Premature babies support group


thanks 4 advertising 4 nan ha
ya, it's fun knowing what she's learning in sch everyday. she can even tell us her frens' names. but everytime she tells me,i've to go to sch the next day to chk on the name list, cos sometimes she say not v clear

brought her to airport 2 pick up daddy ytd.. when we asked her where did daddy go? 1st wk, she'll ans u work. then 2nd wk, she tells u, daddy hide in airport haha. ytd saw daddy, she's so happy, stick onto daddy all the way home. wake up frm her nap, 1st thing is say daddy, go airport.

had a bad fall this morning. think it's my pants, 2 long. sigh. fell right in the middle of the road some more. lucky no car. but there's a torn on my pants. lucky wearing pants, so no bleed, juz bit bruise. luck i wasn't carrying ws *whew*


thanks 4 advertising 4 nan ha
ya, it's fun knowing what she's learning in sch everyday. she can even tell us her frens' names. but everytime she tells me,i've to go to sch the next day to chk on the name list, cos sometimes she say not v clear

brought her to airport 2 pick up daddy ytd.. when we asked her where did daddy go? 1st wk, she'll ans u work. then 2nd wk, she tells u, daddy hide in airport haha. ytd saw daddy, she's so happy, stick onto daddy all the way home. wake up frm her nap, 1st thing is say daddy, go airport.

had a bad fall this morning. think it's my pants, 2 long. sigh. fell right in the middle of the road some more. lucky no car. but there's a torn on my pants. lucky wearing pants, so no bleed, juz bit bruise. luck i wasn't carrying ws *whew*
hi mummylian

ok, thanks i will go read my mail ;) yeah no news is good news. ezann will be ok.

edel so sweet

ah you...take care. ws really is cute ler. lots of answer and questions. the why days.
hehe nestle shld give us commision hah ?

so poor thing, fall down. do take care.

like dat, Nada also miss the timing to get Rotavirus vaccine.

BTW I heard that for muslims cannot take Similac. heard from frens that US body release statement that it contain human hormomes so not 'halal'. That's all I know. Lucky I use Nestle NAN HA
hi daec,

i remember for rotavirus should be before baby turn 6 months old. but you may wish to do a check on that
or any mummies here can confirm this?
so fun ws talkin! also looking forward to when my girl can speak. wondering if she will be very talkative or not hehe. how her personality will nada chatter mostly sounds. few 'words'. dunno if she understand or its just sounds to her - abah (dad), mama, mamam (eat), nek (granny)
me working in nestle, so no commission 1 la

dun worry, ur time will come when nana will keep talking.. q enjoyable, except when they kept going on & on & on & on..can b q irritating :p

My siang graduate from K Clinic. Dr A say can go to Children session liao

but then hor, she say his motor skill not good (as he cannot really walk yet) and his language skills need improvement (as by right he should be speaking 2 words now).

but jane is happy because siang graduate liao! horray!
Jane, ar..

congrats..i dun noe when wld be my son's turn..

wat do u mean by speaking two words son i tink cant really say two words leh..
hi costa and daec

thank you so much. walk past lots of happenings with the mummies here. today i am happy and proud of siang and i will always be proud of him.

Much has to be achieve, in terms of his speech (with his hearing issue) and his motor skill

must brush him up
i guess, Dr A has given me a little bit of sweet for me have some energy to work on and on....

got chances must really thank all the nurses at the hospital and to all the mummies here...kudos to all the support.

to all the warriors here, jia you.
abt pets and allergies :


Others (Pet Facts)

Pets & Asthma

It is a misconception that pets cause asthma. Asthma is a genetically inherited condition and attacks can be triggered by various agents such as house dust, dust mites, pollen, lint, stress, cold water and animal hair/saliva. Many owners give up their pets upon the identification of an asthma sufferer in the family. However, studies have shown that although animal dander is a potential trigger in people who are asthmatic, it is often not the primary trigger. Recent studies also show that children living with a dog or cat at home are less likely to develop asthma. This research supports the current thinking among allergists that exposing a child to dust, animal dander and other allergens at a young age will help him build up immunity that will reduce the chances of him developing asthma.

Animal hair and saliva are not considered to be major triggers and if a pet is suspected, it is recommended that the physician does proper allergy tests to confirm this before any decision is made to remove the animal.

congrats!! go home give siang big hug & kisses

each child is diff.. maybe bernard will surprise u by gg into full sentences no need 2words, 3 words, etc..
thanks i hope so......when he can call mama, i happy until like dun noe wat already haha.....since my whole family pple are very talkative one and my elder son can talk nonstop type...hope at least he absorbs something from him hahaha...
that is excellent news!!! help me to give siang a big fat kiss! i have a long way to go but im not fretting.

siang big boy already.. reject milk never mind.. this bryan only 4.6kg so fussy about food!


yes no news is good news. i'm crossing fingers for ezann too.

will it be cheaper to get nestle products directly from ur company?
xbliss, talking about rejecting food, I think dash is also rejecting porridge/rice now leh. He will drink milk but when it comes to eating porridge or rice, a bit hard. Me always so sianz to cook for him, cause he doesn't seem interested in eating.

Costa, dun worry, bern bern will catch up very soon!

Jane, congrats! going for the iq test soon right?

daec, very funie, my that hubby told me similac is closest to breastmilk, haha. so we stick on to similac, then gain iq, and think we will just stick to that milk.

Mummylian, dun worry, normally if nothing, hospital wun call. So it is good!

disneymickey, hope you are ok! ws is ever so pretty and clever.

so tired everyday...jialat.

Btw, anyone bringing your child to watch barney? precious one, you bringing angel? then bf can meet gf.
btw jane and mich, you still interested in ordering pelangi books? My friend wants to get some books, thinking of ordering for her. want to get more orders to hit RM400 to enjoy 80% off shipping.
me oso tired everyday..sigh
morning tried to give ws honey stars in milk, but she told me, mommy milk no stars yeh yeh haha.. ta boleh tahan her.. she ask 4 pie again. so i bargain w her, if ltr mommy drop u in sch, u dun cry & u kiss & wave bye bye to mommy, mommy give u pie tmrw bfast. when reach sch, she told teacher pie pie, haha.. but still whine a bit when i'm leaving.. so still got to go get pie 4 her tmrw haha

dun worry abt milk la. i think they r all (abt) the same. except 4 kids w certain allergies, certain milk is better 4 them. so as long as the kid wants to drink. anything is better than nothing. my office nutritionist told me, (almost) all infant milk have the same amt of calories, except for pediasure. so as long as they drink & they like it.. we mommies got to buy buy buy haha

btw, asked the pd on sat, he told me at this age (2yr onwards), milk is no longer impt in the kids' diet. solid food is much more impt. so must b more creative & create more interesting food 4 them to eat.

dun worry, w the genes in your family, i'm sure bern bern will b talking v soon. then u'll b complaining 2 us
hi xbliss and disneymickey

thank you
yeah i told almost everyone that siang graduate liao haha.

but there is still much to do for siang. must faster let him walk so that he can graduate from physio and saturday can be go gai gai time instead of going to physio appointments :p

kkf are right going for the iq test soon. was asking mich about it yesterday... haha and i joke if test EQ, siang should score quite well haha.

re pelangi books, i think i have to stop a while because house doing some re-work. i have to stop buying things for a while. thanks
jane, i c.. my gal is 17 months (uncorrected) and 15.5 months corrected... congrats on siang being discharged from clinic K!!!!!

mummylian, so has kkh figure what suddenly causes the infection?

xbliss..last time my gal can take 1 hr to finish 1 feed..... those were the sleepless days...

kkf, gal's blog is .. i had link dash's blog up ...together with bern bern, lindah's boy... etc (take w/o permission ha ha!).... dash dunwana eat cos he want to run away and play? :p

dm, yes set up a blog!
if u r scard of bad guys visiting ur blog then grant permission to us only lah :p wah so fast already keep asking why ah...

daec, i also trust nan HA... its the only fm that does not give my gal constipation!

sighh..when are they going to come out with a HFMD jab???
hi bloom

Thank you
siang is now 19 months (actual) and 16months (corrected)

hehe can i tag your blog as one of my fav?
hello mummies!

Oh ok...if my friend really getting the books, then think have to set up spree again to get more people to join...see how.

precious one, $50 hmm...can get around 2 sets of books each consist of ard 9 books like that, so total 18 books.

dm, your little girl is really very smart...haha.

zzzzzzzzzz hope weekends come soon. I think one of these days, I really need to stop work.
hi kkf..

weekend not here yet hor. sian. but me already dreaming where to bring siang. hehe thinking go qian hu fish farm haha
where is qian hu fish farm jane?

Me also thinking what to do with dash. May be bringing him to mygym at woodlands for trial. Recently read a book about how to develop child's brain. It says gym activities good for brain.

Precious one sure, will help you get 1 set each. I am also tempted to get more books myself, but recently, really gotten too many for dash...

Me so sianzzz as well...haiz. today so free. nothing much to mark. haha. me getting lazier and lazier.
i think i am going crazy. crazy with lots of weird thoughts recently. I think i need to see pychologist...hmm...
hi kkf,

here is link to the qian hu web page

me cannot go into facebook in office..think block liao. me working on doing up a blog haha..

you are not out of your mind. you need a holiday perhaps
dm, i also scare cos my bbsitter will bring my bb to her daughter's school to pick up her daughter...

jane, of course can..btw, what is siang's blog URL? (or have i already added it? blur liao)

kkf, what kind of weird thots??? same as mine??? :p many of the mommies whose bbs are same month as my bb pregnant envy....
hi bloom

i am still doing the blog (i hope can succed) its been my resolution since begining of this year :p

ok ok. then i no pai say add to my fav link your blog hehe.
hi, went to look at yr blog, quite and yr hb are such young parents...

i linked yours to mine liao....hope u dun mind...

i saw yr comments on my blog haha.....thanks...if bad motor skills equate to him having bad handwriting next time ..yes, guess he can be doctor as doctors have atrocious handwriting gynae himself told me tt when i brot bern to see him

jia you sure can do one lah...just write nia and post pictures....just need some time tts all

yeah me went in to see kath blog...she have young parents ;)

me trying la haha :p.

oh yes, top finance pple is also well know for atrocious handwriting ;)
Hi mummies
Good news to share again. A was given open dated appmt for SPOT (Intensive feeding therapy) up to Oct 08 which is as good as more or less discharged. She had cleared PT and OT previously, the next one which I have to work hard on is her speech which is improving, now she can speak 2 to 4 words...once we cross this final hurdle, no more rehab appmts.
hi all

long time no see...

u more active here now hor?? hehe... i do go in to see ur gal's blog now & then... i wld go all the blogs in my boy's link to beo one when got time...
u trying for 2nd one now?? jia you..

u nvr add my boy's blog to ur fave ahh?? boo hoo ;p
quick go do up ur blog, then i can add urs also...
i always dun update everyday one leh...normally i update all at one shot...either weekly or fornightly..jia lat hor..hehe..

u the best lar...i see u update dash's blog very all the things that u do with him...wah... i very pai seh liao... sahm but do nothing with my boy still got excuse cos he too young to do all the time cant liao..haha

precious one,
sooo happy to hear that!! congrats!!

i believe angel wld be able to speak very well soon...she is a smart little gal...
i still no clue who the shuai ge go ur blog leh... but didnt see anything... hmmm..

PM me to tell me leh... xie xie...
sorry har..i very kpo... but hor, everyone loves looking at shuai ge mah...hahaha..
Our table (long time no post liao...anything to update??)
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Baby's DOB</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Birth Weight</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Length of Stay </TD></TR><TR><TD>kkf's mom</TD><TD>15-Nov-78</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1000g+</TD><TD>27</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>chloegal</TD><TD>02-Jan-05</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>775g</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>NICU-3mths, SCN-1mth </TD></TR><TR><TD>mich</TD><TD>31-Jan-05</TD><TD>Boy&amp;Boy</TD><TD>600g&amp;720g</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>NICU&amp;SCN-3.5mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>precious_one</TD><TD>06-Feb-05</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>710g</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>NICU-5mths 28 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>yvonne (voncm)</TD><TD>24-Aug-05</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1480g</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>NICU-8wks, SCN-3wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>kkf</TD><TD>15-Oct-05</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1140g</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>NICU+SCN-2mths 3 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>disneymickey</TD><TD>25-Feb-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1450g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>NICU-2.5wks, SCN-0.5wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>naddy (telly)</TD><TD>16-Mar-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1136g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>NICU-2wks, SCN-4wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>stressed</TD><TD>31-May-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1890g</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>NICU-13days </TD></TR><TR><TD>costa</TD><TD>22-Jun-06</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>750g</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>NICU-14wks, SCN-8wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>luana</TD><TD>18-Jul-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1164g</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>NICU-27days, SCN-53days </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheaky</TD><TD>05-Aug-06</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1900g</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>2wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>jane (neoah)</TD><TD>12-Aug-06</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>985g</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>NICU-2mths, SCN-1mth </TD></TR><TR><TD>jacelyn tey</TD><TD>14-Aug-06</TD><TD>Boy&amp;Boy</TD><TD>1510g&amp;1190g</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>57 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>mummylian</TD><TD>07-Sep-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1034g</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>NICU-38days SCN-20days </TD></TR><TR><TD>chloegal</TD><TD>21-Sep-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>2000g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>SCN- 5 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>puppyduppy</TD><TD>16-Oct-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1140g</TD><TD>29</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>nana</TD><TD>13-Dec-06</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>2185g</TD><TD>33</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>myfab</TD><TD>14-Dec-06</TD><TD>Girl&amp;Girl</TD><TD>1118g &amp; 780g</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>3mths&amp;4mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>lindah</TD><TD>04-Feb-07</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>680g</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>5mths 18 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>didi</TD><TD>18-Feb-07</TD><TD>Boy&amp;Boy</TD><TD>1520g &amp; 1610g</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>4.5wks&amp;9wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>amy</TD><TD>15-Apr-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>641g</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>80 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>lili</TD><TD>30-Apr-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1400g</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>6 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>flora</TD><TD>18-May-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>2334g</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>SCN-2 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>daec</TD><TD>18-May-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1015g</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>48days </TD></TR><TR><TD>picky</TD><TD>01-Aug-07</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>850g</TD><TD>26</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>alicia</TD><TD>03-Oct-07</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1500g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>SCN-21 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>jewel</TD><TD>09-Oct-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>30</TD><TD>45 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>cookiemz</TD><TD>14-Nov-07</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>2260g</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>SCN-8 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>fairylander</TD><TD>15-Nov-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1628g</TD><TD>36</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>sweet_rose</TD><TD>08-Jan-08</TD><TD>Boy&amp;Boy</TD><TD>2100g &amp; 2100g</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>SCN-1 day </TD></TR><TR><TD>xbliss</TD><TD></TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>925g</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>NICU-1mth SCN-1mth </TD></TR><TR><TD>irenelovej</TD><TD></TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1600g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>NICU-3wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>geraldine</TD><TD></TD><TD>Boy&amp;Girl</TD><TD>1500g &amp; 1700g</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>NICU-6wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>adeline lee</TD><TD></TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>815g</TD><TD>29</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
If you are going to QianHu, you can drop by at Petals &amp; Leaves for lunch. This is a picture of the bistro.

We brought the boys to the Airforce Museum a few weekends ago. The planes and helicopters are on display on the first floor. D&amp;E were thrilled to get so close to the planes. There is a gallery on the second floor. Free admission

A Pity there were no handsome pilots around

You can consider bringing Dash there.


wowow, nice places mich! I want to bring dash there!! so many places to bring...haha...hee.

nana, thanks thanks for visiting dash's website. your ryan soooooooo cute!

precious one congrats!

bloom, I also dunno wat weird tots, sometimes I think very hard about life, sometimes I think very hard about my marriage, sometimes I think very hard about other things. Going crazy. I thought only very smart people will think that much, like my ex boyfriend who was a scholar. He thinks very very hard on things like whether I m the one for him etc. I am not smart, yet I think so much for wat. sigh. haha. actually knowing nothing is a blessing.
precious one
Happy to hear that. Congrats !

reflections can make u observe, learn something more beyond the obvious. It can be gd too lah, dun worry ;)

u and DM always manage to find such interesting places to go too. inspire me heheh ;)

Thanks for updating...can help with xiaowanzi details..

DOB : 31/10/2007, Gender : Boy. Week : 26week Weight : 635g

I am not sure if her boy is discharged but in the meantime, can help me to update when you are free..i noe sahm vy bo eng one....

tink bloom's details are not here yet..i roughly got it fm her blog...(bloom, correct me if my info given is wrong)..

DOB: 15th Nov, 2006, born at 1.81 kg...Bb ger..
Gestational age:34 wks...Hospital of birth : kkh..Stayed in SCN 22 days

Bloom, correct or not the info?I also busy seldom log in nowadays..

wow, so nice pictures....jialut, i used to be in the armed forces and i din noe got such a place...haha..blur me...
zao an mummies

today jane in a state of confusion... like kkf lots of reflections

daec, i hope from my reflections, i will learn something more beyong than the obvious

nana - thanks for republishing the table. hehe acutally ryan blog is in my fav :p (all along it is haha)

ok ok i will try to work hard to open my blog soon keke

congrats on A achievement
brave ger
All mummies
Forgot to mention that the therapists told me that there are a number of 24 and 25 weekers in NICU now. Hope the mummies will be strong.
u so cute..y must block ur own pretty face ? grin
btw, trying to teach ws say pretty mommy,, she can only say mommy mei mei haha museum.. interesting.. hubby will prob b more interested to go there than ws haha

was on leave ytd, went gai-gai with hubby. had lunch @ the korean restaurant @ amara hotel.. hyang-something. not v fantastic, q disappointing leh. :p

planning a trip in may. anybody been to langkawi b4? ok 2 spend 3days there? is it 2 many?
precious_one, oh will pray for health for all the New Born Baby

you good life ler. really make me reflect more of myself :p. i been only to koh sumui but not langkawi. but if you going in May, must book fast liao lor.

congrats on angel! jia you..

btw, got prob w tix for now gg penang instead haha. initially planned 4 bali, then change to langkawi now change to penang again. cos using FOC miles frm hubby, so more restrictions. any recommendations 4 penang?
