Premature babies support group

re: walking
I am trying to train nada's stamina. we dun use stroller, I norm carry her. alamak now cant carry for long. either we train her on stroller or walk more/dad carry her. trying the latter.

mummylian, didi
got any tips how to handle 2 kids ? I not going to get helper alamak

I agree with both hands !!! she is one lucky gal
ok, to handle 2 kids, hmm... think 1 pt, dun get kan cheong and handle 1 at a time, my cousin also take care of her 2 dotters herself, she didn't get any helper, from what I see is that she is one cool mommy, she handle them one at a time, and try to let both sleep at about the same time (ie after 1 sleep then the other will sleep shortly).
Day see
U full time sahm rite? 2 kids ar... hmm.. i remember when i had my 2 boys, I was only 21. Was quite firm to them. Must make sure that they nap together. Cos the 2 boys are only 1 year apart. so when bathing the younger one, will place the older one in the play pen. Vice versa. Feed together. Long nap together (ncluding myself}hee......

But hor... ur bb and my 2 boys are different generation liao.. n now with 4, i have a helper n my 2 elder boys are good helper too

When the time come, mother insticnt will definitely work! n it works best. I have a fren who has twin says that if GOD gave us 2, means we can handle 2! No worries
If u really have any difficulty then, contact me

But i have been engaging helper when my 2 boys were 2 n 3.. since then, find that can't do without helper cos i'm not so fortunate to be a sahm. Me , a ftwm... Dread all those house keeping
mummylian, didi
thx for e tips! yeah now sahm. supposed to work at home too. then quarrel w hubby-now I dunno how. may still have to work at home ?!

my aunt is sahm and has 4! but ah, her first two are in sec sch and younger two are in primary sch. she enlist older ones to help out w the young. no helper. malay if sahm - tend not to have helper.oldern days have many 6-10 kids?! that is ok in the oldern days since before trained by mum to do chores,cook etc. nowadays dun have leh. everyone trained to work hehe
No prob, as for me in the 1st few difficult months, my mom helps me out (thank god for her), then realised that it is too tedious for my mom, so we decided to get a helper to help me instead (I am a SAHM) and let my mom return home
Day see
Yup.. has to rope the elder ones to help like my boys

Jus wanna share my joy with u gals

Am happy today cos I finally got to see my son's result
He has met our expectation with a score of 250 with 2A n 2Astar..

Had a tiring day cos was up at 7am in the morning as I was too anxious for my son..
xbliss, kkf and all mummies,

quite sometimes din post here.

xbliss, your baby start learning to walk and poo. Mine still haven't leh.Wanna to train to poo but once let him sit he will cry..
hi mummylian,
congrats!! u and your boy's hard work have paid off!

We also very very proud of you and violet!! JIA YOU!!

hi, sorry i cant remember you... how old is your child? actually my bryan is 13 mths non corrected, still learning how to walk. But not toilet training lah. A bit early for that! so i think u mixed up with other premies here? Join us more often here ok?
thanks, xbliss, honestly, me really happy another week has passed. violet is 26th weeks now.

Next wed seeing gynae.
Really salute and must learn from you, 4 kids to take care not easy and elder boi do well somemore
what pri sch was he in ?


congrats 2! which sch is ur son in? saw on papers tat nanyang pri got lots of scholars..kind of worried, cos intend to put ws there next time, cos i'm old girl frm there mah.. but scared 2 pressure her 2 much..siao hor, early started 2 worry heehee..still got 4more yrs then worry abt registration
hi mummies

thanks for the encouragement. I would say..i only hope siang stay healthy and happy. A is really catching up fast too
. think we really should have a gathering and let all the brave warriors meet up.

yes, i think all in all, in this home, we all belive in miracle and belive god are fair

opps siang does not have rich parents ler :p. siang really start to walk is at age of 20mths or so. but he is like running more than walking :p.

but that ger is so fortunate
to be able to leads sucha a easy and carefree life

congrats! wow well done

take care and
violet guai guai okie.
Aiyoh, for the gal's case, that's could just be pure coincidence, my gf told me that the myth only apply to gals
Siang can be rich on his own leh
Ya, that gal very lucky, she is working as an auditor somemore, and she is very pretty (as they have mixed blood in their family line)....

i insomnia with u. hahaha. crazy wake up at this hour and decided to give bryan a small feed..hehhe. i gotta report to work at 7+ later so very sianz. Yes, you and violet are going to "chuan zao qi ji" (Create miracle)! i watch too much of the 9pm "chen bu fan" show. hahha. BUT, all things are possible if you stay positive!! violet jia you!!

dun say you ks.. bryan got like 5 more yrs and i alredy plan for him. hahahhaha. i even told myself i will be some volunteer at RC so that he can go into that school that i want. for that to happen, i will need to start volunteering with the RC or the school when he is 4-5 yo! hahahahhh
disney mickey/didi
my son in neighbourhood pri near my mum's place in tampines

Thanks mummies for ur well wishing n praises!Hmm... actuaaly i would say he did it more on his own
nCos i'm tat type of bo chap mummy... if not where got time for the rest of the kids.. I leave everything totally to him. Thank God
u r not bo chup. u believe in self independence and understand ur boy's need for his own space to grow and learn.
not everyone can do this. pei fu pei fu. i hope i can be relaxed like you!!
Perhaps I should agree with u
My hb n me believe in self independence especially for boys.
But guess wat,, My younger son who is in P5 now is worried that he will not do as well as the bro has set a standard that he feel is unreachable
Has been talking to him.... But... he seemes to be lack of confidence....

That;s about parenting and that each individual is different..

Little Ezann still does not like to take rice as a full meal for dinner... Sigh... Really a bit worried
She picks up things real fast now. Loves to sing and dance especially
A until today still does not eat rice...nvr take it as a full meal but play with it yes...just wasted one bowl of my chicken rice ytd, refuse to let me eat but play with it.
hi mummies,

Long time didn't log in to forum. I have a premature son at 33weeks 1 year plus ago due to water bag burst. I need some advice as I am expecting at very early stage now. I told my concern to my current gynae as I am quite scare it will reoccur again. My gynae adviced to perform stitch after 3rd month to prevent it.

Anyone perform this surgery before? the previous one, I asked my then gynae why did the waterbag burst but she said its unexplainable. No reason for it.
Hope I can get some support from here.
i think i did this surgery it called cerclage?for me, its been a long time ago, about more than 2.5 years...
Hi, anyone need preemie clothings and diapers? Friend got a big lot to sell. Mostly are bought from USA as local seldom have preemie stuff.

Pm me if keen.
I thought cerclage is done to prevent the cervix from dilating too early but not too sure if can prevent waterbag burst. But my sis waterbag burst at 33wks with cerclage too. Her waterbag break could be due to infection. She had cerclage done due to incompetence cervix.

I have cerclag done due to incomptence cervix too. There is a thread on incompetence cervix and all have cerclage done.
chloegal, hello! long time didn't hear from u.
Dash is going N2 next year as well.

Welcome kai. Initially my gynae also mentioned i might need to stitch for this pregnancy, but in the end, never leh.

recently being bor liao, i buy books/toys for dash and start buying things bit by bit for violet. hee. You noe I am celebrating each day with violet, and really hope she will do well.

Seeing her later this afternoon! yippee, hope she is 1kg now.
Hi kkf,
Glade that you are doing well and violet will sure stay inside mummy's tummy till full term.

Edric went playgroup this year. It only a 2hrs class but he enjoy it very much.
Hello back from gynae visit.

Violet is 940 grams now. Gynae said the same thing "aim for 30 over weeks at least."

well I said "after chinese new year better".

But she is not too optimisstic about it. haha. she said can come out end dec or early jan good enough.

Think i shall just target to be at least over 28 weeks (at least enter 3rd trimester). dun stress myself so much.
Hi, anyone need preemie clothings and diapers? Friend got a big lot to sell. Mostly are bought from USA as local seldom have preemie stuff.

Pm me if keen.

Lot consists more than 60 pcs, more than half are new but has been wash. Some of them never worn as bought too many. Will also inc 1 pack brand new pampers & 1 pack open used for few pcs pampers & also huggies diapers cake consist more than 50 pcs. Selling the whole lot for $100.00 Will also inc some brand new hat or preemir, You're welcome to view & pick them, individual pcs at $3-$5 per pc. Will throw in lot of more than 30 pcs 0-6 months baby boys clothings for free if u taking the whole lot. All branded clothings, the most cheapest brand in this lot is FOX BABY.
great, violet is puttting on weight
jia you

btw,, yilin has passed the ear screening
phew... the eyes blood vessels are growiing well too. the next appt will be 1/2yr later. so happy..
congrats yan! yilin has done well!

I think violet is a bit not enough weight. how to make her grow faster???
you eat durians?they saying eating durians can help bb put on weight wor but better chk wif yr doctor first....
hey mummies, any idea wat to eat to make violet grows fatter? haha, gynae already told me 32 weeks very good liao, so I think maybe violet will come out ard 30 weeks (which i already very happy), but i hope she has enough to let her grow faster? last time dash at 27 weeks plus already 1.14kg
thats the problem. The milk i drank is HL milk instead of those for pregnancy. Last time i had dash, I drink milk for pregnancy...hmm...wonder if thats the reason.

I think durian really helps a lot in weight gaining leh
I rem eating quite a lot of them, and at 30 weeks, D&D are abt 1.6kg each, the weight are considered nt bad (as per the pd and nurses) (if you take it 3kg for a 30 weeks bb; ie combined weight)
for milk wise, I take Anmum and Enfamama
