Premature babies support group

ice tree, still around? full term this week right?

xbliss..hi, am doing fine.. yest just went for speech therapy again.. not discharged :p.. r u still working at the same pl? if yes, pls send my regards to ur colleagues for me :p got such a thing as complete CA phase?

Hi afcai, no reason, cause its free. consulation so i just ask lor.

Yup giving vitamin c to both dash and violet.

yah yah, dropping by to see if ice tree have given birth...hee.
Afcai, dash was rather gong last time, so he was very guai when he was a baby. but violet will do what you said! haha. so no difference with gals or boys one.
Hi Mummies,

Need advice.

Danya has the below symptom
2)Poor Appetite
3)Poo look slightly loose and olive green colour, sometime with little mucus.

I think she is teething. Need confirmation.

Secondly, Danya weight gain is so poor. She is CA7.5 and her weight is still 4.6kg. She only gain 200 gram in a month. Any good advice what we can do to help?
Is Danya seeing dietician in KKH? A was given caloric powder as prescribed by the Dietician previously. A drank Pediasure for the 3-4 yrs, this was also prescribed by the dietician. The dietician will also work out a list of daily food to achieve the weight gain.
hi david,
ya.. i think danya is teething too.. usually they drool, lost of appetite and the poo poo can smell sour and be loose too..can even poo more frequent then usual. clean her buttock once she poo, the sour poo poo can easily cause rashes badly.. for yilin, she will even have a little flu when teething.

weight gain poor might be due to she kena broncholitis the other time, appetite dropped. she start taking solid? try giving her more meals (solid or milk) in shorter interval.

she has part of her intestines removed right. her appetite is small? if yes, then i think it is normal tat the weight gain is slow ba. some premmie is smaller in size, maybe she belong to tat category too..

i have a friend, her baby is full term baby but her intestine was damaged. the doc removed about 40% of her intestines after 4 days of birth. her appetite is small cos not able to give her too much at a time. she used to be small size. now think she about 6-7 yrs old.. big size liao.. eat alot.. haa.
<font color="aa00aa">kkf</font>,
think shd have delivered news fr her....u gother no, can sms, both of yr kids are gd. HX dun leh...

<font color="aa00aa">David</font>,
u are correct, that's the symptom of teething.

as long as Danya can eat, can slp and play happily shd not be any problem. do u feed her bread or porridge? Hx weight stay put for 3mth only 7.4kg.

<font color="119911">yan</font>,
mentioning abt smaller size of bb....this mth, HX will be turning 1 yr old soon but ppls dun believe he is 12mth leh....say he is more like 8-9mth bb.
Bloom and kkf,
I m still here!! hahahaa.. 37wk+1 today.. Safe zone le.. but had a scare yest cos having contraction every few mins.. Went to see a relief gynae (cos mine went for holiday, only be back on this coming Mon), he refused to do a VE check for me cos he scare will trigger labour.. He explained since I m not feeling any contraction anymore, might as well leave it but if anymore pain more intense or even "show" or waterbag burst, must go into hospital immediately..

So I m in the waiting game now.. Now here pain there pain everywhere pain pain..

RE: weight,
Craydon is 27mth and his weight seem to stagnant at 11kg.. I give up measuring his weight liao.. as long as he look happy, healthy I m fine liao..
<font color="119911">tree_ice</font>,, u 'heard' us missing leh...pass the safe zone. hmm...wk 37 still can do VE mah? did gynae did any ultra-sound scan?
hahahaa.. :p paisey.. I seldom come into forum nowadays.. Anyway will definitely update u all when I pop..

He didnt do anything for me.. sighz.. no scan no VE nothing and sent me home.. Lucky he didnt charge me too.. or else very lugi.. Anyway I really hav to tong till this Monday lorr.. I feel safer under my gynae cos this relief gynae doesnt sound serious to me, like very chin chai type of doc..

ya.. gynae play a big part. when i admitted in kkh, i feel so uneasy.. but once i see my gynae, i feel much relief... though end up yilin was delivered by another doc, but the doc is under him, so i still feel ok. they will seek advise from him when problem arised..

Yes yes.. That how I feel too.. I've been with my gynae since my 1st pregnancy till now, its 3yrs le.. And I still rem how he console and assured me.. I rem how anxious I was when waiting for my cyst op but when he came, I felt so relief..

So I gotta tong tong tong.. Jus feel a couple of hardening again.. sighz.. Hope is not this few days lorr..
oh..glad u are ok, just cut down movement loh...yup, I also felt that this relief gynae not serious.

wish u have a smooth and fast delivery. jiayou for yr moo moo....

<font color="119911">Yan</font>,
hmm..yr gyane not free to assist yr delivery? then like that lugi cos u 'book' him/her liao.for me, I dun have any gynae.
Hi Mummies,

Today, Danya visit the ENT specialist. Her hearing test past with flying color.

Today, we also visited the dietician. Danya growth is way below the lower 3 percentile. The dietician is still happy with her growth compare to last month. Alot of catching up need to be done. We have to restart MCT oil and hope that Danya body will not reject it.

Should be teething ard Danya's age ... but these symptoms sometimes can last for >1 mth before the teeth appear, then the symptoms will be back b4 they're gone (confused on the way i put it?) cos the the other teeth are coming out again..."Sigh"

Ok Jerlynn got her first bottom teeth at CA 8 mths exactly, then now at 3 days to CA 10 mths, she only has her third tooth appearing, another one is stucked and cant get out of the gum... she got realli uncomfy and can't stop biting everywhere, everything, everyone...on/off also runny stools...She started having the symptoms u mentioned when she was ard CA 5 mths...

So glad to hear that Danya passed her hearing test!!! Hooray!!!

As long as growth is good, think below 3 percentile also dun care la... MCT oil to give her a little push might not be a bad thing after all...Everything has gone well, David, and we really are happy for u and Diana and we thank God for that!!
dun worry abt weight. my boy is still way below 3 percentile even though he finally finished his corrected age calculation i.e. at CA 2yrs old....
focus on her overall growth. weight is really but a small part. there is a time for everything. important thing is keep her safe, healthy and happy for now.
yay!! now i can finally say jia you for the last lap!!!!!!!!!!!! :D so so happy for u. i'm going to ttc soon, pass on the bbdust to me lah! must sms me when good news arrive!
<font color="119911"> Tree_Ice</font>,
yup...jiayou....have yr no 1 prepare for the coming didi or mei mei(is bb a gar or boy??)?

<font color="aa00aa">David</font>,
glad to hear Danya fine. god bless....

<font color="aa00aa">ginger</font>,
HX even bite shoes, eat paper....

<font color="119911">xbliss</font>,
hubby gg to re-apply the insurance for HX liao. hopeful, the insurance co can accept him.

oh because mine is senior gynae.. upon admission when i have mild contraction, we were worried tat if the baby come out early the bill will be a bomb. so we chose class B2+, can be easily downgrade. else if B1 and above, frankly speaking, we sure to fail the mean test for downgrading..

how are you doing? your gynae back already right.. still dong(ing)?

great to hear that danya passed the hearing test. congrats!!
Yeah! Thanks.. All the best to ur TTC.. And I swear by chicken essence.. Try to drink at least once every alt day, that is what I did

This is going to be a boy too.. Which is good too cos got direct handmedown from his korkor.. Also I find bro to bro r more close lorr.. lolz..

I m fine except alot of pain here and there.. Esp when sleep, there is no good position at all.. When turn left or rite to zz, my side of the womb will cramp for a few sec when awake.. If sleep on my back, my lower part of spine will pain.. Today is 37wk5d, going to my gynae appt later and YES!! HE IS BACK!! I told my hubby I m going to hug him when I see him later.. hahahahaa..
<font color="119911">Tree_ice</font>, least can save $$ unlike me got to source for boy 's clothigns cos elder clothes are pink dress and shoes are pink. so lokking for ppls to swop if possible, dun want to buy so much cos kids outgrew fast. hmm..won't boy to boy fight?

counting down to the days where u wk then will be the same bd as my boy.

<font color="119911">yan</font>,
I remember when I had my no 1 time, tough I did not book gynae but delievered by MO but the senior gynae came to attend to me too. cos the MO no 'skills' try to poke my waterbag but unable to either located or burst it. :p. so ask me to wait and then came bck with the senior gynae. wow, he very rough man....
aiyo.. then how to sleep.. wat about stuff pillow underneath your upper torso 45deg to sleep facing upwards? will it be better?
yah, I think I will save alot on bb clothes.. so far I bought less than 20 pcs of bb clothes cos alot of handmedowns.. lolz.. U be surprise bro and sis will fight too.. hahahaa.. Like my niece and nephew.. age gap is 6yrs diff still can fight for many things..

YAHLORR.. can't sleep well.. I try ur method tonite..
<font color="119911"> Tree_Ice</font>,
wow, gd lah, got handmedown clothes, I dun have....90% are brand new for my elder.age gap different 6yr and my sis age gap 10yr apart we are like 'alien'...

is yr elder kid cranky to u? oh, then u will be doing CL during CNY? cannot eat those 'ba kwa', goodies leh...
alamak, dun temp tree_ice with cny goodies la.. haaaa. last time my cousin do confinement during cny, see her family eat steamboat, she wanna drool.. haa. very poor thing de leh..
<font color="119911">Yan</font>,
true...lucky, last yr, my boy gd boy arrived after lunar new yr, let me clear the visit to relatives, enjoy the cny goodies and reunion dinner fren said her hubby even ate fast food and yummy food in front of her, making her dun resist and try a bit...

<font color="119911">tree_ice</font>,
maybe u can start to buy goodies these few days and ate first loh.
Hello all,

I have given birth to my 2 girls in mid Dec09 at 30th week. Both are doing fine now and waiting for weight gain.

Am thinking of buying insurance policies for them. Need advise as to which insurance company and policies to buy. Am not sure which insurance companies would insure premature babies (Very low birth weight ones)? even if yes i would think the premium would be very high?
hi Virgoaries,

welcome to this thread.
no insurance company will take newborn premmie. likely gotta wait till they reach around 2yrs old then u try.
<font color="119911">VirgoAries</font>,
congrats for the delivery of yr twins. so far, think none of the mummy manage to get the insurance. neverthless, this mth, I just re-apply my insurance policies again.

<font color="119911">yan</font>,
I tried my luck this mth when my boy turn 1.
my boy has just completed CA2yo so i guess i will give insurance a try soon. afcai, let me know if you succeed! if i fail then get contact from u!

tree_ice, good to do confinement during CNY! ah ha.. cos we big size, all the more better reason to resist those oily food hor!? anyway CNY stuff usually after CNY still can get one so dun worry lah. impt is keep urself and bb healthy. I so happy for u leh!!! i will heed ur advice to drink more essence of chicken. :D already start to stock up liaoz. hehehehe... ttc timer counting down few more months! ah!! i actually going gym nowadays. hope to shed weight to pre-preg weight so that i dun have to cross 3 digit :)X) in my next preg!! ARGH!

happy belated b'day to Violet! she is such a pretty girl. don't worry lah, she will grow out of her fussiness. usually girls are closer to mum. u will learn to love her in time to come. this is what happened with myself! my mum used to love my bro over me until we became much bigger, then she kind of realised... :D
Hi all, hi VirgoAries,
I delivered my gal in Mid-Dec 09 too. Wanted to buy insurance for her too, initially thot have to wait till she's discharged then can buy. But now sad to hear that insurance co dunt take them till they're 2YO.

Are your twins in NICU or SCN now? Mine is still in NICU.
Yeah.. U r rite, hahahaa.. I cannot afford to put on more weight after I deliver leh.. Lucky now my weight still maintain as 2 digit leh.. I told my hubby my weight is almost as much as his liao.. *faint*

Anyway u dun worry abt putting on weight during pregnancy.. I heckcare de.. everything also eat.. cos I wan this bb to be of good size when born so I really EAT.. lolz..
Tree_ice, so glad that you managed to 'tong' till now. So happy for you. Must update when you give birth!!

Nate had his hearing test on Monday. Thank God that he passed and the audiologist says no need to go back anymore. Doc Aragarwal also quite happy with his weight gain. At 3.5mths CA, he weighs 6kg. The thing is, she says to wake him up for milk feeds during the night. Nate has been sleeping through since last month.... so should I still wake him up? I did try to wake him up but he is such a sleepy head.... can't finish the milk wor. And one of his tooth cut through liao... so early...

xbliss, hope to hear good news from you soon. How old is Ryan now?
Hi all,

Actually I managed to buy hospitalization insurance for my preemie from Aviva under moratorium underwriting. Basically, they will accept anyone as long as they have not had an application rejected before. So I applied for it even before Medishield kicked in coz my advisor told me Medishield sometimes will reject premature babies.

There are some exclusions lah if they think it's related to his premature birth but at least he has some cover. You may want to ask about this. The plan is called Aviva myshield.
Oh yeah forgot to add, application can only be done after discharge. So hopefully more preemie mummy and daddies will be able to get cover for their LO now =)

At the same time, I also applied for NTUC's shield plan since the copayment with the rider more attractive but have a feeling that they will reject lor.
hi rhyea ,
thanks for yr info. i oso hv hard time finding insurance plan to cover my premie gal. is it convenient to give mi the agent contact from aviva ?
hi ng (shuigal),

I have an independent financial adviser (IFA) so not a direct agent from Aviva. I'm not terribly impressed with my adviser though coz I feel he's too hands off. I have to do a lot of research myself.

Have PM'ed you the name of the company so you can contact them directly. Think there are other companies that have IFAs as well.
hi mummies n daddies..

I juz gav birth 2 my princess "Janae" on 7Jan2010.She was 35wks den n weighed 2080gm.

I wen 4 my regular checkup @ my private gynae on 7Jan mornin.E doc discovered tat my BP was extremely high..170/120 n my urine alb 3+.My legs n hand were oso super swollen.My husband n i were told tat i would hav 2 b admitted immediately 4 delivery.We were referred 2 kkh where i had a normal delivery.

Janae is doin well..can c tat she's puttin on weight.She drinkin 80ml of milk now..initially its was onli 30ml(instructed by e nurses hu attended 2 mi in kkh).She's feedin everi 3 hourly.

I nid help as my husband n i hav difficulty buyin clothes 4 Janae.She's realli small sized n all e clothes we prepared r too big 4 her.We've bought her a set of 3 pcs bodysuit @ e first few yrs in kkh.Dey onli hav 3 designs available.So now our poor Janaes hav onli 3 pcs of clothes 2 wear =(

Her full mth is on 6Jan n CNY is oso approachin..we realli hope 2 get nice clothes 4 her.Ani mummies n daddies noe of shops where we can go 2?Would realli appreciate e help..thanx
hi kat,
congrats !
for baby wear u can try mothercare they do sell premie rompers. Another place is at TAKA L3 the baby dept there is one French brand (i cant remember the name) oso selling pretty rompers .u can try yr luck.
hi shuigal..

thanx alot!Hmmm..orite..coz i'm still doin my confinement now so mayb after tat i can go tk a look.U hav ani idea which mothercare outlet is larger.Coz tampines mall 1 quite small n not much stuff over dere.
i tin marina sq &amp; papragon outlet are the largest. i got mine from woodlands. mayb u can call mothercare outlet ask ask ? see wht they can help u do stock tranfer anot.

okie...thanx shuigal.Will call n check..i'm stayin @ sengkang.Do u noe of aniwhere tat sell dresses 4 preemie?Hmmm..guess i'll hav 2 let her wear romper..nx yr den can wear nice nice =(
