Pine Close Mummies


The fireworks were fantastic...this year much more nicer...anyone into fireworks ? There will be fireworks festival coming soon...Me and my hubby crazy over fireworks, now my son enjoying it too

Agreed that the fireworks are nicer this year. You intent to go and see the fireworks are Marina Bay?

Pai seh never log on yesterday...thought of going ..but don't know will it be too loud for my Boy...though he is enjoying it at home last Sat...
No problem. I always cover my boy's ear during fireworks. Went to see fireworks last sat, was very crowded but the fireworks are very nice.

Brought my Boy there last Sat...he is not even scared..brush my hands away when I'm trying to cover his ears hahaha..he enjoyed himself so amazed by the fireworks display...he was busy watching talk to him also no response....but the fireworks were you going again tonight ?

Where were you standing ?
Hi jasTan & dreambabyd,
My gal oso luv firework too! I brot her up to the 19th floor & watch.
I plan to go tonight again but not sure can I make it in time by 9pm. I will definately be going again for this Sat. I was sitting at the flight of staircases at Marina Centre. Where were you located? You going tonight? Any idea where will be the best location to view?

Your block at 19th floor can see the fireworks festival fireworks?

Yup..I went there yesterday again...I was on Benjamin Shears Bridge...that is the best view...
I'm always there..ppl quite surprise to see a mother bringing such a young baby there to watch..

But be aware of the VERY crowded but is worth it..


In fact my house already can watch but is quite a distant not like at the bridge ..right in front of you...
Hi Mummies,
Heehee.. what a firework & our carpark is badly congested!!

Yup, the firework looks so good when we have a close view. But I really got to salute u for going all the way there..haha..
Wa...really got to salute you leh...if I can watch from my house I wouldn't want to take a trip there to watch. Its so energy draining.

As for traffice jam at our area during National day is a norm lah. Anyway I was at my mum's place last night but we went up to the top floor at Blk 12 to see. Very nice, clear and loud but alot of people already standby along the corridor to wait and see.
Wow so you must be there very early to get a good view. I was there on eve of National day but at the fullerton side, it was very very crowded. I didn't quite a good view coz I was late, only reach there 5 mins after 9pm.

Your drive there? Maybe this sat I should go to the bridge side too. Don't think we can stand along the bridge right, coz it's an expressway?

Yeah, the traffic yesterday was terrible. I waited till 9.30pm then take bus to my mum's place. Wanted to take a cab but it was so difficult to get one, so took bus instead.

Ai ya you never shout across to me hahhah...My house got a lot of ppl...


You can stand on the bridge...there is a pedestrain path..but i don't know how to direct you leh..there is a staircase going up....
For those wanting to order the Nano wipes. This message was extracted from the BP thread. JFYI


Below msg fm supplier:
"Sorry for the delay. We seem to hv been cheated by the korean agent. We have lost contact with them since they hv delisted their phone #. I hv been desperately trying to contact them. We are sorry to disappoint our customers. We are taking steps to recover the goods if not the money fm the mfgr. I hv no idea wat next but wil inform you. Pls convey our apologies to the mummies. We hope to be able to do something else for them in the near future."

I fl so lost when I rec'd this msg but then I think we r left wif no choice but to go for the nx best alternative.

So mummies, our current open orders will not b fulfilled.
Oh no, this is terrible esp for those who order in large quantity. Thanks for informing.

Roughly I think I get what you trying to say, but not sure whether will I still want to go on Sat night.
Ya lor, luckily I didnt pin too much hope on these wipes but not sure whether is the supplier still going to honour the exchange for those affected ones earlier.

Anyway, anyone can share what type of food can give to 9mths old baby? My son has been eating the same old vege again and again. Wonder can I introduce new food liao? Can he take noodles already?
ginger, thanks for updating regarding the wipes. I also didn't pin too high hopes on it too.

Re: Food
9 months old still a little small to be adventurous. Better not start noodles yet scared they might get choked. You can give bread if your baby has got teeths. Porridge should be good enough. You can try giving butterscotch pumpkin, spinach soup, tofu soup, mince pork porridge, cod fish, salmon, mee sua etc...
Thanks MGTeo for sharing.

Oh can eat mee sua liao har? Cook with wat har? What is butterscotch pumpkin? (wat's the difference from the normal pumpkin we buy in market?)
I didn't pin hope on the exchange as well. I just threw away a pack of wipe away coz it is very smelly.
har...frog leg? I scare of it man.

How come smelly? I suspect the date on the package is the expiry date though the organizer ever mentioned that it's the manufacturing date. Anyway, it's back to square one. I just have to stock pigeon wipes again.
Gen, I scare of frog leg. You cook porridge with it?

Any one knows how to make pasta har? I have seen some mummies already gave pasta to their 9mths old bb but their recipe super long leh. Any fast, quick and simple one ?
You can cook mee sua soup. Boiled with ikan bilis first til there's taste then you can add in tofu, vegetables (any that you like) and mince pork if you want. Think still early to eat pasta leh...cos need to chew leh.

Actually, frog leg is good and taste good! Old people say eat already will have strong limbs and legs.

Tips: Just remember that you have carbo, protein and fibre whenever you cook for them so that they have the necessary nutrients. Learnt from polyclinic nurses.
Thanks MGteo, will try mee sua this weekend

Any one knows during this stage, do they reduce their milk intake? My son seems not keen in milk, he's only taking 3 times a day now. A check with the PD in KK that milk should be their beverage now as we should concentrate on the solid food. Am quite confused cos some say should give more milk...

Yah, I usually ask my maid to cook frog porridge for them.

I agreed with MGTeo. Is way too young for your son to eat pasta. 9mth old is still the stage of trying for allegies. You still have plenty of foods for him to try. Don't be so gan chiong. Don't forget the 4 day wait rule.

Is not true Milk should be still be the staple food for below 1 year old as they are the still the main source of calcium especially (& other nutrients too) for them to grow.

The frog leg porridge just throw in the frogleg together with the rice and veg to cook porridge izzit ?

The frog leg itself got give out flavour a not ah ? (Seems like a stupid question hahhah)
Need to cook stock a not ?
Yes ginger below 1year old their main source is still milk. If your baby is taking 2-3 meals a day, his milk intake should be around 3 times a day. My girl is 19months old and she's still taking milk 3 times a day. Ya lor no need to be too gan chiong. Next time when they are older they will want to explore your food as well.

Put everything in except veg. When is about to cooked then put in your veg. Then when cooked you can put a little soya sauce to taste then serve.

MGTeo have answered for me. For my case, I'll omit the soya sauce since Dylan is less than 1 year old. My claire still eat everything without seasoning.
I don't know when I open the 1st pack I got put off by the smell. The date stated there is sometimes early 2006. Coz be the expiry date. The other pack I open is okay, but I notice it doesn't have any date printed on it thought.
Not at the moment coz the last update I know is that the eclair is out of stock till end of the month and the mini rolls are out of stock till mid Sep'06.

Any good part-time maids to recommend?
Can you please PM me?
Need someone to help with the hsehold chores over the weekends!


My boy started walking at 11mths he 13mths old already..everyday ask me to do flashcards until I'm so bored hahahha...and his sign language is getting more and more very happy that he can communicate with us in this manner before he can speak...but of course teaching him how to speak too...
My hubby bought the sign language book..but internet also can should be this website if can't get to it can find under American Sign the standard which the deaf and mute is using so bad...

We started signing him when he is 6mths now enjoying the fruits..

But is never too can start now..
You can join us in the 2005 East Mummies thread. Some of mummies are staying in Pine Close too.
Hi there,

anyone have their bb with 'Young Talent' childcare (not sure if i got the name correct) at Blk 12 (new yellow & white blk)?

Would like to have some feedback.

Thanks, Jen

i went to enquire before but i didnt put my ger in the CC.
Which program are u interested to join? Playground?

I send my ger to Chen Li Kindergarten which is the church along the guillmard rd or next to the NTUC CC.

She is 3 this yr and she enjoyed the lesson. it is a 3 hr class not CC.
