Premature babies support group

Hi Peapod,

My twins are delivered at 24 weeks. You can ask your friend to email me if she wants someone to talk to. Or you can post the questions here. We are here to support each other.

Hi Peapod

my boy was born in 2006 at KKH. a premmie at 26 weekers (weighing 985g), now he is 4 years old...hmm you may ask your fren to pm me

there are a lot of mummies here who definitely willing to care and share

my girl was born 24 weeks + 4 at KKH and she is now 5 yrs old.

My advice is there's no need to buy premie clothings at this stage, u can buy later when baby is about to discharge which I reckon should be about 3 months from now if there is no medical issues. The nurse will beef up the baby and baby should be more than 2 kgs by then, if not more. As a supportive friend, prayer and listening ears help a the needy person a long way. Give the mummy the hugs she needed for her current emotional needs. Do not let her suffer in silence but give her the space if she needs it.

Feel free to drop in or invite your friend to join this forum, then she knows that she is not alone in this premie journey which can be rough at times.
hi, i'm glad to have stumbled onto this forum. my bb is born at 38weeks via ceaserian. is this considered premie or full born? her birth weight was at 2.45kg and vomits for 2-3times a week for 2 years, on both solids and milk. the last meal/solid will also be vomitted out while on current feeding time. both me and my maid are burnt out feeding her and we were always very tensed up, getting ready plastic bag for her vomits and i must sit besides the maid to tell her when to go slow, wash down her feed with some teaspoonful of water at anytime she shows signs of throwing up, etc. i finally decided to bring my bb to pd last month and she was treated with zantac syrup to suppress her acid juice. doc says, it's gastric reflux that has been making baby throws out. my bb was on 25% and now dropped to 10% with no weight gain. i've also brought her to see therapist to teach her how to chew, bite and swallow and baby seems to be better with the oral exercise on eating.

one important lesson, please do not panic whenever you see that your child wants to vomit out during feeding. instead of hurry her to wash down food with few teaspoonful of water or panic, i've now learnt to keep asking baby chew, bite and swallow. previously, my baby throws out all with our mistake of panicky action.

now, cross finger - after she has and now learning the skill of chewing, biting, swallow as well as on zantac, baby no longers vomit.

i also have been feeding my bb with mashed food despite she has mostly all her teeths. after seeing therapist and on zantac, i quickly seize the opportunity to start training my bb chew bread, bite biscuits, eat steam rice, eat thick porridge so that she can absorb as much nutrients as possible.

i oso has just started my bb on Nutren Junior which i think is similar to pediasure. bb can take well on nutren junior with no constipation, no hard pellet pooh unlike on pediasure that she vomits all out instantly or had hard pellet pooh.

i oso put a scoop of friso comfort which is for colicky, constipating and vomitting baby into her solid meals while her daily milk will be mixture of nutren junior and friso 3.

it seems that my latest experiments works better for my bb now, who is 2 years old next month.
you may want to ask your doc if any possibility that your bb has gerd problem too.

Hi david, btw what is malrotation that you mentioned in your above mail?
Hi onsansg,

Mal-rotation is twisting of intestine. If kid vomit frequently and eventually vomit out greenish bile, it can be a sign of mal-rotation. Mal-rotation is a silent killer which 1 out of 500 babies could have the symptom whereas a cleft lips is 1 out of 750 babies.

Hi Mummies,

Long time no post. Too much traveling. Danya is now 7kg. Appetite still not wonderful. Her solid intake is still low. I have learn to be more patience and less panicky late. Please see her recent photo
Hi david, so it's twisting intestines which i oso heard it happens to elderly.. your babies look good and healthy. from the picture, appetite is not an issue as they are gaining weight and good complextion too.

david, can advise if born at 36weeks + 2 and birth weigh at 2.45kg consider full born or premie?

hi all,
any of premies or babies suffers from GERD? can share with me? i understand premies and low birth weight babies will encounter such problems depends on its level of seriousness.
Dear all

The Early Bird BAby Club PArty on Saturday, November 20 · 1:00pm - 4:00pm at OurLounge@3 - KKH Women's Tower Staff lounge level 3.

Costa has got some more info to share and i have posted in the FB link on the event invitation!/event.php?eid=159741314044715

For those without FB, I am unable to load the pictures here (file too big). please PM me

We think the organiser may not have managed to reach all the KKH premmie mummies/daddies as over the years they may have miss out the contacts. please attend if available


need to check something, i got medishield from NTUC and they excluded bronchities/broncholitis, my boy is born premature at week 35, has no other health conditions other than 2 episodes of broncholitis at aged 4mths non CA.

i was wondering if it's possible to contest against the exclusion?

any mummies here with similar issues and have sucessfully contested against such exclusions?

the medical report that was given to the insurer stated that baby is fine, btw my boy is now 16 mths.

any advise would be appreciated.
onsansg, if i am not wrong, any bb born after 37weeks is considered as full term.

and (i think, could be wrong), any bb between 30/35 (?) to 37 weeks are pre-term, while those smaller are premature...
not sure of the category of preterm and premature, but the insurers view 35 + 2days as premature, was told can't get insurance till he's 6mths and declared healthy.

anyone can advise on the insurance matter?
hi babymaking, i've pm you.

hi bloom,then my bb should be full-term..maybe due to her low birth weight, that's why she has gastric reflux, which has to wait for it to outgrow eventually.

hi anyone, can share with me generally what's the characteristics and behaviour of premie or preterm babies in terms of sleep and feed pattern? do they have problem and has projectile vomitting always? do they arch themselves to sleep? do they sleep with tummy down most of the time? do they snore? are they big or small eater?

i remember on the forum someone mentioned her baby had RSV. Mine too, got RSV spread from a maid who cough directly on my baby while feeding milk to her at 3months old. she was tested positive for this virus strain via a check conducted with tube inserted through her nostril and throat to extract phlegm/mucus specimen for testing. so heart pain, and somemore on 21 course of home nebuliser treatment. thereafter, we quarantined our baby from social and outings until she is after 1 year old (to avoid others spreading disease to her) choice got to protect her and keep her lung healthy thereafter..
babymaking, I think once the baby has any history/records of broncholitis, insurance co. usually would exclude that. You can try using the latest report. I know Avia covers a premmie (even for 28weeks, my friend manage to get it) but they exclude anything which is related to prematurity. For instance, my friend's child has hernia due to prematurity. So they exclude that. Other than that, they cover basically the whole thing. One thing though - I heard that if you have been already rejected once for anything by another insurance co., Aviva would not insure you. But you can try again especially since you have a recent report that declare ur child is free from broncholitis.
Hi onsansg,
Just share the behaviour of my case as follows:

bb make a lot of noise when slp. it last till when he is 4mth.

small eater. feed 30ml - 60ml per hrly. can't feed him much if not merlion.
so very tedious till he was 5mth old.
grace, i had pm u.

peapod, you can ask your friend to join in our discussions here.
we will definitely like to share her worries, and woes here.

wow david, your girl has grown! doesn't look small or slim at all.
who does she look like?

onsansg, you came to the wrong thread. your baby is perfectly full term. why do you treat her like premiee, and ask about premiees behavior? all of us wish our babies are born 38 weeks like you, but most of our babies go under 34 weeks.
hi kkf, i'm actually have came to the right thread in a way. a baby who is born low weight like mine despite at 38th weeks will somehow have some characteristics similar to premie.

that is, like what afcai has mentioned.
mine is also small eater, feed 30ml for many months, will projectile vomit if overfeed or too close a feeding hour. sleep patten also noisy. mine got severe reflux..

hope more can come forward to share with me, please.

thank you.
I manage to get 1 insurance for my gal (now 2yo)but only cover terminal diseases but will appeal again soon. medical insurance wise she is tag under her father's medishield and my company health plan.

my gal is 28wker, and she has reflux. will vomit most of her feed but as she grow older, will b better. at 2yo, only vomit when she cough. my gal reflux is bad, 2 of her incisors even got discolored as the gastric dissolve part of the enamel....
hi shellow, yours similar to my bb in reflux. how many times every week she will vomit? did you send her to see doc to treat her reflux and how long was the medication therapy and what was the reflux medicine given. cough is trigger by reflux and all food will vomit. mine also like this. now, that she is at 2 yo, how often she vomits vs at babyhood and prior? i nid to know to mentally prepare myself for what will be expected. what did the doc advises you on your bb's reflux and who did you see? i saw dr ratna at sbcc, gleneagles.

thanks so much for reply.
hihi, any mummy's bb w high arched palate n can share ur experiences n advices pls.

my girl is 28wkr, discharged w feeding tube in sep, recently slt discover she hv high arched palate....

was very sad tat bb cant latch, cos my #1 was full term n me bf for 6mths....

pls pm me if possible....cos i worry i might lose track of the thread....thank you a lot lot!
Hi onsansg,
when she is younger, she vomit at least once a day. We do sent her to c doc 4 advice, but didnt give her med as they will outgrow it. After 18 (actual age), her condition is better. Only once in few mth, due to cough (some kid will vomit when cry or cough, so to me is her vomitting is just due to cough n nt reflux, i believe she has outgrow tis problem), but i still feed her small feed.
hi onsansg,
for reflux, when I consulted neo-natal care doc and polyclinic doc, they all said the same thing. bb will be better as they grew older (which was true for my case. my bb is ok when he is 5-6mth old). advice given by doc were to burp them after feed, sit upright or lie on yr shoulder for at least 15-20mins before placed them bck to bed and lastly, let them have small amt of milk for each feed.

hence, this reflux will eventually outgrew it.
dear ladies, I am thinking of trying for another one..... but am very concern whether if the next one will be premature. Some questions"

1. How long did you wait before trying for another one?
2. Did you go back to your previous gynae or did you find another one who specializes in high-risk pregnancy? I am planning to go to Prof Rauff from NUH. I heard she is quite good.

Would very much like to have another one but am very scare too....
thanks afcai and shellow.
may i ask if you noticed your baby oso has a lot of drooling, putting fingers or fist in her mouth, frequent hiccup since birth and maybe up to now still have it, occurences of nappy rash yeast infection, burping, difficult or sleep very little and may take up to 1.5hour before can doze off? i wonder if there are similarities here that could be narrowed down to some connection with a bad reflux or low birth weigh/premies charateristics..

for reflux, how often (in terms of feeding hours interval between one another) that you feed your baby between a solid and a milk/liquid? what is the amount of portion size for solid and milk that you feed your baby? how many no of feedings on solids and milk/liquid/snacks inclusively you give your baby in a day? will your baby vomits on rice too? what's the texture of rice you feed your baby - soft, mushy, average or like adult type, hard? i'm afraid to put her on rice for fear of vomit but this can't be for long. she needs to learn to eat harder firmer texture as she grows, right? what's the amount of rice your baby can eat usually?

please advise me as i'll off my baby from zantac next month (after a 3months therapy). i may have to adjust her amount and feeding interval time, minimise occurence of projectile vomits.
<font color="119911">lilac_lavender</font>,
I also heard that Prof Rauff or Mary xx from NUH are good. I dun have any gynae. mine first kid is non-preterm (38wkds) but dunno why my sec one is preterms (31 wks)

<font color="119911">onsansg</font>,
in reply to yr posting:

when bb is drooling, that's mean he is teething. if not, sometimes, he just opened mouth and then drip saliva.

re:fist into his mout
for my case, during I think 5-6mth, bb tried to place his fist into his mouth.
re:frequent hiccup
as for frequent hiccup, it occurred only once in the blue moon for my boy but my gar did encounter frequent hiccup.

re:nappy rash
only occurred once very jialat case till butt and side all very red. it was due to the allegic of the certain brand diaper.

burp my preterm boy till 8mth.

no problem. he is a gd sleep, slp very early.

re:reflux via feeding
infant(0mth-4mth): hourly (30ml) - without water as I'm TBF
5mth-6mth: every 2hrs (60ml-100ml)- without water as I'm TBF
6mth- 10mth: every 3hrs milk (100ml-120ml) + 3 meals a day (2 teaspoon of cereals in the morning, 2 teaspoon of ERS si shen brown rice for lunch and 1 small bowl of porridge)

rice?? my bb already 20mth+ but he dun fancy rice, he will pui pui out. so he still on porridge (mushy type).

for my pt of view, it depends on individual bb on the intake of rice. started with her small amt first.

how old is yr bb?

maybe u would like to ask the doctor for more advise when u take bb for a checkup. hope my case is just a guidance for u.
hi mummies, daddies and premmies,

hope all of us are keeping well. Sorry i didn't manage to make it to premmie awareness day.. though i badly wanted to go, bryan had fallen quite ill this week after we came back from batam.

Hope all of us can unwind during year end and spend a wonderful holiday season with our premmies and loved ones!
Dear mommies &amp; daddies,
So glad that I foud this thread! I would like to seek some advise on caring for premature babies.

My close friend just delivered around 27th week of gestation. Baby is currently in KKH while mommy just discharged.

I would like to find out:
- what can the mommy do now?
(currently she is on confinement and trying to express breastmilk at home)
- what are the things to watch out in caring for premature baby?
- what can be done to help baby in growing healthier?
- any other advise are welcome

thanks so much, afcai.
from your guidance on feeding, it looks like i hv been overfeeding her till she vomits as my amount of solids is so much more in spoonfuls than yours. my guess, bb may have some reflux but could be aggravated further by my overly feeding. i oso noticed she will hiccup and burp when she's too full.

could your daughter oso full, that's why hiccup?

my bb is 2 yrs old today. for your 20mth old son, do you still feed him milk and 3 solid meals at every 3 hours or you have reduced no of solid+milk feedings as well as lengthen the feeding interval hours? please advise me.
my gal is 2yo, think they are able to tell u, if they r full.
my gal will have
1. milk n her bread/breakfast cereal - 745am
2. lunch - 11 am
3. milk b4 nap - 1245pm
4. snack - 330pm
5. milk - 5pm
6. dinner - 730pm
normally she will finish all her food, except her dinner.... i notice she dun like her rice (brown rice), i will change her main every other day instead of rice everyday to mee sua, noodle or pasta. She eat on her own, so when she start playin wif her food, i will know she is full. will nt force her to eat. sometimes if she dun finish her food, i will nt let her snack till the next meal time.
hi shellow,
you feed many solids and milk in a day. may i know how much quantity (eg: oz of milk, spoonfuls, 1/4 bowl, 1/2 bowl. 3/4bowl or 1 bowl for each lunch and dinner, what is her snack comprise)? please advise me.

good idea, i will alternate her main solids to mee sua or noodle instead of steam rice and porridge.. thanks. my gal still don't spoonfeed herself and each time we have to ask her if she still wants to eat or if she's full. she doesn't tell us and end up, if we are not cautious , then will projectile vomit like this morning again!

does your gal eat with tv on? mine does, and it's a bad habit cause end up overfeed. if no tv, she won't you have any trick that you can share with me?
your gal has really good digestion as feeding interval time is like less than 3hours. i'm so happy for you. what is her weight gain everymonth and her current weight and height now? mine is still at 10kg, 80cm at 2yr old..
how i wish my gal can have good digestion system like yours? i hv tried narrow my feeding interval as close as yours but end up, projectile vomits always. sigh!
<font color="119911">onsansg</font>,
u are welcome. yeah, gd to ask doctor for more advice. feed yr bb small amt but more meal. for hiccup, maybe bb swallows air or drinking too fast during the feeding? almost all bb have hiccups and its nothing to really worry about.

yes, my boy still being fed 3-4 times of milk daily and 3 solid food. his daily consists of:

morning: either 8oz milk at 6.30am, bread + water cake in hokkien (8am) + beehoon/mee (at 10am+)

Noon: 3 milk spoon of ERS brown rice powder + 8oz milk

4pm: 6oz milk + snack (corn flakes)

Dinner time (5pm): a bowl of porridge.

Night (8pm): 8oz milk

think compare to my gar, this boy has much appetite than gar. sigh...but he dun like fruit since young....

same as u, my boy needed to watch DVD/VCD to make him sit still so that he will have a smooth dinner. if not, one need to chase after him.

dun worry abt the weight and height loh, eventually, kids will grow. my gar even at 3yr+ is still 13kg. but recently, she is 16kg.

do u ask doctor why she is like that?
Dear mommies &amp; daddies,
Sorry ... I would like to seek some advise on caring for premature babies.

My close friend just delivered around 27th week of gestation. Baby is currently in KKH while mommy had discharged.

I would like to find out:
- what can the mommy do now with bb still in hospital?
(currently she is on confinement and trying to express breastmilk at home)
- what are the things to watch out in caring for premature baby?
- what can be done to help baby in growing healthier?
- any other advise are welcome

hi afcai, i must say that your boy though premie has actually fare much better than mine, who's born at 38th weeks. i'm glad yours have good appetite and grow very well.

mine, will not able to take so many no of feedings like yours. i have to learn to slow down and accept it lor.

hiccups is not due to thirst as we oways thought. a dietitian told me, it's due to fullness and some gerd (gastric reflux) babies will have very frequent hiccup due to fullness and the air bubbles in the gastro area.

i learnt my lesson hard. now, i'll stop feeding immediately whenever my bb burp while on a feed or hiccup. i'll straight away bring her down from feeding chair, let her walk and sit. avoid her from jostling, else everything vomits out.

hi afcai and shellow,
thanks for all the guidance and generous advices.
<font color="119911">onsansg</font>,
my boy is a 31 weeker. as for yr gar, she is not considered as premie. did she stay in NIU or SCU? for mine, for the first 6mth, he was quite tough to look after. eg he had jaurnice which last for 2mth, testing blood alternative or every 3 days and on photolight for a mth. but now, thks god, everything is ok for him tough he has hernia surgery before. but however, he is a stubbon bb now and demanding.

maybe yr bb is a gar. my gar last time also not so much appetite tough she is a 38 wk (not premie
Hi Onsansg,
I read somewhere that baby hiccup due to either too full or cold. So besides not overfed bb, must keep them warm.
hi afcai, how did you know your bb has hernia? was there bleeding or vomit? my gal was under photolight for 4days and discharge time, billirubin was at 8.0mmol/L. pd never bother to do retest after discharge. i just had my bb run a full blood test and billirubin is now normal at 0.2mmol/L.

her sgot and bicarbonate was out of normal range done in sep recently but now has drop to normal. i guess her abnormal reading was due to her constant vomits and i keep feeding her with yogurt and avocado almost everyday, prior to her gastric reflux treatment. now, i remove all fatty food elements and her vomit also seems to have stop, maybe that's answers to her reading back to normal.

what's your child sgot and bicarbonate level like?

my gal is not easy to handle in terms of feeding and sleeping since birth. vomit and sleeps only 9hours from night till morning. take 1.5hour to doze off. oni one daytime nap; can be from 0.5hour to 2hour.

hi aixin,
thanks for alerting me. now, i know. could be besides her hiccup being too full, my baby may also feel too cold having standing fan blows at her within short distance, while trying to sleep.
Hi Kerene,
You are such nice friend.
What your friend is doing now ie expressing milk diligently is one of the best thing to do already. Ask her to hang on, keep pumping, At first the baby might be on drip and cannot take the milk, but breast milk is the best thing a premature baby needs later. Mother need to stay positive and confident that what she is doing now is worth it, because pumping without seeing baby is very depressing. I'm sure most mother here experienced that.
When mother is feeling better physically, try to stay with bb in nicu more. I used to just sit next to my gal's incubator play the music that i used to listen to during pregnancy. Talk with the nurses, parents there to get better idea on how to take care of bb. Read books and search info so that we know what to expect. That's what I did for one months plus before my bb got discharged.

Book that I'd recommend is the premature baby by Dr Sears. An informative and easy to understand book.
Hi parents of premies,
Please keep strong. Your babies will be alright. Please diligently pray for God's help. He will answer all our prayers.

My well wishes to you and your babies. God Bless.
neo-natal doc said that most of the premie 's organs are not fully develop yet and they detected that there 's a small gap. so got to perform hernia operation to close the gap if not next time, pass urine, intestine etc will pass down...

why do u want to feed him yogurt and avocado daily? not sure if too much of the yogurt (which suppose to be like acidic) will harm the tummy for the kid.

not sure what's the child sgot and bicarbonate? only know that his jaunice shoot up to 26x or 28x...that's the highest then slowly up and down the range 150-190....

then dun let her nap too much during daytime.
thanks afcai. i really din't know baby yoplait yogurt or normal yogurt are acidic until now. i keep thinking of its probiotic benefits. tat and coupled with avocado are likely the culprit to aggravate or upset her acid-alkaline stomach juice. we were too foolish and keen to pump her weight thinking avocado is good, until my own gynae ask me to stop it. bb doc oso don't seems to want to comment on foodstuff balance..hard to find a good pd.
that's my pt of view loh cos I believe too much yogurt is bad for tummy bec of the sour acidic.

to increase her weight, can let her drink more milk more balance diet. that's might be one of the reason to cause her reflux blar...
hi afcai, i agree what you said. and, you have in a way alerted me of my foolish feeding method and the yogurt, avocado thing. i overdo many things, could be major reason to aggravate a reflux that should not be in existence..

thanks so much, fren.
Are u a first time mummy? dun say till like that....most mum or parents are still on learning stage. like me, I also learnt a lot fr the forum and thru some experience mummies.

yes, afcai. i'm a first time mother and none of my frens able to advise me as they married young, all teenagers liao.. i din't enjoy motherhood for 1st 2 years because of my lack of experience and no one able to advice me accurately, until i stumble into this premie forum. the premie forum describes some characteristics similar to mine, though my bb is a full term but she's low birth weight baby. that may answer to her gross and oral motor development which is a bit slower too and her weak digestive system, although my baby learns and talks fast.

thanks once again. i hv decided to switch my bb to a another pd as used by david above. hope, dr lim kwang hsien will be more alert since his forte is in gastrointestinal area..
when I was a first time mummy, I also went to attend the antental class held by the hospital. as such, I learnt something fr the course. anyway, I guess it never too late to learn right....cheers....
hi everyone,

long time.. been busy with little Xavier..
He was hospitalized 5 days due to pneumonia last month, very heart pain, brought back all the bad memories in NICU...

Well, he is fine now. Yet, his constipation problem is still on-going..We tried all methods, and really desperate now. Went to see doctor again today, and he is suspected to have Hirschsprung's disease, the results will come out tomorrow..

Anyone encountered this disease? Or know anyone who went thru this and could give some advice? Any advice will help...
Hi jas, hope xavier is well now. hope he doesn't have the hirshcsprung disease, though i don't know what is that.
Hihi all mommies,
I'm glad I'm came across this thread. My little Labelle is a preemie too. She was born at 34weeks weighing 2.375kg.
She is 8mths now..
But sad to say not in pink health. She's got a cleft palate, comin Jan gng for op. But due to ASD (hole in her heart) so dunno can go ahead with the cleft surgery or gotta do heart surgery first. And her hearing never pass also. Her eye sight also suffering.
Btw any mommies encounter the same prob?? Up til now the doctors still dunno y Labelle got so much prob n whether they r all associated.
She is seeing all specialist, like every month will have 4 appts n most of the time I cannot take leave

Cannot stop working becos Bb see doc also need lots of money. I'm hoping Bb can get well n grow up to be a happi n healthy Bb
Hihi all mommies,
I'm glad I'm came across this thread. My little Labelle is a preemie too. She was born at 34weeks weighing 2.375kg.
She is 8mths now..
But sad to say not in pink health. She's got a cleft palate, comin Jan gng for op. But due to ASD (hole in her heart) so dunno can go ahead with the cleft surgery or gotta do heart surgery first. And her hearing never pass also. Her eye sight also suffering.
Btw any mommies encounter the same prob?? Up til now the doctors still dunno y Labelle got so much prob n whether they r all associated.
She is seeing all specialist, like every month will have 4 appts n most of the time I cannot take leave

Cannot stop working becos Bb see doc also need lots of money. I'm hoping Bb can get well n grow up to be a happi n healthy Bb

Hi Jas,

Xavier is warrior and he will fight strong. Have faith.

Hi Jacelyn,

All our warriors have different sets of issues. Have faith and be strong for them. They will fight even stronger.
