resolved by itself..did u do hsg to find out where exactly is the blockage? All the best for ur scan next mth..

To other ladies..enjoy ur weekends..
Hi ladies..juz an update, my menses juz came :p so can call CHR on mon to start my cycle is shorter this time round, only 26 days.. I didnt even know tat menses already start..usually i will have bad pre-menstrual cramping but didnt feel it this time round..must be the effect of tcm & acu..

Straw..yesh u didnt see it wrongly..theres 1 on the head!! But not painful lah..not sure if raffles do moxibustion though. Btw wats moxibustion? Wat is it for?

Fuztweet..the frequency of acu & meds depend on ur body condition. For me, they recommend once a week. But like tat, my package will finish v fast far i only went acu 3x ..I was given meds to take during my last menses. To take for 5 days for my menstrual cramps frm endo. I also got med to improve my blood circulation. But this is optional, was given a choice on whether to take or not..i think u shd give tcm a try. I also didnt try on my 1st fresh. Trying this time round to see if theres any difference..

Gigi..i went to prof coz of few reasons..hes popular among the sistas here. Have attended his talks abt ivf & stuffs..Besides i work in nuh so its easier for me to go for scans & appmt without having to take leave..can also chk my BT results without having to wait till next appmt doubt hes stern but u can ask him any questions tat u have..he will answer all ur questions. I feel tat hes sincere in helping us all through this difficult stage in our life..initially i do feel tat he display this authorative air in him & i was kinda scared to create conversation wif him..but things got better eventually..hes a nice guy lah no worries, we are all in good hands..:)

Tsf..tats so strange, no explanation..yup the fluid is toxic & may affect implantation if it does leak to the uterus..i understand ur worries..been thro it b4. I think if time is at ur side, u might want to try tcm for few months & see if things get better..btw juz a precaution, if u do continue wif ivf & if they see fluid in ur womb, they might abandon the ET.. i had tat scare during my last ivf when they found fluid in my womb juz days before my ER. Was so worried tat my lap for hydorsalphix failed. Luckily it resolved by itself..did u do hsg to find out where exactly is the blockage? All the best for ur scan next mth..

To other ladies..enjoy ur weekends..
Hi, I did my HSG last year. This year never do... Only ultrasound revealed hydro... Prof recommend me to start in sept... Should I trust him?? Tcm say no go... Gg 33 next year... Hoping to have my bundle of joy before 35...
Superwoman, glad to hear your dh is fine, u will do iui in sept?

Miraclez, waiting for your bb dust here...

Tsf, why did tcm say dont go? Should u ask second opinion tcm?
Miraclez.. we are here to catch your babydust!

straw1.. I think I will verify with them on my blood test results first cos honestly I don't want my child to become carrier. Then decide from there.. How about you?
so nice to get all those reassuring answers:) but you know he s been so stern am not shy usually but he did scare me you know
well anyway it's on the way lets see!
enjoy your day gigi
Gigi, i find him stern and intimidating also. There was once where i made some special request, he denied it flatly but patiently explained to me why. Anyway, I persisted and got my way. Lol. And oh, what i like most about him is he LISTEN! Of all the gyneas or specialists I been to, most cut me off before I can finish my sentence but he patiently listen to me and only speaks when I complete my sentence. This shows he treat us patients like humans, not a money tree. :)

CMR, I once mentioned to Prof that I know about his seminar through the forum, he is so surprised that he paused a while then asked me what did the forum ppl say about his seminar, useful or not? I almost burst out laughing seeing how concern he is on what ppl say in the forum. If i were to tell him there is one thread dedicated on him, I dun think I can leave his room so soon. Lol.
Hey tsf.. Did your TCM doc say why no go for IVF in sep? I went to queue for IVF only because my TCM doc encouraged so your TCM doc has other concerns?
Superwoman, if you are minor and your husband negatif, your bb maybe minor or negatif thalasemia. Normally people with thalasemia minor is anemic, but it is good to clarify your test result with prof before step fwd.
I am still waiting my af to reporr before I can do blood test, I did a blood test fsh e2 prog etc at sgh last year but they did not do it on D2 or D3, so prof said it is inaccurate, kinda waste $ and time if I think abt it.

Tsf, normally people with blocked tube should do ivf, I think the concern is with hydro. Did prof or tcm suggest anything to reduce the swollen?
Superwoman, if you are minor and your husband negatif, your bb maybe minor or negatif thalasemia. Normally people with thalasemia minor is anemic, but it is good to clarify your test result with prof before step fwd.
I am still waiting my af to reporr before I can do blood test, I did a blood test fsh e2 prog etc at sgh last year but they did not do it on D2 or D3, so prof said it is inaccurate, kinda waste $ and time if I think abt it.

Tsf, normally people with blocked tube should do ivf, I think the concern is with hydro. Did prof or tcm suggest anything to reduce the swollen?
Hi straw1,

Tcm suggest acupuncture and medication, long term n no guarantee...
Prof suggest try one round of Ivf or do lap to remove tubes...

很矛盾 :(
Superwoman: glad DH has cleared BT. So r u going iui in sep. Do u have regular cycle ? And does adeno cause u severe pain?

Straw1: I also thought adeno will cause implantation issue but doc said no. One of the sister here called Chris had adeno n she successfully conceived under prof. But she went tcm dr Zhu at Bukit merah for acu n moxibustion. I will be doing that too.
Hi straw1,

Tcm suggest acupuncture and medication, long term n no guarantee...
Prof suggest try one round of Ivf or do lap to remove tubes...

很矛盾 :(

I can feel you, It is very difficult to choose, but we still have to choose. Indeed hydro may affect success rate in ivf but still some people success carrying bb to full term with hydro. Dun lose hope, keep on praying and ask God to show you the right path.
Hi hi.... Finally embarked on my ivf journey.... Started on my cetrotide injection on day 5 of my gonal f injection....

So far so good with both injections but cetrotide injection was a little bit painful but still bearable ...
I can feel you, It is very difficult to choose, but we still have to choose. Indeed hydro may affect success rate in ivf but still some people success carrying bb to full term with hydro. Dun lose hope, keep on praying and ask God to show you the right path.
Yes... Visiting prof next tue... Shall make my decision then... U know success cases of pregnancy with hydro???
duffy_bear, good job so far!
For cetrotide, I read before that before administering, u can use an ice cube wrapped in cloth/fabric to cool/number the injection area, the injection will be less itchy. I tried that initially for a while then got use to the injection, so i stopped... if it is bad, u may try that. Jia you!

miraclez... we are here to cheer u on. jia you!

other sisters, jia you too!
Cast all your anxieties onto the Lord...God Bless You ;)
Tsf .. I guess everyone of us have some issues and at some point or another, we have to make some difficult decisions. But once you have decided on the next course of action, don't look back and everything will fall into place. Must have faith in yourself k..

Sara my hub ask the doctor at the polyclinic and he was saying the detailed test is only for those suspected Alpha Thalassemia. So not sure how I can go about verifying whether I'm a carrier. I was looking at my hub's test results and comparing it with my results from KKH and everything looks normal for me. Will verify with Prof on my test results again. Meanwhile, you must eat and rest well for IUI and hope you strike!
Superwoman: glad DH has cleared BT. So r u going iui in sep. Do u have regular cycle ? And does adeno cause u severe pain?

Straw1: I also thought adeno will cause implantation issue but doc said no. One of the sister here called Chris had adeno n she successfully conceived under prof. But she went tcm dr Zhu at Bukit merah for acu n moxibustion. I will be doing that too.

Sara: Is dr zhu require appt? Is she also long q? Do you mind share her contact?
I have a mild adeno, my cycle is not really pain, I just have spottinh before it begin and sore leg which according to tcm it is because poor blood circulation
Sara think I forgot to answer 2nd part of your qtn. My cycles are like clockwork.. It's either 27 or 28 days so I count myself lucky that I have 13 cycles in a year to ttc but yet I ve been trying for 4 years. Before consulting TCM, I always thought having monthly cramps and spotting is the norm. But in Chinese med, there should not be any PMS symptoms. I only knew I ve adenomyosis when I had my lap. But after my lap with the removal of my fibroids, there were no PMS symptoms at all. You have adenomyosis too? I do believe that TCM will help in reducing the monthly symptoms but I don't think the tissues resulting from adeno can be entirely through surgery.
May all sisters have a good day today!

Duffy_bear, update us about ur stimulation. It is exciting to see the progress after each scan!
Morning ladies!

Duffy_bear, how many scans do you need during your stimulation phase?
And ladies, usually how many days of stimulation you gals need? I need to start planning and see if the ER crashes with my hb's meeting. ER is usually in the morning?
Prof usually do D2 or D3 transfer?
Hi bb_blues, I have about 14 days of stim...My ER was in the afternoon at 1 plus. cannot rem exactly how many times, but every 2-3 days cos he will scan and u need to replenish the stock of injection. But usually done early in the morning, so u can still go back to work.
If I am not wrong, Prof usually does D3 transfer. D2 is more at KKH.
Morning everybody!
Ok today i start yoga : new modo is "positive relax gonna be ok "
@bbblues dont Know cause start only on sep but happy to read answers! Except for transfer i asked the nurse she said depending on the embryo can be 3 4 up to 5 days
Hopemiracle, 14 days is quite alot right? Yours was long or short protocol?

gigi, yoga is good! Jiayou! Streeetch!!! :)
mine is short, long meh? Time passes v fast de... heehee
During stim, still can go and work, before u realise, it is due for ER and then ET.
I find the scan exciting la, so I look forward to each scan to know how many follicles.
Tsf .. I guess everyone of us have some issues and at some point or another, we have to make some difficult decisions. But once you have decided on the next course of action, don't look back and everything will fall into place. Must have faith in yourself k..

Sara my hub ask the doctor at the polyclinic and he was saying the detailed test is only for those suspected Alpha Thalassemia. So not sure how I can go about verifying whether I'm a carrier. I was looking at my hub's test results and comparing it with my results from KKH and everything looks normal for me. Will verify with Prof on my test results again. Meanwhile, you must eat and rest well for IUI and hope you strike!
Hi superwoman, thanks for the encouragement. Saw tat yr DH results are fine. When r u starting yr cycle???
Oh miraclez sorry how many Times did you try already? Why are you in ivf( sorry Am new here And So many girls ) keep going
HI Miraclez - I just saw this and i am so sorry! Big hugs my dear! You're right - dont stop will happen!!
Miraclez, HUGZ.

Newcomers, I would like to suggest that you refer to Page 1 (first few pages, afterall, it is not a thread with long history) of this thread and you will know most of the intro of the older batch of the sisters here instead of asking again. Most of us are/were first or 2nd timers. Let's give Miraclez some space for now.

All the best to the sisters that will be embarking the September cycle. Will pop by once awhile when I'm feeling fine to spread bb dust ok?
Tis thread barely moves today... Moving it a little.

Thanks Maomi for dropping by!

I hope this thread is helping newbies like me ( now junior oldie) in the upcoming first fresh or FET ahead. I benefitted from sisters who had their cycle 1-2 mths ahead of me. though I failed, the encouragement I received here is v much appreciated. Friends or even close friends who do not share the same journey will never know how hard we really try to be promoted to be a mummy, but the sisters here do. I teared w joy when I see BFP news from the thread. There are sisters who got promoted the first time, but there are some who tried tirelessly to be promoted. What we can learn from them is their perseverance and tenacity, other than the secrets to success. Their news will also encourage us to look ahead and forward. So, 加油!

For sisters who failed, be of good cheer. We will get promoted ONE DAY... Just hold on and wait. Look ahead and not look back.
For sisters who are going to embark on this journey, since there are so many uncertainties, just take one step at a time. The seniors here will try, w our best knowledge, to share w u. So dun worry ah.

Sorry for the naggy post, just some 感言 to share w u.
Time for dinner! God bless!
Good morning ladies.... TGIF!!! Thanks Hopemiracle for sharing your words of encouragement.

Just want to ask for some opinions.... The CHR suggested that I put back one embryo only for my Sept cycle. Reasons being: (a) This is my first IVF fresh cycle; (b) I have hyperthyroidism; (c) Risks with multiple pregnancies. I haven't spoken to Prof Wong but feel that he would suggest the same. Just wondering if any of the ladies here can share your comments.

Second was the compulsory psychologist counselling. Do you really find it useful? Personally, I felt it was not as useful. Perhaps because I am way pass those phases (e.g. timing of sex, resentment and disappointments towards spouse etc). I felt that the counselling should have begun earlier when fertility issues had been discovered, or prior to IUI. Because IVF seems to be the last resort for most couples.

Morning sisters!
Cheeka, usually they will advise just put one embryo, same to me though I have no medical issue of concern. Point a and c, to me la, are general concern for all ladies going IVF.
Maybe u shd ask Prof if u choose to put 2, any risk cos of your hyperthyroidism, I am more concerned about your health and also babies. Other than that, I think if u and hub can take up the challenge of being a twin parents, it shd be fine ;)

Have u attended the counselling? I am not sure if it is optional, I just followed the flow... haha, curious also about what they said. For me, I regard that session as a 'kick start' for both hub and myself. Cetain
