Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

Anyone planning to do a home preg test before blood test? Don't want to get a shock on that day itself, but so jittery to do the test at home too

I wld recommend to do it...I din do it previous cycles....n honestly I felt really really silly...waiting for the call n hanging ard nuh for hrs...coz my hubby din wan me to do hpt.. I told him this round I will do it...wat for wait n make myself look or feel super silly...the wait won't make a difference anyway...

u can also b cautiously happier earlier

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It's my bad too. My joke earlier hinted at used sanitary pads haha cos it mentioned sniff sniff :p New pads got nothing special to sniff sniff mah!

I bet my hubby will send me to IMH counselling when he sees me sniffing at used pads like drug addict every night.

N I still played along with the perfume thingy!!...lolzzz....we r baddies...adding in confusions....lolzzz
Anyone planning to do a home preg test before blood test? Don't want to get a shock on that day itself, but so jittery to do the test at home too

I always test at home before my BTs because I feel more comfortable to receive the news at my home than a public place. Even if I weep, noone will see it except myself.

It's also to prevent being 'stomped' like some couples. Imagine I was crying a river besides my hubby, people will think he's a wife abuser.

It definitely takes a lot of courage to do HPT or BT, and face their results. There's always a fear of failure for us.
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Oh and what to expect on day of BT ah?

If positive .. Then need meet anyone?

If negative .. Then need to arrange for next cycle that day?
Oh and what to expect on day of BT ah?

If positive .. Then need meet anyone?

If negative .. Then need to arrange for next cycle that day?

Go in early (around 8.30am) let nurse draw blood for BT. 2 hours later, nurse will give you a call on the BT result. If postive, nurse will arrange you to see doctor that day to get more support hormones for your pregnancy. If negative, nurse will give you a date for review appointment with doctor. Next cycle is only determined at the review appointment.

When is your BT date? I hope to see more pet bikinis on this thread!
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Go in early (around 8.30am) let nurse draw blood for BT. 2 hours later, nurse will give you a call on the BT result. If postive, nurse will arrange you to see doctor that day to get more support hormones for your pregnancy. If negative, nurse will give you a date for review appointment with doctor. Next cycle is only determined at the review appointment.

When is your BT date? I hope to see more pet bikinis on this thread!
Thanks for info! Heh. Means all the more I'll test in the morn so I can plan for the rest of the day.

My BT scheduled next Fri! :)

What abt everyone else? @sj123 shd be the first of the lot?
Just one note regarding HPT: if u were triggered by ovidrel or had the shot on day 5, it takes about 8 - 9 days for the hcg from the shot to disappear from ur body, so any HPT before then is inaccurate because u may get a false positive.
Just one note regarding HPT: if u were triggered by ovidrel or had the shot on day 5, it takes about 8 - 9 days for the hcg from the shot to disappear from ur body, so any HPT before then is inaccurate because u may get a false positive.
Heh think the few of us who have our pigus poked everyday won't have this issue .. So positive means positive!!
The Big Day

23/07 - sj123
24/07 - veraine
27/07 - mimidestiny, Mermaid2015

The rest of us are waiting to be blessed by your baby dusts!
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Hi ladies,

I am new to this forum. Now doing my second ivf with PC Wong as well. However, the experience is much tougher than last time. May I know how u all manage all these pain, stress and mood swing.
Hi ladies,

I am new to this forum. Now doing my second ivf with PC Wong as well. However, the experience is much tougher than last time. May I know how u all manage all these pain, stress and mood swing.
Hello!! *waves*

How I manage is knowing that infertility is a very common issue and it could happen to anyone.. Healthy or not.. So that takes away the "guilt" of not taking good care of myself.. I guess stress and mood swings come as a package, so embrace them

Knowing so many ladies here are also fighting together motivates me.. Esp when this group here (consisting of Sharon/Alice/prof) go around terrorizing husbands and sniffing used pads heh

And easy for me to say now because I'm only having my BT next week, but my hubby and I are trying to have very little expectations.. We've planned out activities for the next few weeks if it's neg liao.. All the things which we wouldn't be able to do if it's pos
Hi ladies,

I am new to this forum. Now doing my second ivf with PC Wong as well. However, the experience is much tougher than last time. May I know how u all manage all these pain, stress and mood swing.

Welcome Yingchian!

I cope by:
Feasting and shopping therapies to reward myself for my attempt efforts (even if it doesn't work out). I love to eat! :p Be kind to myself and hubby, I do not blame ourselves.

Staying realistic. Statistics shows a woman succeeds on average of 3 cycles. IVF is buying hope without guarantee of result.

Knowing that I cannot go against the almighty mother nature and have to embrace whatever that comes along. Grieve and cry, then move on and fight the next battle. Be grateful for the other things I own in life.

Last but not least, talk nonsense and laugh my lung out in this thread. :)
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Hi veraine,

Thanks for your reply and it warmth me. :)

Wanted to know PPL who has been through or going through it now so that can get more support for myself to continue. Today it's my third day and feel like giving up Liao.

Btw, wat is BT?
Hi Day_Dreaming,

Thanks for sharing. Do u feast and shop after completing the whole cycle or during the injection?

My current injection gives me more headache and mood swing. So, just wish it can be over soon.
Hi Day_Dreaming,

Thanks for sharing. Do u feast and shop after completing the whole cycle or during the injection?

My current injection gives me more headache and mood swing. So, just wish it can be over soon.

I plan big feast, shopping, manicure pedicure and spa treats after each milestone. (Pocket burns big hole lol)

During injection period, I was notti and didn't follow a strict diet or routine like the other ladies. I still snacked on my favourites like chocolates, fast foods, coffee. :p I try to lead a normal life as much as possible while I'm doing IVF and FET.

What hormone and dosage are you taking? Nurse said headaches is a common side effect and it is fine to take panadols. You can try taking panadols and naps to ease your headaches. I had headaches as one of the side effects too.
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Welcome Yingchian!

I cope by:
Feasting and shopping therapies to reward myself for my attempt efforts (even if it doesn't work out). I love to eat! :p Be kind to myself and hubby, I do not blame ourselves.

Staying realistic. Statistics shows a woman succeeds on average of 3 cycles. IVF is buying hope without guarantee of result.

Knowing that I cannot go against the almighty mother nature and have to embrace whatever that comes along. Grieve and cry, then move on and fight the next battle. Be grateful for the other things I own in life.

Last but not least, talk nonsense and laugh my lung out in this thread. :)
I love what u say above cuz that's kinda how I view it all too! I also want to add on that if you are a believer /Christian / or have another religion, it's much easier if u can pray and stay in a close relationship with whichever God u believe in... Makes the days easier to pass especially if u had failures and sometimes it's hard to rely on your own strength to bring yourself out of the rut.
I love what u say above cuz that's kinda how I view it all too! I also want to add on that if you are a believer /Christian / or have another religion, it's much easier if u can pray and stay in a close relationship with whichever God u believe in... Makes the days easier to pass especially if u had failures and sometimes it's hard to rely on your own strength to bring yourself out of the rut.

*Waves at cycling buddy*
I finally get one cycling buddy to accompany me! So lonely for my fresh and fet. I will keep one piece of lucky sanitary pad for you hehe after I collect them. ;)
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monkeychick, I din change needle leh. cos I thought no extra. I disinfect only wif e alcohol swipe, hope it's okie. I did wanna change, so scared myself for a short while after reading tat must change.
I am using pervagoris in the morning and gonal f at night. Morning jab is painful and the night jab give me bruises.

Apply ice after your morning jab. Apply calamol lotion or vitamin K lotion on your bruises. Keep them in the fridge.

Calamol lotion and vitamin K lotion help the bruises heal faster.

The needle wounds on my stomach was super itchy during the injection period.
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Hi veraine,

Thanks for your reply and it warmth me. :)

Wanted to know PPL who has been through or going through it now so that can get more support for myself to continue. Today it's my third day and feel like giving up Liao.

Btw, wat is BT?
BT is blood test

Anyway if u see us talking abt pet bikinis, it's referring to positive pregnancy test :)

Bfp = big fat positive = bikini for pet

Every other acronym/euphemism not important. Just know bikinis will do. :)
Hi ladies,

I am new to this forum. Now doing my second ivf with PC Wong as well. However, the experience is much tougher than last time. May I know how u all manage all these pain, stress and mood swing.

Hmmm frankly speaking, I'm a horrible example of stress management.
My mood went on an extreme roller coaster ride & I felt like the most unreasonable woman on earth.
The only thing I can tell u is Persevere!!! Believe that one fine day all these nonsense will be over & it will be all worthwhile.
Hi ladies,

I am new to this forum. Now doing my second ivf with PC Wong as well. However, the experience is much tougher than last time. May I know how u all manage all these pain, stress and mood swing.

Hi and welcome on board.

Have started stim on Thu; and those injections sure hurt. Am on pervagoris (AM)and gonal f (PM) too. Pervagoris more painful as the medication gives a burning sensation. :confused:

Relax and learn to take things positively. That's the best you can do on this journey though 说的比做的简单。:oops:

Am reminding myself 一步一步来。

monkeychick, I din change needle leh. cos I thought no extra. I disinfect only wif e alcohol swipe, hope it's okie. I did wanna change, so scared myself for a short while after reading tat must change.

No worries...I dropped the one & only piece needle for a 75iu extra needle...I alcohol wiped also...Im still no worries at all ya...if u hav extra, then change...but I do hope no more next time for u the pricking of finger...hehe...take it easy huh....more for hygiene purpose n won't affect anything...;)
Hi ladies,

I am new to this forum. Now doing my second ivf with PC Wong as well. However, the experience is much tougher than last time. May I know how u all manage all these pain, stress and mood swing.

Hi Hi....

I treat the destination as a goal...with milestones along the way...every failure is jus 1 milestone met n knowing my body better...whenever I set a goal, I need to prep myself of obstacles, hurdles, pain, failures, stress, grievances in order to achieve that goal...when is time to cry, I cry...when Im ready, I stand up n move on..coz I dun wan to remain stagnant n miss the opportunies to bring me closer to the goal...

I treat myself really really well....n stop blaming myself...I put full trust in prof's direction, if there's doubts I ask or clarify(this is the best thing I did I feel)....I stop asking all the silly whys...y me?,y dun stick?,y fail again?y do I hav to go through so much?....

Last but not least..also the most important...I joined this forum....I hav fun, hav morale n mental support.....when ladies graduated, I see hope...hope keeps me going a long long way...
Talking about pigu jabs, I now realise the advantage of being fat and having a big pigu!

My pigu also very fatty...but there was a time I jabbed...blood oozed out non stop...trickled down somemore...scare the sheesh out of me...fatty pigu yet no use...lolzzz!!!!
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My pigu also very fatty...but there was a time I jabbed...blood oozed out non stop...trickled down someone...scare the sheesh out of me...fatty pigu yet no use...lolzzz!!!!

Your body is really unpredictable.o_O Did you accidentally jab into a big vein on pigu?
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Hi Hi....

I treat the destination as a goal...with milestones along the way...every failure is jus 1 milestone met n knowing my body better...whenever I set a goal, I need to prep myself of obstacles, hurdles, pain, failures, stress, grievances in order to achieve that goal...when is time to cry, I cry...when Im ready, I stand up n move on..coz I dun wan to remain stagnant n miss the opportunies to bring me closer to the goal...

I treat myself really really well....n stop blaming myself...I put full trust in prof's direction, if there's doubts I ask or clarify(this is the best thing I did I feel)....I stop asking all the silly whys...y me?,y dun stick?,y fail again?y do I hav to go through so much?....

Last but not least..also the most important...I joined this forum....I hav fun, hav morale n mental support.....when ladies graduated, I see hope...hope keeps me going a long long way...
Well said :)
Hi ladies,

I am new to this forum. Now doing my second ivf with PC Wong as well. However, the experience is much tougher than last time. May I know how u all manage all these pain, stress and mood swing.
Welcome to the forum, yingchian!

This is my second round too and first time on pergoveris. Although it is more painful, for me the results were remarkably better than just Gonal-f, so the pain is very much worth it. I had more mature eggs and more fertilized too. Of course I am still in tww so can't say for sure what the final results will be. But so far I am happy with the progress. Like MonkeyChick said, IVF is a journey. It's a process for the doctors to learn what our bodies respond to so they can adjust treatment accordingly. It's not a sprint but a marathon. If I have to do another fresh I feel like the doctor will have a better idea about my body.

I think the only way to manage IVF stress is to have hope but low expectations. Realistically only 1 in 4 or 5 tries will succeed, so there is no reason to feel like a failure if we don't succeed the first few times.

I am already thinking if I don't succeed this time what's my game plan. I guess that's my defense mechanism so I don't pin all hopes on one round. Always want to feel like I have options so that I don't stress myself out.

Good luck and feel free to vent here anytime! We've all been there!
Your body is really unpredictable.o_O Did you accidentally jab into a big vein on pigu?
Eh public holiday that day, after going around the whole place to search for an opened clinic..

The doc didn't want to jab my pigu! She said cos pigu more dangerous and wanted to jab my arm. After ding dong for a while she eventually said ok to jab my pigu instead.
