Premature babies support group

Hi Mummies,

Need some advice. Danya is still very poor in eating solid. If we try to give her a slightly chunky food, she would choke and throw out with her earlier milk feed. All advices are appreciated.
Hi Mummies,

I need similiar advice too. My bb refuses to drink or eat. Only likes to 'eat' her fist & toes. She's already underwt & is not drinking well. Dunno wat to do w her.

Hi David,
How old is Danya now? Or u want to let her eat slightly less chunky food now and then slowly upgrade her later?

As u already knew, my girl was a tracheostomy and tube fed baby for 18mths, owing to it, she had extreme difficulty in eating solid food. Even when we fed her porridge, she would volmit with her trachy tube on. When her trachy tube was removed, she was very weak in chewing and biting food. Lots of patience is needed here. We followed up with kkh-speech therapist on her eating, and the progress was unfortunately also slow.

We gave her soft diet most of the time and very slowly, we introduced baby bites and then other chucky food in small pieces. Praise her when she chew well. I recalled the therapist said to give her less food but more feeds, i.e instead of every 3 hrs, perhaps every 2 hrs but small portion of food/milk. We also have to sit in front of her to show her how we chew the food.

It took her a long time to be able to eat solid food unfortunately, she is comfortable with eating rice only after 4.5 yrs old.

Today at 5.5 yrs old, she can only manage rice that is soft (i.e. add more water during cooking) or with soup. Hard rice, she also has difficulty swallowing. But she can eat pizza, satay etc. food with heavy taste.

Danya is not ready for chunky food, so go for less chunky food 1st and give her one or two SMALL bites of chunky food to practice but not as a full meal.

Hope this helps.
<font color="aa00aa">David</font>,
Just give mesh food to Danya or else start with tiny pieces type of food. HX is too lazy to chew, he will pui pui out. so feeding him porridge with ingredient really pull hair out or else need to play clown or do a lot of scolding to him then he can eat. really very hassle feeding him, testing our patient.

even, we tried to give him rice. he just 'pui' out.

<font color="119911">maple</font>,
how old is yr bb?
Hi Maple,

Danya is CA15+mths

Hi Precious,

I really salute you for your patience and love for your girl. Danya is already having her session with the feeding clinic. We are going really slow but more failure than success.

Hi Afcai Mum,

I don't really pull hair. When Danya throw out, I don't mind cleaning up her puke. I am more worry that she cannot progress like a normal child.
<font color="119911">David</font>,
guess you need to give her the mesh food. also it is easier for her to swallow or digest too. hence, with great patience and effort, soon Danya will catch up with the rest. cheers....anyway, I remembered when Danya is an infant, Daddy David and Mummy really took lot of patient and good care of her.let her progress naturally....

What is the weight of Danya now? Guess we have to be patient and put extra efforts on our special babies..Every small step is a big step for us.

I think we have different issues with our babies. Xavier is eating well, but he has serious constipation and not growing much. For the past 6-9 months, he only put on 1 kg weight. He is now 9kg, and looking small.. Well, but this is not my major concern, it's the constipation that drives us crazy now! Things became difficult from May onwards (maybe due to i stopped BF totally), and he cannot poo without the help of glycerin suppository or medicine. Even with help, he poos once in 2-3 days. We tried different methods, using Lactulose, chinese medicine, give him more fruits, red potatoes, brocolli, changing milk powder, etc. Nothing seems to be significantly helpful except for the Chinese medicine we are giving him (prescribed by Chinese hospital here). But medicine is still medicine, we really dont want him to rely on medicine...sigh..

Now, if he poos without using suppository, we will be so glad, like 过年。。。

Anyone has any advice?
Hi Afcai Mum,

Thanks again for your encourgement.

Hi Jas,

Long time no hear and my Danya is only 6.7kg for CA15+. Our Neonate has gave up on her weight as long as her growth is along the chart. I am glad Xavier is doing great except Poo Poo. Try goat milk, very close the mums milk. Danya doing slight better in the last 2 weeks when we switch to goat milk plus Pediasure Complete.
jas, re constipation. i think that giving my gal colostrum (mixed in her FM, i am using childlife) seems to help ABIT.

last time i used to give her gripe water (woodward's) daily....

david, jia you..sorry no advice!

Yes, give Pediasure Complete, my girl drank this for more than 3 yrs as she also has weight problem then. Now she is at the 25 percentile growth.

Another method, prepare soft diet meal and a few pcs of chunky food. On an empty stomach, feed Danya a couple of chunky food 1st, if she shows signs of vomitting, STOP. Even if she vomits, it will be little. When she is settled, feed her the soft diet meal so that she still has a complete meal each time.

Slowly but steadily, Danya will be receptive to solid food. More importantly, she must have food to beef up her weight.

I have the same concern as you over whether my girl will grow up normally. Trust me, Danya will catch up with her peers in time, as she has a set of very committed, loving and caring parents.
Hi David and Maple,

My baby also dont liked solid until recently.

Can start off with adding a little texture into milk liked brown rice or cereal. to let them get used to having a different texture and taste. but dont add in every meal, will be too filling and difficult to poo poo. at times will feed her honey star to train her to chew.
we also add vit B (1x) into milk to increase appetite.

BTW, we also experiment with different spoon type and size coz she got small mouth, at first when feeding her she always wanna to vomit, then we realize she got small mouth.. and to feed her during her feed time not before else she wont be hungry . &amp; most important no force feed. else they may hate eating..

now we slowly increasing porridge and cereal intake. and tried to let her try new taste liked meat and fruit. liked apple juice, she dont liked at 1st. so after many attempts, in the end she drink it with spoon... so do be creative and patient. we are all learning with our kido... have fun.
Hi Jas,

have you tried barley?

My mom will boil thick barley (buy from Eu Yan San) drink and mix into milk. mom said milk powder is always "heaty"

my baby will drinks 2-3x every week.. she now poo poo everyday.
Hi Maple,

guess you need to experiment , to see if baby dont liked the milk taste or shape of the bottle nipple. or is baby teething or sumthing else...

my girl used to take ages (40min) to finish drinking her milk by then she will too tired. until i change her bottle to pigeon. now can finish her milk in 10-15min for 150ml. ( it was a great improvement)..

Parenthood = baby logic + trial n error + humor
<font color="aa00aa">Jas</font>,
try to give Xavier fruit juice or fruit? maybe can help. for hx, he dun like those.
My bb is 6 mths CA.

Have u tried sweet potato or prune juice? My bb's PD said sweet potato will helps in constipation.

Thanks for the advice.
Guess as parents, we are always worrying about our children! sigh.

jas, hope Xavier will be able to poo well.

David, hope danya will be able to swollow food well soon!

Dun worry, who knows? one day, problems will just solve by itself. Thats what I am waiting for too! I am hoping for dash's cough to stop after soooooo long.
Thanks everyone for your advice! I will be back to SG for Xavier's follow up check up at NUH this coming Wednesday, hopefully the doctor can give us some good advices too.


Jiayou, I am sure Danya will catch up one day!
Btw, isnt goat milk very "heaty"? I used to give Pediasure, but i think it caused serious we stopped.

what is colostrum ? I never heard of it...Btw, thought gripe water is for colic?

Barley, will try soon! Last time we tried green bean soup with FM, not much help...hope barley will be better.

He eats a lot of fruits..Grapes, watermelon, banana, pear, etc...not helping at all..dunno why...

Sweet potatoes everyday, no help. Where can i get prune juice? Since i m back in SG in the next few days, may want to stock up. Please advise?

long time no hear! Well, coughing is definitely very worrying...I remember there was once Xavier down with cough, i felt so painful..hope Dash gets better!
jas, welcome back! colostrum is the first few drop of important milk when a mommy (human/cow/etc) start lactating (something like that). But there is health supplements too. You can check it out ..there are many brands but alot of mommy using childlife brand (its in powder form, u mix with water/milk). Gripe water is for colic but it can 'move bowels' too.

kkf, *sayang* dash..
<font color="aa00aa">jas</font>,
welcome bck. is Xavier ok with taking the plane? gd wor, Xavier took so many fruits, unlike HX. when he see fruits, he shun away. arrrr how to make him eat fruits? but he do consume veg.

HX will be taking his last dose of 6 in 1 jab next fri. sure got fever one.....I'm thinking of whether want to combine the Pnenmucaal jab as I am scared it is too strong for him. he had high fever since his last 3rd dose of 6 in 1 jab.
Hi all

long time din post as was too busy with work and family. Jus to say hi to all the old friends and also to welcome the new mummies

Happy to read that all the little warriors are growing to their mile stones.

For those who do not know me... My no. 3 is a 27 weeker and has turned 4 on sep 7. she is now 21 kg and rather tall. Doing well in all aspect! Praise the Lord!

Precious one
r you Emily tay?????

how's things? FYI, my no. 2 is also in Anglican High like his bro;) how's violet and dash? Looking forward to meeting up again .

good to hear about danya's progress! Proud of you!

how's your little one?

For those who know me... And those new mummies , mayb can give me a quick intro or update so that I can get in the thread again;)
Hi All,
Yesterday was my gal's one year old birthday! It was a tough year but still full of fun and memorable moments.
I want to thank all the daddies and mummies on this forum for giving me lots of support and advice for this period.
My gal is growing well but still low weight 10-25 percentile, height is 90 percentile. But as long as she is healthy we think is ok to be smaller.
I saw some discussion on solid food, I think as long as baby enjoy the food don't force them with chunky pieces, soft diet can be very nutritious also. We make the brown rice powder ourself to cook the cereal, then cook the meat and fish soup to mix with it. Tough they may not take the meat but the soup is good enough.
this morning, I brought my boy for his last 6 in 1 dose of jabs and gave him the pneumococcal jab as well. the moment we stepped into the nurse rm, boy already sobbed and then cried till badly. think he recognise the place (last visit is in may when he took his mmr). his growth (weight and height) is 25% but doc said that his head circumference is 75% so not so matching with his growth. hence, would need to consult the neo-natal care doc when it is due to visit next mth (postphone as dr chua is away for long leave fr sept). usually, it is difficult to make him consume medicine. <font color="119911">will yr kids take medicine easily?</font>
My gal's head circumference is also much larger, 90 percentile, is that abnormal compare to her weight only 10-25 percentile? Next appointment will be in two weeks time, I must remember to ask doctor then.
She is moving quite a lot and we thought that's why not easy to put on weight....
wow mummylian, your girl is 21kg at 4 years old??? dash is only 18kg at 5 years old. big size leh your girl. I saw her last time, she is really growing well and tall.

Glad that all your kids are doing you proud.

afcai, luckily, violet is ok with medications. She used to struggle, but the more we forced her, the more she resisted. so we just tell her gently to eat, and she eats, without forcing her, pulling her etc.

else let him sees how your elder girl eats the medicine?

aixin, happy 1 year old to your girl!

jas, i still had difficulty posting comments in your blog leh. cause need to sign up or what right?
Hi maple,
I'm also looking for prune juice but not sure baby can drink the type that adults take. So the one you give to your bb is the normal prune juice we see in the supermarket? Brand like sunsweet or del Monte?
hihi, Anyone managed to buy insurance for ur premiee? can share which co n an agent to look for pls. thank you. pls pm me if possible as I seldom come into tis thread....thks again.
<font color="aa00aa">kkf</font>,
gar gar more guai mah...boy boy active and also my little ox super stubbon. no mean no type....cannot force one. yeah, that's time, my gar just happen to have cough. so he saw jie jie drank medicine, he also followed. then after that, he would want everyone to clap for him. if one dun clap, he would come and stare at u, place yr hand together till one clap.

my gar also weight up and down 12-13kg one..violet such a gd weight liao..hx only 9.9kg...but still heavy for me cos carrying him for sometimes will make hand 'suan suan'
no leh, afcai, girl girl not more guai haha. my boy is more guai than girl. my girl is also like that, want means want. if you give her biscuits, she can cry and yell for more until you cannot tarhan, and have to keep giving her.
so the moral of the story is survey shows that usually no 1 is guai guai than no 2. that's why my col told me regardless to gar or boy, no 2 tend to be noti.

then must teach her say only can take 1-2 biscuit at a time...hx only take 2 (one at each hand). given him more than that, he would not want...haa think it is more that his hand is occupied.

sad sad, the berries at my branch here all full. had been on waiting list for more than a yr...only got 3 vacancies next yr for 5pm wkdays class. so will be queuing again for the sun slot 11am.
I remember when my no. 4 was less than 2 years old... giving her medication was a BIG CHALLENGE. Never happen to the other 3.. We really got to hold her. There was once when Ezann was warded and she visited her in KKH, I asked the nurse to help to administer the medicine, they too find it a challenge. We always mix into the milk and sometimes din finish... can't be help... But now, she is ok liao. Thank God

Haha.. Thanks for your compliments,. Wheter the kids do me proud, will only know till the end. By the way,can DAsh read already? Can read story book? I did not send Ezann for any class, besides school... I think she is slow in recognising words....Sigh
Dear mummies,
Am bringing the kids to Phuket for a getaway next week. ANy one knows of good spot for snokel??? Or any other activities that is cheap and good? Any Links?

Thank You in advance.
hi mummylian, yes, dash can read, but not all words. phonics help. you may want to send Ezann to phonics class?
do phonics help the kid to read? my gar is also attending phonics and reading class. whenever she came bck fr class, she will know how to pronounce the words and letter.but she still dunno how to read.
Hi bbmermaid
I managed to buy insurance for my 29wker preemie boy although he got a whole list of medical history. I tried AIA but they dun even bother to apply for me. My boy just turned 1 yr old. Recently I just got approval from Great Eastern Life Medishield, Edusave with exclusion of Heart condition cos my son heart they say the valve is abit not centralised although it functions perfectly normal. You can call 96269631 look for Catherine Goh. She will do her best to fight for your insurance
hello mummies,
dropping in after a long time.. been so busy with work and part time studies as well. hope all mummies and premies are doing fine. Year end already, weather will be rainy, do take care. I'm so looking fwd to all the holidays. Lined up a few short trips to relax and spend time with bryan.

Anyone going to premie awareness day? 20 Nov at KKH.
Hi, i'm new to this thread. I didn't know that KKH has this preemie awareness day. Do you have any details?
xbliss.studying parttime? wah.. u r really on!!!!! and a few short trips!!!

afcai, think need practise to know how to apply phonics.. my gal also duno how to read yet..and she tell me she does not want to learn !!! pengzz.. got ur msg abt change of hp number.
what is the preemie awareness day abt? my boy is having appt on 16/11 loh.

<font color="aa00aa">bloom</font>,
aiyo..why dun want to learn? let her learn better loh... it depends on the teacher also....currently, she is happy with the class cos teacher nice and friendly.
i wasn't informed of any premmie awareness day leh... hmm... would love to go if the rest of the mummies are going. would be nice to see some of u there. let me know.
bloom, most kids are lazy. haha, dash is lazy too.

anyway, i had received invitation for the awareness day. hope to go, but saturday dash is always pack with a bit difficult.

ca-mum, welcome. the kkh nurse called me up to invite me one. think kkh has our records.

Btw, just saw the news that jamie yeo also gave birth to a premature baby at 30 weeks weighing 1.2kg.
hmmm...u r a member of awareness day? I did not rx any call fr kkh loh. must it be an invitation then can go?

sigh, nowadays, kids are so eager to come out of the world.... but thks god, medical techno is so advance that we would be less worries on the preemies.
hi mummies

A friend of mine had her premmie @25weeks just last week. The baby is in NICU and is a fighter. I was wondering what can I give the parents to comfort them in this tough period, besides prayers and a listening ear. Do you know where can i get some premmie-size clothings in anticipation when the baby comes home, or do you think it's inappropriate?

Has anyone here has experience with babies at such tender age when they are borned?

hi mummies,
have a friend who just got pregnant, but due to past history of premature birth, have questions abt kkh, hope anyone here who knows can advise.

she likes her private gynae, But is afraid of High hospital bills if bb give birth prematuredly again, what must she do to make sure bb if in nicu would be subsidised?

1. go to polyclinic get referral letter to KKH or book appt directly with kkh?

2. kkh -the private suite, premier or classic? which should she choose so nicu costs would be considered under subsidised rate?

3. can she stick to private gynae then after 1st trimester then slowly switched to kkh?

4. she heard must choose B class and C class in order for subsidised rate, in this case, is she suppose to make the decision when she choose which maternity package?

hope anyone who knows can advise. thanks in advance.
