Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

The Big Day

22/07 - sj123
24/07 - veraine
27/07 - mimidestiny, Mermaid2015

The rest of us are waiting to be blissed by your baby dusts!
Mine is 23rd le. Did you purposely get it wrong, Sharon?

Hi Hi....

I treat the destination as a goal...with milestones along the way...every failure is jus 1 milestone met n knowing my body better...whenever I set a goal, I need to prep myself of obstacles, hurdles, pain, failures, stress, grievances in order to achieve that goal...when is time to cry, I cry...when Im ready, I stand up n move on..coz I dun wan to remain stagnant n miss the opportunies to bring me closer to the goal...

I treat myself really really well....n stop blaming myself...I put full trust in prof's direction, if there's doubts I ask or clarify(this is the best thing I did I feel)....I stop asking all the silly whys...y me?,y dun stick?,y fail again?y do I hav to go through so much?....

Last but not least..also the most important...I joined this forum....I hav fun, hav morale n mental support.....when ladies graduated, I see hope...hope keeps me going a long long way...
Aww.. ur comment made me tear leh so touching. See la Im not even cycling also so hormonal haha. But u been thru so much monkey chick... ur very strong and I appreciate ur on presence on this thread. I hope u catch a lucky break soon!
Hi Hi....

I treat the destination as a goal...with milestones along the way...every failure is jus 1 milestone met n knowing my body better...whenever I set a goal, I need to prep myself of obstacles, hurdles, pain, failures, stress, grievances in order to achieve that goal...when is time to cry, I cry...when Im ready, I stand up n move on..coz I dun wan to remain stagnant n miss the opportunies to bring me closer to the goal...

I treat myself really really well....n stop blaming myself...I put full trust in prof's direction, if there's doubts I ask or clarify(this is the best thing I did I feel)....I stop asking all the silly whys...y me?,y dun stick?,y fail again?y do I hav to go through so much?....

Last but not least..also the most important...I joined this forum....I hav fun, hav morale n mental support.....when ladies graduated, I see hope...hope keeps me going a long long way...

Yes, I agreed with u that we shall not fault ourselves for the failure and I guess everything is destined.

Then also like u, I decided to join the forum to give support and seek support.
Welcome to the forum, yingchian!

This is my second round too and first time on pergoveris. Although it is more painful, for me the results were remarkably better than just Gonal-f, so the pain is very much worth it. I had more mature eggs and more fertilized too. Of course I am still in tww so can't say for sure what the final results will be. But so far I am happy with the progress. Like MonkeyChick said, IVF is a journey. It's a process for the doctors to learn what our bodies respond to so they can adjust treatment accordingly. It's not a sprint but a marathon. If I have to do another fresh I feel like the doctor will have a better idea about my body.

I think the only way to manage IVF stress is to have hope but low expectations. Realistically only 1 in 4 or 5 tries will succeed, so there is no reason to feel like a failure if we don't succeed the first few times.

I am already thinking if I don't succeed this time what's my game plan. I guess that's my defense mechanism so I don't pin all hopes on one round. Always want to feel like I have options so that I don't stress myself out.

Good luck and feel free to vent here anytime! We've all been there!
Thanks for the encouragement!! So how many matured egg u managed to harvest and how many fertilized? Coz the nurse and my Tom both told me this is a good medicine. So I hope to get more fertilized egg.
Yes, I agreed with u that we shall not fault ourselves for the failure and I guess everything is destined.

Then also like u, I decided to join the forum to give support and seek support.

Good choice to join forum n rls ur emotions...with ladies fighting alongside with u...nothing is impossible,impossible is nothing...Woohoo!...Tt's how I feel la...hehehe....but huh still stay realistic ya....;)
Aww.. ur comment made me tear leh so touching. See la Im not even cycling also so hormonal haha. But u been thru so much monkey chick... ur very strong and I appreciate ur on presence on this thread. I hope u catch a lucky break soon!

Hormonal symptoms can b airborne!!hahaha...Im so fortunate to hav u all...even my hubby can tell tt Im more calm n motivated...let's hope we all catch the lucky break soon....:D
Eh public holiday that day, after going around the whole place to search for an opened clinic..

The doc didn't want to jab my pigu! She said cos pigu more dangerous and wanted to jab my arm. After ding dong for a while she eventually said ok to jab my pigu instead.

Jab pigu more effective?I can't rem who I heard this from...but hormonal supports is either poke pigu or poke belly....
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Jab pigu more effective?I can't rem who I heard this from...but hormonal supports is either poke pigu or poke belly....
I always thought since oil-based jabs are more painful, so shld jab the butt where there's more cushion. Tummy skin too delicate.
The proluton jabs after bfp all at the butt one & still feel painful. Can't imagine if its at tummy.
remembeRainvery post: 8049517 said:
I always thought since oil-based jabs are more painful, so shld jab the butt where there's more cushion. Tummy skin too delicate.
The proluton jabs after bfp all at the butt one & still feel painful. Can't imagine if its at tummy.

Tummy the most i think can tolerate gonalf or centrotide/orangutan types of needles....I cannt imagine myself doing the thicker needles on belly...ahhhhhhh....:eek:...the butt one longer n thicker ya?i took a peep last round...din see very clearly though..hehehe...:D

Oh mine...proluton painful...another hurdle....i focus on the ones nearer to me first...scare scare later

Sometimes i really feel im a weirdo...scare scare scare...still poke...dun understand...
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I always thought since oil-based jabs are more painful, so shld jab the butt where there's more cushion. Tummy skin too delicate.
The proluton jabs after bfp all at the butt one & still feel painful. Can't imagine if its at tummy.

Why the needles grow thicker and longer as the weeks go by siah... o_O
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Tummy the most i think can tolerate gonalf or centrotide/orangutan types of needles....I cannt imagine myself doing the thicker needles on belly...ahhhhhhh....:eek:...the butt one longer n thicker ya?i took a peep last round...din see very clearly though..hehehe...:D
The proluton jab I heard some people need to jab everyday till BT, don't know y..
That jab needle is thicker, it's oil based so must nurse jab slowly, too fast the oil will leak out from skin surface. After jab still must sor-sor the area to prevent bruising. And usually butt will pain till nighttime.
But again, it's happy pain lah, just like all the pain & heartache we have along this ivf journey which brings us nearer to our goal!
We women on this thread are amazing sia... how many women have our guts to go thru all these nonsense?!?
The proluton jab I heard some people need to jab everyday till BT, don't know y..
That jab needle is thicker, it's oil based so must nurse jab slowly, too fast the oil will leak out from skin surface. After jab still must sor-sor the area to prevent bruising. And usually butt will pain till nighttime.
But again, it's happy pain lah, just like all the pain & heartache we have along this ivf journey which brings us nearer to our goal!
We women on this thread are amazing sia... how many women have our guts to go thru all these nonsense?!?
Proluton needle thicker than progesterone ah?

But ya lor, happy pain happy pain!!
You girls r too funny!!

Want to share a good GP that I discovered for daily progesterone shots:

LC Clinic
Blk 446 Clementi Ave 3, 01-191
6464 0932

Open daily (including sunday and PH) until 10, but phone ahead.

First shot $45 including consultation.

Subsequent shots $10 per injection.

Nice doctor. New clinic. I discovered her accidentally when I was frustrated with the 24 hr clinic who wanted to charge me $95 for a shot on PH!!!

Strong mommies, strong embies! :)
The proluton jab I heard some people need to jab everyday till BT, don't know y..
That jab needle is thicker, it's oil based so must nurse jab slowly, too fast the oil will leak out from skin surface. After jab still must sor-sor the area to prevent bruising. And usually butt will pain till nighttime.
But again, it's happy pain lah, just like all the pain & heartache we have along this ivf journey which brings us nearer to our goal!
We women on this thread are amazing sia... how many women have our guts to go thru all these nonsense?!?

Yeah man..really leh..we think once strike jackpot then is end of jabs?nay nay...more supports into trimesters...mayb more tests as really hurdle after hurdle..until the day u r rls by ur doc....I may hug Prof on tt day...n cry...lolzzz...if it's Dr Anu in case Prof out of town...may koala hug....lolzzz
You girls r too funny!!

Want to share a good GP that I discovered for daily progesterone shots:

LC Clinic
Blk 446 Clementi Ave 3, 01-191
6464 0932

Open daily (including sunday and PH) until 10, but phone ahead.

First shot $45 including consultation.

Subsequent shots $10 per injection.

Nice doctor. New clinic. I discovered her accidentally when I was frustrated with the 24 hr clinic who wanted to charge me $95 for a shot on PH!!!

Strong mommies, strong embies! :)

Wow!!!!$95!!!...they think ivfer r rich huh...jus bcoz we willing to come up with the $$ for ART...yucky bcoz we on this journey tt's y no $$ least poorer than b4...hehe

So good leh...she giv good discounts...
How come not triplets? :D hubby will freak out...we hav 2 colleagues...each with triplets...he heard too many stories...though the bundles of joy is also really not easy to raise 3 at a go...which also explains y Im so impressed by the upbringing of the triplets in the return of superman...hehehe
I think if I ever left 3 embryos, I may wanna put 3. Cos hor, e last round I left 1 and it din survive e thaw. I was thinking maybe survival rate higher if thaw earlier? My thinking no basis wan yah, juz wondering.
But yes, monkeychick, boy/gal twins are e best!

I cant rem where I read it...but definitely online...the stats of a boy/girl twins is very low...compared to both boys or gals...can't rem where...gotta go dig tt article...

do take our jokes with a pinch of salt...lolz...sometimes we r jus having fun only...hahaha....:rolleyes:
I cant rem where I read it...but definitely online...the stats of a boy/girl twins is very low...compared to both boys or gals...can't rem where...gotta go dig tt article...

do take our jokes with a pinch of salt...lolz...sometimes we r jus having fun only...hahaha....:rolleyes:
Hmmm, shouldnt the gender of each embryo be 50/50? If the chance for 2 boys is 25%, (50% * 50%), and 2 girls is 25%, then the rate of boy/girl combo should be 50%, right?
I think if I ever left 3 embryos, I may wanna put 3. Cos hor, e last round I left 1 and it din survive e thaw. I was thinking maybe survival rate higher if thaw earlier? My thinking no basis wan yah, juz wondering.

Nuh doesn't let woman below 37 to transfer more than 2 embryos. The insurance for 3-embryos transfer costs a bomb $924.48 o_O
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Mama here!! LOL!!

Urh in a theoretical sense, by right if all conditions are fair, then the possibility of one girl one boy is 50% la, whereas girl-girl and boy-boy are 25%.

But I think conditions in this case not fair? Hahaha
I read from somewhere that ivf higher chance of girls.. But I forgot the reason why.. Boy/girl doesn't matter, equally precious!
I think it's cos X soldiers are tougher than Y soldiers.

左看右看, 看看到处的aggressive women 就明白咯。 :p

I read in one science journal which gathered statistics on ivf centres. Percent of boy versa gal for day3 transfer was about 50%, 50%. Percent for day5 transfer was higher chance of boy than gal. To me, those studies are just read for fun only because don't forget, overseas patients can do gender selection via PGD?

At the end of the day, it simply relies on our hubby's X or Y in his tadpoles haha!
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I read in one science journal which gathered statistics on ivf centres. Percent of boy versa gal for day3 transfer was about 50%, 50%. Percent for day5 transfer was higher chance of boy than gal. To me, those studies are just read for fun only because don't forget, overseas patients can do gender selection via PGD?

At the end of the day, it simply relies on our hubby's X or Y in his tadpoles haha!

Maybe for 龙凤胎, need to do Day 4 transfer?:rolleyes:

What's the probability, Maths Cher? :p
Maybe for 龙凤胎, need to do Day 4 transfer?:rolleyes:

What's the probability, Maths Cher? :p
Maths Cher cannot think! Lol

Brain preoccupied with flying bikinis!

Anyway all those visits to the GPs, feeling the onset of flu liao.. Resisting taking all med/lozenges and hoping vit c and salt water will do the job now :(
Maths Cher cannot think! Lol

Brain preoccupied with flying bikinis!

Anyway all those visits to the GPs, feeling the onset of flu liao.. Resisting taking all med/lozenges and hoping vit c and salt water will do the job now :(

** Hugz Mama**

Please take honey lemon water or peppermint tea. They're natural remedy to ease flu symptoms. A few more days to go, Mama fighting!
