Premature babies support group

Hmm.. My boy juz hit AA 24mths, CA 24mths in aug but i din receive any appointment for him to see any IQ assesment.. He went for his neonatologist follow-up in may and the doc din mention anything abt it. When will they let us know?
dun mention it..u are most welcome....if theres anythg u want to noe, u can discuss here...

jagie baby,
yr son is not extreme preemie like my son who was vlbw(very low birth weight) dun nd to go for iq test....there are two criteria to meet, one is very low weight and the other is low gestional birth..of which yr son doesnt meet either so dun nd to go for such assessment..

Hope this helps..if nt, u can pm me on fb..
Hi Jagiebaby,

To add on to what costa has mentioned, the IQ test is for VLBW(Very Low Birth Weight)premmie. VLBW is weight below 1250gram if I can recall correctly.
hi costa,
jus a thought out loud, you mentioned your son has some food aversion and fussy eating. could there be some phobia due to past experience or there's some flaws in the way to deal with your son at childcare centre? suggest you do a surprise spot check at irregular timing to observe how they handle your son and others..
hi, chalkey,

hmm....mbe you are right...i never went down to take spot checks...sigh...but mbe shld do it one of these days to see hw they handle kids wif such issues as that day when i went to his sch, i saw other kids wif a long list of foods to be avoided and i was wondering to myself hw they gg to handle so many kids wif so many issues...
I need advice!my gal did a 2nd screening test n is now referred to ENT. Does that mean she is deaf? I m very worried. Doc can't explain Wat e numbers mean
Hi Julbee,

My daughter also did 2 test by the ENT Doc. Fail on 1st, Pass on 2nd. Don't worry. Even ear wax stuck in the canal can also cause a failure.
Hi Julbee,

She passed her hearng test when she was discharge from KKH. When she was about 1.5YO, ENT did her 1st test and she failed. ENT did her 2nd test 1 month later and she passed. According to ENT DOC, the machine is very sensitive which sometime can give a false reading. The machine is not conclusive if the child fail the test.
Bringing my baby gal to see Dr Argawal later at clinic K. Can check where do we find e physiotherapist and do we just walk in as e instructions given last time by e staff were confusing some say need appointment some say no need just look for them. The last time we missed them as nurse told us to wait outside n e therapist will come. We waited 20 mins before I asked n was informed therapist left already. Was quite upset coz waited for nothing.
Mr Q,

Maybe you bring yr bb to see Doc Agarwal first and let her noe the problems you faced the other time when the therapist missed seeing u..usually its done after seeing Doc A...For my case last time, the therapist was in a adjourning room but my info cld be different becuz my appt was many yrs ago...My neo nat wrote me a referral to the OT department..which cld be faster...FYI, OT is at the basement near A and E..

Hope this helps..cheers and hope yr appt today will be a smooth one...
Hi all, my girl is 1 year adjusted now and I want to switch her over to toddler formula/milk powder. She's now drinking Similac step 3. She's quite constipated and takes one dose of lactulose daily. I would like to know which brands of milk powder are less constipating for baby. Thanks!
onefish, u can try nan HA (its different from Nan/Nan Pro). Nan HA is actually for kids with potential allergies (my gal was on it cos of eczema). IMO, the poo that comes out is very much less constipated (if on full FM, might even be difficult to clean cos poo is soft). But FYI, I switch back my gal back to Nan HA when she was about 4 and she hardly gain weight.

Another one u can try is Friso. I find (personal opinion) that the more 'fortified' brands like Enfa and the older Similac (gosh cannot rem the name now) can cause more constipation due to more iron (if I didn't rem wrongly).

Or u can try diluted prune juice (check if ur PD if its OK for CA 1 yo) or barley water. Or gripe water even.
i tink depend on individual baby ba.. previously my boy was on GainIQ (similac step 3), he ok.. no constipation.. now he's on pediasure, ok also.. going to switch him back to GainIQ after this tin of pediasure finish.. but my mil did tell me let him take some gripe water.. i dunno isit really useful.. on/off i give oni.. mayb once in 2-3weeks if i remember..
Hi all,
Anyone managed to successfully switch from bottle to exclusive latching? Now that bb is home, once the supplements stop, I want to try exclusive latching. Is that a good idea?
Speaking of supplements. My baby was discharged with multi-vits, iron drops and mct oil.
How long did you continue with these supplements after u went home?
Hi all, 102 days in hospital gal still has 1 desat each day n she is still unable to finish e whole bottle.she can drink at most 20 ml.I m so depressed...I just can't seem to lead a normal life.
viman, I managed to successfully switch from bottle to exclusive latching. But please do take extra care to note baby's weight to ensure that he is gaining weight. Baby was initially bottle-fed and that helped me to gauge how much he was drinking but after latching on, impossible to gauge lor.... plus, I feel he nursed more when latched on. One good thing about latching is` that when we go out, no need to bring bottles etc.

dewberry, the doctor would usually advise that our premmies continue for a year. Our premmies actually need them because our breastmilk though is the best may not be sufficient in terms of nutrients for them (that's what I read recently though there are studies that revealed that a mummy's milk will change accordingly to cater to her premmie's needs). For me, I personally feel that since all these are vits, why not just give them.

julbee, I am so sorry to hear that. Is she is in the SCN? Did the doctors say when she can be discharged?
hi Viman,

Exclusive latching is good! it stimulates your flow and very convenient for feeding too. However, it highly depends on whether your baby is willing to cooperate, since it's well known that a lot babies have "nipple confusion" problem. They may not like the idea of switching totally, after they get used to the method (be it from bottle to latch, or from latch to bottle).

My boy was okay at latching at first, but since he has Chronic lung disease,it seems that he is using more strength to latch than bottle, and he gets hungry and frustrated easily. So at the end , we switch back to bottle for a while. After 2-3 months later, we switched it to latch + bottle when i returned to work. very cooperative boy, haha.

Hi Julbee,

I remember you said your girl went for a MRI, how was the result? I can feel your frustration and depression! I went through a recycling with my boy before too. He couldnt be off oxygen, it was really frustrated to see him go back and forth with CPAP, canula, etc. The doctor discharged him with no oxygen, but one month later we came back to hospital and went home with oxygen for a month! It was not easy, but somehow we pulled through.

I can understand your frustration, even though our situation may be different. However when we kept saying "jiayou", "be strong for your girl" and etc, we really meant it. We've been there before, it's never going to be easy with a preemie... Sometimes, the prognosis is not clear, we are unsure of the future. I remember before my boy was discharged, he had a brain scan, and the doctor said he had "prominent ventricles" which only those babies with brain bleed will have, they didnt know what caused it and the consequences, and told me to observe him till he is 2 years old, see if he is normal. Well, honestly speaking, past 2 years i have been living in fear , afraid to see any abnormality in my boy, scared that he had celebral palsy, or worst. Yet, we just have to learn to deal with it. He only started walking when he was about 2 years old! He took his time, but every milestone gave us bigger joy than other normal parents since we knew he had a tougher road.

Jiayou, Julbee! If you need someone to talk to, we are always here, or you could PM me your MSN/SKYPE... I tried to PM you, but you didnt open up this function.
hi, jazzy,

u are really a brave mummy who deserves admiration and to think that you are overseas facing all this without much family support...really need to learn from you...

yr boy is very big now and very cute...well done....

thanks for showing so much enthusiasm and courage to the mothers in this forum..its an inspiration to have you here...

r u working or full time mum now?

my son got grade three bleeding and just exactly like jazzy(or perhaps i m not so courageous),i monitor my son for any perceived difficulties in reaching milestones etc etc.....

my bb had never latched on successfully becuz he was tube fed when back home and he used to have difficulties drinking and it wld take him hours to finish his milk..
How many times you need to feed your baby with supplement in a day? My gal last time was fed with iron and multivit drop for once in a day. So I use bottle only when feeding her with supplement and latch on for the other feedings. And you can also use small amount say 40ml to feed bb with supplement, then continue to latch on. Try to latch bb as early as possible, the nipple confusion theory is not really true. At least no problem for my baby at all. She started with bottle feeding about a week, then nurse taught how to latch her on. I continued to exclusively latch on for two months, then when I resumed work, she was both bottle fed and latch on. The teats that I used is the NUK type.

Dun be too worry about whether bb gets enuf milk, just feed on demand. You might be feeding more frequently than using bottles and the timing will be difficult to gauge. Feed on demand is the guide. I find latch on still better and convenient though the timing is more disordered.
Viman, with my girl I did finally manage to latch her on to bf at the grand old age of 2 months adjusted. Took a lot of trying and crying. But she stopped latching on at 6 months adjusted, preferred the bottle. So no choice, I just had to pump for the rest of the year. As for supplements, we were told to give vitamin drops and iron drops until 1 year adjusted. MCT oil and protein powder would depend on whether your bb is gaining well.

Julbee, sorry to hear about your girl's stay in kk. Please hang in there. We were also in the hospital for a long time - 280+ days. FWIW my advice is that each day is a day closer to coming home. You can pm your skype/msn to me as well if you like.

Is there a fb group for singapore preemie parents? If so, would like to join.. thanks.
hi mummies,
hope all are doing fine.

For the new mummies,
take heart. dun give up. Your little ones need your support and encouragement. Come here and energize yourself if need be
cos that was wat brought me through too.

Some updates on my boy
He's going 4 in a few months. Been on growth hormone therapy which requires daily injections for about 1 month. Was placed on it after he went thru series of test and was diagnosed to be partially growth hormone deficient and found to be a suitable candidate. FYI for those who are new to this, it's recommended for kids who constantly do not perform up to the norms in terms of ht and wt. For my boy, he is way below the 0 percentile!

So u see.. the battle goes on every day with some premies. But its a joy to watch him grow and become more glib everyday. I guess in life, you give to get something in return.

Take care all!

BTW, for those who like to do kite flying, my RC is organizing a kite flying event at the field next to Buangkok MRT on 2 Jul, 4-6pm. Tix going at $2 with a kite and some other stuff in goody bag. Remember we had a Kite flying potluck about a year or so back? haha.. those who are keen to go again, we can meet there again! i think i might go cos so near. anyone going pm me! we can meet up and chit chat
Thanks, all, for the advice. My baby has supplements for all feeds. She is taking iron, multivits, MCT oil, beneprotein and valens carborie. She can't latch on very well so all feeds are through bottle and I just latch her on a few times a day to get her to practise. Not much success though. Even if she latches on for say 10 min, when I pump afterwards, I get the same amount from both breasts, so I think she probably only got a few drops.

My baby had 4 supplements when she was discharged : Beneprotein & MCT oil for 4 times a day and Iron drops & Multivitamins for 2 times a day.

Upon 1st review 3 weeks later, doc added folic acid for once a day and reduced multivit to once a day.

Upon 2nd review 5 weeks after 1st review, doc removed beneprotein/MCT as wt gain is gd (abv 50 percentile), but since still got half a tin of beneprotein left, we intend to let her finish it :>


My supply is very low hence i always pump and bottle feed cos baby is always hungry even after latching for quite a while. If you do have the supply, pls do not give up and keep trying.
Thanks for the advice. My supply is ok, but I have a lot of frozen milk from the time she was in ICU/SCN. Not sure how to balance between using that up, pumping fresh and latching.

Also wanted to ask you about your baby acne. Did it go away by itself? My baby's entire forehead and scalp is full of acne now.
I keep applying fresh ebm and it seems to be getting better but very slowly...

You can try to latch more and more, then bottle feed less and less and pump after bottling to keep up the supply. It is hard work but is worth it.

For the acne, old ones will fade after a few days and new ones will appear on diff part of forehead/cheek. I didn't apply anything and just wipe with cotton wool/cool boiled water or baby wipes to keep clean.
i hv a qn how long does it normally take for preemie to gain 400g in NICU? My preemie still at 1.6 kg..after 2 weeks.
Thanks, qster. Hope the acne clears soon...

My bb gained about 15-20 gm daily (on an average) in the 2 months she was in NICU/SCN. Of course there were days where she lost weight and days where she gained more. It will be faster as the feed quantity increases.
Mine was KK. When I found out that bb will most likely be premature and will need NICU care, I immediately switched from pte to KK to lower the bill. I was hospitalised for 1 month and bb for 2 months. Total bill about 40K. How much was yours?
My twin 1 bill 14 days was $13k, already discharged. Now other twin still in NICU, will probably stay for 28 days or so..hopefully gain wt faster so can discharge faster...
David and mommies,
Did any of your babies strain a lot when trying to poo when they got home? Mine strains and cries a lot until she has pooped. I read that it could be due to digestive system not being mature in preemies...Hope she outgrows it soon.
Viman what is yr bb's adjusted age? In the newborn stage some babies will make slot of grunting noises when pooping or not. If the stool is soft And regular I would not worry.

Sigh am posting from kkh. Boy twin is warded for bronchiolitis after a cold. Tomorrow is day four and still not able to be discharged. Also think drs are being super cautious. Sadly, every kid in here also has a horrible cough. Afraid of germs.
Thanks. That's reassuring.
Baby's adjusted age is 6 weeks. Yeah stool is soft and regular. Just that she strains and grunts so much I wonder if it's painful for her...

Hope your boy gets better soon!
Viman if you google "newborn grunting" you can view some examples and an explanation as to why the babies make that sound. My girl also made a lot of noise as a newborn. I suggest videotaping for posterity as it does disappear quite fast. ;p
Thanks. It looks like it's quite common even in term babies. Nothing to worry about then.
Yes, I should take more videos!!
Thanks Viman n David, e docs r scheduling my gal to go for the ENT diagnostic test where they r going to put my bb to sleep.I m so so worried.she is still on tube feeding n now hearing is an issue!

I'm so excited to share the progress of my little warrior Ryan borned 29w3d @1.45kg. His Corrected age is now 11m2w, last check up on Friday he weighs 9.5kg, 76.5cm tall n he has just taken his first steps today. In fact he took 3 steps. I'm so so happy he's developing well...
