Premature babies support group


thanks, i see. ok ok. when i got time shall try to bring siang to the hay farm. really a lot of places want to bring him ler keke

ya... I was thinking they need some outdoor outings, not always going shopping malls lor
then ya, after the animal resort, hb drove to the road leading to pierce reservoir to let d&d see those monkeys, so cute their bbs are so small, but we couldn't feed them, sekali kena fine
hi didi
true...i also like to bring siang to outdoor for presumly some fresh air :p. oh D&D must be very excited to see the monkeys ah. yes yes..cannot feed them.

hehe ok ok. PM received ;) thanks

You know i am feeling really lousy now. i just realised (i rang a number of authority to check) that the construction work near my block is for a few block (yes a few blocks and not one or two) of flats and the completion date is in another 2.5 years or so....ohhhhhhh nooooooo.... this is really bad news
I know, but bo pian
when Siang is ok, think it would be better ? your air purifier comes in handy now too
but Siang Siang is at your mom's place rite ? when you bring him bk in the evenings, all reno should have stopped ? and your maid needs to be more diligent in cleaning up the dust also
close all the windows too
hi didi
yes i do have air purifier...but its not good enough. i think i have to seal up all the behind window... thinking abt it make me so sian

during weekday, yes he is at my mum house... by right work should stop by 7pm (is it?? i am not sure of the rules and regulations). but weekend we are at my own house gosh....

that day when i spot the cranes, i know something is up liao... gess... even right now, they have not officially really start the work, my house is quite dusty at times... gosh gosh gosh
i miss bringing dash to farm!!

Anyway, jane hope siang will stay free from all illnesses from now!!

Yan, hope your gal will be clear of ROP soon.

Daec, understand why you want natural birth. Think natural birth is in our chinese saying "tasting bitter first than sweet" meaning, cotractions are very painful but after that the healing part is ok, not so painful anymore. Cesarean is opposite, dun feel anything initally but the healing part can kill i think.

I just feel that we women are the greatest!

Precious one, thats wat I am very afraid of. I know subsequent labor will get faster and faster...
So really afraid this time can't get hospital on time...choy!

Anyway, into my 22 weeks now. Crucial period, as I had previous premature labor at 23 weeks before, and 27 weeks. Now to 28 weeks, are crucial weeks! a bit stress liao. Just went to see ann tan. She checked my cervix, close, but then, my previous gynaes all also checked my cervix close, then still premature labor. me really worry...

praying hard.
hi kkf
thanks..yes i hope so too. catch that allery bugs i will
- determine!

stay postive ok
we are all cheering behind you. rest more, relax... time will past fast.

i am sure u will do well under dr ann tan.

Thanks for your PM. i have just replied you
did doc teach u how to do ur own VE? i think its important considering your history.

thanks for the compliments on bryan. hehe. one day bryan must meet siang siang, the look-alikes. bryan has all of u to thank for what he is today.. all that advice, love, and concern. THANKS!

Re: teething
bryan has refused all semi solids (except his egg custard, which he can still take a few mouths, and some of his biscuits though he dunno how to really eat, more like play and bite) as he seems to be having a terrible teething time. He has got 8 tooth now, 4 on top and 4 below and i think more to come cos the gums nearby are also swollen and hard. he is now 1 yr chronological age and 10 mths corrected. v v upset cos this has affected his weight gain. i have tried to intro 1 feed pediasure at night, but he doesnt seem to like the taste. how how?
hi xbliss
yes yes, i think we must let the 2 boys meet up

re teething, a mum taught me to give siang teether (taken out right from the fridge) for siang to kind of ease his itchy. teething is one stage that they have to go thru (just that some kids have easier time). siang has had a very tough teething time.

don't worry, weight will gain back after his teeth has sprout out.
dm... so still feeling sian abt ur work???

Lili,my gal also 4 upper and lower teeth around 1.5 yo corrected..its only recently (almost 2 yrs old corrected) that her molars started coming up... abit slow compared to the rest..but ok lah.. (dunwana worry too much)

kkf.. i c... but really sian with ILs side right? esp if u r not close to them... so have u decided if they come or u go over? heh..was still thinking yest morning that u will be in ur 20+ weeks liao now..jia you!

xbliss, bryan is very fair! do u have fair skin too? sometimes when my kate teeth badly and refuse to drink from bottle, i will spoon feed her (maybe with dissolved bb biscuit for more 'food')..but just for those few 'worse' days... dunwana make it into a habit... or can u try straw (something new to catch his attention)?

didi, hahah.the way u descrbie ur blood bath is so 'funi'..i guess ur hb is too shock to react then?

daec, so ur new gynae is the one u told me abt? :p

mimeole, to hide the food from ur mtoher? :p

jane, why does siang need a skin allergy testing? ur side byuilding new flats?

yan, *sayang* yilin...
hope Siang is ok now. yeah the air purifer shld help.

jia you!

yeah women r greatest! better then men heheh

yup the gynae is the one I told u abt. big arguments with hubby before he agree. he wanted to go to same gynae. I liked her but I dun think she will try any pre-emptive methods. this one will try of coz no guarantee but tt's gd enuf for me.
i have replied your message.

i really belive he got allergy (he had rashes) so i am planning to request for a skin patch test to confirm. Oh yes yes
i am so mad, they are going to build a few blocks of new HDB flat near my block ...sigh

hi daec
thanks...oh yes, i think soon i really need to try to find ways to keep all the dust (that would be coming in) away.

still sian. but sadly, those offers frm agency cannot match wat i wan, so i've rejected them all.

kept having headaches afternoons on weekdays. but weekend, i'm fine. so ytd, decided to take half day & went shopping instead
n true enuff, no headache, but today again haha. allergic to work, jane, can ask ur doc got any remedy 4 this??
Ya, think he is shocked at that time
inside the ambulance, I am very nervous, luckily it was in the wee hours so no traffic, we reached kkh quite fast
no..for sure no remedy for allergic to work haha. because i suffer from it too :p.

got ah, i eat and snack away in office (and making my key board very dirty) trying to find some solution to all this allergy to work haha
little mini holidays every 3-4months temp remedy to allery to work ? ;P

I v naughty - thk its gd for hubbies to be shocked hehe. if they see is shock, of coz the one that experiencing even more more poor thing and pain. quite often, I think hubbies take wives for granted. its gd they get 'reality check' that the preggy/birth really aint easy for us. then treat/appreciate us better hehe ;)
my hubby is allergic to dust and asthmatic. honestly this full-term breastfed baby more sickly than my premature nada ;)

besides, antidustmite covers and a gd HEPA air purifer and more frequent mopping - the next best thing is to boost the immunity and his respiratory system with vitamins and natural supplements, foods. have to read up more abt it. maybe u can go to Vitakids at Paragon ask for recommendation or ask TCM practioner for advice. do try to avoid drugs tho. dust very hard to get rid of 100% so think the boosting of immunity/respiratory better way.hmm another way later enroll him in swimming or martial arts to exercise his lungs?
sigh...i been on not only mini holidays. i am like on child care holidays (siang not well so i take my leave).

i really rely a lot on food theraphy when i am at work. i just polish off one dish of glutinous rice, one cup of mocha, one chipsmore stick, 2 packet of meiji crackers with oats.. see all the high in sugar things. I find my energy level really must be quite low :p. not too far away, i know my pal at work is going to give away some more snacks haha
siang right now is on TCM but for a start i need to stop all food for him (other than his standard milk and also porridge). yes, i got consider swimming. for now, i intend to bring him for his airway check and also if can do the skin patch test.

yes, dust is very difficult to totally get rid.
i oso will snack easily. but i'm trying 2 control. cos dun wan to put on weight :p

maybe u can try to make soups 4 siang, those which supposed 2 strengthen the lungs, etc? can go medical halls & ask. since he's on adult food anyway, can use chkn & make the soup 4 him, so he can drink the soup & eat the meat as well.

in fact, i'm actually alrdy doing it - mini break in between. alrdy went on/gg to 4trips this yr & oso got those half-day shopping trips?? still cannot b cured haha
haha...i am trying to control but my this theraphy works so well, its very hard for me to resist in implementing it keke...

erh.. actually i don't really let him eat chicken :p as his lung is sensitve and chicken is like 'cold' in chinese term. but hmmm maybe i can go medical hall and ask hor. thanks

its great to have get-away (even if its short trip)
I second your thinking
but hor after a while these 'men' will usually forget one, (esp mine got a selective 'short-term' memory)
hmm those are like 'working holidays' since u need to take care of Siang. hmm, yup that's true - eliminate foods to c which may increase allergies. jia yuo - my nephew is the sort ALWAYS have running nose even when baby. now ok already, she went to naturopath, take test to c what he is allergic to, follow the blood type diet, take multivits, olive leaf extract and fish oil. hope u can find a gd combination like dat. aii.. havent found for hubby.

yeah DM u so gd - get to travel here and there ;)
me stil not even 1 trip, aiyoo want to go batam also so hard to persuade hubby. heheh I guess this is temp relief. real cure is to quit or find job u love hehe

tru lah.preggy again - I still kena start scold/shout. aiyoo. funny thing is the selective memory remember v well the gd things hubby done, but not stuff I have done. sometimes they r like 'big babies' :p
hi daec
haha, well describle. yes i am quite often on working holidays :p

sorry...may i know where is naturpath? yes i want to arrange skin patch test for siang and see what the result show and see if anything can be done.
ya lor, when they are angry, they sure will not REMEMBER what we have done
I agree they only rem the GOOD things that they have done so we have to remind them about the good things that we have done too
my sis went to see Dr Sundardas at

do ask if got such tests. coz another naturopath only give me questionaire which i felt incomplete. prefer one that has tests so its conclusive. hubby took skin test at polyclinic, but that one only tests certain things like allergies to dust mites, cat fur, coachroach.

another way is elimination diet. means keep his diet bare minimum and then introduce foods in one by one. see if got bad reaction. if yes, means allergy. eg. hubby loves tea, drinks everyday 1-2 tumblers. when he stop taking, he say feels better.

real dun understand their choice ah have to remind them. keep quiet, lagi they action hehe
psst.. nowdays preg - even if not so bad symptom, I make it sound bad. no choice, else he 'forgot' I pregnant hehe
thanks for sending the link. maybe next week i give them a call

yes, actually i have started to do the elimination in diet plan for siang. i told my mum that i am going to try to slowly again introduce 'new' food to siang (as if he just started solid) and see if there is any reactions
. ie start from zero again..
jane,mich,costa,kkf,didi,disneymickey,precious,daec,sbliss,and some are you all,miss me or not?i miss your !!!
hi,,,all the mummies..
i am jacelyn here,,,think some mummy know me well and some of the new mummies here dont know me right?here say hello to all of you..
sorry for so long never post here,,,as some time,,,busy!tired!and lazy .....

actually i got read the post when i am free, but never reply as sometime really no time to sit infront the pc so long,as now my boys getting naughty and when they sleep i need to do my own things and do really no time to reply..but today i spend the time here for saying somethings as i am very very miss the time here and mummies here.i think some of the mummies know i am very busy one..
email me to give me your ph, i want to call you for teach you the things for deduce siang problem...he.he..actually cannot say teach la..just give you the way that i use for terry and bryan...quiet effect now they less lung and nose problem,and can be say not at all from april until a lot of money on doctor fees....ha..ha..and their lung now can be say as same with other normal child, even that day they a bit of running nose but just two day they recover and no need to take ventolin at you know last time they have lung problem right?and can be say asthma hope can help wait for you ha..
i think you dont know me as very long time i am not in this post,but from the post i know that your baby got eyes problem,so i just want to share wth you my boy case.
my 2nd twins which born in 30 weeks and weight in 1.19kg...he got ROP stage 3 when 2month, i too cant accept the truth, i think some of the mummies know my case too,and he was done the lasek when he was 2month,very dangered op as he just start know how to breath and i almost lose him,but the op was successful,and doctor say he will be in high power shortsignted when he grow up, i was very worry ,but if i never do the lasek for him, he will lose the eyesigh....mena that blind,so can be say pusa got bless us as we do the right decision for him,,and know he was 2years old, from one year we brought him to check up and know that he really was shortsignted, but in 200 and 400power, and doctor say maybe six month than decide whether need to wear spec or not, mee too also cant accept so young baby wear spec,evn his power not so high as previously doctor say will be very high i can say 人是贪心的,永远不会满足。why i say like that cos at first when doctor say he was rop stage 3 and will be blind, on that time my thinking is hope he can see and dont blind,even can see blur also never mind. ..but after he done the lasek and doctor say wont be blind but will be high power, after that my thinking is high power?need to wear spec if high power, ha??so small baby how to wear spec???after one years doctor say eyes everthing ok...and power only 200 and 400...and at the moment no need to wear first,maybe wait next 6month if go high again than maybe need to wear... and youknow what i think?/i think why still in power?mean that he still need to wear spec,,,and i think if no power will be very good, why he cannot same wth his twins brother as normal??why he meet this ???so last month i just bring him to follow up again doctor say same power,and eyes everthings ok...i am so no need to wear spec and maybe next year when he go school and when effect his learning than must consider to wear the moment i suddently recall, when i first hear my boy ROP stage 3 and almost blind if lasek delay....i was so worried and sad...and cry as mad when listen the docotr say...malay doctor told me when she notic my 2nd twins ROPstage 3 and dangered of the lasek i might be lose him when he do the lasek as he very small and lung very weak and might be just sleep and wont wake up during the op...she just advice me dont sad, as gods give you two son now right?if you lose this 2nd twins,,you still have 1st twins as 1sy twins ok right, so let the god take him if he really cant make godness , how you feel at that moment? so at the momemt my thinking is i just want his life and even he blind...i hope and hope, pray and pray...and know everthing was all right, can be say...even he short i recall i cant have the thinking like that...gods already save my son life and let two of them stay wth me now...and now they was stay wth me,play,singsong wth me,,,and everyday they say ai ai ma ma ,ai ai mamy, night nioght mama,,,so what i still want?so now i really know i was in wrong in my thinking...i shoulden think abt why he cannot be a normal baby?why need to cpmpare wth other baby??as long he saty wth me i hope you understand what i going to say,,,i just want you to know that, just do the necessary thins which doctor say and just do the follow up when time on...and try to give the food and anything supplement as good for me...i try a lot of way and do a lot of things for my 2nd twins...dont worry , as before that i read from the book is stage 1 and 2 will be ok,,no op needed.if stage 3 and 4 must do op,,,,and most if them will be short sighted...and stage 5 will be very you was in stage 2 right?shhould be ok..think of my son...bryan he was stage 3 and almost stage 4...but now he haven wear spec...actually maybe need to la,,,next year,,,and his kiasu mama, buy a play glasses for him liao,,,,cos i afraid he dont like to wear spec which so smal,,,but who know two of them so like and wear it and take photo, and say didi mei mei,,,gogo meimei,,mama take to(actually is photo)as they still not very know how to talk ,everthing can pm mei,,,see what i can help...
jacelyn (oh miss u a lot a lot ler)

oh... i must PM u my handphone.

by the way, re the VCD u help me buy? i have not paid u back the amount. can you let me know how much so that i can pass the cash to your friend (she is really friendly

and you really have good recommendations. siang love to watch that set of VCDs. hehe he always say "gor gor jie jie" as in the kids doing the task in the VCD haha
good day mummies,

hope u all had a good holiday yesterday. i ended up not doing much, just laze at home and play with bryan.

where are u? busy? din see u update the blog. must post here if not will get worried for u.
really ? heheh I didnt have gd pregy last time, in fact more quarrels ?! and its not that I was more moody. hubby was more stressed somehow. and more issues come up. hope this time not. I thot even if I ok better seem like not so ok - so better treatment hehe
thanks for sharing your story with me.
ya.. sometime we will be in dilema too.. to do or not to do.. sigh.. hope yilin will not have to do the lasik. base on the eye check yesterday, the left eye has improved, right eye maintain.. we are happy enough to see this kinda result now as long as it dun get worsen as it will not suddenly become perfect.
hee...hee... when I was pregnant, let's say that I also manja with my ils, they will ask me what I want to eat (if I am gg there for dinner), then I will request for certain dishes
and I will tell hb it is my cravings (ie ' Not I want to eat, is your sons that ask for it' Horrible Me !!!
hehe its ok. preggy women advantage!

I dun really use it with IL - but oddly my hubby used for me! eg.they gave me food but for me not enuf.its food they tapau from wedding. err.. I dun want to eat that again.amt too little also. told hubby that so he suggest go out. they say why still want go out eat. he say I got craving so they quiet haha

il v funny la - want to 'borrow' my ger for 1 wk since I will have new baby. eeh no way lah! they 1hr also not pass take care my ger. when we went out, my ger refuse to take a walk with them when I was eating. fail lor..
ya lor, me try not to entrust my boys to ils (even thought they dotes on them), think I trust my parents better
hello xbliss, thanks for your concern! i am going to 23 weeks. next week seeing ann tan, and she will be giving me injection to mature baby's lungs as precaution.

hello jaceyln nice hearing from u! you must be enjoying your time with your boys now.

i hate nights...dunno why! cant sleep well...sigh. i hate nights.
haha finally i see kkf posts. got very worried and started texting costa and jane when i din see ur posts for a few days. busy at home is it??

ya can see u and yan hate nights. hahha.. u shud call yan to wake her up to express since u can't sleep! in return, yan can chat with u til u sleep! heheh.

relax relax, precaution is good for all of us. i am rooting for u and bb!! jia you!! if u need help feel free to call my hp k? take care!!
same here. furthermore for me - 1hr also havent pass take care her so really asking for trouble if wan 1wk ?! ridiculous. never see them bother to change pampers, prep her food - so how to trust.eeks.

some preggy women cant sleep well at nite. prob ur worry contributes too. hope days u can sleep to recover lost sleep at least. take care!
yah, think since preggy, can't sleep well, will wake up by dreams...sob, and then will be awake.

sad. thanks jane and xbliss!

i am ok, next wed, week 24 will go for steriod injection (correct?) to mature baby's lungs.

meanwhile, i am busy distracting myself by wasting money, buying coach stuff from the bulk purchase!!! well done! waste money! haha.

oh yah, busy selling dash stuff too...haha, see wat can sell i sell. haha.

crazy, but like this finally got something to do liao.

i think my gal will be influence by me, next time, branded stuff then buy. haha. else will be like me 24 hours on computer.
watever makes u happy heheh. its tough to remain optimistic sometimes. me been feeling quite down too. now suppose file my hse appeal. yup the thingy which dragging for 2yrs. 3rd appeal - now they say consider but must prep some doc. worry..must do things which keep my mind bz
