Premature babies support group

Hi Cale,

I guess I am more panicky then the nurse. During that epsiode, my immediate reaction to stimulate her is faster than the nurse responses. Well nurse say that these are transient desat and is very normal. Danya is already on caffeine.

yan, i live in woodlands toO!
ayoh..this kind of hb.. i really think those prev generation housewife spoiled their sons too much..

shelllow, let paige zz thruout the night lah...

kkf, gingal, yes kate has recoverd liao..heng ahhh..

gingal..ahaha.if ur hb can lactate..then wax his chest lah! :p

afcai..ahaha.. u r not dying lah ! :p must be happy..u got 2 lovely bbs!!! alot of pp are dying for 2 bbs!

dm, good that ur mom lives around u and can i am thinking of putting my gal in cc but how to pick her up on time???? *headache*

precious_one..wah.. is the feng shui master good?

maykel..ehehe...maybe clip a picture of u and hb in front of charlot? use cold cabbage and it works! i thot cold cabbage was to stop bm (at least i use it when i need to stop before i go back to work..) :p

xiaowanzi, going to be sahm?

fairylander, congrats!!!! u got a beautiful bb!

david, luckily u r there when danya desat!

hope i din miss out any mommies/daddies' postings!
fairylander, what makes u name ur boy cash?
you not worry that his peers will make fun of his name in future? but even if so, ur boy can just say "well i am cash and i have cash, and what have u?" hee! i like the name! ha! sounds like dash! DASH AND CASH...hee!!!

congratulations! needs some time to go thru the posts...will post more later...
i also wana zzz thru then night, problem is she only drink when she asleep.....
went for her neonat appointment yesterday, she wasnt happy wif her weight gain, imagine 200g in 4 mth..... now Dr A is refering us to feeding therapist.... Dietician said her intake is enuff but dunno why she is nt putting on weight.... Fat mama n skinny bb...

congrat, nice name.. CASH
Hi Cale,

My babies were at 2.2 and 2.5 kg about 2 weeks ago. Will be seeing the gynae tomorrow, hope thay gain more weight before coming out.

Congrats Fairylander. You've a beautiful boy!

I'm really impressed with the strength of the mummies (and daddy) here. Sure all your little ones will gain much from all your love.
now entering wk 37, baby 2.8kg. c when baby wants come out, hope before move hse hehe. I hope birth is smooth, but to tell u the truth - I am just grateful happy that this time is better and not complications like my girl

SAHM ? congrats and all the best
oh yea how abt another round of preggy mums heheh ?
I thk current batch going to 'graduate' liao. xbliss plan to conceive ?
i wish i have twin, then can dun think to have or nt to have no2 le... haha...
i m b4 u at Dr A's clinic wif a bb gal in yellow... i always see Lucas at Paige's appt, the previous time was after Lucas but u wasnt there.

wow 37wk le, envy...
another premmie mum i know also same. think all the 4 mums who r preggy manage have better preg this time round. cheers! hope the same for other prem mums
good morning all

wow the post move very fast

hehe wish some bb dust be spread to me hehe

Cash is a nice name
Hi Jas,

It took Jerlynn 6 weeks exact from 1.355kg to 2.140kg...In between there is some negligence by the nurses at the SCN where Jerlynn's weight dropped for one whole week. They did not feel the urgency that her weight is dropping despite me forcing them to tell the doctor...then after that they at last, asked the dietician in to give Jerlynn MCT oil, only then she started putting back weight. Very angry episode that time.


I think I saw more rompers and sleepsuits on sale at Mothercare the other time. Have long sleeves sleepsuits very nice..maybe ppl grabbed liao...


Baby Pooing:

My girl poo everyday, at least once a day. It used to be 6-7 times a day when she was on Total Breastmilk. Eversince I started backing up with about 1-2 feeds of Formula milk a day, she poos lesser, but alot alot at one time.


Glad that Kate recovered liao...
yup chat a lot. mix of sounds & words. can sing few partial songs. granny v gd at teaching & mixing with older cousins helps.
haha. its cute to hear them humming and singing
i been busy recording siang singing :p. I see, its good to have caregiver who can teach and of yes, best is they have kids to mix around with (sure will learn more and faster)
You are right
is really a pleasure to hear the little ones to sing to u

Congrats once again

Day c
Good for you

Am posting in the ward in kkh. Little Ezann is warded again for persistent high fever. Ulcers in her mouth n cough n runny nose.... Yesterday when i send her to the children's emergency, guess wat, it was so crowded.... We waited for 4 hours... So many kids sick... She is not taking much fluid... Dr is pending to put her on drip... Haiz, really hope that she don need to be on the drip...
Hi mummylian,
Oh dear, how is Ezann now? You must be very stress taking care of her. Did doctor manage to find the cause of the fever? Hope everything will be alright for her. Keep us posted.

Hi YenT,
Are you expecting a boy and a girl? Your first pregnancy? Must be very excited to count down now
<font color="119911">cale</font>,
my lochia is only got yellow stains and spotting since last wk. this week, i off panty liner. so far ok leh. lochia is been with me for 2mth 1 wk man... putitng on pad is ok but the problem is I got itchness (think sweat loh) applied some pricky powder then.

<font color="119911">Bloom</font>,
ai-yo....dunno why this time my boy is so difficult to take care. these 2 wks, I have been having slp night. bb feed every 2hrs (can see him no neck but got some chubby face, think next couple of week, he will be chubby), so he can't take so much ebm at one go if not merlion out. hope, it is not the case of reflux (neonatal doc said if it is worst then it will be reflux if not got to monitor). so feeding and burping him are the biggest project man...think that's biggest different between a preemiee and a normal full term bb cos premature bb need lot of care. my boy now like 'ong de' man....unlike tx so chin chye.

hai...hope my no#2 faster grew up man.....

<font color="119911">aneo</font>,
hmm..not only bb dust to u..but dun u want a bb gar for yr no#2? hmmm finally, see siang's handsome face in yr blog liao. cheers. Will be uploading my 'ong de' photos if I have time. so tiring man...

<font color="119911">gingal</font>,
oh...poos so many times then yr diaper must be quite CL taught me to place nappy liner on the diaper cos since bb only poo a bit by bit so just remove the liner can liao.

my boy has not been pooing these 2 days liao but had been farting (loud) thruout the day man....
Hi Everyone,

Xavier is 1086g today...He is doing goood
I take pictures of him everyday, really hope to see him double his size soon !!

I have been doing window shoppings, fantasizing on Xavier wearing cute clothes, but jus didnt know what to buy...The preemie clothing seems so small, not sure how long can last. Mummies, pls share your experience? Did you buy normal baby clothing when ur babies were discharged or smaller sizes?

Hope littl Ezann will get welll soon!!!

Humpty dumpty har....hehee..

6 weeks? seems like i got to wait for a long time before Xavier will hit 2kg then....Got to be patient :p
U cant talk directly to the doctor, need to go thru nurse one ah? so troublesome one...The day Xavier only put on 1g, i went straight to the Consultant liaooo....

I also heard Cabbage is to stop BM, the nurse advised me to use it with extra care...Yet it doesnt work that way for me.. I put it for hours, all it did was to clear the clot for me, the milk wasnt reduced leh...weird hor...

i agak agak how much milk i have, then jus stop when I think i am half way thru, and pour it first to one bottle...Then carry on pumping, the latter one will be hindmilk lor. Normally it is more yellowish than foremilk.
I didnt latch on Xavier, he is still too tiny to do so...
I asked the doc to prescribe me Mexalon as I was really kancheong about giving BM..I only took on the 2nd day, and then I got engorged 3rd day(really dunno if it is becos of medicines or it was actually coming already)
wah so good, ur clot can clear jus by bathing? wish mine is so easy...mine always give me lots of problems, even until now...

Maykel and Yan,
i was really desperate back then....She was actually right about the pores not openend (from later experiences of clotting every now and then, i realised that there were these particular ducts that were blocked when i had clots). Yet poking with needles, now that i think back, indeed was a bit of crazy.....the location might be right, but pores are so small, how can she be sure which direction???

It was painful and blood came out...but actually the clot was more painful than that....
Anyway, cold cabbage saved my life eventually, it always does

ya, hopefully can get out of "bungalow" soon..hehee...Now the BM is added with fortifier, not sure about others...But i am giving hindmilk only, hope it helps!

Yup, will be patient and keep faith! Hope to see ur baby soon ya!!

Cash can be friend with Dash leh......

How's Danya now? Everything alright?
tks all mummies for the well wishes.

my hubby named my boy Cash and i like it too.Cash n Dash sound alike hehe.

hope Ezann get well soon.take care.
Hi Mums,

The post in getting too fast. Can't catch up.

Hi Fairylander, congratulation!!!

Hi Day-C, All the way, like to see yr babe photo soon.

Hi Jas, Xavier hitting 2kg and more soon(Hee Hee). As for Danya, happy with her CPAP. Weight drop and maintenance below 1.1kg. Doc order for oil, Vits &amp; protein to supplement her feed (Feed also max. out for her weight).
hmm I shld tape my gal too

oh dear,hope Ezann gets well soon. somehow lots kids falling sick

I ever got 1-2 ducts blocked. can see white white which is the milk become solid.when I called the KK hotline, lactation nurse just told me to roll the nipple once in a while and breastfeed. read on line, recommend poke with needle on surface only at the milk layer. I did try but I do very gingerly lah,scared mah. in end,just keep breastfeed tho v scared, worried, eventually it did go away after abt 2wks.

mummylian, jas, david
Xavier is 1098g today!

i also rolled the nipple, but sometimes it doesnt work....I am a cabbage person...cabbage does all the work!! haha...

Guess we jus have to be patient with our baby's growth...let them take their time
Hi ladies and gentleman,
Sorry, have not been updating for so many days. My elder gal, Channah was discharged on 8th Apr. Me and hubby has been trying to cope with her at home. Gotta wake up middle of the nite for her 3hrly feeds, lucky hubby is very suportive, he take turns with me. I'm feeling kinda stress now cos i felt that other then my hubby, there is no other caregiver support. My mum wants to help but she gotta take care of my sis's 3 kids. My mil is super free, not working, she had initially agreed to learn and care for babies but she has ZERO experience. After learning to bath Channah once in SCN, she's like wanted to give up like tat. I'm really really stress now and kept crying, worried i may get post-natal depression.

So ladies, for those of you whose babies are still in hospital, my advise is make sure that the careiver gets AMPLE training in the hospital before you bring the baby home, which includes even simple things like milk making, feeding, signs of feeding problem, bathing, even change of diapers. Think for our case, we are too eager to bing baby home that there is not enough practice for caregivers. She dun even know how to make milk and feed baby! Oh yes, do get all the sleep that you can before baby comes back, you'll realised how precious it is.
I managed to squeeze some time to logon, gotta go soon, take good care everyone. Will try to login again when i could get a breather.
Hi David,
Glad to hear that Danya's eye checkup is good
Do ask to speak to doc when necessary, cos i felt that once our babies are in there for too long, docs tend to 'forget' to speak to us.

Hi afcai,
I went to see my doc few days ago. He says the cramping is 'no issue'....very vague ans hor...

Hi Jas,
My lactation nurse kept squeezing my nipple initially when the ducts are blocked. But i must admit that it is SUPER painful....
And yes, cabbage really helps
Hi ladies,
Just went to women 24 hour clinic yesterday, was having heavier bleeding with clot. Doc checked with ultrasound and found that they are some residue tissue in the womb, not sure what tissue though, could be the placenta tissue. I was given the option to take the antibiotic and monitor 1 week later to see if it clear off by itself or have to do a procedure to clear off those tissue. I opted to try the antibiotic first. As i really dont feel like doing the procedure, heard that it might cause the womb lining to be thinner?

Hi afcai,
Oh, could the itchness due to some kind of infection? Did you check with doc?

Hi Jas,
Wow, xavier is gaining quite fast recently huh. So happy for you.
I did not buy preemie clothes, i though they are growing out very fast and I think it's ok to wear a bit oversize la. Since, did not plan to bring him out and will try to limit visitors as well, to minimise chances of cross infection.
The hinkmilk will definitely help, so thick with fat and nutrition mah. May be that's what contribute to his good weight gain recently

Hi David,
Danya now totally on CPAP already? That's really good progress. Weight wise, just need to be patient. The most important is she is growing healthy. How's Diana? Hope she already totally recover from SPE by now.

Hi Maykel,
Your experience sounds quite stress to me too. Please don't cry, take thing slowly, and you will soon settle to a better and more comfortable routine. Everything is so new now, it's norm to struggle at this point. May be ask you mil to come to your house and see how much she can help? If she can't help bathing, how abt feeding? Think feeding is the most time consuming task, plus you need to pump milk, i can imagine it's taking up most of your time.
If your mil can help you to feed, at least can take sometimes to rest in between?
My mil suppose to be the main caregiver too, but she is very stress to learn to feed baby or bath baby, cos baby is small. She said she can learn later when baby coming home, haiz, hearing your advise, i donno what to say. Guess i will have a hard time too when the time come.

That's what I'm talking about...your girls are so smart...they paced themselves to come home one after another so that you can learn to cope it well 1st. Don't worry about crying out a little, every new mum will somehow or rather get a little depressed and it is definitely not as bad as post-natal depression. You have a good supportive hubby and I'm sure the both of you will do well. Jerlynn came back for about 2 months liao, and the initial month, me taking care hubby helps with one or 2 feeds and one or 2 diaper change a day...and I still survived...just keep telling yourself you are not alone, and we all went through the same, you can DO IT!
There is a lot to learn in taking care of Premmies, quite different from taking care of Full-term babies, and my MIL is still learning she is too used to taking care of Full-term babies, so some habits or some usual 'stunts' cannot apply. For my own mum, as Jerlynn is her 1st grandchild thus she is easier to be taught, she has no "old habits", so fresh ways are easier to learn...
We have alot to do wor, teaching the caregivers and also to take care of our babies, and not forgetting, we cannot neglect our hubbies at this point of time too. They are equally stressed as we are, give him a kiss once a while to encourage him that he is helping well and he will do more...

After the 1st 6 weeks of taking care of my girl myself solely, I have learnt to let it go abit, let my Mum or my MIL take in charge of taking care of my girl, so that me and hubby can do some shopping, catch up with some friends and also to go for movies/dinner just like we used to do when dating....I'm sure once ur MIl has learnt the ropes or even when your mum has time, you can take a short break and relax too, be it sneaking out for only one hour taking a coffee with hubby at coffee bean. This will take some pressure off and you will feel GOOD about yourselves...Right now, work a little harder for that to happen...
Take Care!

BTW, I also drank lots chicken essence the 1st month Jerlynn is back, with good "Jing Shen" and not so tired, will not feel so frustrated...uaully we get really frustrated and overwhelm by things when we have lack of sleep. Hope this helps.


Hope the antibiotics helps...Take Care

Hope you ladies remember me.. the worse have come.. Well long story though.. Im only 24 weeks today and currently CRIB in hospital, done an emergency op to keep my triplets safe inside me for now.. hopefully can tahan another few more weeks... Now my babies are weighing ard 600g each only... Doctor says very difficult to survive if i give birth now... im really very stress and afraid..

try and rest well in the hospital...really dun move at well...just tolerate awhile...

try talking to yr helps...

fairylander, happy to receive yr sms that day regarding Cash's birth...

hp ezanne is well...any diagnosis from the doctor?
Sam (mummywannabe),

Be strong and think positively. Just rest and dun move too much.

My boy although borned in 26weeks but only 635gm. Now he is 9.4kg.

Will pray for you.
Sam (mummywannabe),

Pls dun be scared by the doctors, they always tried to scare you at first! At least this is how i felt. I went thru the same thing, CRIB when i was about 25 weeks, the worst is i was having complications with my twins and we were waiting for my smaller baby to show "signs of dying" before we took them out together . So, i completely understand what u mean by stressed and afraid...

But now I think back, that was nothing we could do at that point of time, but only to pray hard and be strong to face the hard times..

My baby has this pair of twins as neighbours, they were born on 26 weeks, each weighing 400g and 600g. NOw they survive well and grow fast!

so, keep your strong faith, pray hard and be positive. Will you keep you and your babies in my prayer!

btw, which hospital are u in now?
Hi ladies and gentleman,
Yest was the 4th day that we brought Channah home. I got a huge shock yest afternoon. My hubby had just finish feeding her and was burping her when she suddenly leaned backwards and my hubby dun dare to hold her too firmly for fear of hurting her. By that time, she was lying quite flat on my hubby's arm for a while. I quickly ask my hubby to sit her up as she had just drank milk and i worried she may regurgitate. Then suddenly she vomit milk from her mouth and nose! The worse is she is not crying and her face was red. We were scared like mad and i frantically ask me hubby to get ready to go hospital.
Lucky my mum was here and she took over the baby, hubby then made a call to KKH sCN growing prem to ask for advise, but was given vague ans. Then we oso called KKH ASK-A Nurse and was advise to just monitor if her face color comes bk. The nurse told us that even if we go A&amp;E, they would not know if any milk had gotten into the lungs unless they do Chest xray. Even then, they might not be able to see if the amt is minimal. She oso mentioned that A&amp;E has alot of virus and not to bring baby there unless necessary. So now we have to observe for any signs of chest infection. After that she seems better but i am still very very scared and worried....

Any of you ladies had experience this b4? Is vomiting from the nose ok? I feel so heartpain leh...

Oh, can i ask if its ok we bring her to GP nearby if we need medical help? Any body knows of any paediatrician in north area? I'm staying in Sembawang. Do we have to go and establish contact with the doc 1st? After yest's incident then i realised that the only place i know of sending is KKH, and it may take quite a while to reach there.
Hi gingal,
Yes, i can imagine how stressful it'll be if both of them comes bk together...Thank you, i really hope that we can cope too...
I think now i'm still on maternity leave thats why its not that bad, just worried abt how things can be arrange when i goes bk to work...Are you working? Who will take care of Jerlynn if you go bk to work?

Do you have problem feeding Jerlynn when she 1st came bk? My gal sometimes dun wana open her mouth even thou she is hungry, had to keep coaxing and stimulating her. We were advise to burp in between feeds, but the problem is, once i took out the bottle and burp her, she sometimes refused to continue the 2nd half and would cry of hunger again in an hr time. Makes me at a lost, cos if i feed her again, i worried abt overfeed, hiaz....

Yes, you are right, we do have multi-roles at home...but i think i still need a breather and have some time-out alone occasionally. Thou I think I'll feel guilty but i still think that i need it, am i selfish? Thanks for your positive note, i will work harder and think positive now. But the only worry is i have twins and i dun know if 1 mother/mil can handle or not...

oh ok, tat reminds me, i have many boxes of chicken essence in the cupboard, all gifts from frens, better take them now. Think i'm so frustrated oso cos my whole body is aching and i think i need a good massage but i've no time for all these luxury now, so suffering...

Hi Sam,
You did op at the cervix area? I totally understand ur fear and worries, cos i oso had threatened labour since 22wks. I really hope you can tahan longer too so that it is better for your babies. Talk to ur babies and ask them not to come out so soon, i talked to my gals daily too during that period and somehow i think they know.

KKH NICU has the best facilities here, there are many cases of very low birth weight babies and they survived under the good care of the medical professional. Have good faith and if you have religion, do pray, i think it'll help calm ur mind.

I agree with Jas, docs always tells you the worse incident and makes us super worried. Jia you and dun stress urself thinking of negative things, be strong and positive for your babies.

Is your boy singleton? Tomorrow is my growth scan again, so far already had 2 dose of steroids but doc say will continue again.. hope they reach 700+g each tom..

Is your bb sharing same placenta? My identical twins is sharing same placenta, individual water bag, another 1 is individual water bag and placenta. I just hope they grow healthy n well inside me now... Im really realy afraid to give birth now and even more even more afraid to pass motion cause need to push a little.
Hi Sam,

U really need to stick by the rules very strictly on CRIB...means no getting up even for toilet visits and forget about bathing... This way will help u keep your babies with u as long as u can. It is also good not to request to go home yet until baby is bigger, cos when u go back will sure laxed abit and not CRIB strictly de...I remembered how smelly my hair was and how dirty I felt down below (I have to use Bedpan to pee) when I was doing CRIB in TMC for a week....The only comfort was that the room is comfortable and the food they have is Great !!! I wanted very much to go home and was discharged by my Gynae a week after...More contractions came in after that and I have to give birth a week later after going home. I wasn't strict enough for myself when I was doing CRIB, and I kinda regretted it..should have stayed in hospital longer...
Since you have your cervix stitched up, I'm sure babies will guai guai and stay together inside you, don't worry too much and have lots rest while you can before babies arrived (will be so busy and sleep-deprived), also do keep talking to your babies to ask them to stay longer in you, it will help, I'm sure they will understand...

Xiaowanzi is right, her boy so chubby chubby wor...keke


Jerlynn does spits out from her nose occassionally, that is when she is crying after her feeds (usually cos we changed her diapers too soon after her feed and she doesn't like it, so she stuggles and cry)
If you read the older posts, I think I remembered afcai baby boy also experienced the same of milk coming out from the nose too...You are right that it is important to sit them up when they spits/vomit milk, whilst doing it, u may want to try turning their head abit sideways for the remaining milk from her mouth to flow out, so she won't choke on it again. Try not to sleep them flat if they tend to spit/vomit milk, cos we won't want their milk to flow backwards and choke or fall back to their ears and get infection...
Jerlynn most times won't cry too after "Er Ni", and she will have a "Snooked" look...

I went to KKH's Children's A&amp;E once, and really I will try to avoid if I can, cos the space is small and there is of cos many sick kids, if it is unavoidable, u can register and bring baby out to the entrance area where there are seats outdoors and wait there until your turn. One parent to wait inside to wait for the number and another outside. I think the nurse there did mentioned that Newborns or special cases can have priority, I remembered even Jerlynn's case "NB + Premature), we also have to wait more than 30mins...
Same like you, I didn't know where to bring my girl to see doctor then, it was like the 1st week I brought her home, and I felt safest to bring her to KKH as they have her records there. But now, i will bring her to a PD near my place instead...U can try searching for one near your place. And as I was trying to search online for you, I noticed the Children's clinic I visited for my girl also has a new Sembawang Branch (Praise the Lord!)!!! You can try them if you want...the charges are very reasonable, definitely not expensive. What you can do is bring your girl down for normal consultation together with her health booklet, and let him/her get to know your girl...The PD at bedok branch sat down with us, asked alot Qns about Jerlynn's condition when we visited her for her vaccination...Once they get to know our babies, it will be easier for them if we go to them for any emergency, we won't have to go through with them their conditions at crucial visits.
The link to the Clincs' website HOPE THIS HELPS! ( They have 24 hour Emergency Hotline too!!!)

I'm not working and am a SAHM, planning to go back to work either end year or preferably next year, depending on how much $$$ I will have left in teh bank by then...hahaha...I will let it dry out first before going back to work...being penniless is nothing compared to taking care of my girl myself. If I intend to go back work, I'm lucky as both my Mum and MIL notworking, so maybe will let them take turns to look after, it will be taxing for one to take care for too many days in a row...
I have no feeding issues with Jerlynn when she first came back, she really is a good drinker...she put on a GOOD 2.4kg after almost 8 weeks back home now...but I noticed recently she is very inquisitive and looking around the house whilst drinking milk, and will pause for longer. Sometimes after drinking 80% of her milk, she will want to stretch and uses her hands and push the bottle away...I will let her rest abit, and let her look around the house or voices around her, burb her very lightly and then 3-5 mins later let her finish her milk. I think as they grow older, they will not allow us to manipulate them liao, and will want to bein control whether to be fed anot (she sometimes shut her lips tight and turn hear head away, not wanting to be fed, so gotta Coo her alittle and put in the teat at every chance...) Hahaha
I also keep telling myself not to overfeed her, maybe she doesn't want her milk liao, but that was just the thoughts...dunno why I just cannot bear not to let her finish her milk and will still try to let her finish it...I am an "Obssessed Feeder"

Don't think yourself as selfish la...For me and my hubby, though we try to be devoted as much as we can and give whatever best for our girl, but we also won't want to take away the "Me" time... We understand that ultimately, it is the 2 of us that will stay together and walk down the road, daughters or sons will still get married and lead their own lives with their partners afterall. if we forget about ourselves and put in too much on our kids next time, we might turned out to be reliant on them and expect the same amount of devotion by them to us, and this will look selfish by then...kekeke
I'm not good at words, wonder if anyone understands what I'm trying to bring across...
But this is really based on individuals

u can call for "Home Massage" service mah...Good to do a massage to relax abit...

I am on Crib, and allowed bathing and toilet visits with supervision and need to be wheelchaired, so still not that bad..


Yes, everday also talk to my precious... hope they really "guai guai" if not MIL wanna spank them when they out..
Hi Sam,

Your babies are strong &amp; smart. You need to relax and stay calm. When you are calm, they will. Throw them the challenge and tell your babies that they can do you proud.
Hi Sam,

You and babies can do it. Stay positive, think positive, and press on. CRIB is but a temp arrangement. You must be disciplined to go through this little trial and the rewards will be great.

For all other premies still in hospital, jia you!!!

dun worry. things will fall into place. b4 we brought my bb home, hubby &amp; me hav ZERO experience in care of bb. we didn't even attend the pre-ante natal classes. but somehow, we manage to do it on our own.. relax. bb will feel ur stress &amp; b more difficult. cos they'll oso b scared

David, Xbliss,

Its another 4 more weeks.. seems like a long time... i really hope they can do well.. really very scared.. cause the PD and doc keep saying give birth now survival rate is very low.. i really dun wanna lose my babies.
