Premature babies support group


can i there any side effect from eating cod liver oil? my mama say siang seem 'heaty' after eating it..

The therapists were asking me if I join Dr Khoo for the premies support group under her wings. I didn't cos I believe she has a good support team already. I prefer to give support to the trachy baby's family.

After I heard her saying that there are a number of 24 and 25 weekers now, my heart sank, can only pray that the family will be as strong as all the mummies here to give their best to the babies during their difficult period.
i thought cod liver oil supposed to be very good right? anyway, i heard from one experienced parent if the child's breath very hot and smelly means very heaty.. plus if pee more orangey or yellowish than usual also means heaty.

why blur ur pretty face?! so cool, i remember being pilot is one of the twin's ambition right?

congratulations!!!!! u must be overjoyed!

haha..u are in your sian sian mood again!!! like me!!!! argh!! i hate work!!! wish can be sahm!! these are the days when i feel like these. sianz!!

update on bryan
bryan has been seriously refusing his milk.. takes like 1 hr to finish. This is more so after nutritionist advise us to add milk powder for faster weight gain.. Think we going to try other brands. now on friso. plan to try similac excellence next. anyone knows if i can get samples? hubby has gotten very verbally agrressive everytime he feeds bryan so i end up taking over all the feeding, plus need to express, wash all the bottles, etc until i got so little sleep. i feel so overwhelmed cos troubleshoot so long still dunno what the problem is. hb focus on his anger that bryan not gaining weight and dunno how to play supporting role. wan to cry liao.
xbliss, you can get milk samples from padetrician. dun worry, dash got one stage also refused milk. I remember very clearly we tried all sorts of ways like you too, change milk lar, change to cereal lar, go tui na (you can try that?) etc.

Precious one, 24 weeksers? you remind me of my jared again...if only he survives...sigh.

You know what mummies? I am going to join a marriage course with my hubby. I really feel like my marriage is not the same as before, so better go for some enrichment now. haha. It is a total of 5 sessions with other 7 couples at the instructor's house. Hope it will be useful.
So now every sunday afternoon will be occupied. Wun have time for dash...poor boy. hee.

Jane, dun think cod liver oil has side effect right?

disneymickey, yah lor, you make me reflect leh, you and your hubby so loving and enjoying life together! envy. Me and my hubby must learn more...hee.

I will be taking my own leave (you know wat I mean, haha) to see dr ann tan next thursday. haven't seen her, she is sooo famous, packed with appointments. Nowadays really dunno why so many premature labor, think I better do watever I can to prevent my next one from being premature again, though I know fully well...not easy.
good morning mummies

you sound quite troubled with bryan milk intake issue. maybe you wish to check if the teat hole is too small (bryan find it hard to suckle perhaps?), stomach got wind?, he is full hence don't want to drink (perhaps try drag the feeding interval?), he want to eat solid food??,

last but not least, can try change brand of FM. i change from Gain to Enfa and siang drink quite well... so yes, i would say can try to change

pat pat...i think men is generally more short temper and not that patience. you ren a bit longer, i am sure bryan milk intake will increased soon.

Bryan growth percentile is quite ok right...the neonat at KKH does not raise any issue right.

re the heaty thing, thanks. maybe i try to smell siang breath :p

hi kkf
me too think me and my lao gong need to have some form of time together. the strain over the last 18mths really have wored me/us out. now that siang is bigger, think we can relax a bit and have a little bit of time to ourself (thou its very hard because weekend i am the only caregiver). but.... you remind me. think i should find something relaxing that the 3 of us can do together. have some fun...

let me know what dr ann advise after your appointment with her ah. i am sure many things can be done to ensure you have smooth pregnancy the next round. have faith
Kudos to you for taking time to attend the marriage course and seeing Dr Ann Tan
Think being pro-active is great! Turn no stone unturned to better ur life

I still not SAHM coz my hse still got issues. long story but to summaries - we have been rejected by HDB 2x (even with 2x MP appeal), banks 2x coz of some policies and payment record (paid late a few times) so hse still under my name I'm the primary one paying. hubby cannot pay as his name is not in it. v sad abt it. affecting my marriage 2. I dunno how now. I want so much to quit this job i hate and take care of NAda. prob write to minister for help
maybe these days more prem labour coz tend to have baby later age, everyone so stressed, not eating well... I thk my stress had a BIG impact on my preg.remember thking cannot take it anymore. Its gd to reflect back how the preg was and do things diff if possible.
dun worry 2 much... think u & ur hubby r juz doing fine.. think it's ur work, which does not allow u 2 take leave on weekdays, which me & hubby always do to go gai gai

u oso no need 2 worry. prob change of powder will help. get samples & try out..
jane,blog do halfway still can bring it up and let us preview first
hehe.. if u see mine u will notice there is hardly any word..easy to maintain :p

costa, jane... wah..thanks for the compliment..actually i am not young... almost mid 30s liao ... link link! yes, the info on my gal is correct... thanks!

precious_one, good news on clearing SPOT!
so scary..why suddenly got so many 20+ weekers... sighhh....

nana..ehehe..tats why i wana link the rest of the blogs to kate's blog.. so go one website (from any pc) then can see liao.. me not trying for no 2 now.. just envying :p

mich, where is this airforce museum?

kkf...ahahha.i also think about too many dying..prob with no 2... at least ur hb is willing to go for the course with hb said 'married already, why need to go?' good luck with dr tan!

xbliss.. *sayang*... men really not equipped to versatile things like bb... computers can, bb cannot...

daec, har? hb's name not in it so canot pay? i thot hdb will be happy so long as there is money.... talk is talk loh... sometimes with daily work/family stress... its very hard to relax...
hi daec

hope your housing issue get settled soon. may have to really try other channel of help.

for me...all my leave is currently reserve for bringing siang to kkh review session and of course for emergency case (choy choy). this year, my mama is going for a taiwan trip so again, i must keep my leave for that.

envy you ler...

hello bloom
hahaha.. ok ok. let me do some tiny touch and hopefully my blog can go 'live' keke. i think your blog is very nice ler. full of activities. hmmm you don't look like your age ler...

ah yo, why think about dying... my hubby is too lazy to move his buttock to go anywhere :p
dun tink about thgs which you cannot control.....let nature take its course...

heh heh, no pblem...the ladies who are gd in computer are not they will hv to help to update the table...

its good to take a proactive stance in yr marriage,guess thgs are different after having kids....
kkf, keke i cannot help but go into the link and see . cannot click i am not from malaysia ler. think i have to miss this BP...

to all mummies : have a wonderful weekend
only hdb owners can use their CPF to pay.
meanwhile I have to pay cash to top-up hse payment. cannot think be SAHM unless I can pay $1k plus cash for hse. thinking what else to do. prob write minister next
hi mummies,
its been quite a while since i last log in.been too bz taking care of cathrina.

update on cathrina,
cathrina was admiited again last 2 weeks coz her left abdoman was swollen.aft some scanning doc at kkh told me tat her kidney is infected due to swollen ureter.she has 2 ureter on her left kidney.the normal ureter function is well but the extra ureter which is at top of her left kidney is swollen and not functioning well tats cause her to have last monday she went for a surgery,doc inserted a small tube into her ureter to drain the pus(yellowish sediments tat cause infection) out.during the surgery they alrdy drained out abt 300ml of pus.juz right aft surgery her fever gone really amazing.she was discharge last sunday and i have to bring her back to kkh everyday to drain her tube for abt 2 to 3 weeks really makes me bz and no time.the surgeon plan to do another surgery on next friday which is 18 april if her urine is clear by thursday if not have to do on the following friday which is 25 april.this wil be a major surgery.the surgery is to remove the extra ureter and the top part of her infected kidney is abt 20% of her left very depressed and worried cause b4 the previous surgery they found out she had some blood cloting problem which is her bleeding time is prolonged compared to normal ppl.tis time the surgery more complicated really make me pray for us.tks all mummies.
My hearts goes to you and Catherina. Catherina is a warrior and she will emerge a winner once again. It's hard to ask a mummy not to worry when a child is sick, but please drink essence of chicken or whatever nutritious food to keep up your energy for the next 2 weeks. Will pray that GOD's strength and peace be with you and your family and GOD will also bless Catherina with a successful surgery.
FAIRYLANDER, dun worry too much, hope all will be fine with cathrina. I understand your worries...last time when dash had heart operation, I was worried to death too. I will pray for cathrina's surgery to be successful. You may want to consider staying at their family room or macdonald room after cathrina surgery.

Btw, does cathrina need to stay in their Children ICU after surgery or just normal ward? Last time dash stayed in ICU, want my life, so worry. Then tell you, sometimes, if their ICU full, then will have problem.

All the best, and keep us in touch yah?
Me n hubby will be starting on marriage course on sunday, will let you all know what we learn.

Aiya, no mood to talk much, Really hope catherina will get well, and fairylander will be strong!
hi mummies,

wat a trying time for you and your family. But u know something, we all here have in common a strength that no other mummies can beat. I agree with precious, drink more essence of chicken as u will be very taxed during that period. I am glad actually that medicine and science is so advanced. our little ones may not have the best bodies to start with, but it is not without hope. dun despair. i was worried sick when bryan went for hernia op. it's nothing major but when i handed him over to surgeon, i dashed to toilet and cried buckets. One hour later, i picked him up and it didnt seem like an issue anymore. our little ones thrive and u must have faith and confidence in them.

mich, jane, dm,
tk u for advice. i think i tried everything except change milk cos cant get similac 1. all sold out at the places i went to. hai.. hubby and i have veery bad sleep last week.i hope it changes soon. wat a phase...

there will be livewell bb show at century sq kiddy palace 28 jun 12pm to 6pm. it's for the bb magazine "live well" launch. not sure wat there is.. but think may have some promos or wat lor.
Morning mummies, dropping a message.

Fairylander, still thinking about you, hope everything goes well with cathrina.

Got to go for oral today and tomorrow. Tired...

Anyway, looking forward to thursday! yeah! eating snake going to see dr ann tan. hee. The appointment is at 2pm, so in the morning, me and hubby can bring dash to school, and then bring him to in laws place makan, after that go dr ann tan, and plan somewhere else. We intend to go bugis temple to pray.

So tired...

What did you all do over the weekends? I brought dash to globetrotters to makan, nice place, very child friendly.
promoting his website again!

I attended the marriage course, nice course. The course is held at instructor's bunglow. There are 8 couples all together. It's a 3 hourly session every sunday for 5 sessions. I do find it good, as it makes me realise that actually my hubby is really very very good after doing their marriage survey, and I am the one who is lousy...:p We will be getting our report next week. I must treasure him more.
good morning mummies

Saw fairylander post at home yesterday but no time to post. But my thoughts was all on cathrina.

fairylander - xbliss is right. mummies here have the faith and will that not all mummies have. things will be just fine. science and technologies is so advance.

we may have come from all walks of life. but we have one common arena. we all know its not easy to cope with all the life stress. cathrina will be ok. stay strong and let us know if u need help.

cathrina is a brave warrior and she will be ok with love and courage from you and your family and plus all of us here!

in this case, yeah good to change the FM and try. did you go cold storage to try your luck?

hope bryan milk issue be resolved soon. now siang is very ma fan when drinking milk. must sing talk and then he will drink...haiz... :p

hi kkf
i am sure thursday will be a great outing for 3 of you ;) i did not go see the fish last sat...haiz. i busy at home catching ants (siang fav pets)... anyway this weekend will try go somewhere

wow the course sound so interesting... hehe can tell us more of what the report say (if you don't mind = i meant the general write up) hehe later go see dash blog.

juz saw your post today. b strong, 4 yourself & 4 your little girl.. dun worry, she will b ok


gd tat at least u got something out frm the course. actually, sometimes, we need to know frm others (in your case, the survey) tat actually our other half is gd

know abt globetrotters, but no chance to go yet leh. maybe next time.

oh, thurs.. take this chance 2 go out w hubby & hav some couple time.. leave dash either in sch or @ in-laws place.. enjoy

juz had a fight w hubby ytd. he exchanged his UOB points to some kiddy palace vouchers. but he wans to cancel his UOB card, so last sun, went k palace & exchange the vouchers to k.palace vouchers (cos we scared once he cancelled his UOB card, the vouchers r invalid). then we went food court & eat dinner, then NTUC & buy groceries. only ytd, then i rem, where r the vouchers? can't find them anywhere. he's blaming me 4 not keepping them properly, but i wasn't the 1 who clear the groceries bags.. sheesh.. so quarrel lor..

sorry 2 bore all with the boring story. juz need to vent my frustrations
oh..still got another frustration..when we went back 2 my in-laws place last sat @ard 1pm, my MIL came with a plate of potato wan to feed ws. i immediately told her no cos ws' gg to hav milk @1.30pm. i specifically say 1.30pm. n she still say, nev mind la, eat a bit only.. wapiang.. potato leh! it's not a bit ok.. so hubby step in & say no. heng.

my helper dunno for what reason keep my laogong newly purchased hair gel until its gone (vanished) anyway... i hope the K palace vouchers is not of high value..

its good to talk it out, don't keep to ourself. every family have their own problem.

hmmm re feeding snacks before milk. i am NO NO to it too. sometime at my mama house when about siang milk time, i also stand firm and say no to other food for siang. good that your hubby also understand why no snacks before milk
hi mummies,
tks for all the encouragement.cathrina may have to admit 2molo to prepare for friday surgery,wil keep u girls i attached 2 pix of cathrina b4 and after her 1st surgery.b4 her 1st surgery she was 6kg,now only 5.2kg.
cathrina is such a cutie.. dun worry.. she'll put on the lost weight soon

if it's my mom, no prob. i can sccold, shout, watever. but it's MIL..sigh. n it's not snakc, it's POTATO!! sigh.. think abt every sat's visit i oso sian

last sat, my nephew pushed ws while she's sitting on the step. MIL scolded & hit him, but FIL scolded MIL 4 hitting him 2 hard!! he pushed ws ok.. lucky my BIL went & took the boy away & punished him.. sigh. if leave it 2 the grandparents, either the kids will b spoilt rotten or bullied by the favourite
<font color="0077aa">Fairylander</font>
Cathrina is so beautiful. Love those big round eyes.
You are in my prayers.
May I suggest something? Raise all your concerns and worries to the surgeons before the surgery
Find out from them what are the measures they are taking to ensure that the blood clotting problem will be minimal during the surgery etc etc.
I notice if we dun ask, the docs usually won’t tell us more. Perhaps to them, we are just another patient, another case.
Hear it from them so you will feel more reassured.
I once had an unpleasant experience with a KKH surgeon. He didnt tell us more about the surgery and something happened.

<font color="0077aa">Buzzbubbly</font>
Are you there reading?
I like your new uniforms.
Cathrina will be a beauty queen for sure. Such fair skin and nice features. She looks bright and smart too. GOD will bless our little Cathrina. You take care ya...

well my mum is the main make it difficult to tell her no no to such things too. afterall, kudos to her for bringing up siang so well.

lucky there is other adults around when that happen wor...
take care of yourself too
cathrina is so sweet ....

my pc crashed !!!! now to use hb's notebk
pls pls pack lots of tonics for yourself k? healthy mummy=healthy baby. cathrina, the chio gal will do just fine. She will pack the pounds back when her problem is resolved! agree with mich to ask. we never fail to rehearse what we wanna ask docs on our way there. hb so ks will WRITE it all out.. n then we fire away. cos no answer sometimes very scary...

today is complain day eh? hee. so coincidentally, i had the same issue with hubby! he packed my wallet (!)!@!#$@) into one of the NTUC plastic bags and when we reached home, couldn't find. he insisted i took it when all along i was carrying bryan.. in the end, he found out his mistake.. hai.. these men. but sometimes i also pity them. gotta work hard (like us), come home cannot be that DA NAN REN cos they got premies to care for. my poor hb feed bryan can break out in sweat cos bryan gets so cranky when feeding.. therefore, i really give it to them sometimes.
not many men can do these!

caregiving by in-laws are always to some extent problematic. the things they say, do to bryan or not do to bryan sometimes irks us! i try not to interfere as long as it does not have much impact.. but sometime inside dun feel "song" lor. hoping to place bryan into infant care when he can at least sit up on his own and take semi solids.

think we going to stick to friso til it finishes then decide. we thought it do no good if keep changing milk leh..
ALL THE BEST fairylander, cathrina is soooo cute. She will do well, dun worry.

I agree with mich, do enquire all your doubts. I have unhappy experience with kkh surgeon too. That time was no children ICU bed for dash, and they wanted to push our surgery date back on the day he was supposed to admit to hospital! I had taken leave and we were all ready, yet they wanted to push back the surgery date because no bed.

dm, I think gong gong always dote on grandchildren. My dad and father in law all like that.

xbliss and dm, yah guys are like that one, sometimes driving us crazy.

Dm, yes, I learn to appreciate my hubby more now.

Me so tired, having flu, yesterday ate drowsy medicine. Really hope to take MC today, but got to save it for thursday...somemore got oral today. Dash is down again! sigh...he has flu and cough again. NOT AGAIN...SIGH...Want my life. He is sick almost every month. What can I do?????????????
i see. hope soon can find out exactly why bryan seem not to be drinking much milk. i guess its a tedious process but well, all of a sudden he may start to drink again. so long his weight is gaining i guess its ok. otherwise try drag his milk intake timing and etc and etc... really non stop experimental :p.

true hor, our hubby not easy too...come backs till have to face a premmie... sayang them too. everyone in the family have their own individual stress...

guess you must be quite busy getting ready for this afternoon. cathrina will do well. keep us posted and do really take care of yourself too.

this morning my mum was telling me the haze seem to be coming back "want my life"
many pple falling sick. dash got take the flu vaccination? i am now letting siang eat the scotts cod liver oil.... hope it will help in building up his immunity. hey actually accordingly to study, majority of the kids fall sick once a month... research study show. my collegaue told me she saw a research say that kids fall sick nearly to 100 times per year (and its like a norm)..."want my life" :p

quickly let dash drink more water and maybe avoid the crowded places
kkf..ahahha.. u make ur hb sounds like an angel...

dm... sigh... to put it jokingly, women only have one problem - their husbands .. :p

mommies, kate is strange..for the past 3 days, she is ok during daytime (maybe a slight cough left over from 2 weeks ago if she run too much) then at night after she sleep, she will cough cough then throw up. First time it happens on the way home (when she was sleepy), but Sunday and Monday evening she throw up after she sleep. Sighhh... maybe should all adult food intake and monitor first cos we had been trying to introduce her to outside food...

fairylander, cathrina is so cuteeeee!!!! keep us updated abt the surgery ok!

jane, 100 times a yr? we mommies dont have 100days of child care leave leh!
hi bloom

is kate too tired and exhausted? sometime if baby is too tired or over whelmed, they will vomit after feed too...or she is just thirsty and not hungry? think there could be many possibility...

yeah thats the thing. i only have 3 days of child care leave... sometime really just have to look at the sky/heaven and wish that through out the years, the weather stay good and no big change in climate so that our baby stay healthy.

recently siang been liek rubbing his eye...ah yo..
heheh so cute what u say abt our only problem is hubby.

me too already took 2days childcare coz Nada fever. she ok then hubby sick with fever and cough. Then I got fever from him and Nada got cough from him. alamak haze comin even worse.

my sis again recommend me somthing -ElderBerry. I started to give Nada.Adults can take too. It taste yum yum. Can get it at Vita Kids at Paragon. For june, I have 20% discoun.
hallo daec,

i ask Dr Agarwal what can i give siang as supplement (ie vitamins). she recommend fish oil (but before that i already heard its very good). siang now is eating one table spoon per day. hope it will help in one way or another

oh hope nada recover soon. i hate fever...yeah really scare of the haze manz...
sometimes when ws was having cough, she'll oso puke out milk after cough. tat's y got 2 b careful when feeding her when she's having cough.

how old is kate now? wondering cos u mention abt introducing adult food..

ws oso felt warm yesterday &amp; she kept waking up last nite. saw her last 2 molars coming out. prob due to tat?? in the end, all 3 didn't sleep well last nite. think i only slept like 2hrs?? sigh.

hi disneymickey

hahahahah.. i also don't know ler. anyway. it finish up really soon and now i have to stretch fully my annual leave (combine with my medical leave :p).

teething really can be a not easy time hor... oh ws last 2 molars is out? wow then after that things be easier liao. siang 1st set of molars is also out (so now his saliva no longer run like anything ;p). but the last 2 molars can give some 'issue' hor. guess bo bian ah, its a stage all children have to go thru...
