Premature babies support group

I love korean food too
have you tried the one at Pasir Panjang ? (couldn't rem the name, years ago) it is nice
the one you mentioned it is the one that is advertising agressively on TV ?

thanks. but guess it's out 4 us, cos it's soo far. katong.. hubby lazy, wont' wan to go so far..

ya, went to the 1 @pasir panjang. q authentic. dunno abt tv advertisement, but heard frm fren.

if u like bbq food, try gyu-kaku @united sq or chijmes. yummy.. kept telling hubby can bring ws cos she loves meat & mushroom. but he say it's a 'waste of $' cos give her chkn breastmeat she oso v happy, no need to give 'good' beef haha . went to hans @national lib on sun. ordered a grilled fish 4 myself & hubby ordered chicken chop. ws had a big feast, eating my fish & hubby's chkn chop & not 4 4get, her favourite potato (ie. wedges). in the end, she ate half here, half there, she's the fullest. both hubby & me got to eat something else when reach home haha
Yup, went there, cause ever saw on TV that 'Queen' highly recommend that place, it is run by a Korean flight attendant, iirc
I have also heard about gyu-kaku from my in-laws, they mentioned that is is good ...... think maybe will try that on hb's b-day.
Shangri La Rasa is nice too. Did you ask for Sea view Rooms?
If you enjoy pizza and pasta, try this place call "Trapizza" which is located on the beach. They are managed by the hotel so you can sign the bill to your room.
I love their pasta.

When are you going?

Didi/ Costa/ DM
Hey ... hb and i are always on the hunt for yummy food when we take a 'break' on weekdays.

Hb's birthday is next week and i am thinking of where to bring him to satisfy his stomach! He said there is a nice Korean Fusion restaurant at Red Dot?? Heard before?
Hi mummies
Guess none of u can make it to my bb's Edel's full month due to all ur bz schedule n plus need to juggle with work n the little ones.. Mayb we shoule gather another day.

Thanks for all anyway!

Sorry to hear about ur loss.. Hope Hami's gum infection recovers soon

Wow... Bz with the new addition. My Ezann only knows how to call da n papa.. mum mum n nan nan.. Thot 15 months corrected should be able to blabber more than this??
sorry,can't join in your party. wow, so fast ur little ger 1 mth liao, btw, wat's her name? dun worry abt ezann. b4 u know, she'll b blabbering non-stop

sorry, nev heard of red dot b4. if u wanna go gyu kaku, the 1 in chijmes only open 4 dinner. try the 1 @united sq instead if u r gg 4 lunch. yummy
hello mummies,

yes, we can gather when bryan's a bit bigger. for now, he can only watch the jie jies and kor kors play! edel is a beautiful name!!

re: korean food
hehhee.. count me in! i like korean mixed rice! always go to TOGI at mosque street near chinatown point.. shop is always packed during peak hours. run by humble native koreans.. cheap and excellent food (not so much for service cos they are really busy).

re: Aston specialities
Here's the webpage

They really carry good beef. (but of cos high price!) i never tried before cos i find it a waste to eat good quality beef well done (i cannot tahan medium and below.. the bloody look put me off).

U know mummies, next time we should all just go for food outings! hehe.

To all mummies
tks for the praises on bryan! heheh.. he not so cute lah.. such a little monster at home and po po house. actually he looks chubby only cos close up.
Costa, Mich,
me bot the oven already
only a conventional microwave oven cause I need to heat-up food too
hope to bake this weekend if not too bz
Morning mummies...busy busy busy week for me. Files check and check! want my life...

Mich, we are going in june 14th and 15th. Hmm...I think I have opted for seaview.

Mummylian, congrats on your gal's full month.

didi, wow, you going to start baking liao.

disneymickey, gives ws some time to settle down. It is extremely normal for children to cry for first month. I have worked in childcare before, very normal. Some took even longer than 1 month to settle down. I jsut never see children like my boy who doesn't even bother where he is.

Precious one thanks for visiting my blog.

Talking about food, when I am stress out, I will go feast out, thats why never slim down, haha. Yesterday went to feast out at sakae, monday went to feast out at swensens. Sigh...This week really streeeeesssssssssssss.
nada seems ok now thaat I can switch over to NAN. Jus a question, heard Neosure is a higher calorie comparad to NAN. so did u have to give more Nestle ?

eg. if Neosure give 120ml, NAN must give more like 140ml or so coz its lower calorie ?
I found this interesting website started by experienced midwifes/registered nurses/nurse mgr. i basically asked if there is any prep I can do before preg as I had preenclampsia. v nice lady called me. been told to lose weight. Not sure if they can help advise on other causes or care of premature labour. can try to ask ah.

Dr Ann Tan - did she say need any special care/prep for pregy ? whether during or before
i understand the nan or nanHA has the same calorie as other milk powder, except for pediasure (tat's y kids on pediasure r generally bigger in size) & milks 4 preemie (neosure is 4 preemie rt?) as they need more calories. i rem initially when ws was still in NICU, the docs hav to add in some fortifier into my breastmilk 2 give ws more calories.
but the amt of milk to give depends on bb's age. think there's a table behind the tin? can chk it out. DO NOT give more as it'll hurt bb's kidneys. DO NOT give less as bb will not b full.

thanks 4 the concern on ws' schooling. this morning, got a nice surprise frm her. when i was changing, she was lyign on the bed waiting 4 me, then she told me, mommy go, i ask her go where, she say go sch..

dash is a people-friendly kid, tat's y he has no prob gg sch. big boy

silly me, didn't notice your girl's name is Edel, still ask

ur boy got hurt? (c frm FB) how's he now?
good morning mummies


bryan is so cute
so kawaii like kkf said.

yeah..what happen. saw your note in FB too.

haha yes that's me. the one that say my nose is running away. hahah. i am having bad flu ah keke

have fun with your new oven
Hope to have fun lah, but the oven got lots of features that I hope won't make me 'tao gong gong'
hey, get your nose to stay put, no need to 'run'
i got a microwave oven at home. todate only use it twice (i think haha).

i got a mini rubbish bin beside me which is full of tissue paper :p must re to empty it later myself so that germs won't fly around haha...

nose very very itchy... and with weekend coming, hope i get well soon
Does your microwave has those top and bottom heat ? if yes, you can bake also
but it is my hb's idea to get, cause he wanted to roast chicken etc
my previous one only can heat-up food
my mircrowave 'oven' is those idotic proof type haha. ie those with the turning buttons. i think cannot bake hahahah... think is those for heating up food and i think got defroze function (i never touch that button before thou) haha.

it got a button that say "cook fish" and got another button "cook vegetable"?? hahaha...belive me. i never tough these buttons haha
Jane, actually i am not really worried..just hate it that neo nat give a deadline after which she will wana send her to see therapist... sighh..

daec.... mmm.. leave the olive leaf idea alone first..else later hb said i anyhow feed bb things :p just saw ur posting at the other thread (sonmeone asking abt her pre-eclampsia)... so babybreeze only advise to lose wgt? me not overwgt leh...

hey mommiess..ok if u dont mind post ur bb's blog/websites again then i link up from my bb's? else always forget the URL then canot go in and view...

xbliss..wahhh..bryan look so chubby and happy!
happy.gif so fast.else u can see if got spa package with accomodation kind ..
hi bloom

its good for early intervention (even if its means some baby is just late bloomers in terms of motor/speech developments).

normally they go by the growth / development chart. but some neo nat does give more grace period and such.

The PT that was seeing my boy ever commented, after checking my boy (that time my boy was not even crawling yet) that "its ok, give him somemore time, he could be just one of those late bloomers in terms of walking"....

for speech,.. i guess just talk to your baby more. sing talk...soon they will catch up
Jane Jane,
Nope, I am saying my previous one is very simple, this new one very 'difficult-looking' one.

For those accessing their emails thru windows mail, do you have any probs ? haiz.... I can't access the emails thru that, called the singnet and the notebk vendor also can't help ....
no. singnet is up and running, it's that my window mail blocks my incoming mail and I can't send out mails ...... and now I can only access my singnet's email thru My Communicator (web-based account)
Actually think it is because of Windows Vista and I got to use Windows Mail to retrieve my email with singnet .....
Din receive ur PM lei.. Can do it once again?

Wat do u gal sprepare for ur kids for meal?? Was thinking of preparing something new for Ezann while i on maternity leave. Have been cooking the BORING porridge for her since her weaning.. Can share wat do ur little ones have for their lunch n dinner?
hallo mummylian

siang eating boring porridge and now is mix with rice (for dinner only). his porridge have meat, veggie and fish (of course keke), i put some red dates and gan bei too.

other wise, he eat bread, biscuit (fav) and sweets keke

i think u can try mee sua, pasta (ABC) and mee hoon (cook soft in soup)..
u can try cooking soup (eg. potato soup+carrot, lotus root+pork/chkn+red dates).then cook with mee sua or ABC pasta or spaghatti ? i think u can oso do the tomato sauce spaghatti, but ws doesn't like. she pref soup kind.
Evans fell and cut his lip. PD said no need stitches. He is ok now. Thanks!

My message is the same as Costa's sms lor

You did! Good... at least you made the first step

Happy Baking!
I guess wat babybreeze said is according to my case. Besides that to have gd nutrition and reduce stress. Even then, I counter that not all overweigt pp get that preeclampsia. She say true, its just more better to lose weight, less likelihood. she say they dunno wat is the cause for sure.

anyways when I read alternative medicine - they suggest gd nutrition, fish oil, calcium, magnesium. Hmm I remember that when admitted to hospital - they gave me magnesium sulphate.This site is interesting
I also visited TCM once while pregnant for my case, she said my water retension also cause the high bld. so work on the water retension by massage, accu puncture, eating foods would help the high bld go down. didnt cont with TCM coz TCM lady went to hol and I was admitted to hospital.

ok thx. Hmm..I wonder if the tables are accurate though. Coz looking that table on Neosure(that time she was still taking it), she was taking way less than it. When I checked with dietician, she said it shld not be as much as that table. Iguess still got some dependency on the individual baby
Ya lor, thot of making cupcakes lor
with those beautiful icings (like the ones you ordered for D&E's birthday) but think must attend classes on that
see how ....

mich,glad your boy is ok now.

didi, let me know if you make cupcakes, can send me recipes, cause I dunno how to make. Mine very ugly.

dm, glad ws loves to go school now!

I finally heard dash "telling" me what he learnt from school. He never tells me, he sings to me and uses his hand to do actions (roll round and round)"circle circle round and round, circles circles have no sides..." I remember hearing the teacher sang it during his first day in school when I was with him. haha. He finally learnt something from school.

got to mark my compo, sorry if I miss out any posts...sigh. busy like mad this week.

Next week mon to wed going for 3 days course, no need to go school! yeah! but got to travel to NIE (Jurong!) ah, dm, precious one, you staying around there right? haha, can meet at jurong point to makan. hahaa
good morning mummies

i re....quite a while ago, you told me dash have habits of waking up once a week at very late at night to play?

guess what...last night that was what siang did! we were all deep asleep (nowadays we sleep on the floor after a fewr 'incidents' happen..) around 3am. suddenly i woke up hearing siang voice. i look around the area of the queen size matress..."WHERE IS HE". i called "SIANG SIANG"....

then suddenly i heard a cry...i turn around. there he was crawling on all fours just at the entrance to the bed room.

he seem ok... very calm except cry when he see me. then cry and point to me the bed. i gather he wants to sleep?....

never in my life i expect that to happen. my husband did ever thought of closing the bedroom door..but i was against it. looks like i am wrong...
mon-wed i need to work la. how to meet u 4 lunch. u can jio precious..she's tai-tai haha

ya, the table is juz a guide. u can try out 1st & adjust accordingly. but the important thing is, don't add 2 much or 2 little water. i guess it's the same as with all other milk powder.

glad tat evans is ok. well, kids at this age will always b falling down & kenna blue black. 2 me, as long as dun kenna head or eye, i'm ok or rather i can't help it hehee. but my FIL will b v gan cheong & follow everywhere the kids go lor.

lucky u were all on the floor & siang didn't 'fall off the bed.

mommies, juz realized last nite that ws only have 8 bottom teeth ! supposed 2 hav 10 rt? how har? sheesh.. next wk gg PD, will ask him.

yeh yeh, today is fri & tmrw is sat.. any big plans? gg shopping with my mom & ws tmrw.

btw, juz FYI, on the 19apr (sat), there's an event @jacob balls @botanics gardens with nestle bfast cereals. got the koko bear & some other stuff.. if u r free, can bring ur little ones there. i'll prob b there 2 cos it's our company event. must support mah
hi disneymickey

to be truthful, its after a few 'unforseen' fall then we shift to sleep on the floor...

i think i must put the door guard. no one know how long or what he did during the lapse period but wow sure give me a big surprise... :p

oh ok ok thanks for the information. i been wanting to bring siang to botanics gardens. will note down the event. what time does it start?

re teeth... i thought siang seem to have lots of teeth. he is now 19 months (16mths corrected) and his last molars is already coming out.
hi disneymickey

ok ok, please do let us know. i think quite a number of mummies here would be keen to bring the little one to botanic gardens. its a nice place to host such event
I wish I can meet you for lunch next week too...but I have to fetch A during lunch lei....

A just had her molar teeth sprout out only last week and she was in pain with slight fever. Corrected age is 2 yrs and she too slow?? We also let A sleep on the floor with mattress ever since she climbed and fell off from the cot.

If you have the chart for teeth growth for infant/toddler, can pass me one??

hi precious_one

siang should be having his infant set of tooth. btw, there is one growing chart in the baby health booklet
