Premature babies support group

Dear all mummies & daddy (david)

Wishing all an advanced Merry Xmas and Happy 2010 New Year

Wishing all the kids be healthy and happy and the parents cheerful and strong as always!

Have not been writing here as busy with work but i do drop by to read the notes and such.


<font color="aa00aa">gingal</font>,
why after massage cannot touch water or bath. last time, after massage, I came bck immediately bath cos very uncomfortable cos whole body oily.

<font color="119911">yan</font>,
to use spa, one need to go earlier and let the person know so that the staff can book a rm. spa usuauly from 30mins - 1hr (depended on how long u want to be in the tub). so massage usually take 45 mins too. the whole duration took abt 1.5hr.

<font color="aa00aa">David</font>,
oh...saw the city sq mall advertise on tv. wow...beside mustafa, gd lobang to grab there....

<font color="aa00aa">aneo</font>,
merry xmas to u and yr family too! enjoy...

usually, after jab, there will be follow by fever for 2 days. Hx also got it for his first 3 6 in 1 jab.
Hi Bloom,

Me not investment Guru. Me always thinking of financial freedom(Me my own boss). I like spending time with family and helping those that are less fortunate than us. If I don't have any liability, I tell my Queen that I will quit my job and work for a Charity organisation and have a marginal decent pay enough to support family monthly expense. That is my 5 year plans.

Hi Aneo,

Merry Christmas to you &amp; your family.

Hi Afcai,

We brought our place in 2005 at $640K. The recent transaction is $1.3M. Although very busy area, I like the convenience especially makan.
Hi everyone, would like some advice on which bottle teat is good for premmies to use? should i take from hospital or is AVENT ok? my boy is coming home in the next few days and I would like to get something that is recommended.
<font color="aa00aa">David</font>,
wow, ex wor..yup, it is convenient cos it is located at town and near kkh sil also live near little india at fareer park.

<font color="119911">luxelectrique </font>,
for me, we directly use Avent teat 1 for my boy when he came hm. so far so gd...

for us, we use pigeon normal neck peristaltic teat too, very soft. till now she CA 13mths already, still using.
Thanks everyone.. I'm wondering has anyone tried to fit pigeon wide neck on avent bottles? I previously bought the starter kit from avent if can fit then at least bottles won't go to waste..
Hi Afcai Mum,

In Y05, it is still affordable. Me &amp; Diana bought at impuse moment. Pricing now is crazy and inflated.

Hi Luxlectrique,

Gingal &amp; Me did that. It work but after sometime, it might leak depend on how viscous is the milk. Cheers.
Hi Mummies &amp; Daddies...

MERRY XMAS TO ALL!!!! Have an enjoyable one with all your loved ones!!!!


Wow you got it at a good price leh!!!My hubby is always saying can see bikini girls opposite when we at city sq mall lift lobby..hahahaha..
lucelectrique, no hard n fix rule on which teat to use, but kkh is using tollyjoy is i am not wrong, so your baby may be used to it. you see what kkh use, and try using the same? they will tell u one.

Pigeon wide neck teat is not able to fit avent, i tried before.

bloom t3 snow fantasy worth going leh, dash enjoyed it soooo much though 15 mins. and i saw the kids there like crazy, though to us adults, nothing much hor yan?

thanks david, glad danya is fine now! wow, hope u n ur family stay happily forever in your new castle. i am looking for mine too! haha. think u r a bit like my hubby, he is also contended to be with family, and is very amitable (kind hearted) like u.

Jane happy new year and merry christmas as well!

sam, how r u? true to ur pregnancy? wow envy + admire! hee cause you will be a mummy of 4 at such young age! admire your energy!

i no longer celebrate christmas, but still merry christmas to u all.
tree ice, wow, how u noe violet is 34 weeks plus 3 days! haha. i dun even noe, i just treat her as 34 weeks. chey, cannot compare one, i put on 20kg leh, it is really 20 kg of fats, cause right now i still have 7 + kg with me that can't be shed off sob................i eat and sleep eat and sleep everyday during pregnancy cause i need not go work and must rest in bed.

i believe your little one now will be full term and over 3kg one lar, dun worry about weight!

ya.. to us is like.. har.. jump here and there only lor.. but to them is like.. heaven,. haa.. weng so enjoy and can summersault somemore..

actually my weight is back to wat i used to have even before conceive Weng, my no.1. but then dunno y leh.. the tummy cannot go away leh.. so sad.. got 1 time so malu leh.. 1 anuty let me use the toilet 1st.. think she tot i preg becos other part of my body not big but got tummy. so pai seh..
<font color="119911">luxelectrique</font>,
I think i ever tried to fit avent teat into pigeon peristaltic bottle but can fit but CANNOT close (screw) back. cos avent teat is too fat for the pigeon peristaltic bottle. but peristaltic bottle teat can fit avent bottle loh but as what David mentioned sometimes it might leak.

so now, I also posting it to sell my pigeon peristaltic bottle again. I did not use it only use the teat.

<font color="aa00aa">David Daddy</font>,
but at least, if the location and it is yr dream idea home, think it is worth it. maybe next time, will stick there, dun want to move hse liao.

<font color="119911">yan</font>,
me also sian..still got wobble and bloated tummy. arrr....esp after meal tummy will bloat like balloon. ppls tot I'm preggie too bec of tummy. but my other part of body not fat.

think I got lot of wind in tummy....

I was so bored that I read all the 09 and 10 mtb thread and happen to come across urs!! hahahaa.. U mentioned in ur mtb thread de.. lolz..
Hi Mummies,

Ho Ho Ho. Merry Christmas from D3 family.
Wishing every premie, mummies and daddy a very joyous Christmas.

GOD bless all our little ones with good health and the parents the wealth of resources for every challenge that comes our way! Amen!
Merry christmas and happy new year to all preemie parents here! My 31 weeker just came out of hospital last Friday, so at least he came home in time for christmas. ^_^ Even though I'm super exhausted and was struck with fever the 2nd day after he came home.

Need to ask mummies and daddies here, for immunization and developmental checks in the health booklet, do you follow the corrected age or non-corrected age? If we follow the non-corrected age, surely will "fail" lots of developmental check right?

Like what kkf suggested, get the same teats that hospital is using. For my ds, kkh was feeding him with nuk teats. So that's what I bought and so far he's ok with it. Don't be like me, last minute buying it in kkh right before I picked him up.

My girl when discharged from KKH then, was given the next date for immunisation, then we followed up with the next date after each one. Check with the pd. in charge of your boy for the next immunisation date and follow up from there.
rhyea, yah, kkh shd give you appointments for follow up at polyclinic? did they?

afcai and yan, i am the opposite, i dun much tummy cause i never have big tummy when pregnant to begin with, maybe cause i am tall, but i have fats all over. hahaha.
From my personal feeling, I will opt for fats evenly distributed than a tummy. haha

Anyway, now I believe a good health is more important to all living things.
Re: Body Oily after Massage:

I will bathe loh after 1-2 hours...I also cant stand the oiliness ... which is why I booked 7 days of Post-natal massage and end up only massaging 3 or 4 days only (Cant rembr liao)... The rest of teh days, i give to my MIL for normal aromatherapy massage loh.


Yes Im also using Pigeon Peristaltic Teat...

This qn abt whether Pigeon Nipple can fit Avent Bottle has been going on and on...keke... luckily now got David help me answer liao... Thankd God for David...;)

Dun worry, it seemed that evey Wide neck Nipple should be able to fit every wide Neck bottles and same for Narrow...


I noticed using pigeon bottles, it will leak too after sometime of usage... Hmmm...


09 and 10 MTB thread got so many many many posts... how could be possible to read????

of cos I never read all the archives.. I selectively read from 2mth before their edd so that I learn some of the tips and experience there.. lolz..
<font color="119911">Merry xmas to all mummies and daddy</font>

<font color="119911">rhyea</font>,
for jab, will still follow the non-correct age....polylcinic asked me not to bother on my edd date now. just count the day where bb is born. so I schedule all the jab as normal according to the booklets. my bb is also 31 weeker so now, tough he still dunno how to crawl but only roate or flip over to reach the destination. I think overall, just let natural take it course for his development.

<font color="aa00aa">kkf</font>,
aiyo...everytime u said u fat. I dun see that u are leh. I really very fat in tummy area only.....sad sad...dunno how to get rid of it. y'day, xmas party at my co, the cleaner tot I'm gg to give birth. faintz.... yes, i agree with precious_one, opt on evenly fat distribution...then just one to get rid of tummy fat?
afcai, i also dun see that your tummy is big leh...

but if you really want a slimmer tummy? do sit ups??? but really can't see ur tummy mah?

tree ice, yah yah, when i was preggy with violet, i also bor liao until everyday surf net and surfed all almost every threads. hahaha cause last time staying with in laws, and only thing i could do was to surf net.

precious one agree totally, health comes above all. fat also never mind, healthy can liao, some people very skinny, but in the end, they have health probs. I just wish to reach normal and healthy BMI, and i will be health not so good, sometimes, heavy headed, sometimes breathlessness, sometimes, not enough energy, and most of the time very tired. hahah. just hope year 2010 will be a better year!
They didn't give me a date for the next immunization leh. In fact, I don't even know who the pd in charge of my boy is? It was a nurse who went through the discharge briefing with me.

They gave me a letter with details of his condition to bring to polyclinic. The nurse was telling me to go the next day but I fell sick so I didn't. I wanted to go to GP instead but I don't even know what the polyclinic visit is for? They just gave BCG and Hep B jab on discharge so cannot be for jabs bah.

Thanks, I'll follow the non corrected age then.
Hi Muummies,

Need advice. Danya is teething. Is it norm to have fever and also pool pool looks greenish and abit smelly.

Danya is also have a cold. Any device to suck out her mucus instead of the traditional method of using mouth to nose???
Hi everyone,
I've been looking forward to today to bring my twin 1 home cos doctor said able to discharge. However went to hospital today and doctor ask how confident am I cos twin 1's saturation ( I was told that refers to breathing) goes down when feeding. I've fed him before and seen the whole process when he sucks the bottle n forgets to breathe. I've also gone for CPR course.
Any mommies ever faced this and made the decision to leave baby in hospital longer than necessary? I can't decide if I should bring him home ( he is abt 2050g ) or leave him in hospital till he gets better at coordinating sucking milk breathing n swallowing. Any advice from the experienced mommies here?
Hi Luxelectrique,

Desat during feeding for our young warriors are quite common. Before considering bring 1 of your twins back, learn to bottle feed him in the hospital. Learn to pace his feed, break the pace after every 5 to 10 suck. To gain confidence, don't look at the oximeter when you are feeding him. Learn to look at the lips &amp; skin color around the lip. When our warriors desat, their lips color changes from pink to dark brown very fast. If this happen, immediately wake him up either calling him out loud or pinch him to make him cry. Once he started to cry, he will remember to breathe.

Have fun.

Hi Xiaowanzi,

Thanks. Danya is getting very cranky with her block nose. I am very worried from the previous episode.
Thank u so much David.. I just went to feed him and he choked twice and turned blue. Very scary. Have decided to leave him in the hospital for a few days more. Feel a little incompetent and bad for not taking him home when doctor already gave green light. But when I think abt how there's no monitor at home for me to tell when he isn't breathing i dun dare to bring him home.
Do u know when premmies will start being able to suck normally?
There's this small device, I can't recall what it is call, you can buy from the pharmacy. It can suck out the mucus from the nose, I used it before, can suck out really alot. It looks like a mini air pump ... a rubber ball and a tube connect to it. After use, just wash it, dry it and use again. Hope this helps.

Call the hospital, the specific ward that your baby was discharged from and ask or look into the health booklet, see if they write any date under the immunisation record page. The hospital must put down the date on whatever jabs that was administered to your baby before. Or go to the private PD and receive all immunisation. Polyclinic have to Q, I supposed.
Hi David,
Like what precious one said, it's like a pump, u can even get it at mothercare, kiddypalace, etc. It's quite useful.

hi welcome to the thread..
Dont worry too much, have faith in yourself, believe your mother instincts! It takes a while for preemies to learn how to suck , and you just have to learn to monitor ur baby without the monitor at home ultimately. For me, my baby was on O2 support for a month at home, when doctor gave the green light to wean off the support, he was still having very low sats (but doc gave green lights anyway as too long oxygen is not good for eyes), I was forced to learn to observe his breathing without the monitor....Was hard at first, but you would manage. Have faith! Furthermore, baby will grow better and faster at home. All the best!
Hi David,

What Precious_one and Jas mentioned is the nose cleaner also from pigeon. Also Very good.

If she still feels not very well, better bring her to see a doctor.


Requested the nurse to let u stay at the hospital longer, so that u can practice on very feeding time.

Hospital alot of virus, don't let yr twin to stay too long. If the doctor give the green light, is better to bring home early.
Hi David,

I'm using the one that is shown in xiaowanzi's link #2..
I also bought a "pincher" like device from Pigeon that can "kiap" out harder "impurities" in the nose...

Jerlynn did not have fever, but her stools were watery for some days, not sure if it was due to teething... it was watery again on Xmas Day, and her top 2 teeth was coming out, can see whitish and the shape in her gum liao, also dunno if due to teething...

Hi luxe,

Glad to hear that u can bring twin 1 home already... Yah I agree that u just have to believe in ur motherly instincts and u should be doing fine...

David has described the steps to be cautious abt very well... Thumbs Up again for our Super Daddy!

As what xiaowanzi advised, better to bring home baby son if u can, as really alot infections in hospital and we dun wan the precious ones to catch them when they are staying in there... Do allow urself more time there to feed and change baby for as many times as u can there... i still rembr myself there almost every day staying many hours for a week b4 Jerlynn can be discharged, the nurses will be glad to allow u to be there...
I saw on TV , saying that teething can cause watery stools, and may in turn cause nappy be careful!

Xavier is CA 7 and half months now, not teething yet, is it too late? hmm....
Thank u everyone for the wonderful advice n encouragement. I went to feed him n followed David's advice, did not look at the monitor to gain confidence and it was good cos he managed to finish his feed without choking or not breathing.
Thanks again everyone!
<font color="119911">rhyea </font>.
when bb is discharged, I also followed up with poyclinic on his jaundice test. went polyclinic wkly until my boy is then on, all his jabs are taken at polyclinic cos much cheaper. but his assessment need to go bck to kkh if not I will surely choose polyclinic cos only pay abt $5 consultant instead of $23 man....

so far, when I went polyclinic, it is by appt. so dun need to queue up. the most is wait for 10 mins.

<font color="aa00aa">David</font>,
David Daddy,
yes, it is normal to have fever and lao sai during teething. bb HX also lao sai during his teething pharse.

u can buy those nose sucking items those like the iron drop squeeze to squeeze out the mucus fr Danya' nose. think NTUC also sell. alternatively, what's abt asking doc to give her nose drop to clear her airway.

so far, I just use small cotton bud to dig dig bb Hx 's nose or let him cry so that all the mucus will come out. he just recovered fr running nose bec his jie jie and my caregiver (suspected) pass to him.

<font color="aa00aa">Jas</font>,
not too late of my fren's bb (full term), only start to have 1 teeth when he turned 1. so Xavier will be one next mth right....not only that, we have four bb here turning one next mth. Happy BD!
<font color="aa00aa">kkf</font>,
aiyo....cos I hide it. if one bang bang my tummy, think lot of water or air wor....hmm...sit up will help? I do sometimes do the crunch(dunno how to spell)
Hi Mummies,

Thanks for the tips. The pump still have some limitation. When Danya see me with that pump coming towards her, she is screaming, crying and kicking out of control. Wow, this sucking is tougher than army.

Early this morning, Danya nose was quite badly choke up. Brought her back to KKH for suction. This sucking was so rough and Danya was crying so much. You can see blood being suck out from her nostril and mouth. The nurse must have broken her nasal membrane during the sucking. It really hurt me and Diana.
Hi Luxelectrique,

Congratulation. Well Done. Have fun when both your warriors are back home. The feeling of reunited is what MasterCard slogan says, "Priceless"

i have 1 old folk method to suck out the mulcus from the nose, though it is quite gross, but is definitely more useful. that is to use mouth to suck. yes.. gross.. but for the sake of our little ones.. we gotta do it. and yes.. sounds unhygienic.. but bo bian lor.. always go hospital do the suction is very hurtful to the nose.. and we can't go hospital during every feed right..

how we do it is.. we rinse our mouth thoroughly before doing it.. then hold the baby's head tight bringing her close to the mouth.. make sure no gap between your mouth and her nose, then try to suck out as much possible.. suck and split serverer times.. of cos baby will still struggle, but definitely more comfortable than wat done in hospital.
make sure to use the mouth rinse to kill the bacteria in your mouth..

i did that before, really works well.

Last time Xavier screamed when I put the pump into his nose too, and he turned purple due to crying.. I guess to avoid hospital, u jus have to follow the OLD method like Yan said, use mouth...

Gross...but after what we had gone thru, it's nothing lah....:p

All the best!! Hope Danya gets stronger and stronger.

Jerlynn only has her first bottom 2 teeth on her CA 8-mth... I read that b4 as long as first tooth appear before 12-mth is not too late...


Let her scream la, abit heart pain but boh bian loh...what I do is, my hubby will hold her real tight til she can't move, though she tried to struggle and crying very hard, but we dun care loh..
he hold her and i use the suction thingy...


True for me also leh, when she cries real hard, it helps clear her blocked nose...hahaha


I tried the method u mentioned once but I can't do it right...and I keep feeling that I'm gonna salivate into in her nostrils..yah it's gross....
hello mummies, late xmas greetings. hee. been busy spending time with bryan last few days for the "long wkend" since i took leave. it's so rewarding to see him really grow physically. nowadays he can really talk quite a bit. he can make short sentences in his broken english. makes me feel so proud. he is going to be 2 yo CA in jan.

all new mummies here, do hope you get your support here.
Thanks again David and all mommies here.. I read thru some archives here and I realise that all the support and advice available from all the experienced mommies n daddy (David) is truly priceless as well!
I'm preparing for t1's return home so started taking out all the bottles I bought. However my mil says only need 2 bottles for 1 baby. Isn't it better to have more bottles so that no need to keep washing? How many do u guys use or suggest having so it's moreconvenient?
david..ahaha.. i think thats my hope for something meaningful..unfortunately, financial circumstances does not allow me to do so... cool that ur property doubled in price..too bad its not for investment puprose!

kkf, yan, ok will try to make a trip there after her neonat visit on wed...

rhyea, congrats on ur bb coming home! if ur bb is born at kkh, they most prob will not give u a PD... i was told to go polyclinic for the jabs...

gingal..ahhaha i am so vainpot i tahan all the oil and the wrap for my post natal massage! :p

xbliss... *wave*....\\

luxelectrique, that time i have about 6 bottles hahahaha (enuf for 1 whole day cos i dont have helper to wash)..... but some pp think its just enuf to have 1/2 bottles and then keep washing or just soak in a pail of water (old folks' method)

i have 2 bottle for milk and 1 bottle for water. cos i was not able to give her full bm. so with fm, i have to give her some water so she will not get too heaty.

got to practise de.. at 1st i also feel my saliva dripping haa.. but slowly you will master it. my ex-maid can do it every well.. ya.. maid.. she is really my great helper.. though yilin is not her daughter, but she will love her so much.. she dun mind to do the dirty job. becos there was once yilin flu i also flu.. i dun wanna my virus to affect her. sigh.. my ex-maid went back already.. miss her so much.. now this new maid.. make me headache only.. everyday i feel that her soul is not with her.. haa.. walk like zombie.. forget this forget tat..


Are u breastfeeding? Say expressing milk?
For me, I used abt 6 bottles ... cos expressing milk took up so much time, and I was really lazy to keep washing bottles and sterilising...

Now she is turning 1 (actual age), we are still using 6 bottles...though I have recently stopped BFing, but am still lazy...hahaha

My suggestion is having more bottles no harm la...cos u will be expecting twin 2 to be back soon too!!!


It's nice to have a good maid... my fren kept having probs with her maids...she has changed many and none seemed to be good... she has a 2 yo and a 6-mth baby...headache for her....
