Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

Cheeka - I personally feel you should listen with the advice that PC think it is the best for your health condition. Actually, I read a report in magazine, it states that the success rate through FET is higher; than IVF as some of our womb was "injured" after ER (after withdraw a lot of embryos). In FET process, the womb is in good condition so it can give a health environment for the embryo to grow well in our body. According to my TCM, she said some of her patients went bangkok to do their IVF, but the doctor at there did not transfer the embryo after D3 or D% but they frozen the embryo. After the next month, they advised the patient to come back and put the frozen embryo into the body. The great news is more patient got pregnant by this method.

For the psychologist counselling, my husband and I felt it is useful. I think the main purpose is to let both of you understand there is a lot of challenges and stress ahead before/after the IVF. Question like - did you tell your friend and relative you are going IVF, how are you going to handle failure IVF, who is looking after the bb if the ivf succeed, etc.... Frankly speaking, I enjoy listening to my husband's feedback as it makes me know how he feel (coz my guy likes to keep some wordings in his heart at times). ;)

Morning ladies,

Thought usually they will transfer 2 embryos unless you have other medical issue? Hopemiracle, you only transfer 1? And I thought Prof should be the one making the decision and not CHR right. I really don't mind having twins..haha..can close factory liao..:rolleyes:

I haven't attend the counseling session though but I know is compulsory and NOT Free. I also wonder if it really helps for me who has gone through multiple rounds. Hmm..
Hi bb_blues, I transferred 2 despite CHR advising us to transfer 1. Hub wanted to increase our odds. haha and we dun mind being twin parents, though a bit straining. But he says walk one step, see one step.... One step at a time.

Yeah, the counselling session allows my quiet husband to say his mind too. At least it helped us to adjust our expectation prior to the cycle.
Good Morning Ladies - Happy Friday!
I personally found the counselling session quite useful as well. They asked me questions that never occurred to me before and sort of made me realise that many things I take for granted are actually blessings that will help me along the IVF journey. Similar to the other sisters, my super quiet hubby spoke up and it was a refreshing change. me being miss emotional - i cried as well so go ahead and cry if you have to bb_blues :)
As for the transfer, i was advised to transfer 1 also cos of my risks with clotting. But after my failed FET i was asked to now consider 2 for the next round with more agressive monitoring to my clotting conditions. So do relay your concerns to Prof and see what additional measures need to be taken if you decide to transfer 2 embryos. :)
:eek: how come i did not get conseiling? i ve been to a conseiling but they were so late my husband had urgent meeting and had to leave before (after 1.30mn wait) it was at CHR the nurse explained me the whole process i start nor e in 1 week is it what you name conseiling?
@ cheeka i specifically asked the nurse if 2 embryos double the chance she had no idea she said so i checked on internet it does slightly increase chances but not double
@ orange trigger - FET better success ratio? had no idea thought it was the other way (like i know the frozen sperm is less efficient that the fresh one so thought it was the same for embryos)
gigi - I don't have magazine with me. But I have found a website dated June 2012 and it mentioned - "With frozen embryo transfer, what we do is prescribe estrogen and progesterone to control the cycle, and many of the studies have shown that what we consider a programmed FET cycle has a little bit higher success rate than a natural cycle," Dr. Hurst continues. "It used to be that we would prescribe progesterone shots, but now we do most FETs with vaginal progesterone."

Another article about FET -

For all sisters, there is lot of information in the internet, so it is advisable to ask PC or your TCM to give more advice whether it is true. :cool:
@orange o_O So single transfer is more efficient according to your press release now Am confused Am going to browse the net as well
Have a nice day
gigi - Don't get confused, dear. You still need to check with your doctor and don't trust the information found in the internet as there is a lot of hidden factors to consider. I normally will jot down some interesting information and verify with my doctor or CHR nurse or TCM before believing it. Enjoy your googling. :p
@ orange trigger : yeah i ll ask them trust me :D
i realised i have not done neither the antra follicule counting (have you done that?)
Thanks all for your opinions.

I agree that for my health, I probably should just transfer one. But my concern is if it is frozen, not all will thaw nicely (some might not survive thawing).

Regarding the counselling, I find that it's not as useful because somehow I already pass the "depression" stage where I would cry every month when menses come, or when I would blame DH for not doing (or for doing) certain things, or when we time the intercourse etc. The rest of the issues, such as whether to tell relatives and friends, who will take care baby etc also have been resolved. For DH, whatever he said at the counselling session was nothing new as he was quite open and chatty with me. :)

But it's good that the counselor reminded him that everybody learns differently, some learns through the experience of others, some through personal experience. For example, the husband finds it unnecessary to grief every month when menses come, and the wife feels that the husband cannot understand how she feels. The husband's role is to support the wife instead of "belittling" how she feels or saying that she shouldn't feel that way. Dont know if you understand what I mean.
Sara: Is dr zhu require appt? Is she also long q? Do you mind share her contact?
I have a mild adeno, my cycle is not really pain, I just have spottinh before it begin and sore leg which according to tcm it is because poor blood circulation

Hi Straw

I just started going to Dr Zhu also. Making an appt is better I think. I usually go during office hours so there is no queue. The contact number is 6471 5517.
Haha ya hopemiracle! i dun think guys understand why we join forums hehehe

I think this forum is fantastic cos after feeling like none of my family or friends truly understand, I finally can say sisters here do understand cos we are going through the same emotions and feelings. Hopefully we will all be blessed with little ones soon!
Hum apparently follicule counting is as relevant as amh And fsh test - it has to be done day 3 menses
I have to take notes ... So many questions for our super doc ;)
Those can be done day 2 or 3 not follicule counting (day 3 only) i have low amh i try to find a way to improve it ;) have a nice we also;)
Cheeka, importantly is your health cos preg increases heartbeat n u have hyperthyroid, hence might be a risk. Discuss with prof if u r keen to go with 2 :) have to prep that both implant.

Also, when we consider transferring how many embryos during ivf, we always think of maximizing of chances, it is not wrong n I've not regretted putting 2 back although usually chr n prof will psycho u to transfer 1 if u r below 35 n its ur first ivf but just to share twins preg is really not easy. Of cos I've got fren that's preg with twins without any morning sickness but rem cos ours is ivf n prof. gives us so much support on top of what our body is producing so can be quite overwhelming. I'm a live example. All the best sisters! Prep yourself mentally for preg ok! :)
Hi ladies, anyone started nor-e already for next cycle? I have appmt wif CHR next tue to do the necessary paperwork, BT & get nor-e prescription. CHR nurse calculated tat my ER & ET might fall in the days when prof is going on leave in oct. haiz..Really hope he can do it for me..btw anyone noes if we have to go thro the counselling session again for 2nd round fresh? I find tat the counselling session kinda waste $. Juz chit chat den must pay $100+.

Gigi..u also have low amh? How low is ur amh? I also have low amh. Mine is 2.3. Theres no way to improve it. I asked prod before. Juz make sure u eat well & eat supplements so that the quality will be gd.
hello girls
@ syrian yes i also have low amh mine is 1.4 which is quite bad :( so my odds are very low but... even if we have poor quantity we have to work on improving our quality
also my acu says it can fluctuate that it depends on the lab on the day etc also that herbs can help am trying herbs now but they taste really awful
another doc told me to go through egg donor am not ready for it also i had 3 pregnancies before (2 mc plus one boy:D) so i know it s possible even if it drops more and more every year :(
which supplements do you take? apart from herbs i take folic acid that s it
Morning ladies..

Gigi..agreed tat we have to work on our quality. Right now im taking conceive well, folic acid, omega 3-6-9, vit c,e. Asked Prof how to improve my egg quality. He prescibed me & hb vit c, e. Hope i can produce more eggs next round. My last fresh, i only produce 2 eggs. During monitoring, they counted 9 follies. But on ER, only 2 eggs retrieved. The rest of the follies are empty. So im kinda worried abt next round..hope my response will be better wif acu this time round..
Tcm herbs can work? Taste awful? nvmlah juz tahan. Drink honey or something sweet to get rid of the taste. My tcm nvr say anything hmm..mayb i shd ask. When u starting ur cycle?
Hi i start nor e the 6th what is your protocole did he décide to change it between ivf 1 And 2? Mine is pergoveries starting my nor-e on 10/9. Prof said using the same short protocol for my ivf2. He said no change coz i responded well for previous protocol. Btw I used pergoveries last round too. They say its for egg quality. Is this ur 1st ivf?
But CHR warn me tat my ER & ET might fall on 2nd wk oct, the days when prof on leave. Hope to catch him before he goes on leave..*keeping my fingers crossed*
Hi syria
Yes 1st ivf - yeah they warned me also about this vacation thing - cant remember the dates though - you had 2 eggs retrieved how many days they insert them (1 inserted right?) did you freeze one ?
Dear all, sorry for the late reply !!! Had a hard time logging in to the new system!!!

bb_blues, I went for a total of 4 scans and target next week for OR!!

Hope, I had a total of 10 days of Gonal F injections ...

Praying hard my OR will go smoothly and retrieve healthy mature eggs!!

Crossing my fingers hard...
Dear all, sorry for the late reply !!! Had a hard time logging in to the new system!!!

bb_blues, I went for a total of 4 scans and target next week for OR!!

Hope, I had a total of 10 days of Gonal F injections ...

Praying hard my OR will go smoothly and retrieve healthy mature eggs!!

Crossing my fingers hard...
Hi Syrian & Gigi

I have bad Amh and fsh results too, guess we are in the same boat. syrian i have started my nor-e, can't answer ur and as this is my first fresh.
Hi nervous babe
Sure this boat Will be the best yacht ever :)
Did you have antra follicule count? i saw you were also (like me) asking about it in previous threads
Gd morning ladies..

Gigi..they retrieved 2 eggs but only 1 fertilised. So they transferred the one & only embryo at day 4. Its a compacting embryo. Prof said my only embryo is gd quality but sadly it didnt implant. I got nothing to freeze tats y im doing fresh again for second round. u, me & gigi share the same fate..hope we can all survive when are u seeing prof again to officially start the jabs? So far any side effects from nor-e?

Duffy..wah 10 days already? Ur ER shd be soon. So excited for u. Hows the scans so far? Gd numbers? All the best!

No I didn't do any antra follicle count. Since everything is planned I would just go for it and see hw I respond to the stim, I understand I will be on v high dose.


What did u do in your first fresh? Did u take any egg white, tcm, supplement or acup? I thought all these supposed to help?
What's your dosage then?
I think our biggest fear is empty follicle.
So far I don't experience much diff after taking nor-e. I will be seeing prof on 9th but nt sure when I will start the jabs.
Nervous_babe..i was put on high dose gonal f previously. Started with 375iu but it was subsequently reduced..before i started my first round, i took conceive well supplements, omega & folic acid daily. Took egg whites after i started stim. Didnt do acu & tcm though. Tats y im trying acu this round. Hope i will have better response. Asked prof y i have empty follies. But he said doesnt mean inside every follicle theres egg & he cant detect emptyness during scans. Can only noe on ER day. Was so down when i heard only got 2 eggs.
Im starting nor-e on 10/9 den seeing prof on 28/9. If all clear & next menses come alrdy, scheduled to start jabs on 28/9. Heard nor-e will delay menses. I hope it will not be too long. Hope to catch prof before he go AL..
@syrian ... So sorry to read this empty follicule thing i really wish you better response for next round - also nurse told me you dont need to wait for your menses to start the jabs So y do u worry about that? You remember his leave dates ?
Morning sisters!

Jia You Cheeka!

All the best to you duffy_bear! I totally understand how u feel, just pray for the quality, quantity, as shared by many successful sisters, is not an issue.
When I was waiting for ER, I pray that God will use that period to do a natural selection of the follicles/eggs... so whatever the result it is, take it as a result post- natural selection :) Continue with the egg yolk regime to grow ur follicles.
Syrian, I will also start Nor-e on 9/9, one day earlier than you but will start my jabs on 24/9. I remember CHR nurse say that they will start my stimulation jabs regardless if my menses come. I am also hoping Prof will still be around to do my ER and ET.

duffy_bear, how many more days of jab you still need? When is your scheduled ER? Good that your jabbing days are ending. :)

Cheeka, any side effects from Nor-e so far?
Morning ladies..

Gigi..really? No need to wait for menses to start jabs? Oh i didnt noe tt. Thought its the same procedure as my 1st w/o nor-e..hee..thanks for update..

Orange..thanks. Realy hope acu works..praying hard it does..

Cheeka: tats great! Getting my nor-e tmr..will join u on the 10/9..yay! All the best k..
Sisters,, I would like to ask your opinion.
Tcm said I have poor blood circulation and cold womb. Do you think I should wait until my body warm to start the cycle?
straw1, did your tcm say not suitable to start cycle? My tcm also say my womb may be cold and she advise me to drink ginger with red dates and longan tea. Does your tcm do acupuncture? I think acupuncture helps in blood circulation too. When are you starting your cycle?

Hi Straw1, I think it depends on a lot of factors and you might want to carefully consider. First, age. Second, did your tcm mention how long more you have to wait to 'tiao' the body? Third, just bear in mind that once you decide to start IVF - assuming you have done the necessary blood tests - there is a waiting time of 1-2 months anyway (depending on your cycle and prof wong's availability). That may mean more delay. Hence, it would be good if you can ask your tcm whether 1-2 months to 'tiao' is enough. I feel that ultimately, you have to have your goals in mind, including... when enough is enough. ;) In the mean time, maybe can follow bb_blues' suggestion of ginger red dates longan tea? Jia you!
