Premature babies support group

hi david, thanks for giving us the link. i'm happy with dr lim too and should have made the change to him earlier..

any good doctor to recommend for KK if dr lim not at mt alvernia? i'm thinking of looking into kk's avenue for emergency needs or matters that need long regular follow-up (non-neonatal type).

Thanks, David! You're so helpful as usual.
my boy had a small hole when birth too.. we din know anything till he had a appt with the cardiologist.. but the hole closed up when he's was abt CA 3-4months.. the doc discharged him from the cardio appt and indicated a normal heart now..

so dun worry.. they will close out soon..

I am a full time working me, when i was in the hospital, i was in panic mode and was wondering how am i going to take care of a premature baby myself...Knowing full well that everythg would be different from a normal baby brought home.

I took things slowly, took a few months off to rest and hired a maid and brought her to hospital with me to learn fm the doctors/nurses and with the help of my mum, both took care of my son for me. But for stuff like tube feeding, i did it myself and tried to take care of him myself as much as i can.

hes now five years old and not withstanding some issues here and there, is okay...

but if you dun feel safe to let other people take care of your kid, u may of course want to take care of your kid yourself..everybody's situation is different, anythg you think we can help, please post here or if u want, u can pm me for a chat.

take care and hope that the board has been of help to you here...
Thanks so much for your response! I need to make a decision soon and it helps to hear how others coped. This thread has helped me soooo much! Thank you for initiating this group!
Mr Q

tink u have to let ur gal try see if she's ok with that FM.. i remembered when my boy discharged, we did ask the doc/nurse to recommend FM and they told us similac.. so he's been on similac till now GainIQ although he's ok with other FM..
Hi Viman thanks for gal has been home for almost 3 weeks on tube feeding.her wt is now 5.335kg n Ht 69cm long.went for ear review n doc says she has normal hearing...

My name is Kelly. I'm new to this group. Just had my baby last week when she's at 28 weeks. I had preeclampsia and had undergone an emergency c-section. Had been monitoring my BP rather diligently since 1st trimester. When I visited my Gynae and Cardiologist last Wed, they wanted me to admit immediately and put me on drips to bring down the BP. Had my baby via c-section the next morning. Didn't have much opportunity to consider transferring to KKH.

I was discharged only yesterday as my BP was still quite high. Baby currently in Gleneagles NICU. So far, her bills are already 13k+ for 7 days stay. Estimated that she needs to stay for at least 2 months (total bills estimation 60-70k if she continues staying in Gleneagles). Wanted to transfer her to KKH this week but no vacancies. No confidence in SGH or NUH. Anyone got any advice?

I'm rather lost at this moment. PD wanted me to give baby breastmilk but Gynae says I shouldn't stress myself or my BP will shoot up. I'm in dilemma. Baby weigh 1.1kg at birth. Today, she's only 9xx grams. I'm still on many hypertension drugs. Btw, I had done a heart scan during my 4th month, cardiologist said my heart is strong and healthy. During my 2nd trimester, my BP was quite normal. It just shoot up suddenly during last 2 weeks.

I would appreciate if anyone who have similar experience to give me some suggestions.


Dear Kelly,

Sounds like you've had a crazy chaotic week. Please know that you are among friends. My babies were warded at KKH. My impression is that even if you transfer from Glen to KK you may still have to pay private rates. I can tell you that I paid $1000/day for NICU and about 600/day in the Special Care nursery (before subsidy -- subsidy is about 65%). Hope that others with similar transfer experience can chime in. On the whole, the care at KKH is excellent. If you do transfer to KK, you can contact the Social Work department to help with costs.

While I did not have pre-eclampsia, expressing breastmilk was not very stressful. Provided you have someone help you with washing up, cooking and cleaning. Check again with your doctor? If need be you can pump less (maybe 6 times a day instead of 8) and get more sleep. In my experience waking up every 3 hours to pump was the most stressful part of it.

Some weight loss in the beginning is perfectly normal. Happens to every baby. 1.1 is a good weight for 28 weeks. If you would like I have a book on preemies to give away. Let me know if you would like it.
Hi Kelly,

I gave birth to my babies in NUH, and was a last minute transfer from private too, but i was lucky to get it done before i gave birth, so was considered a subsidized patient. As far as i know, there were cases whereby they transferred their babies to government hospital from private after they were borned, and managed to get subsidy eventually (you got to write in to MOH to fight your case, get help from social worker, etc). Maybe you could consider NUH, the NICU is pretty okay and not so crowded as KKH.

My bill was 200k SGD before subsidy, and about 50k after subsidy (my elder boy stayed 35 days while my younger boy stayed 139 days). Cant imagine paying 200k......anyway, my 50k was discounted too as I wrote in to MOH to appeal for a lower bill....

As for Pre-E, I heard it could be rather random. As the gynae mentioned, you really shouldnt stress yourself that much, because your body is also under stress. Take it slowly (but still you got to express regularly), the breastmilk will come. Only if you take good care of yourself first, then you can have good health to care for your baby.

Dont worry about the baby's weight so much, give it some time! Come to the forum often, we will try to offer as much support as we can.

All the best, take care.
hi kelly, if u decide to start expressing, pls get a good electric pump which will cut down ur stress (i use a manual pump and no steriliser at the beginning = stress!). and let help from the lactation nurse.

If not expressing, perhaps you can ask around to see if anyone has extra ebm to donate to ur kids.

be strong!
Hi all

I have been reading this thread for the past four months. I read a lot of the archived discussions too. Just like to say thank you to all who contributed. It helped us to cope with the NICU/SCN days.

Hi Kelly, I have a contact fr KKH social worker. She's really nice, pls let me know if you need the contact. She might be able to advIse more on the procedures/ charges for transferring to govt hospital .
Does anyone has gd ways of feeding med to baby ? My baby has reflux issues n I hv to feed domperidon(sp?)
But he keeps splitting out the med
Hi Kelly,
I had PE and my gal was delivered at 28wk @ 1.18kg at kkh, she stayed in kkh for 2 mth. For bm, try expressing every 3hrly. my bm started coming only on the 5th days after delivery. Dun stress yourself.
hi ning,
try syringe bit by bit on a tiny red colour pigeon brand spoon to feed her

or syringe bit by bit into her mouth by gently squeeze both sides of her cheeks so that her mouth will be automatically open up. then, slowly adjust her position of her head to straight or slighly bend (depends on her struggle movement at the point of medicine feeding), to allow medicine to go in. I learnt this method by observing PD put the rotarix oral vaccine into my baby's mouth.

or syringe into feeding spoon bit by bit on top of her solids or milk to mask its taste while feeding. always remember to allow the solids or milk to cool down on the feeding spoon before you instil the drops of medicines, otherwise the medicine properties will be spoilt.

after medicine feeding, allow about half hour before feed solids or milk (to prevent baby from vomit all the medicine out).

My gal was on bad gastric reflux too.
Hi Everyone,

Thanks very much for the sharing. My BP has stablised though Cardiologist wants to monitor me very closely as he's very concerned. Gynae and Cardiologist have given me the go-ahead to express yesterday. Went around yesterday trying to get the necessary equipment. Honestly, I wasn't prepared at all as my hubby and I had planned to buy baby items around August/Sept as she was due only in Oct/Nov.

Ning, may I have the contact of the social worker that you mentioned? Thanks very much! =)

Hi Kelly

Glad to hear that your condition has stabilized. Take ur time to start expressing milk , the beginning is always the hardest , jia you !

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Hi Kelly,
FYI, my bb borned in SGH at 30 weeks, also last min transfer before giving birth from private. SGH NICU nurses are very nice, and no need to worry about doctors, because few KKH doctors will also see our babies in SGH, eg the eye specialist n the surgeon. So if u can get ur bb a place in either Sgh or nuh it will be good, and same as Kkh. It is too difficult to get vacancies in Kkh so no need to wait for it.
I'm a strong supporter in breastfeeding, but don't stress with the pumping frequency, just pump when u feel u are not too tired. The point is to at least keep some supply. U can always supplement with formula, ideally exclusive breastmilk, but better than none. I dunno how good is ur bb milk intake now, last time my bb intake very little, so at the beginning I can really pump 5-6 times to meet more than her demand. After 3 weeks only her intake start to increase till I need to pump 7 times a day. I never wake up at night to pump, I slept 6 hrs at night skipping one session.

Thanks everyone for the concern and offers for extra bm! I've successfully expressed bm last evening and my bp did not shoot up. I'm quite elated. =)

hi kelly,

i gave birth to my twins at 25 weeks at SGH, also transferred from private to SGH last min as KKH couldn't cope. SGH NICU docs and nurses are nice people.

take care and stay positive!
hi all,

i am new to this thread...after reading all your posts, i started tearing. all the memories came flooding back like it was just yesterday when I delivered my twins. if i had came across this thread earlier, you guys would have rendered me so much help and support! nonetheless, i am still glad i stumbled upon this thread!

kudos to all the little warriors, daddies and mummies out there!

happy national day!
Hi Kelly,

Happy for you
continue to focus on your baby n expressing of breastmilk.

Bubblyme, how old are your twins now?
The daddies n mummies here motivates me with their stories n their never give up spirit.

I hv just embarked on the second part of the journey by bringing my baby home . Still feels very excited but at the same time worried. Hope we can provide him with the best care at home.
Hi Ning,

My babies are exactly 11 months today but CA 7+ mths.

I'm impressed by the courage and positive spirits of the daddies and mummies here! All premies parents are warriors too!

Happy for u that your baby is home! It's the best present you will ever get! There will be lots of fun caring for him. It's now time for you to enjoy him and the bonding!

Happy national day to all !

Bubblyme- u came a long way !
can celebrate their birthdays next month

I am trying to enjoy every moment with my baby. But super tiring, taking care of him plus expressing 8 times a day to maintain supply... At the same time practicing latching with baby.
dear all, my boy is up for his 2 years old IQ test. Has any of your kids been through that before? What do they test? Husband and I are seriously thinking of not going.... anyways, please let me know your experiences. Thanks.
Hi all, does anyone has experience with Angelcare Sound n movement monitor? How effective is it compared to Avent or Motorola? Thanks
Hi Lilac,

The IQ test is only for VLBW(Below 1250gram) premmie. There are a series of games play which the physio access the ability of our warrior to understand and respond back to request. The test is about an hour plus and it is conducted in english only. Can be frustraing with the whole process.

Hi Gerald,

Never used Avent or Motorola. Wonder if they ever make movement monitor. Personally have used Angelcare and it is very sensitive.
Hi David, thanks for responding. Saw a local made movement pad at taka fair but it's at $680! Was wondering if the angel care works better than a sound or video monitor
Thanks David, thanks for the information. My husband is thinking of not sending my boy for assessment.... cos' he seems to be developing well. And I personally feel that some of the assessments can be quite biased being personally in this field. Like what you said, it is conducted in English. I cannot imagine those who are non-English speaking. Oh well... maybe I should go and see what is being done and do a review here.

Gerald, yes, the angelcare is very sensitive. I used it for the first 2 months and stopped using it because my boy seems ok with his breathing. I still have mine and if you are interested, I can sell it to you. I bought it from the States so it relatively cheaper as compared to Singapore retail prcie. Let me know.
hi Ning,

yup! planning a party for them and getting excited as the date draws closer!

You go easy on yourself, don't stress yourself out. it is super tiring to do all those things you mentioned. I hardly had time to express BM and it also happened to a friend of mine who also has a preemie boy. So just do the best you can.
Hi Gerald, I bought fr the angelcare distributor directly。
The most basic model with just sound n movement. It's v sensitive so u need to test beforehand with fans, musical mobile etc... I onli use it at night when we on aircon。(less disturbance) I bought at $250 with a free bathing thingy cos they having some kind of promotion then

Bubblyme- yup I try to get as much rest as possible. Dun really dare to slack on the expressing cos I had hard time building up supply
Btw my angel care monitor is AC 301
I called n asked abt the functions and differences between different models. The staff quite friendly

Mothercare no longer carry angelcare monitor now
Hi all,

I've transferred my baby to SGH on Monday. Baby has adjusted well. Been gaining tens of grams. =) We are thrilled each time we hear about it.

Ning, congrats that your baby is finally home!

I look forward to my turn too! Been diligently pumping milk. The yield is constantly low but will press on. =)

Btw, my baby is feeding about 10-12 ml each time. So, should I split the milk into different bottles if I exceed 20/30 ml? SGH nurse say I mustn't freeze the milk but put them in the chiller. Appreciate advice.
Hi Kelly,

U can just store your EBM into different bottles/bags from each pump and label them with baby's name, date and time you expressed. The nurses will draw the requires amount using syringes for each feed. U can also request them to return to you the unconsumed EBM so that u can freeze them at home and your baby can consume it when he is home.

If u don't request, they will discard after 24 hours after you express although some of the nurses may inform you before they discard.

Wishing your baby good health and you and hubby stay strong & positive!
I actually used to freeze all my milk n bring to KKH.
Only if I pump at the hospital then my baby get " fresher" milk.
I separated milk into 20 ml per bottle initially.
To reduce wastage . My supply was v low so can't afford to waste any milk. then i slowly increase to 40ml per bottle n gradually increase till 100 ml.

If u are bringing milk to baby everyday n your supply is just enough for baby then it's better not to freeze. As some nutrients will be lost while freezing . But I think excess must freeze cos frozen milk can store longer. You can seek clarifications fr the nurses at SGH. Maybe they will help you freeze the excess chilled milk?
Jia you Kelly! At least you hv yield, when I first started pumping, I hv zero yield. 8 times a day just pumping air. But I had a good lactation nurse who encouraged me to preserve. And I took supplements like fenugreek / nursing tea.

All the extra grams ur baby puts on comes fr your milk
Thanks for the info.

My baby has some jaundice. Was told that I can't let her drink my ebm if I eat ginger. I was about to start bringing my ebm to hospital tomr. The bm were in chiller. Should I throw or move them into freezer? EBM was pumped last night after I stopped the BP medications.
