Premature babies support group

think we all can understand how it feels not to be able to see them, even for a day. When i was on confinement, i went almost everyday once and after about 2 wks, i went twice during the 2 visiting hours. heck all those confinement rules cos my boy mattered more.

re milk stimulation, u can try what xiaowanzi said. Or u can see lactation consultant at hospital to see what is the issue or get medication to help produce more bm. 3 hrly is the key. Dun worry abt jaundice.. small issue. it will all resolve v fast.
they have got to learn that life is not easy at young age, but this will teach them to be stronger next time.

i cannot say anything else except that u are indeed a strong mummy. to stand and watch ur child suffer and yet have this kind of motivation, i got nothing but salutes for u. i know how tough it is for you but trust me it will be all over soon and bb issac will be home in your arms, giving you those cute squirms and wriggles right in your arms! hang in there!!!

distantly related I guess. like chinese, so many of the same surname but not guarantee know each other.

stay strong, it definately isnt easy. my girl was there 48days.yeah she had jaundice for a while but it was ok. jaundice is quite common so dun worry. just keep pumping and drink lotsa fluids. have to stay regular and just keep at it. take care
RR, no wonder ur nick here is RR cause your two children's names start with "R" so cute.

Munyi, dun worry, life in nicu is like that. I still remember when my boy was in nicu for 2 months, everyday was like a roller coaster too. Suddenly the doctor told me my boy got blood infection, suddenly told me wat nurse got chicken pox, suddenly this and that. Be strong, ur boy will be home very soon.

Same as girl80, nicu is like that. There r plenty of smaller babies in there and they are doing fine, so your twins will do well too.

dm, me not too sure wat is wart? just hope its nothing serious.
more nausea this time. vommiting - just vomit once, but feel want to vomit quite often. I take sweet water to reduce that feeling, helps. last time no nausea,no vomit.

not confirmed.pending Housing Loan Eligibilty. if fail then follow up my 3rd appeal. very messy lah.
Thank you all for your encourangement and reassurance. Reading your posts give me strength.

Yesterday, my baby was crying the 'silent' cry (bcos the ventilator was in the way- he cannot make any sound). You can see that , he was really sobbing with all his might. It's very heartbreaking, but I tell myself, even healthy newborns cry very often too.

Costa del sol> Oh, it's good to know that your baby recovered from MRSA. How long did it take your boy to recover?

One of the doctors said that MRSA is probably hospital acquired. It's one of the more resistent strain of bacteria infection. Isaac has been on antibiotics since birth, so they are rather puzzled why he can still get this MRSA infection. That's why they changed his scalp line, just in case the bacteria has colonised the line! Sigh... it's defnitely not a good infection to acquire, if we can choose.

Visited him this morning, but the doctors are doing their morning ward rounds. We didn't want to rush their discussion especially on our baby, so we left. I will probably go again myself after lunch.

Girl80> You are not alone. Like you, I am still in confinement too! However, have to break some rules, as I am constantly washing hands - before and after seeing baby at the SCN, before pumping breast, after pumping, washing and sterilising pumps, etc.

In fact, I am doing my 'confinement' in the hospital hotel (cheap at RM70 per nite), so that I can visit baby while recovering from the horrible C Sect AND be 'confined.' 3 birds in 1 stone - haha. My hubby wheel-chairs me to the baby during visiting. No strain on my wound.

My breast milk took a few days to kick in. Like you, the first few days was really difficult. And VERY low yield. (My husband claimed HE produce more err..stuff - yea, he's quite disgusting, sorry :p) But after that, it flowed more easily for me. However, now I have blocked ducts issues... ugh.

A few questions for experienced preemie mummies:
(1) Does confinement food like wine and ginger affect our breast milk for preemies? Are there any supplements to take?

(2) Breast milk should be pumped every 3 hourly. Is it 3 hours from the START of the last session or the END of the last session? I seem to be only doing 5 -6 sessions a day, not the recommended 8 times a day. Don't understand concept.

(3) Were your preemies shielded from the bright lights in the SCN ward? I feel that the lights seem so harsh on their developing eyes, compared to the soothing darkness in our wombs.

Thanks in advance.
1. heard tat if got jaundice, dun take too much ginger, but a little in the food we eat is ok, according to the nurse. if the soup u take is fully wine, meaning w/o additional water, then u gotta wat till 4 hours later then the baby can consume the bm, anything before tat, i pump and throw. i find t quite wasted cos my supply is forever low(15-20ml), so i asked the confinement lady not to cook tat kinda soup again.
but if just add a little to the soup or food, then it is ok.

2. 3 hours from the time u start pumping. if pump at 1pm, the start session will 4pm. middle of the night also must pump.

3. SCN... no..
i break rules during confinement too. :p i went to the hospital everyday till the day she discharged. i must see my baby everyday myself, i cannot just sit at home to wait for news.. dun like the feeling.

a mummy saw me washing my hands in the breastfeeding room and asked, ¨ can touch cold water meh?¨.. please lor... we got a choice to chose meh?.... dun tell me she go toilet no need to wash hands ah...err~~~
my kiddo had mrsa...correct me if i m wrong as it has been two yrs already...mrsa is a hospital acquired cld be due to overhandling of the babies (not by choice but cant help it as they are handled by different pple every day..nurses, doctors parents, etc)
even adults like nurses, docs get it and its easily solved for adults by putting nasal cream or walking out in the sun..but for babies...guess they have to put the cream....

for me,i can still remember the day my son was isolated..the nurse had called me and i missed the call and i tot wat had happened...i only found out when i reached the hospital and i was vy upset..

i dun noe wat they do in yr case but for mine, my kid was isolated..which i find out is better as they get better care...even if after the mrsa is cured..they would not put our kid back with other kids to prevent passing the infection to them(altho cured totally liao)

u are in msia right?wats the protccol over there?

supplements to take for increasing bm?maybe can ask the doctor for prescribed medicines (which i took) or fenugreek?

no, dun thk my kid's eyes were shielded...

i went to the hospital everyday after discharge also and i washed my hands too...i rather tk the risk of me getting wind or wat then to contaminate my kid...
my gal used to be a mrsa carrier, meaniing the bateria is on the skin surface only. the doc just prescript oilment for her to apply the nose area for 5 days. as long as the msra doesn´t enter the blood, it is ok.
blur me, din hv time to read thru the posts till now..

last saturday was okay, except too hot...i think hv party better hahah got more chances to interact wif each other....last year was better..haha at least got aircon....hopefully next year,u can join us just like kkf, fairylander who cm last year..

u are right...getting a gd maid is like lottery..even if get a gd one, no guarantee she wldnt change....

hw are you?jia you.......

u got a pair of lovely twins,hope to have chance to interact more with them next time if we hv gathering...

munyi, girl(80,rr(irin) and other mummies whom i hv missed out inadvertably, could you update more details with us, like dob, gender etc..length of stay etc..
yes lucky the mummies above mentioned.. no excessive ginger and wine.. i thinkthere are 2 other items.. buti cant remember. else the jaundice will go up.

my boy eyes were shielded whilst on jaundice treatment. it's the thin white bandage like material eye mask... time we will meet elsewhere.. (not at the next big walk though :p)

kkf, tell ur ILs now very ley chey for preggy woman to move? (carrying, stress of being in a new pl...etc..heheh)

RR..ehehee. ur kids are cute..still know how to pose!

Jane.. at least ur 2 yo is toilet train (though accidents did happen ahahahh)... my gal ..sighh... canot speak, not toilet train..

munyi, good taht issac is putting on wgt...
good that u can do ur confinement in the hospital..can rest more.... my bb was NOT shielded from the SCN lights..only during phototherapy..but for kkh, they will dim the lights at night...

dm..wah..still got time for yoga..btw, any news abt nan 3 HA.... kate's playgrp teacher suggested switching to friso which is less heaty cos she always got cough... but when i look at the vits, its really much less than enfa on per 100g basis!....

mimeole, she needed help cos she canot handled the bb or bb and household..if its household chores, maybe get a PT cleaner instead?

girl80, most of us went thru that..travelling everyday to hospital to visit the kids though we are having confinement..not so 'good life' as other mommies, but do persevere! i usually went during lunch then hb at night.. then one day i was so tired first time i decided not to go durnig lunch..then guess what? a nurse called and said my bb is to be discharged and ask me to go down to talk to doctor! i quickly rush down that night.. and no nurse admited that she called me! after checking it was this russian nurse (i think)..she said she never see me so wan to give me incentive to visit and bond with my bb! i was so pissed! i was tehre every lunch but she never notice me and then do this kind of thign...

Yan..ahaha. u r so funi...u should have ask her taht Q... :p i think some pp 'afraid' so follow strictly.i wish i got the chance to follow strictly all the confinement rules!

xbliss.haha..i call the eye bandage for jaundice rabbbit ears.. cos when they pull it over her head when the phototherapy light is not on, it look like white rabbbit ears...

got la. once a week. cannot neglect exercise

heard nan ha3 will b avail mar/apr next yr.

frankly, i dun believe in milk powder being 'heaty'. my main concern is whether my kid can take it or not. not sure abt the vits part though. so u hav switched powder?
bloom, i think friso is a good milk leh. so far, bryan been on it, never cough or phlegm, except during teething time. since birth til now, only twice. but of cos, it also cos he still on healthy home coooked food lah.

vitamins wise, can add to milk right? i buy the appeton brand..actually helped increase his appetite.
Hi all,

My baby is also a preemie and a LBW baby also. PD said everything normal except need to feed her every 3 hourly and got slight jaundice too. Her weight is 2.025 at birth, weight dropped to 1.9kg but she was able to go home with me when i'm discharged. But mummies out there, do you all give your baby to latch on directly? Cos whenever i latch her on, she will only drink for 5 mins and sleep. Wonder did i provide her enuf BM?
Hello mummies!

costa, me fine. In week 24, going 25 weeks. Every day is a blessing to me now. I hope baby can stay in my womb as long as possible.

Munyi, can only give u my moral support, dunno how to answer ur questions cause regarding breastmilk, i had problems last time too.

shirley, how many weeks is ur baby? if u afraid she doesn't drink enough why not express out?

yah lor, we mummies dun have the chance to do confinement well ones, cause we visited babies in NICU/SCN everyday. Me too. Funny thing is till now, I still remember the smell, the quietness, the alarms, and everything of NICU/SCN...
bb is too comfortable at breast therefore fall asleep. change her position every 5 min to keep her awake so she will suckle.

past liao. dun go and remember so much of that when bb violet is happily in the tummy. I m so proud of u!!! i have this feeling violet's be staying in there til it's time for her!! so go gal!

my bb is only 2 weeks old. I tot it might be easier to latch on directly instead of expressing out cos still need to sterlise the pump after use and since im doing confinement now so might as well latch her on.


tat means have to wake her up to suckle again? Oh no which means, she's not having enuf BM. Later will try changing position. Thanks.
hey, I just switched my girl to Frisco (She was on Pediasure previously, then I changed it to Gain IQ) girl has lots of phlegm and always coughing. I just changed the milk to Frisco 4 on Monday because the kids, her age in MIL's place are drinking thought it will be easier for MIL when she makes milk for the kids.

I will monitor her to see if after drinking Frisco, her coughing will be less. As I have bought 2 big cans of Gain IQ at MIL's place, she is now on 2 feeds of Gain IQ and one feed of Frisco. If Frisco helps in keeping coughing frequency down, it will be saving$ for us.
Party....that will be nice, gather all the premies together, call it premies'-networking night! hehe

Perhaps one day we should really do it, not just premies from this forum, ALL premies in Singapore and that includes KKF.
hi shirley
me too since day 1. hehehe.. cos my area is renovating and a lot of dust.. cannot open window lah.

try changing breast every 5 min to keep her awake too.
ya,liek wat xbliss say, comfortable position, tat's y bb fall asleep. but did u notice bb need 2 b fed/latched on more frequently? if so, prob means she did not hav enuff. maybe u can try the wake up/switch breast method.

i pump out my milk & feed frm bottle, cos i'm scared my ger didn't drink enuff. oso, feed frm bottle, i can monitor how much she has drunk.

when my ger came home after 3wks of stay in hospital, 1st time she couldn't sleep well, cos was in air-con room w us. we realized the temp is 2 cold 4 her. so we moved her 2 another room & only turn on the fan & she could sleep well. when she's older, we then move her back 2 sleep in air-con room w us. maybe u can try & c how...if die die must sleep in air-con room, try 2 dress her in thicker clothes..
Morning ladies,

Got a tiring nite, my baby got blocked nose, as if she can't breathe really well. But when i latch her on, she still can drink happily. Anyone got this experience?
yup..shld hv a major gathering of all preemies
wld b vy interesting...

welcome here...

thk bbs wld hv heavy breathing as their nasal muscles or wat not developed fully yet(doctors told me tt last time)..chk wif the doc if you are unsure....
currently mum already has a pt maid cm in every wk once.. but she still feel not enuff.. saying arvin's getting to active to do anything othr than look aft him.. so tt's y cnsidering maid.. well hope the whole process turns out gd.. v v concerned abt all e horror stories outside. haiz..
dun worry, there are still good maids around, imo, if she is going to help your mom in taking care of your boy, find one that's is patient (my maid is very patient with my boys and cares for them well) but one thing she speaks veri soft and slow, that's not a prob with us
another thing you mite want to find one that has prior experience with kids ? as the focus is taking care of kids and not on housework/ cooking rite ?
Good Luck, be Positive, you will get a Good Maid
hi mummies,

when u all breastfeeding ur babies, how long dey took to suckle on ur breast for each feed? Cos my baby sometimes oni suckle abt less den 10 mins and fell into deep sleep or dun wanna drink le.

And did ur PD ask u all to feed ur baby on 3 hourly schedule till ur baby is above 2.5kg?
ya, cos I usually refer to them as RR thus the nick. :p

my kids' details? They were born on the 2nd Mar 07 at week 34. Reyden stayed in SCN for 5 days while Reyes was there for 9 days. I would say that was nothing compared to what most of the kids here went thru. "pei fu" all the mummies here ...
I agree with what you said about we don't have the comfort of doing confinement well. Guessed it was already good enough that we didn't go into depression with all the missing and worries about our kids.
yeah 25th weeks, i think it will be very funie for other mummies, but for me, every week is a success, and blessing.

I have planned to go furama riverfront hotel (quite cheap) for 2 days 1 night stay to celebrate week 28 (3rd trimester finally) of my pregnancy as well as my hubby's birthday! Really every week is a success call for celebration for me.

By the way, tomorrow is my birthday!
15th november, but can only stay at home...Think is fairylander's gal birthday too right??? Happy 1 year old!! any plans for celebration??? yeah! i am the oldest premature baby here!!! haha.

Shirley again, me can't help u much, cause i express milk out one.

Preciousone, yah, really hope we can all meet up one day with all our premiees! Hmm...after i give birth next year, let me go plan out.
happy birthday! maybe u can 'sneak out' & hav a good meal on ur birthday..u shld treat urself.. u hav come so far

PD did not say, but we consiously wake bb up 2 feed cos she's sooo underweight. after 2mths, we juz let her cry 4 milk then feed haha
happy Birthday!

yup its e online FDW employer's quiz/course.. jus went thru it ystrday. so time consuming to go thru alll e slides.. hehe.. but done. yeah!
have you shortlisted the maids ? you can request to do the video-interview, but actually for me, I didn't really interview, I just see the biodata, seems ok then confirmed
ya kinda shortlisted. we went to the agency my hb's colleague recommend. Swift Arrow. i also v blur abt all e choosing.. haiz.. dun really like the whole concept.. but c how it goes la. we will get to talk to the gals i think.
wapiang!! juz came back frm expo, having crocs sale there. v cheap. kids cayman /mary jane only selling $20! but v limited colours only. 4 mary jane, only hav dark puple & light green. maybe they'll replenish their stock next 2 days. but it's a chaos inside!! wanted to buy something, but the q 2 pay is at least 2-3hrs!!! don't these pple need 2 work???

4 those who r still gg, good luck
hi mummies,


happy happy advanced b'day! u rock, mama! oh, and dash and violet too! dash for fighting on so well, violet for being good girl and listen to mummy to stay inside!

how many wks was ur baby born?
my boy, after one yr, still on 3 hrly cos he very small appetite. but its also becos he was very preeeeemie when born so take longer to catch up.

KKF > Best wishes for your birthday today! Haha -you were a preemie baby too?? Ooooh.. i oso think it's a great idea to celebrate your 3rd trimester and your hubby's bday in nice relaxing hotel stay
Can take lots of photos with bump too.

Costa > My baby details : Boy, Name : Isaac, Born at 27 weeks gestation on 22nd Oct'08. Birth weight : 885grams. Still at SCN in Kuala Lumpur.

Costa and Yan > My baby has MRSA in his blood. Yes, the doctors agreed it's probably hospital acquired. They said they havent had a case for a long time at the SCN. He is not isolated though!! (We ourselves took care to wear masks when talking to baby - dont wanna compromise his fragile immune system somemore) Luckily the bacteria is sensitive to the antibiotic they are giving him. It's one of the strongest antibiotics available-even by adults' standard.

Did i mention that Baby is 1.2kg now? He appears chubbier in the cheeks and arms - not the bag of skin and bones like before. Not bad, eh? My little boy is growing up ;)

Oh, about my obsession with diapers. Right before his emergency birth, I was happily researching on cloth diapers for about week or two. Lucky havent placed any orders yet for them. Anyway, that's why I am still obsessing about his diapers. Haha..and I've just received my orders for preemie diapers from USA. It's for 1-2kg babies. Hope the nurses will wear for him later.

Had the most TERRIBLE breast engorgement two days ago. Was crying the whole night. It lasted whole day and night, despite hot compress and painful massage. SERIOUSLY considering abandoning the whole breast milk thing and crying for suppresent injetion. Then finally, early next morning, it just subsided when i fell into a tired sleep. Production decreased, but slowly picking up again now. Ugh..!! Which reminds me. My FREESTYLE medela pump just arrived yesterday from US too!!
