Premature babies support group

Hi mummies, thanks thanks for the wishes for the oldest premature baby here! haha. ;)

yup munyi, i was a 27 weekers i am growing just fine!

Never go anywhere to celebrate cause got to stay home, now still crucial 25th weeks. So hubby just went to buy food from sakae sushi for me.

A boring birthday! but hope next year, there will be hubby, dash, violet celebrating a wonderful birthday with me!

Mummies, me so worry now. yesterday night, experienced on and off hardening around lower part of abdomen which lasted like 2-3 hours. me sooo worried that it will become painful so never sleep well. sianz.

today called up my gynae, she is out of town! arrhhhhh! reminded me of my 1st pregnancy when my gynae also out of town when i went into labor. sigh, so in the end ended up in kkh.

I am sooo worry now. i really hope baby can be guai guai for this whole week when gynae not ard.

But anyway, choy! in case anything, i think i will still go kkh, as baby sure in nicu...

sigh...worry worry worry.
Happy Birthday! Congrats on reaching 25thweek ! gd idea to celebrate 28th

do try not to worry,just take it step by step.yup I know its difficult. Dr Tan shld have a backup rite ?

myself had a scare for my checkup. My pressure was high! I told dr that I was rushing so we checked again later. Heng ah - it was 140 then dropped to 120. Thank God!

BTW its likely to be a boy. next month confirm *cross fingers* as going for fullscan. hope everything is a-ok.
dm, only form of exercise is walking from mrt to home :p anyway , transition to friso liao..but mayb when nan 3 HA comes out i wtill swith again :p

xbliss, kate is also on homecooked food... but not healhty i guess :p (nanny do fried things and i used frozen puree)... my gal not very premmie also still feeding 3 hourly..hb is always complaining but what can i do? dont feed her? joking!

precious_one..yeah..but when i compare the % vits to enfagrow's, those for friso is definitely lower... hope i made the right choice

shirley, i dont on air con cos all of us got sensitive nose... i thot feed so long as bb cry for milk? :p

mimeole, good luck on the maid!

kkf, happy birthday!!! din realise u share the same bd as kate!!!!
when will doc tan be back?

munyi, wow..u r getting a lot of things from shipping killer?

daec, not to scare u..but do be careful on ur BP... cos last time when it 'innoncently' started, it is also when i rush down, high BP, after resting, ok BP..... nana will have a brother!
scary. but too soon to tell. I do have a fren who had high bld pressue but not pre-E for all 6 kids. all full term. she told me come early for checkups and then rest first. hmm must do that.

gal also good but boy make some pp keep quiet abt having another one and thk hubby wld like boy
kinda watching out for water retention. as thot that is first far ok..hoping dun come means no high bld. hope that's correct. if got, go see TCM
happy belated bday...

congrat, u havin a boy... wow high BP and yet full term babies, how lucky....

wat is the normal feeding frequency for babies? i try feeding paige 3 hrly, but she refuse to drink... sometimes she will drink after 5h... she is getting thinner....
hi mummies

kate also same bday as kkf! happy belated bday kate!! may u always stay healthy, happy and be a good girl!

if breastfeeding is feed on demand!!! bottling is about 2-4 hrs.

can u remind me again how old is paige now and wat gestation wk she born at? any changes in milk or from bf to bottling? i think bbies are sensitive to change, even change of caregivers. so try to think about what happened before she started refusing her milk. perhaps returning her to her routine, changing place or time for milk is good. one last thing, preemies, or at least my boy has a realllly smallllll apetite! try reducing the milk if u suspect overfeeding. or if she is too sleepy, just wake her up to feed. should be ok. not good if she keeps losing weight.
Halo.. Mummies.. Din post for some time cos bz with my No.3 n 4.

Edel seems to be teething so last week was a bit cranky

Welcome Munyi, girl 80, RR

Jus a brief intro of myself... My #3 is a 27 weeker n Thank God I carry my #4 till 37 weeks

My gal was oso MRSA n that's how i get to know Costa cos our bbs are neighbours in the isolated room. No worries, jus like wat all say, all the premies here are fighter

Congrats to u!

Congrats to u too!BB Boy!

Din talk to u much during the carnival cos the little Ezann was a bit groggy that day after taking the flu medicine. Good to hear that the doc has managed to find the cause for Siang's croup
Hope he is recovering well from the day surgery.

Xbliss, Disney mickey, PreciousOne, Yan, Michelle and Mimeole and All mummies

Hope all is well for ur little ones
Do update me about ur little ones cos i din post for quite some time n the thread moves too fast ....Getting to the thread again

Those mummies who are still expressing EBM.. Wonder any of u need the glass bottles that we got from the KKH last time? Have many to spare cos now my milk supply is lower.. It's really good n convenient since reports say that glass bottles are better too
Do let me know

Happen to talk to one of my fren who prayed for my little Ezann that time.. she said that I should name her Miracle.Ya... Still remember the time that Ezann was so small lying in the incubator n now she is 14plus kilo
Talkative n playful n most impotantly, catching up with her growth milestones. Seeing this, there is nothing that I ask for already

A bit gan cheong cos my eldest son is getting his PSLE resuls on thurs... Hope he can do well....

Can't agree more with u that u really need a lot of luck to get a good helper

Hope u are doing fine in your work n that Angel is fine too
she is in Childcare or??

Ya lor
... Told you that it will be good if we can have some gathering.. Keeping in contact.. haha
Or y not we organise a christmas gathering??

Mummies, indicate if you are in for the idea of a gathering ?
Paige is 28 wker, actual age 4.5 mth (1.5 mth corrected). Just started 1 feed of formula once a day for 2 wk n goin to nanny during the day for 2 wk as well.... She was on 100mL but lately, she cant even finish 80mL of milk. When u put the bottle in her mouth she start playing the teat wif her tongue, recently her left hand found her right hand n she been busy playign wif them, making a lot of noise (v talkative n make us tok to her till 3am). She dun wana sleep dn wana eat, just wana play, is it normal?
gathering ? I'm game

shellow, mummylian, didi

some pp get high bld pressure only towards the end of preg so induce then natural birth
You are champion, able to cope with 4 children and they give different level of stress....PSLE result, teething .... when A reach the day to collect PSLE result in 9 yrs' heart will be pumping very fast.... hope your child gets fantastic good result and gets into the sch that your family wish...

My girl is with MIL now as I hv zero luck with maid (give up trying) and I am FTWM. Come January, I have enrolled her in 7th Adventist Baptist Church Kindergarten to receive her N2 education. This year, she was with The Learning Ladder but I pulled her out in Sept cos we do not have the time to ferry her to/fro from ccc. Bad parents ah...sigh!

I agree with you that our miracle children, mine being a 24 weeker, having caught up with her growth milestones is the joyest satisfaction and as her mummy, I am very contented liao!

Look forward to have a gathering if time permits!!

Want to share with you the joy of hearing and seeing what A did ytd morning:

A: I love papa and I love mama. (talking to me)
Me: I love papa and I love A too.
Me: Go tell papa you love papa.
A : (look at papa at the other end), I love papa.
Me: Go ask papa if papa loves mama..
A : Stood up and walked towards papa, held his
hands and told papa : Go hug mama.

I am happy that A knew one way of showing love is hugging....I didn't teach her this but I hug her every now and then, with each hug, I repeatedly tell her "I love U".
hi ws is getting naughtier everyday. the other day still can argue back & lost temper with her daddy! needless 2 say, kenna beaten on the backside. sigh

wow, ur ezann is 14kg?? my ws is only 10.8kg!! doc asked if i was underweight when young, i say yes, till sec sch, her daddy underweight till now! then doc say nev mind haha..
aww so sweet!
thx - to be confirmed again heheh ;)

Nada is 12kg at 17m but then both her parents r overweight hehe. my hubby is over 100kg. slim just nice. later must lose weight after the birth ;)
mummylian, dae-see, dm
aiyo, A's height is about 98cm and weight is about 12.5kg and she is 3 mths to age 4 (actual age)...

daec: why change to Day-See? just curious.
Hi mommies,
side-track a bit
which pimple cream is good, damm sianz, got 2 pimples pop out and gtg to attend a wedding next month somemore
hope it will subside and go away, hmm...
spoiler !!!

can just keep to daec also. I join other forum, we meet up, then they call each other by nick.mine they pronounce as 'deck' , awkward to them. they mostly use real names as I change make it easy for them. daec - supposed to symbolise Day-see to me anyhow. just I make it shorter
Precious One
Really sweet of A. Ezann now talks alot too. If Daddy or KorKor punish or scold her, she will definitely come to me n tell me... Haha .. my mil say she very yan O

Ya.. really keep my fingers crossed for my boys result...
Ezann is now 90cm n about 14 kilo. Brought for a swim yesterday n she was wearing a 2 piece suit.. my boy was telling me.. Mummy, u look at this pui pui (fat fat) haa...

Disney mickey /Precious one
Good to hear that ws n angel ares growing well!Weight don mean much la.... Healthy can liao
A so sweet. left ws @ my mom's place when we went to watch Ave Q musical last tues. when we went to pick her on wed, she oso hug me & say love sweet hor..

think girls r generally more yang o.. sometimes ws will oso call daddy sooo sweetly until i oso buay tahan haha

not worried abt her weight. like wat i told the doc, i'm oso underweight till sec sch. she's eating & happy & not worried
A knows how to 顶嘴now:

A was playing with a cup of water and messing up the table.
papa:pls lar, u see u dirty the table again
A : later i clean

papa: A, it's time to take shower
A : 10 mins
papa: quick, come here now
A : 5 mins

A is into Mickey Mouse Clubhouse now so she must watch MM cd, use MM undies, ts etc.

After shower one day, I was in my MM Ts and so was A.

A : mama is mickey, I am minnie and papa is donald
A : See that papa is not wearing MM T, she told papa: later I buy donald for you ok.
Me : Do u hv money?
A : I hv no money
Me : No money, how are you going to pay for the donald T for papa?
A : Mama got money, later mama buy for papa ok?

A fell and got a bruise on her cheek. She went to ah ma's house and told ah ma, her papa beat her???

When new words/sentences were used by A for the 1st time, I usually burst out laughing (which is actually bad for kid). I'm amazed with the kid's reasoning, couldn't remember if I was so vocal when I was at 3 yrs plus???
Precious One,
Ya, I read in your Facebook that you are doing some treatment
I used to see a dermatologist but that was donkey years ago
I am just worried that the pimples will get more and more
is your dermatologist good ?
precious one,
hahah.. that time i met u at kk, u were still complaining angel dun like to talk! now that she start talking!!!

and pls lar, ur complexion where got no good!!! it is flawless from what i saw leh!!!

i use the vichy brand normaderm acne cream. can subside in few days.

good luck to your boy's PSLE! meeting up sounds really fun! we can give it a go! but i dunno if yr end is good cos pple sure got a lot of activities one!

at 4.5months,i think bryan was no where close to 100ml. can u believe that now he is only drinking 120ml 3 hourly? all those porridge all that he also cant eat much. we think he has a really small appetite. when my hb used to force feed him, he would vomit after the feeds. nowadays after we reduce the amount, he no longer vomits. he always fights with us during milk time cos he very hong xin.

for your gal, she prob just discovered some of her functions and forget to suck when distracted. give the bottle some turns to stimulate her to drink. is the problem with ebm or fm?? bryan din like the ebm that was frozen and thawed.. only wanted fresh ebm. in the end, i gave up and used fm after 9 months. never looked back. now i introduce pediasure n he love it even more cos its sweet!

are u thinking the poor appetite is due to change of caregiver? it may happen. in face my mother in law still fail to get bryan to drink all his milk nowadays. only the dad and i can.. hai. these choosy fussy babies. hehehe

bb dun sleep also affect appetite. my bryan cranky for first 3 months at night.. have to carry until 2-3am then he could sleep. then in day time is like pig. maybe ur bb sitter let her sleep too much in the day??? at this age can start engaging them more in the day so they can sleep thru the night. if u dun let this routine take place, will be tough on the parents.

for my case, after 3 months, i got the sarong.. and from that day was peace at night for us. somehow he couldnt sleep without feeling like he is cradled, we felt. he outgrew the sarong habit around 7 months as he liked sleeping with us.. now for the headache of how to kick him out of our bed!! too squeezy for comfort now that he is growing bigger!!!
good morning mummies

Been a while since i log in :p. kind of lost in the thread :p

hi mummylian
Coping with 4 kids is indeed not easy. you must be feeling very excited as your eldest boy is getting his result tomorrow

Its realy been quite a while since we met up, that day at the premmie day when i saw Ezann indeed she is very much on par in terms of development
, all of them have grown up so much. hope we will have a chance to have a gathering soon

my siang at 2 years old now is about 85cm tall and weight about 12 kg

Oh congratulations on having a boy
. by the way, nada blog is down? i could not access it
yeah paige fight wif us when we feeding her, she will only drink her milk peacefully when she is asleep n v hungry... She vomit quite abit too, mayb will reduce the amount of milk.
u r rite, she doesnt seems to like thawed frozen ebm, she will drink a bit then spit out the rest... no choice lei, cant give her fresh 1 all the time...
think her caregiver take good care of her better than me... she like goin to her caregiver place, got gor gor jie jie tok to her...
when she come home, she doent seems to wana sleep, keep wanting us to tok to her..(mayb she is tellin us tt we dun spend enuff time wif her, haha)

vinchy is good...
Happy belated birthday to your boy

i just realised also, Catharina (fairylander's ger) just turn 1 year old, Kath (bloom's ger) turn 2 years old and kkf share the same birth-day

wowowww... happy belated birthday to all 3
Yes, A didn't talk much until when she is 3yrs plus .... gosh long wait but at least she talks a lot now.

For Bryan, I suggest you feed him on a 2 hrly interval but in small bits...small feed but more times a day....

My complexion now - acne cyst with a scar, and two pigmentation spots that I underwent nitrogen oxide treatment to remove the spots permanently, but the marks are slowly 3 ugly spots on my face....

I'm seeing Dr Joyce Lim at the Paragon. I think she is pretty popular. Big clinic but expensive lei.
shirley, my bb was born 1.8kg..actually cannot remember what did the doc say..but i think i do feed on demand (cos partial latch on, partial FM)...

daec, gota scare u again..last time i got no water retention too (unless i walk too much)..but i guess i am not 'typical' pre e patient lah..

xbliss..thanks! suddenly know of so many pp with same bd as kate..ehehehe

mummylian, ok for a gathering! but like what others say...xmas might be a time when we are very booked! now puipui ok..cos once they reach puberty will become skinny, if skinny now, next time will be stick thin which is no good!

precious_one, ahaha.. i like the way A command her papa to hug ,.. she din even ask him !:p :p :p does KK ask u to send A for speech therapy since A was not talking much even at 2 yrs of age? My gal's next appt at KK is next dec..they sure nag at me again...

didi, tea tree essential oil?

jane.. kate is also 2 yo but only 70+ cm and 10+kg..sighhh..and not talking, not toilet train..sigh! catharina also same bd?? wow!!!!
hi bloom

did not see kate birthday cake on her blog ;) haha i love to see kids birthday cake as it indicate they are one year older

Siang last measure for height was quite sometime ago so i can only remember he is around 80+ (that time is 83cm or so). recently he just recover from croup and last measurement for weight is around 12kg.

no worries, so long healthy, like all mummies say, weight and height is no issue.

kate is going for 2 years old assessment with neo nat? toilet train takes time..siang now also still wear diaper for his afternn nap and at night sleep (its only during day time when he is diaper free).

My mum always say, some kids just don't feel like talking too early :p and its not that they cannot. give kate a little while longer ;) she could be busy picking up and absorbing all the things... i got nephews (all full term baby) who start to talk after 3 years old.

oh yes, catharina also same birth-day with kate and kkf
15 Nov is a wonderful date
I can understand your anxiety over speech...I was bugging the KKH speech therapist to send A to special school to receive intensive training since she wasn't speaking sentences at age 2+, she said 1 to 2 words and said only when she felt like saying...somehow, speech therapist refused as she said that A was able to carry out task as commanded except that she's lazy to speak. Instead she gave me an open date then (can't remember the date already).

Is Kate your only child? I realised that A's speech improved so much when I put her at my MIL's place in Apr this year. There were so many kids there (very noisy) and she becomes so chatty thereafter. Perhaps I didn't know how to talk to her in kid's lingo then and I speak super fast usually, A couldn't pick up much from me.

I brought A to the speech therapist diligently (once in 3 months) previously.

Anyway, Jane is right. Some kids simply don't speak up earlier than others. Even chinese sinseh told me that as long as the kid is able to carry out instruction as told, speech will come later. Hope this gives you some light.

My mum told me that kids who speak later and walk later will have better life? True or not, I'm not too sure but those were the words of encouragement and comfort that I needed then.
ws is oso like tat..can 顶嘴
the other day when we were leaving my mom's place, she walked away 1st, so i told her stop & wait. she ran along the corridor, wearing her crocs - something she's NOT ALLOWED 2 do (cos cros bit 2 big, will trip & fall). i scolded her fiercely & she ans back "becos u r so far, i need to run!" *peng*
Thanks, I think so Vichy is good, I have in fact just switched skincare, think its the AHA that irritates my skin

Precious One,
Oic, ya Joyce Lim is ex, my dermatologist is at MT E, maybe will go back to her
yah nada blog down. her dad dun want to keep that server.he IT geek, insist on own server. supposed move it to another server. but not done yet. keep u posted.

we kept singing the barney 'i love u' song. now she can say 'i love u' heheh. my girl mixes with her older cousins at least 2x a week. granny teaches/talks to her lots. former teacher and 3 grandkids so lots of experience on interaction with kids, not newbie like me.I think that really helps.

is zit ? most sites say it comes with water retention. hmm.. myself had water retention for some time before the high bld came. then again, not all who has water retention sure have high bld.

thanks for sharing on speech. gd tips.
hi precious_one,
i realised that some kids pick up speech real fast after they go into child care or nursery (reason probably is they get the chance to mix with other kids who speaks what you mention the kid's lingo).

siang at age of 2 years old now, he can speaks 3-10 words (forming a sentence) but i am still very much concern about his speech development (reason being he is diagnosed with moderate hearing impairment).

I agree with what the speech therapist/sinsen mention. so long the kids is able to carry out task as commanded, speech would come in later.

haha i also ever heard about the part kids who speak later and walk later will have better life ;)

oh ok ok
let me know once nada blog is up hehe..i love to go in to see her updates
. haha, so she has home tuition ;) actually kids who have sibling or group of kids who is around their age at home does pick up motor skill/speech faster

not to worry
before you know, 2 boys be talking non-stop ;) siang speech really 'roll in' after he hit 2 years old (actual) but i am still monitoring his speech development closely.
when A was in ccc at beginning of the year, she knew only English and is a girl with few words but will do what the teacher ask her to do. Improvement was slow. After I put her in MIL's house from April after ccc in the am, wah her sentences in mandarin also come out..... there are two big kids there (10 yrs old) who like to gather the 3 kiddos (3yrs old) to be their students and they act like teachers. This certainly helps to.

GOD is fair. Siang inspires me a lot, with moderate hearing impairment, he can speak in sentence at age 2.....very very impressive. I have this feeling that Siang's hearing impairment is only temporary, with time, he will receive complete healing from GOD. I will continue to pray in this area.
was super angry when i heard tat. so i scolded her even more..sigh. think was juz being impatient. maybe shld hav let her explain herself? prob not in the mood haha

but her teachers in sch has been complaining she's v quiet in sch. but she's super talkative at home lor. now i can udnerstand y pple say, "when they started talking, will feel like asking them to shut up" haha. tot this will nev happpen 2 me
yes yes yes, my mum told me when kids start speaking,they yuck non-stop and I noticed that A is quiet only when she is sleeping, 1st thing she wakes up ...she yuck yuck yuck...even when she watches TV...also must yuck..

My mum also told me when a kid can walk stabily they will ask for "bao bao" cos they realised that walking long distance can be tiring. Especially when we approached the stairs, A will say : 我没有力, 妈妈抱抱我。
My mom also told me about the part 'walk later will have better life' at least got some truth for my hb's friend dotter, she was a full-term baby, starts to walk at 2 and half years, since birth she leads a easy and carefree life as her dad is rich, and in july this year we attended her wedding (she married one of the ex top minister's son) staying in a 50,000 sq ft house
