Premature babies support group

ya.. gingal is right, u having twin leh.. better to have more bottles, so u no need to steam so many time.. with twin, every bo eng de leh.. but can understand la.. with twin, everything x2.. cost also x2.. 6 bottles might be a little too much.. imaging 6 x2.. 12 bottles!! think maybe 4 each?

really hard to find a good 1. my previous maid is a super maid. she can do things fast and clean. best of all, she is honest and not greedy. i even offer to pay for her dental treatment that cost about $300, but she refused.. she said she worked for so long le, most of her money goes to her brother in indo studying. so she wanna do something for herself.. if other maid ah.. maybe will ask the dentist to do more.

now this maid.. not so hardworking.. i say 2 things, she do 1 only. toilet everyday wash still not clean and still dare to compare. say y she heard that other maid wash toilet 1x per week only and mop the floor 2x per week.
i tell her off. i told her, now she wash everyday also not clean already, so she think she can wash once a week? and my Weng walking around eating, food drop on the floor, yilin crawling now, wat if yilin pick it up? and she asked y other maid can dyed hair, wear sexy sexy, got hp and off day. wah lau eh.. if i give her all these, i think will not have the mood to work liao lor.. so i told her dun ever think of it. if she think these are important, then find another employer. now important is to work hard and earn money. i personally think that we treat her well. always trying to cook stuffs that she can eat. she got seafood allergery, not even fish she can take. we always ask her to eat more.. my mum even asked her, is it our food not suitable for her. when my mum boil woman's herbal soup, still ask her to drink. hope she can appreciate how we treat her adn not just think of those luxury stuff.

oophs.. so much complain.. haa..

Hi Yan, Jas & Gingal,

I myself is having a bit of stuffy nose and my queen is down with cold. I guess the pigeon nasal clean is our only choice. This morning from 4.30am to 7.30am, Danya vommit out 4 time after milk/water. Every vomit is always full of thick phelgm and mucus. Her condtion is always more challenging toward the early morning after a long sleep.

Hi Bloom,

Is it still possible to do/work something meaningful. In life, we still have many choices but need alot of careful planning so that our family will not be living in financial burden. It is a matter of timing. The feeling of giving back is the every popular "MasterCard" Slogan again "Priceless".

Hi Yan,

I never believe in maid. I never like the idea of a stranger staying with us. Moreover, have to be responsible even for their misconduct. So week day, my MIF/Mum are morning maid, I night maid. Weekend, I full time maid.
aiyo..all kena flu. maybe split her feeding. more meals with small amount.

i got 2 kids, so bo bian, need helper. my mum will come over during weekday to help up. Weng is attending cc full day, so need helper to fetch her from school around 5pm while my mum will babysit yilin. my mum not able to cook , do housework, fetch weng and babysit yilin. weekend hubby and i babysit and maid still be maid.. haa.
<font color="119911">Yan</font>,
my mum told me that when I was infant, my grandma did that sucking using her mouth.
wow, yr ex-maid very gd offence, yr current maid is it fussy? just like my mil 's maid also fussy. her main job is to look after my fil and mop floor. if not, very eng (watch tv most of the time with fil) but still fuss here and there.

aiyo...12 bottles. even I used 10+ bottles to pump, hubby clean till, at least, cutting down pump left with 6-7 glass/plastic bottle per day.

<font color="aa00aa">gingal</font>,
yr gar know how to walk or crawl? HX to lazy to crawl somemore. only like tazmanina 'spin' to destination. like flipping and rotating to the destination. if not, scream for help. my caregiver said dunno he smart or lazy.

but he know how to stand for a while esp like to stand when bathing. so hubby bath him standing and boy just hold onto the glass panel or pull the shower wire....

I kept telling him he must walk b4 cny cos like that he can grab ang pow (which he does that by arriving earlier....this yr)

hmm...for me, we only sterlise once at the end of the day. so every feed, we will just pour hot water fr flask or if just happen to boil water, we just pour over it.

<font color="119911">luxelectrique</font>,
I only have one bottle for bbHX.

<font color="0000ff">bloom</font>,
u got neo natal appt this wed. mine is on tues- tml.

Yah she crawling liao... but she selectively crawl nia.. now only crawl on her playmat and on our bed or mattress...if on the floor, i think the friction causes her knees to hurt and she reluctant to crawl unless depends on mood, or if there are very interesting things she want to reach for. But her crawling very funny de, like will get sian or tired easily, crawl abt 4-5 steps, then will sit and rest, then crawl again... if u get her really excited to go over then she will crawl all the way... J like to stand... even without support, she tries to get up and stand loh..very dangerous stage now... sometimes will fall and bang her head...she likes to release her hands and wanna stand or walk without support, but still failing...

J grabs angbao very tight de... she already receiving angbao for her birthday liao... everytime ppl give, she reach and grab and wave, like so happy loh... then will trick me, like wanna let me keep but she dun release it from her hand, then will snatch back and laugh...hahahaha... i think it's funny...BTW, she dun like presents... simply ignore her Xmas presents...not interested to open also, end up her Daddy like more interested in her toys... hahaha

Hi Mummies,

I just went through Jerlynn's 1st year assessment exercise for her to do when turned CA 1 year old...I abit kiasu, did it 3months earlier...

Realli happy that she is already catching up to her corrected age liao... only her Gross Motor skills not that good yet...Oh yah, and she has not learnt to call Mama or Papa yet...Just Bear Bear and Pooh Pooh now...

They will be assessing her skills in March 2010 on
1) Communication
2) Gross Motor
3) Fine Motor
4) Problem Solving
5) Personal-Social
she fussy anot ah.. frankly speaking i also dunno leh.. food she ok.. even 1 veggi with rice she also can eat. though she keep asking y other maid this and tat, but she never show me black face.
like yesterday i complain to her.. i din really scold la.. we went out for dinner last night, she can spot her cousin, also a maid, 4 tables away from ours and her back is facing my maid somemore. u see how sharp her eyes are.. but my toilet floor got black patches tat can be easily scrub off, she din see, or maybe pretend not to see. and the wall, i told her to clean, but did but not clean lor.. i think her eyes fussy lor.. choose those she wanna see only..
<font color="aa00aa">gingal</font>,
today, I took HX for his neo natal checkup. he kept smiling at Dr chua meh..I told doc that he still dunno how to crawl. then doc made him flip on his tummy and guess what he lift up his butt and moved backwards. really bu tan han him....he also kept pulling the doc scope and the dunno what equipment. I think maybe bec HX like J when place on floor dun want to crawl but when place on mattress or bed, he will lift up butt and move like 'mao mao chong'. gar last time not like that leh...she crawl everywhere in the hse until her knee red red.

when is J next neo-natal appt? HX will be 9mth later when he turned 18mth. now, one has to hawk eye on J.

haa...same like HX, HX will pretend to give when ask him to give his biscuit and bread. he also like to trick papa cos when papa said 'bao bao' (hug hug), he lean against him and then quickly turn back and hug me tight tight and sometimes even giggle and kick his legs. haa...think premiees are unique wor.....

do J have some comoon item she need to slp with? for eg, HX like his smelly pillow. we trick him to give him other 3 pillows but he just threw away. he can pull himself up in the playpen when in sitting position so he will throw all the things inside his 'luxury' bed but not his smelly pillow. really bu tan han him....

haa..J only call pooh and bear...did u keep on repeating to her how to call mama and papa? I will tell him to call mama during feeding time, if not I dun give milk or his pillow. but it depends on his mood, he will either scream if not, called papa. faintz.... neo-natal doc did not do any assessment for his CA 1 yr old leh....his next appt will be in sept 2010 liao.

<font color="119911">yan</font>,
one word abt yr maid is she work smart. :p. haa...her eyes fussy. aiyo...but she only help to do hsework, not take care of YL right...

J next appt will be March/April 2010 after she turns CA 1 Year old... The assessment I gotta do at home with her and bring the questionnaire to my neo nat that day...

She dun need any common items to sleep, she has about altogether 3 smelly pillows at Home, and 2 in my MIL house and 1 in the car, some different designs de, and any one she also can, she won't reject...then on her cot bed at home and my MIL hse, there are lots of stuff toys...haha Pooh Bear I have 4 in total at home, and 2 in my MIL hse...and also Piglet, Tigger and Eeyore...hahahaha... anyone of the stuff toys plus her bolster accompany her, she will be alright with it....

after J's actual Birthday on the 1st and I'm back home, maybe I will type out the assessment questionnaire, quite interesting, and u can do the exercises with HX...keke...

I do repeat Mama and Papa alot wit her, but she doesn't call us...
We also repeat Bear and Pooh alot too la, cos it's all over the place in my home...even on walls, as we bought wall stickers to stick hahaha///
Hey mummies, last Mon I was admitted to hospital cos having contraction.. Lucky CTG show everything is fine and I was discharge yest.. My gynae said everything is fine except my cervix become soften (not dilating yet).. So does that mean I m in labour soon?
yan, one word 'maid!' (eyes rolled upwards)

david, can only do recycling and donate money..any voluntary work will only be when my gal is older cos i am her main caregiver after office hours (my hb is not like u lah)

afcai, ahaha..actually my appt is yest too, but i change to today cos today is her cc closure day, so i just need to take a day leave. leaving home soon...

gingal, that time it also take kate a long time bfore she said papa and even longer before she said mama. i notice that cos for papa. when we are at home and my hb comes home, i will act very excited. 'look! whos at the door' (point at door)' its daddy. and everytime its 'catch daddy', 'call daddy'. 'hug daddy' FROM me. so i thnk she 'learn' that someone can call 'daddy' and the word is used that way. But my hb never do that for me, cos my gal didnt know how the word mommy is used until when she is much older.
she help to babysit yilin too while my mum cooks dinner during weekday. weekend also, cos i gotta spend some time with Weng too.. she will want me to colour or play toys with her.

ya.. maid!! if possible i dun wanna have maid too. but bo bian lor, my mum cannot cope.
re: first word
last time Weng 1st word is "fish!". faint...
no matter how many times we repeated papa and mama, her 1st word still fish!!
so i think ah.. not only depending how often they hear the word, is also depending on they like the word anot...
<font color="aa00aa">gingal</font>, J or mummy a pooh bear fans? haa...bbHx dun like soft toys, dun even want to touch it. if touch then will bit its nose, eyes and torture it. he like car and his jie jie's thomas train. everytime, jiejie played on the floor, he will run in his walker and destroy it. so he got scolded by jie jie after that. haa...y'day, while on mrt, we brought one car car and so that he can sit still if not, his butt like got needles. have u graduated fr moo moo?

<font color="0000ff">bloom</font>,
hmm..what's occasion, ccc got close one? Hx will only be bck at kkh when he turn 18mth. hubby requested for medical memo fr neo doc but neo doc said that the insurance co can request report fr medical dept.

<font color="119911">vanilla pod 2</font>,
how's yr fren now?

<font color="119911">Yan</font>,
but still need to hawk eye on the maid cos scare she tried to be funny loh. tough my mum grumble she still to care for 2 (she dun want my gar to go ccc cos that time, I placed her 2 mth and she got sick so often.) but she said what to do...take one step and slowly loh.

yeah. think who know bb know those words, just tat they refuse to utter out.
Hello gingal,

been some time since i post here. U mentioned that ur girl can stand up now and sometimes she will fall and bang her head. My girl is also doing it, and she's falling so often! sometimes she will fall backwards onto the floor (not on playmat) and there will be a loud bang. Sometimes she will fall in the cot and bang her head in the process. Is there anything that we can soften the falls? Did you buy playyard and will it be better?
ya.. actually we have a cam in the living. just need a 3G phone dial in then can see the living room liao. so sometime we will call in to spot check. for us, weng attending full day cc, 5pm gotta fetch her. i dun wanna her to have late dinner. by the time we off work to fetch her will be 7pm already. so quite difficult for my mum to fetch her together with yilin lor.. weng always run about, and this yilin ah, always like to stand up in the stroller like performing stunt. and need to do housework and cooking some more.. the maid every morning must prepare my hubby's lunch to work. becos my hubby cos some health condition, so he will tabao home cook food. dinner also must cook.. so quite tough lor if only my mum alone.

she did it on purpose or accidentally? last time weng will fall backwards and bang her head on the floor when she angry.. so scary.. so difficult to avoid it, cos they are so fast. we just keep telling her not to do it. if accidentally, maybe u can demo to her the correct way of falling, backside down 1st.. think they like to follow wat we did.
<font color="119911">Yan</font>,
hope u dun mind, just Weng also a premiee? hmm...weng seems quite active gar still ok.oh....hubby dun eat outside least, home cook better, savbe $$.

<font color="119911">northvirgo</font>, far, Hx has not done it yet(touch wood). cos he is cautious and scared of fall. when he is abt to fall, he quickly grab whatever ard him.

how many mth are yr bb? think u, gingal and I are fr march thread right..
tree ice, glad to hear that you are back home. Regarding the cervix softening - it really depends. For my first one, my cervix started effacing (softening) when I was about 30 weeks. Went to my gynea and was asked to rest more. Took nifedepine when my contractions came in. Thank God, the baby was delivered full term at 39 weeks. I did not expect my 2nd one to be premature. Sigh... Anyway for you, try to rest and think positive.
weng is a full term bb. 3 yrs 9mths old now. she very active but not like those hyperactive la. she very chor lor and playful.
my hubby eats outside food too.. but we try to minimise becos he got heart problem. last year he cleared 2 blockage from 1 of the artery.. very bad block. so now trying to eat healthy and is on long term medication..
hello Yan, my girl will fall by accident as she still can't balance well by herself, therefore she will fall and she does not know how to break her fall yet. In the baby cot too, lose balance and will topple over. It really hurts to see her fall so often.

afcai, yeah me also from the march forum, but my girls were born in Feb though. slightly premature and they stayed in SCN in KKH. Good that your son is cautious leh, my girl very active and will literally try to stand no matter where she is. thus resulting in sometimes unable to balance herself and topple over.

Yesterday i heard from mil she topple over and hit her nose on the toy that is on the floor. Now her nose a bit bruised.

sometime not easy to prevent them from falling. so maybe can just try to teach them how to break fall when falling..
<font color="119911">lilac </font>,
me also never expect my no 2 will deliver premature too.

<font color="119911">yan</font>, gar is 3yrs (yr end bb) same age as weng. my gar also can talk very loud even in public tpt. sometimes, make us so pai seh esp she sungs so loud. faintz...

oic...understand...just need to be careful and dun over-exert/stress himself.yup, eating less oily, fried food etc...

<font color="119911">vanilla pod 2</font>,
for me, I also did not get to see bb too once deliver. only get to see her late noon during visiting time.

<font color="119911">Northvirgo</font>,
do yr gars cry very jialat them topple? oh my god, she ok or not..hit nose....hope no bleed blar...hope that she will learn that it is not fun to topple.

last time, I saw someone did a head protective kind of thing to let bb wear.
same la.. weng talk so loud, make us so pai seh sometime.. at least your girl sing by herself. weng want me to sing with her.. i lagi faint.. haa.
last sunday so funny, we took mrt from harbourfront. the uncle sitting opposite her is bald. she say out so loud "uncle no hair".luckily tat uncle din heard it or maybe pretend not to hear.. haa.. then after awhile she wanna say again. luckily papa stopped her by changing topic fast.. so hilarious.. so only hear her say "uncle no..".. haaa..
<font color="119911">yan</font>,
true true. super pai seh esp when they talked loud and say this aunt and that uncle...haa sing with her..lagi pai seh...think must wear mask next time so that ppls won't recognise us.
afcai, Xuan will wail super loudly after falling down, what makes me worried is that the frequency of her falling is increasing. Just yesterday, she fell once in the cot and once onto the living room floor. sure hope she will learn how to balance better and start walking soon. She's now cruising around holding to what she can get her hands on's really a joy to see my girls.
<font color="0077aa">Tree_Ice,</font>

Maybe gonna labour 34 weeks liao?

<font color="0077aa">Yan,</font>

U reminded me, Jerlynn say "Bish" too, and sounds abit like "Cheese" also ... hahaha

Hahaha, Weng so Cute...will say "Uncle No Hair" time if have chance and she sees me will say, "Auntie so Fat"? Hahahahaha

<font color="0077aa">afcai,</font>

Jerlynn is a Pooh Fan.. not me, hahaha...HX is a boy, keke naturally might like car car and train more loh... Jerlynn loves to cuddle, hugs and "yang owh" to her stuffs toys... in this aspect, she is very "Girly" hahaha

Yah Yah, my last Moo Moo day was Christmas Day!!! This is the Christmas gift I'm giving myself...wahahahaha, now I feel damn shiok, wanna go out, also no need say wake up early and pump 1st etc...and wan sleep just go sleep, no need clear b4 sleeping too...SHIOK!!! Hahahaha
No Guilt feeling also... me Bad Mummy hor?

Ur girl sings loud at public ah???

U know, last time I dun like screaming, noisy and running ard kids and will feel irritated...

After I'm a mother myself, I see all these kids, i feel they very Cute even though they make lots noise...hahaha, funny hor???

<font color="0077aa">Northvirgo</font>

She not falling more stable and steady already... and not so playful to "fall" herself liao... unless she is in bed...playmat and cot, think she very careful now...

Yah gonna buy play yard soon, cos she keep crawling out of her boundaries at home, and my home not child-proof...

Barely like 2-3 weeks and she not falling liao, maybe u wan monitor a week or 2 later and see how? Just need to stay by her during this time "catch" her free-fall...hahahaha

BTW, does ur girl felt pain or cries after falling? Mine abit "Siao" one, will Laugh unless realli genna very jialat then she will scream!!!!
morning gingal, hmm..then i monitor her first. think she expect us to catch her, so she will fall freely..funny girl she.. u going to buy the 4 panels playyard? yeah my girl felt pain, cos the way she cry is diff from her usual cries. can see her bunching up her eyes in pain and shock.

hey, u have stopped your moo moo career? Mind sharing with me on how you finally ended it? i have reduced my pumping from 4 to 3 times a day,, can see the volume is getting lesser. but a bit hesistant to drop it altogether leh..
yan, ahhaha.. self consolation (for me)..only 1 can do w/o maid :p

afcai, wah.. ur hx so violent... mcys/govt law allows cc to be closed 5.5 days per yr for training etc... that time tx's cc didn't give u a list of the closure dates?

northvirgo, u might want to train her legs first (hold her hands and let her walk around to develop strength. so restrict her movement to places with mattresses loh. last time there is bp for some head helmet for kids, selling like $30+. So some of us self made. This is a pic (the yellow one) of the self made helmet. I got the material from daiso.... for me i also got the playyard and bumper mat to restrict her movement..

tree ice.. how many weeks r u now?

yan, hahah..jusst yest at foodcourt, the 2 uncles beside us bought beer. when the beer lady pour out the last bit, my gal point and shouted 'finished!', then keep pointing though the 2 men stare at her, and we told her to stop pointing...

gingal, u just go cold turkey? or has u been cutting down gradually? lst time i am also quite happy when i stop bf.. but now i see my colleague persevering past 6 months then i regret not doing the same...
Hi lilac,
Thanks.. I search some info online too.. Some said once cervix soften, meaning will be in labour in weeks or days.. So its really all depend..

Gingal and Bloom,
I m 35wk1d today..
<font color="119911">Northvirgo</font>,
hmm...yr gar also call xuan? my boy and gar also has a Xuan word in their name but different xuan.
old folks always said that kids fall is part n parcel of growing up.

just drag the timing to pump. for me, in dec, I started to pump 3 times (drag from 8-10hrs). so now, slowly my bm nov, I still pump 4 times (6-8hrs). if not, u dun set schedule to pump. pump when u felt full.

<font color="aa00aa">gingal</font>,
haa...gar and boy instinct of liking....but hor, my no 1 like trains (thomas n frenz). so collecting almost 90% of the 7-11 trains for her (high cost wor...think give up cos left one 1 more to go). gd lah, J at least more 'girly' unlike my no 1, always mistaken for boy.

haa..u so funny (yr posting make me laugh) on moo moo issue. hor, wkend, I see what time I woke up (think not me woke up, it is my little 'alarm' clock via HX loh to wake up 'singing' so then he has his milk while I pump. haa..congrats, u gain yr freedom.

yup, sing loud in public, but thks gods, she did not ask me to sing most of the time. then I will ask her to lower her voice. sometimes, she even sung louder. faintz... haa..bec now u got a cute bb at hm all noise become melody wor....or sentimental music...:p

<font color="119911">Tree_ice</font>,
try to retrict yr movement loh...ask gynae to give u more rest at hm. tell bb not time to come out yet....

is yr no 1 a premiee?

<font color="0000ff">bloom</font>,
yeah, my mum always 'complaint' that she really bu tan han this boy. even compare to my brother last time, HX really super "active'. cannot sit still, dunno how to walk, still want to walk, will throw temper one (think bec during preggie time, my temper for this preggie also not gd...maybe that's the cause). my mum always said he is 'tian bu pa, di bu pa' dunno scare what wor...

no lah....that ccc as feedbck by lot of mum is considered bad.that's why my estate areas ppls rather send their child to the ccc 15-20mins fr their estate (tat's why SH chose the far far away ccc for PH). that's time, even nearly lost tx's favourite thomas n fren(in short tnf) shirt cos when I fetched her bck, I realised how come in the bag got 2 long pants. siao....then immediately, go and return to them since the ccc is located 7 mins away. then only got back her shirt 1 day later. her handerchief also got bck almost a wk later. floor also very dirty...

faintz...recently, still opened another 2 batch in my areas...aiyo...
Hello everyone,

I am new to this thread. My twin boys were born at 33+5 weeks due to IUGR for the younger twin. Elder one was 2.02kg and younger one was 1.17kg. They are both alrite now, having caught up in terms of weight with their peers. Hence, the dietician told us we can stop feeding the younger one Similac Neosure.

I have 3 unopened tins (neosure) which are expiring in 2012 to give away. Anyone keen? Dun mind pls collect it yourself? Either in Katong or Upp Bt Timah. If you have unwanted Mamil Gold Stage 2, you can give in exchange for the neosure. Not a condition lah...just in case you have.
Afcai, yup, my girl's name is 睿轩. In short, i always call her xuan xuan. now my girls' hair is very short, so they look very boyish. Yesterday brought them to the nearby shopping mall, got a lady nudge her son and told him "see auntie got 3 babies, 2 BOYS and 1 GIRL"...... :|
<font color="119911">Northvirgo</font>,
yr gar's xuan is same as my boy xuan but not my gar 's xuan which is with a '
cao' chars on top. (not confusing u right..). hmm...tot this 轩 is commonly used for boy.hmm..tot, usually bb or kids hair very short. my gar now coming to 37mth always mistaken for boy too since infant till now.even wearing skirt, some auntie also say ah boy...faintz...only see hair and face but not whole body...

hmm..yr triplets are all gar?
afcai, yeah, this xuan is more commonly used for boys...:| no wonder my girl look like boy! This xuan is given by the shifu, so bo bian take this character.

ya, my triplets all girls. Sam ever joked b4 maybe we can have triplets gathering, 3 boys and 3 girls...
<font color="119911">Northvirgo</font>,
the shifu also give my boy this xuan. for my gar, we did not engage any shifu, just pick the name ourself.

haa...yeah hor....match matching session....
afcai, i know a baby who can't crawl but walk at 10 months old.

Anyway, daddy and mummies, being busy as start of a form teacher of p1 (going crazy with the kids) and teaching p6 as well....think will be a stressful year!

will drop by when free!

oh yah, i am celebrating violet's birthday this sunday! but not inviting anybody of my side, only hubby's colleague and friends, as i had done my side when violet was full month. anyway, will drop by again!
<font color="aa00aa">kkf</font>,
yup, me also busy day. am still at hm now..will be gg to work later cos taking half day off and leave almost th whole jan cos my gar gg N2 class. y'day, she saw ppls cried and she cried until very jialat. today, ok, no one cried.

oh, u not inviting relatives? we mostly invited relatives and few gd frenz only. if HX did not miss his full mth, won't be doing Ist birthday party liao...organise party esp the attendance part not easy.

wow, u celebrate Violet's bd so early?
hello mummies and daddies,
been sooo busy once work started i can hardly breathe...

wave back to bloom! hi hi! hope all going fine at sch for kate?!

tree_ice, how u getting along? hang in there and jia you!!

my boy's finally completed his CA phase.. i.e. no need to count corrected age anymore.. he's due for some IQ assessment at KKH in march when he's GA 2yr2mth. so exciting for me. I can't be bothered if he pass or not lah, but it will be interesting to see what he knows or not knows cos he has a lazy mummy! hehe..

I realised children are so cute (but sometimes exasperating) when they are learning to talk. Jus that day, he was trying to tell me a whole string of words that made sense only to him, but got so upset i couldn't understand! hahahah. and then another day, he told me papa poot poot chou chou so accurately(i.e. the daddy break wind smelly). laff until we *peng* cos we din know he could be so accurate in describing his thoughts. i guess we better be careful wat we say cos we dun wan him to say the darn things in public!

very fast Dash in K1 leh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and 4 yrs later, mine going to P1! i start to panic liao. need to sign up to parent volunteer soon liao. :p
Hi hi all...

All must be so busy hor...


Wanna chk with you issit i saw you on the rd one day with your hubby n J in the car?

Hahahaha cause i wave than dunno issit you..
Hi xbliss,

Bryan is so SMART.. can express himself so well!! Till now, Craydon is still expressing himself with crying and yelling.. hahahaa.. Jus kidding.. :p He can actually speak up (much to my relief), errmm... at least 1 word by 1 word.. like when he wan a hug, he will say how how and open his arm.. his 1 2 3 is Nun, Too and Tee.. hahahaa.. He can say xie xie, byebye very very clearly now.. Oh, and yest he finally call me ma mi.. lolz.. Facing me that is.. lolz..
Hi Mummies,

I have been rather busy last and this week...
Jerlynn's Bday Party just ended last weekend and we stayed 4 days 3 nights there...

So busy with the preparations and with family and friends in the chalet for almost whole of the 4 days, I could hardly breathe... Making sure food was enough for everyone was already a headache...2 rounds of buffet, plus plates of sushi and BBQ really took the toil out of us... Luckily all is over and she enjoyed herself... Now I show her pics of the Bday cake, she will clap and looked as though she rembr the night... hahaha...

Coming back home was really tiring too, for the last few days, all we did was unpacking and washing...haven't even finished up...


I didn't see anyone wave to me leh... where did u see me? only me and hubby in the car? No Jerlynn? Hmmmm, not very possible anyone will see me in the car as my hubby's car's windows are tinted very very dark...hahaha, like privacy glass wor... Who did u wave to? Did the person waved back?


Thanks Thanks... Next is Violet, then Xavier, and HX 1st bday right? keke, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL borned in Jan!!! So Fast, one year liao... and it seemed we are still actively contacting each other here....YEAH...
<font color="aa00aa">gingal</font>,
so organising a party stress right....mine turn is coming first time held dun seem I got prepare so much...

yeah, Happy belated birthday to Jerlynn! the bd cake looked super yummy wor...

haa..thinking of Jan bb. J is very early Jan and HX is end Jan so when HX turned 1yr old, J will be gg to turn 1yr 1 mth liao. somemore, u see the pattern, J and violet are bb gar and then followed by our prince - xavier and HX wor...haa.. 2 princess and 2 prince....

<font color="119911">Tree_ice</font>,
so edd is getting nearer n nearer. take care, enjoy yr moo moo. me gg to retired cow tired.
afcai, i asked a fengshui master which date is good for celebration and he advised 10th. initially i wanted 16th, nearer. I have invited my friends and relatives during violet's full month, so now inviting my hubby's colleague and friends cause never invite them last time, so must let him have a chance to invite to let everybody gets a chance to see his daughter ...haha.

so bor bian, celebrate early. hee. i am still hoping violet can walk by tomorrow! haha miracle?

yah yah, xbliss, very fast dash is k1, but still soooo weak. he is going to see doctor today cause of his cough which i suspect is bronchitis, just when his meimei is having birthday celebration tomorrow!!!!

<font color="aa00aa">kkf</font>,, celebrating bd still need to ask fengshui (no offence), what's the reason behind?tot, choosing name or wedding only go fengshui master. my gar doing Ist bd, only invited friends (hubby 's friend only) and then another time is my friend. so my gar got 3 bd cakes (include 1 mini one) tat times.

haa..u cute...violet walking dreams, then got hope....I can't imagine if HX can walk. cos now, my caregiver already bu tan han him, he placed whatever in his mouth - shoes, paper (chew), anything he he everyday will get scolding or a light beating few times. now, he throw pillow etc out of his playpn and throw whatever we gave them and then giggle. faintz... will Dash (talking abt boy...) last time like that? cos my gar different leh, not like tat.dunno is it bec boy are more active...

do u still give Dash supplement?
