Premature babies support group

Tks...I forgot about the health wonder I knew I saw it somewhere but just cannot recall..Hmmm, A's molar teeth growth is four months delayed as according to the booklet.

me also been worried abt falling off bed incidents. Now put her crib adjoining mine. so if she wake up, she has to crawl over me first. but ah, sometime she wan sleep with me in the main bed. worry she fall off if I not aware too.
wonder if bed railing helps ? not sure if sleep on floor ok since hubby allergies. floor tend more dust. worry nada inherit those. For me I am now worried abt Nada falling off the bed and hubby perpetual sickness
precious & jane,

health book has? hmm.. i know the heinz teething biscuit (4got which 1 exactly), behind the box, there's a picture which shows when which tooth should grow. ltr u free, can pop by NTUC 2 take a look? i happen 2 c it somewhere ytd, which i dunno where now.
Sure ! if I come across any recipes, will share share with you
but last nite hb was saying that we will try to roast a chicken this weekend
there is lots of things in the health booklet keke... hmm maybe i should go and see how is siang teething progress rate

hi daec
siang has 3 falls incident :p. i thought of bed railings but there is 2 side that needs it and find it too troublesome. siang also like to sleep with us. my flooring is pakka hence everytime i use the magic mop to clean before and after putting the mattress on the floor lor... yes floor tends to have more dust.

with nada crawling... think have to be careful once they are mobile

oh..ok ok thanks
will go see if got chance

wow roast chicken? yummy
Yummy ? not so sure leh ? must check out the seasoning, otherwise bo yummy
do you have the recipe for roast chicken ? btw, is your maid a indonesian ? what bank do you use for her tt ? thanks
hi didi

erhhh...i dunno how to roast a chicken (or shall i say i don't have the required machine :p).

yes, my maid is a indonesian. so far..she never request to tt her pay back. i think she intend to keep it with her (i have open a bank for her)
hi jane
same parquet flooring. I guess I have to start mopping too. hubby asthma acting up recently, naggin me to 'rid cat'. arguing coz I doubt it the root cause. my cat been with me 12years now. cant bear to part with her.

hmm see how abt the bed thingy.if sleep on the floor dunno where to put the wooden bed frame. mite line the floor with mattress just in case.

thanks for sharing the link. will take a look

what we did is we vacant the masterbedroom and now we are in the other spare room (which has been empty). we move the mattress over..hence now in the master bedroom left only the frame. some pple they tear the frame down and keep (am not sure how to keep such big object :p)

haiz parquet flooring not easy to maintain...

what i do for the mattress is i buy an extra matress protector and use it to kind of protect the floor (ie put it at the other side of the mattress where it come in contact with the wooden floor) :p.

yup...quite a lot of pple line the floor with mattress as one way to prevent accident too
Kam sia.

I'm terrified of cats. Each time I see cat, my heart beats very fast and I will avoid the cat. Sometimes when we eat at the coffee shop and the cat walked towards the table, I run away if I can, but if the cat walk under the table without my knowing, I will scream so loud (damn pai say). Don't know why so scared of it. FYI, before I knew I was preggy, I was confronted by a big black cat at my mum's block void deck, I shouted and jumped....then I started spotting, only two days later, then I knew I was preggy.
we also loves cats but only persian cats, cause they are so chubby and 'stuck-up' my gf has a british shorthair which she brot from melbourne when she return to spore, so cute and my very very stuck-up
can I ask you something
there's SOTA (School of the Arts), do you know are they teaching the same curriculum like in normal secondary schools ? what are the requirements to get in that school ? Thanks
I love parquet tho! so homey looking. can't do that. all rooms occupied. guess will line floor with protection.

Precious one,
wah so interesting ur story. maybe some fear from childhood or fear coz dunno how cat will behave ? they can move fast and suddenly. I hve a fren who also jump when see cat. somehow she forced to confront her fear when her hsemate had cat wah after that she love cats!

i love all cats. actually dis cat from melbourne, I brought back when I study there. heheh she also bit stuck up, has semi long fur. lagi chubby the cat, more i like. wan hug hug ;)
so your cat also 'foreign import' ? my gf told me all the pedigree cats in Aust is cheaper
but because of the cat, we don't really visit her, as it might not be good for my boys
wow didi, wat a difficult question to answer...hee, cause I really have no idea of wat the school is about leh.

I am so angry...

My hubby's brother really very too much. You know right now, we dun have a car cause we are waiting for our new car. So every sat we got to bring dash for class at united square is a bit troublesome, got to lend car from hubby's dad. You know we can only use the car when my hubby's brother is not using. The car btw is not his lor, it is my father in law's car. My hubby's brother is an air steward so when he is not around, then we can use the car, else, he will not let us use! Like today. He wants to go out, so we cannot use the car and have to take cab. But I was wondering, why he isn't the one taking cab? he is only himself and his gf at most wat, two young people, wats wrong with taking cab or mrt? I used to do that wat when I am par toh. Now different, there is a young one, very troublesome to take cab or mrt, because so many germs around in mrt, and cab is not you want and will come wat!
my hubby's whole family supports my hubby's brother instead of us. You see? they love their own youngest son much more than their only grandson!
never mind, as my hb's friend son got admitted to that school, he told us the enrolment is tough, think they are something like School Of Sports but just that this is about Arts.
Ya... your bil should take mrt and let his elder bro use the car, as Dash is young
is your new car otw ?
didi, yah, its on the way, and still haven't bidded COE.

Jane you have super good memory. haha, remember me saying that dash woke up early to play. Wow, siang is really brave leh, crawl out on his own. When dash woke up he would just make noise and would not go out himself, cause he was rather afraid of dark.

Disneymickey thanks for sharing. Been wanting to bring dash to jacob garden too. may find time to go.

Aiyo, dash woke up. got to stop here.
hello gals...

long time no post...

ya...ur hubby's bro too much leh...treat it as his own car har... so easy to take cab or mrt for them mah... think they r just too pampered with the car liao... *shakes head*
anyway, dun angry ok... not worth lar..
ooh.. i wanted to say u really very good leh... do so many things with dash... i always go read dash's blog one..hehe.. thanks for dropping by ryan's blog as well...
i am one lazy mummy...i wonder if next time i wld bother to do all those arts & craft things with him like u did with dash or not...hmmm...

if u all have any gathering, do let me know... i want to see all the pretty mummies & all our brave little heroes here...hehe..
nana, thanks for visiting dash site, i love to visit yours as well to see cute little ryan.

Btw, mummies, if you are interested to get eric carle's books, tokomama is running a bulk purchase on it. You go into tokomama forum, it is under "latest bulk purchase" with title "Special BP for ERIC CARLE BOOKS/Flash Cards/VCD - in progress".,597.0.html

Going to NIE at boon lay. want my life. Though I am happy to get out of school, but travelling so far from sengkang all the way to boon lay really wants my life. haha. I cannot imagine how I manage to do so for 1 year last time!
my cat categorised as normal domestic in oz. but here, she look like pedigree hehe. her fur is semi long. colouring is like normal cat - grey and white.

yeah norm most avoid hav pets when kids r young.hubby nag me too sometimes. but i love cats! my cat is my baby too. so feel on the spot sometimes. esp my cat is in her old age now.

interestingly enuff, some studies show that when young exposed - will build up more immunity. my sis who has sinus/flu since young. most wld say that ok avoid pets, rite ? she went for allergy test. cats are not on her allergy list

Thank God so far Nada health is fine.
someone gave me this cat. Saw cats that look like her for sale in SG - would cost a few hundred abt $300. yes oz much cheaper. but I think the price is oklah coz come to abt e same as I paid my cat airtix $330.
thx for the Eric Carle link ! think going to get a few. heard gd stuff abt the baby bear and caterpillar bk. any other recommendation ?
me oso dun like cats :p once when we were in the coffeeshop having bfast, ws suddenly v happy pointed out to me there's a cat coming.. i quickly put my legs onto another chair & told her to look out, if the cat come near, must tell mommy haha.
so few posts today leh...

me back from course, and nie. so far so tired.

Daec, my boy likes the series of "panda panda bear wat do you hear, brown bear brown bear what do you see and polar bear polar bear what do you hear" very much. I think "secret birthday message" is quite a good book as well, and of course "the hungry caterpillar". I am like collecting all of eric carle books liao. Me loves his book, trying to train my boy to like also, but he still prefers his chinese books leh, and also those books that can flip and flap.

disneymickey, ws really brave leh...hee. I am afraid of cats too leh. I remembered being chased by a small kitten, haha, it followed me everywhere! Then there was once a cat came into my house or rather "dropped" into my house? I was so frightened to wake up in the middle of the night to hear cat meowing under my bed. I remembered also once when I was small, and attending a wedding function, I saw a cat, and I went up on the table, haha, embrassing my dad and mum! haha.

I just happened to came across a chinese book "all kids are geniuses", it says must let our children use their fingers and hands (like using chopsticks) more cause they link to brains. Also, read more books to them, let them eat healthy food, bring them out for exercise etc.

I am investing in lots of books now. Hahaha you know I keep having this mentality, must buy more books now, wait I go on no pay (if I ever can get pregnant), then will have no money to buy liao...haha.

But I went to ask guanyin again sometime last week whether it is wise for me to get pregnant, again the answer is "no".
hi mummies,

busy busy day but really no mood to work. luckily got a lot boring meetings to while the time away.

i am impressed with your/dash's collection of toys and books! when u organise garage sale, tell me k? i will be first one to turn up at your door!! good job with dash! exposure to all these materials is really helpful!!
haha, xbliss, ok if i have garage sale will let you know. me also so sianz with course...hope money falls from the sky, and all of us dun have to work! hee.
jane,..hahaha.. now i know she know how to speak 2 words - gai gai and toy toy..... goodness this gal... if u have a small coach/furnite.. wat we did is after bb sleep we use it to partially block the bedroom door..cos afraid that at night she will crawl to kitchen/toilet.... wat is a door guard?

daec, thanks for the urls!
..very interesting....

disneymickey, pls keep us inform abt the botanic gardens event! thanks!

didi, so how is ur roast chix?

kkf, since the whole family loves the younger bro.. no matter how many grandchild u haev your family is still less impt one lah... how did u ask kuanyin? cos my fren said must be specific,..say u intend to do xxx yyy, if it is advisable give a good qian...

wahh..seems that alot of mommies here are afraid of cats... now i am afraid that the cat will suddenly jump onto bb stroller and scratch bb...
hahah.. i also wish money fall from sky! lots of it!! today on mc. too heaty liao and kena bad headache. trying to down loads of nutri tea to cool it off.
Hi mummies
Going to end my confinement soon.... but I fell sick yesterday.. Finally caught the virus from Ezann. Was down with fever n flu... Went to see the dr.. Very scared pass it to the little one

Feel better today...

Used to invest in a lot of boooks for the elder boys..Yo.. Understand ur frustration with regards to ur bil.. Nvm, bai ren cheng jin

Wonder any of the premies here take the chicken pox vaccine?
yup, my son has taken the ckn pox vaccine....during his scn days...there was a ckn pox scare as a doctor had caught it and was exposed to our kids....both ezanne and bern.lucky both din get it...

i tot they gv him the jab in kkh but it wasnt..i got him vaccinated recently.....
Hi costa same leh, there was once during my boy's stay at nicu, there was a nurse who got chicken pox, and they injected something on my boy as well, and I realised it was not chicken pox vaccination.

However dash just receive his first flu injection. One more to go I think. Hope that will help him.

Mummylian, I myself got vaccinated against chicken pox. haha. My colleague garna chicken pox, me so afraid I will garna and spread to my boy, so I took the injection.

Bloom thanks for your advice. I will try to ask again at bugis temple.

Last day of course today, tomorrow going back school. Though I hate travelling but I really think no need to go school is so good! haha.
Btw, i am attending course on autism. I suddenly have the urge to go into special education and help those children with special needs.

I really find them pitiful. A lot of autistic children are actually brilliant.
Good to hear that you have new career direction and I'm sure working with the autistic children will benefit, reward and fulfil your body, mind and soul. Jia You!
morning mommies,

anyone knows where to get those bread cutter? like those with cute designs or animal designs? need 2 b innovative more (learn frm kkf), so tat ws will eat her bfast. bought bread & cheese ytd, told her she can 'make sandwich' tmrw - put cheese onto bread only la haha.
daiso has those cute cookie, cat etc....i just saw two days ago in daiso plaza singapura..if not those normal shops selling forks, spoons etc shld hv cookie cutters as well..
good morning mummies

dash has flu vaccinations too? bernard too..i wonder shld i let siang take that too.

this friday siang is taking his 18th month vaccination at polyclinic

yes, actually some of the special needs children is really brilliant
jia you

good hearts will definitely be rewarded
if u go to those cold storage..smtimes hanging on the hooks on the shelves near the products, they hv cookie cutties also and other knick knacks...if not you go to toys r us can buy those cutters meant for play doh but of cse after using it to cut break dun cut the play doh hahaha...

yup, kkf's blog has many interesting ideas

like xbliss i also think if kkf hold a sale of toys/books, i will cheong to her place too

2 times go there..cannot step in cos siang not feeling well.. i would love to go into her house to see how she furnish dash learning corner and etc. so interesting.
Good if you have the special calling to go and nuture those special needs kids
it is so noble and I always hold those teachers in high esteem

i bought the crayola washable non-toxic markers. yes its washable (using water). haha proven by me ;)
