Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

hmm... strange... I will find out the mechanism...
he didn't mention about Nor-E to me... Do u rem when did he give it to you? I thought u were on progynova only.

I was currently given Mercilon for 21 days. After my mense comes, I will start with Progynova for 14 days before going to NUH for a scan. But I was not given Nor-e. :eek:

Something to share for FET - According to Dr Zou, you can consume an egg white everyday (without egg yolk) till the doc puts the embryo back to your womb. Eat more fish + meat + veg and avoid chicken (believe chicken farmer inject steriod to the chicken to grow bigger).
orange tigger - you are right I was given Nor-e first then after AF came, I had to go on mercilon. then after second AF then started on Progynova. Thanks for the tips! I am also seeing Dr. Zou - she asked me to continue red dates throughout the whole process ( before and after FET) but I didn't cos a friend told me she stopped after FET. Maybe I should continue as my body is on the cooling side.
CMR - I drank red dates with longan (500ml everyday) before my ER during the last IVF. It is highly recommended in one of the IVF blogs as it improves blood circulation in the womb. Can I check with you whether you intend to continue your acupuncture with Dr Zou after your embryo is placed in your womb. I have read the postings in this thread last night and realized some sisters continue to go acupuncture after their ET. Recalling my last IVF, I told Dr Zou that I will not go for acupuncture after my ET (just take her chinese herb) as I thought it is not good for the embryo.
hi Orange - I just had a BFN for my FET last week. I will try again but not sure when. I went on Day 2,4,6 after my transfer for acupuncture. I stopped all her herbs as Prof said not to mix herbs when taking his meds but he said acupuncture will be OK. Many sisters who have graduated from this thread did acupuncture after the transfer as well and some didn't. So its really up to you. I will still continue to do - for good blood circulation.
morning all! I'm suppose to start Nor E for my next cycle which is Sept. Can I ask after i stop Nor E, menses will come? then when will start the jabs?
Thanks ^.^
Hi miric, my mensus came 2 days after i stopped. again, this is quite individual. But You shd be scheduled for a scan and blood test about 5 days after the last tab of Nor-E. If everything is ok, stim will begin.
Hope> Thanks for the encouragement. friend laughing at me... say I duno wat is going on... just take the medication? hahaha
~high five~ to Sept cycle buddies!!!

Miric, dont worry. Me too is a first timer. Im also trying to take it easy and not think so much about it. As long as we record down in the calender what to do on which date, we should be fine. :) Jia you!!!
I carry my 'IVF Bag' with me whenever I go for follow-up.
Just put all the things together and rem the dates will be good.
Ah... also rem to bring the ice bag/cool bag for the injection all the time during stim, bring the blue and green card appointment card for registration

Sorry for nagging
Good morning ladies! Rise & shine!

Cheeka & Hope: Yay! We are gonna be cycle buddies in sept cycle. But im worried tat my aug AF might be delayed. Supposed to call CHR to start nor-e once my aug AF comes. But up till now no news. My normal cycle usually ard 28 days but my previous cycle took 35 days. IVF really has messed up my cycle. Do u gals encounter this?

Hope: thanks for the info abt nor-e.. Very informative esp for those like me trying nor-e for the 1st time..

Tsf: thanks for the info on Prof's AL..btw hows ur progress going on? Wat did prof suggest abt ur tubes? My blockage was nearer to the ovaries & tubes condition are bad. I agreed tat tcm will take very very long & no guarantee. Tats y i went for lap since i cant wait any longer. My amh is low due to endo. Low for my age as well..:(

Abt blacksmore conceive well pills..confirm cant eat on empty stomach. I took it before leaving for work and throughout my journey to work in the mrt, felt so nauseous & stomach queasy..terrible feeling..luckily didnt vomit in mrt..

Btw i went to see Dr Ou frm raffles since Dr Zhao on mc last mon. Found tat Dr Ou not bad. Although she seems stern but overall ok. Said my blood circulation no good..anyone kena this before?
Hi Syrian, i did a scan in june with one side hydro. prof says cannot start ivf. so did another scan in july, found both tubes with gave me two options: to do lap or try one round of Ivf with hydro as the swelling is considered small.... Will do a scan next mth then decide to start Ivf or nt. Not very optimistic on the next scan result. Currently taking tcm to correct this
Thanks dear - don't worry - be positive and think it will work out. I was just too kancheong for my first cycle :(
CMR - Let's keep our finger cross and hope for the best for all sister in this thread. For my FET, I feel I am sitting a casino playing show hand. Either win or lose. Hahaha.....
Hi Superwoman, I was in States for two week for work. It was a break as well after knowing that me and hubby were alpha thalasemmia trait carriers. I went to Nuh on 5 aug to do another blood test. Dr anu was there as prof on leave. She's plainly too insensitive and blunt. Asked Me if I wanted to have a miscarriage or wanted the baby in me to die if I got preggy. It's been tormenting news for Me n hubby. Lucky work travel came on time to take my mind off this temporarily. We are both suspected so doing a detail test to confirm. If my result ok can do ivf. Just praying day and night. Seeing prof aug 27.

When u say u r minor is it confirmed or suspected?? Wil also pray for you hubby shud be clear of this. Take care and be positive. When his is result out?
hi mesara - HUGS! Many sisters on this thread went through your scare. Good luck on your appointment with Prof on the 27 - I sincerely hope you get the news you want and I am sorry that Dr. Anu was so blunt :( I've had my fair share of blunt doctors who have told me that I will die if I embark on IVF but Prof is the only one who said he will take the challenge. Nothing happened to me at all. So the doc definitely plays a part :) Hope today's a good day for you :)
Hey Sara.. Don't mind what the dr said. Such insensitive remarks. I hope your tests will turn out to be fine and I will be praying for you. I understand that the embryos can be tested for the trait before ET so you two should still be able to have healthy child..

The nurse told me I was a beta minor over the phone so I guess it's confirmed? My hub's results will be out this sat.
Hi all, I have this on and off right side abdominal pain. IT comes and goes every month or two months. Once it comes, i cant walk, have to sit down guai guai until it subsided. Anyone have this before? Could it be gallstones or appendicitis? Also, this morning suddenly see a bruise as big as old 50-cent coin on my left abdominal area. Dont know what's going on with my body.
Morning sisters!

Mesara, quoting this from a book by Nerida Walker, dun let the natural realm/circumstance/diagnosis affect you or ur hubby. Hope in the Lord. Wishing u all the best for the report. :)

Cheeka, are u due for ovulation around this period? I do get some nagging cramp at the ovary area when I am about to ovulate, but not very painful, just naggy cramp...
Could the bruise be from acu/accidental bump?
I want to complain abit. Sometimes I think PC Wong abit sadistic. Other IVF dr prescribed 1 progesterone jab a week but I get daily jabs for 14 days during IVF and now natural after discount still 2 jabs a week
pantieileen - good sadistic or not so good? Would you prefer lesser meds :) personally the more the merrier for me! I can do with all the help LOL! :D
pantieileen, tahan tahan.... learn to love the supports... they are good for you to protect ur baby.
You will appreciate this when u can finally carry the newborn and think it is all worthwhile.
Hey thanks for support and prayers sisters. Finally NUH called to say that I am clear. No thalassemia n not carrier. Very relieved. Told me to go iui this cycle. Just don't understand man. We spent like 700 on this BT go thru hell of stress to land in heaven. Oh my. Tough ride gals. But good news hehe
hi all, i've been a silent reader for a long time.. had 2 failed fresh w SGH last year.. :( my hb and I wanted a change of environment (and dr), so after a 1 yr hiatus and much consideration, we decided on NUH.. Managed to get an appt with Prof for 4th Sep. The nurse asked if I can get hold of previous test results and reports.. Haven't contacted SGH tho'.. Any sisters got any idea if they will give us a copy of these results readily.. ?
If all goes well after consultation w Prof, I should be able to embark on a new cycle by year end.. ? :confused:
Welcome fuztweet! Good luck on your journey with Prof and IVF at NUH. I saw a couple of specialists in KKH and then decided to abandon an IUI and came to NUH instead. Most records are readily available through a portal where health professionals can gain access to.

In my case the nurse assisting Prof was able to access my records from KKH. However the HIV tests are confidential and you would need to get them yourself. I called up KKH and had to fill our a form and bring it to their medical records dept to get both our test results. I didn't pay anything for it so I don't think it should be too hard to get it from SGH unless of course its a completely different procedure. :)
Welcome fuztweet!

To add on to CMR: So far from SGH, have u had any blood tests, sperm analysis report, any discharge summary, diagnostic report etc given to you for your own reference? Those are the documents u may like to bring along in your visit to Prof so that he can get a quick reference to ur history. Maybe u may want to call up SGH CARE and check with the staff how u can obtain these records. You may want to do it fast since ur appointment is about 2 weeks away.
thanks CMR and hopemiracle30 for the quick reply and warm welcome.. :)
i didn't ask for any reports for own reference while with SGH.. din think too far then... *silly me*
but I do have my own records on medication/dosage/stim period, etc..
okok.. but now, it's great to know that it's probably possible.. i ll quickly call SGH.. !!
hello ladies
I am new on this thread and new in ivf - i am seeing PC WOng as well i start NEO on 6th of september and plan on having acupuncture as well - anybody to cycle with me? - MR wong seems extremely professional but he broke my heart when he told me my sucess rate is 10-12% : my amh is 1.4 and my fsh 12.6 apart from that all is ok - any comments about that? am i the only one who dared asking for that - nobody in this thread talk about the success rate - i was really down but at least i know my hope is little and hope to find support in myself and in this forum - i wish you all the best - see you soon
Sara good for you!!! Those weeks after the news must be torment for you but still very happy for you that you got the all clear .. You mean there's another test to confirm whether its Thalassaemia minor?

Welcome fuztweet and Gigi. Gigi the success rate for our age group (I'm 32) is about 30-40% given no other issues. You might want to look to the main IVF support thread for more advices as there are some sisters with lower amh and higher fsh..Prof may have try to be more realistic and given you lower success rate but you must believe that he will do whatever he can for your cycle.
thanks superwoman
well am 38 a+ 1 month and my rate range should be 28% - yes well i guess so - i was so depressed i booked with another doc lc fong i know its stupid i have to give at least one try - anyone to cycle?
Hi ladies, scheduled to start stimming end Sept. One more Sept cycle buddy to add. :)

gigi, I also have high FSH, around the same as you. Prof Wong say this will affect the quantity of the eggs but may not affect the quality. Well, we just need one to stick right. The other good news is FSH fluctuates cycle to cycle hence yours may be lower during your ivf cycle. What protocol did Prof suggest? Mine is short antagonist protocol (max dosage) which may be suitable for ppl with low AMH and high FSH.

You may want to take some supplements to improve your egg quality such as coq-10, blackmores conceive well, and oh, i did a research on high FSH in western forum and they suggest wheatgrass. No harm taking this as well since is for general health too.
Hope, no leh. Just finished menses, cannot be ovulated so fast right?

Sara, there's divine intervention there. :D Happy for you! Who knows ur IUI will be successful? Have faith!

Fuzweet, welcome!!! It's always good to keep a copy of whatever tests that we do, whether it's normal health check up or other tests. I always keep a copy so that I can refer to next time.

Gigi, welcome too!!! Sorry to hear about your low AMH. Amongs our sisters here, some have blood clotting issues, some have low sperm issues, some have blocked tubes, thyroid, thallasemia, some have more that one of those issues... You name it! We have it! :p Not that we are proud to have those issues, but each one of us have issues and we are here to support each other throughout the journey. Take it easy and don't be depressed yah! Most important thing is your health - emotional and physical. You mentioned that you will start NEO, what's that? Are you referring to Nor-E? My first IVF cycle will be in Sept.
Hi Gals,

Coming in to say hi! Everybody jiayou!

Gigi, I would suggest to stay positive and don't harp over success rates. The more you think of such things the more stressed u will be n the less successful the ivf will be. Every gals in the IVF forum have their own sets of problems. If we don't have problem, we won't be embarking on ivf. Stay positive and everything will fall in place nicely.

Miraclez, how r u? When is your BT?
Gigi - I am 38 too. Age is an important factor for IVF and PC Wong also mentioned that my success rate is low. But all this remark is computed by figures only. Actually, you can go tcm and do acupuncture to build up your health and increase the success rate before starting your IVF. Although my 1st IVF was failed eventually, PC Wong told me - Gal, you did get pregnant, so dun give up (as I lost the embryo on my 2nd blood test).
Mesara : if you and your spouse are both beta major then the bloodtest will be fully absorbed by MOH. So paying means you are clear.

Fuzweet : best to collect all your records from day 1 at KKH and file it. You never know. And btw, KKH doesn't keep records longer than certain periods, I wasn't able to dig out my 2003 records from them. When you submit your blood test results from KKH to nuh, there's also a validity of 6months to 1 yr (check with nuh) so if it expires, it means you have to repeat your tests all over again at nuh (pain and $)

Gigi : aiya don't bother so much on the success rate. Nuh or Singapore's IVF success rates not accurate one. Our statistics for computing these rates are based on a very small pool of women over the years (there was no relief in the past) so don't need to harp on it. It's only recently that nuh became more popular for IVF, most patients if I noticed are expats (Angmos, Indians and prc) coz it caters more to the research community nearby (Nus, Biopolis) last time more IVF patients go private or KKH so go for tcm to improve your body instead of worrying about the success rates.
Gigi - prof didn't say anything about my amh or FSH but he did say the chances of success is lower for me as DH has sperm issues and I hv a double uterus. Don't worry, we are all here to help each other thru! :)
ooh so great to have those replies!
i love the way you see this - thanks a lot!
am in statistics so i like figures and 10% is a bad one i need to try 6 times to have 46.85% chance! well except if pc wong is playing pessimistic
@cheeka sorry yes of course i mean Nor E
@bb blues - FSH can fluctuate? I read on foreign forums that AMH can fluctuate also! my protocol is the long one: NOE pergoveries ovidrel if i am not wrong i remember the nurse saying my dosage is the max but i have not bought yet the medecine so cannot say
@ orange and mamomia - thanks it s really encouraging
also girls is it allowed to take herbs??? my acupunctor suggested it but i said no because i was not sure we could
well am happy to follow you
Gigi - prof didn't say anything about my amh or FSH but he did say the chances of success is lower for me as DH has sperm issues and I hv a double uterus. Don't worry, we are all here to help each other thru! :)
oh yes my hb too he only has 1% normal morphology!!! and i have one home made son!
Gigi : aiya don't bother so much on the success rate. Nuh or Singapore's IVF success rates not accurate one. Our statistics for computing these rates are based on a very small pool of women over the years (there was no relief in the past) so don't need to harp on it. It's only recently that nuh became more popular for IVF, most patients if I noticed are expats (Angmos, Indians and prc) coz it caters more to the research community nearby (Nus, Biopolis) last time more IVF patients go private or KKH so go for tcm to improve your body instead of worrying about the success rates.[/quote]

thats interesting what you say - it true that my expat friends would go to gleneagles instead - but my singapourian friends recommanded me pc wong apparently he is very famous here (they ve been pregnant with him more than 10 years ago) so i trust them more ;)
Hi evening!

Hope: My cycle is really messed up. My 1st menses after BFN took 32 days. The cycle after tat took 35 days. Usual cycle ard 28 days. So now waiting patiently for my next menses to arrive. Hope it will come within aug so tat i can start my next round in sept with other cycle buddies here..wah u took beer to cool down..haha great way to destress as well..

Orange-tigger: As wat CMR said it think its up to individual whether to continue acupuncture after ET. But i think i will do it this time round. Previous round, i didnt try acupunture..Heard many ladies BFP by doing so. No harm trying though..
Good evening sisters! Suddenly this thread moves so fast, I am using my iPhone to see all the post and reply using my iPad.

Welcome gigi31! Dun be too bothered abt the numbers... Since u decided to do IVF means u think it is possible. Keep that spirit and not be bothered abt it. At least u try, else u won't know :)

*high 5* bb_blues!

Cheeka, then I dun know le. U may like to highlight to Prof abt it. But if all the blood tests all these are ok, I think dun be disturbed by it okie?

*wave* Maomi! Thanks for dropping by to say hi and offload some baby dust in this thread!

Anie_angel, that's the spirit!

Syrian, dun Kan jiong dun stress :)
Stress will delay it further, just 平常心 and wait patiently , it will come!
I guess we will somehow meet in the Sept cycle... Overlapping... Very good le, I was alone in July cycle... Then CMR and now miraclez.

paging for miraclez.... How have u been??? Keep us posted ok?
Hi all I am new here, glad to found this heartwarming forum
Have a pcos and left blocked tube, failed my 2 iui and now waiting for my af to report before doing a blood test since my blood test was 1 year ago and it wasn't done during D2/D3.

Any sister here taking vitamin D3 to help your pcos? and I have a sore leg1 week plus before af report, any sister share the same symptoms?
And how to make a dried longan reddate and wolfberry drink?
Hi Straw1! Welcome to the grp!

I used to be diligent to boil the drink. U just need to add red date, wolf berry and dried longan... Actually, that is all. U can boil it in water and drink it. I have also tried putting all of them in a thermal cup and just add water. The drink still turn out ok. Boiling will make the mixture more uniform. As in the qty.... Be auntie, just aga aga :)

Thanks hope :)
Will start to drink tomorrow, hopefully can make my body warmer, always have acold hand and feet in off.
