Pine Close Mummies

Never mind. I have a list for myself.

I will sms u if i got the item before 1:30pm so u see if u wanna come over and get from me.

As for the rest collecting from me, i will sms u once i got the items.

I will check my acct for ur trf later. thanks

If have how many are you passing to me ? Thanks in advance..

I don't really log in very reply a bit slow..


Great to have you back...just keep enduring through this a while bf will be a enjoy it very much...special bonding with my he is 10mth old me still bf...can't really face the day when he doesn't want or I can't supply anymore...will be so sad..

If you need someone to talk to and call me or msg me coz I'm a sahm...very free..

Ginger is 2 pkts of Eclairs? So are u trf the 1 pkt of amt to me or Ginger trf to me?

Ginger i got ur 1 pkt of eclair amt.
Had PM you the final collection list. Please check. I also explain to you the payment of the 1 pkt eclair in the PM as well.

No problem.
Hi Jas,
Thanks for the arrangement.

Hi Hong,
Thanks for your time and patience arranging the BP. Gotta take care yah.
Ur welcome.

Sorry cant talk much and I cant invite u in cos my girl got cold sore and can pass to other pple.

Ur girl is very sweet, may be we can arrange for a meetup with all the pine close mummy here.

We prefer Black forest more and the Eclair is very very nice. I think i will order a carton during my boy full month celebration.
Hi Mummies,
Just came from a super short trip, feeling recharge now. Maybe can last me another 3 mths before I start to think abt holiday again..keke.
So how's the cakes? Will be collecting mine tonite.
<font color="0077aa">cat_tail</font>

So still can't decide where to go hahhaha

<font color="aa00aa">Mummies</font>

Can share some receipes for 10th mth old baby ? I've been cooking the same thing so long..getting bored..any tasty way to cook alphabet macaroni ?

By the way for the swiss rolls any idea can we go down the office to buy ?
No problem.

I used to cook soup-based macaroni and that is the only way I cook it.

Not sure can just buy the swiss roll from their office direct, maybe you can call to check with them.

Where you go? I am not sure where to go, thinking of having one in August.
Wah, we are just talking abt it &amp; u r going for the c-section tomolo! Tonite u have a good rest &amp; keep us update on yor delivery, k.

dreambabyd &amp; JasTan,
I went to Bintan for a short trip. It's just a 2 day cos travelling with a young baby. Lucky she enjoy herself a lot at the beaches &amp; pool. I just put her in the float &amp; let her float in the pool &amp; then I drank my cocktail..keke..

dreambabyd, suggest u go for a short trip since u r travelling with a young baby. Go for a place with good pool &amp; lots of sunshine.

Go to Bali! It's really very nice &amp; u can "nua" whole day at the resort.
I cook the ABC pasta with veg stock. Sometimes will add some mixed veg &amp; minced chicken.
Alternatively can substitue the pasta with "Mee Tan Mah".

U can oso try cook some oats porridge with dried raisin or whatever fruits u have in the fridge.
JasTan, cat_tail

Thanks for your receipe ...will give it a try..sounds yummy...


Yeh...was thinking of Bintan or Bali...see which one got promo..But for Bali i very scared of terrorist hahahaha
There shouldn't be a problem if u stay inside the resort &amp; avoid going to Kuta in the evening time. The security is very tight especially at Nusa Dua side. Hmm.. now I miss Bali so much...
Actually wanted to go Bintan in Jun but find it quite exp. So maybe now might want to venture to Batam instead. Still considering.

I might be getting sometimes in Sep again. Not confirm yet, this is what I plan.
I think they have some promotion for Bintan now, maybe can check with the agent. Btw, include me in again for the eclairs.
hi girls,
i am back..

how is the wipe har? no news from u leh.

everything is so fast and Julian is out.

I just check the thread nothing so far..and I've ask Ginger to take over the collection of the wipes was your delivery ?


Sorry too miss your call..was not feeling well..the wipes maybe you want to check with Ginger on our thread ?

Really envy you can go for a trip. We had a one night stay in Rasa Sentosa last weekend. Super tired men. My elder girl as expected very fussy with her food &amp; my younger girl caught a cold &amp; couldn't sleep that night. &amp; I've to stay up the whole night. Aiyo, how to go tour.
Guess got to wait till they are bigger.
I only have one boy, so going on a trip is easier esp now he is much bigger, I haven't really plan out where to go. My boy also quite fussy whenever on a holiday trip esp in the night, also fuss before sleep, seems like he can't get used to sleeping at elsewhere other than my mum's place or my place.
Sorry mummies, I also have not heard from the organizer from the BP thread.

She was also supposed to check with the supplier abt some complaints on the wipes but so far no sound no pic.

If your stock is running low, better not wait.
How old is your son? fuss in unfamilar places is normal lah. We adult also can't really sleep well loh.
My boy is 2.5yrs already and he still quite fussy and shy. At home he's like king and outside he's like a mice.... sigh...
If there is another BP for the wet wipes, I am keen! I find the travel packs quite useful, so far I didn't see any dark spots! But I dun intend to buy a carton though, no space to stock up liao :p
How old is your younger dd? Wow you mother of two.. envy.. Are you a SAHM?

You can check out the BP thread on Nano wipe. Not sure are they going to start another BP. I also find the travel packs not bad, and same as you didn't see any dark sports. I have got their 30pcs pack, not opened yet. Maybe I should take one out to see whether got any dark spots.

My younger one is 11mth. Yah! a mother of 2 &amp; a SAHM, but don't have to envy me. Everyday is sooooo.. bz &amp; tired although I have a maid.
Ya lor...don't know when is the stock coming in for the 80s pack??? Me still waiting. My friends are asking about it also.
Mummies, anyone knows which brand of thermal flask can just put rice and hot water and can make porridge?? Need to buy one asap...
LiewLian, think is Tiger brand. You can find at any departmental store. You can try Isetan think they're having sales but not sure if there's sales for the thermal pot.

Is the Tiger brand but I think you have to get those inside is the one whole stainless steel kind...without separate containers inside...

The whole piece stainless steel then is able to cook porridge...but double check with the sales ppl there...

Me bot the food jar from Bugis OG yesterday before I saw the BP, sigh too late liao!
Sorry for misunderstanding!! :p

All mummies enjoying the fireworks last Sat night?
It will be the last year that we can see the fireworks on National day.
