Pine Close Mummies

carmen & cat_tail

Will cancel your worries..


I can pass you the distributor no...just give them a call should be no me when you need it okie..

I've ask Chin Leng to move this thread to temporary holdings...

So if suddenly can't find this thread here..jsut check it out over at the new place..

Hi mummies
So far I've no problem with this wipes but anyhow dreambabyd think we need to let the distributor know so that he can do one to one exchange or refund. At least he can also highlight to the manufacturer about their faults.

Since it kills almost 99% of bacteria I find it so convenient to use it on Claira especially when we dine out. Its a pity if these problems are not resolved.
Chin Leng will be implementing a new policy on the marketplace thread coz recently there's a lot of abuse by those people doing business in it.

Thanks too... I haven't got any reply from Chin Leng yet.
Anyone wants to volunteer to start the Pine Close BP for the mini rolls again? It is quite hot now coz saw some threads on BP for the rolls and also the eclairs. Yum.. yum...
What you want to order and the qty? Strawberry or black forest flavor for the mini rolls? Per box of 42pcs is $16.98. Eclair is $3.18/pack of 12pcs.
Let me know ASAP.
Last time I tried the black forest so now I would like to get 1 box of strawberry mini rolls & 1 pkt of ecliar.
If I got enough orders, most probably will be ordering next week and hopfully to get it next week too. Will include both your orders.
Hi Jas,
Count me in too.
I'm interested in 1 box Strawberry mini roll and 1 box of elcairs.
I'm staying near,so can pick-up anytime.
I only tried the black forest mini rolls during the last BP. Hmm JasTan.. I think we are the 1st to start rite? The rolls are not bad & my whole family wipe it out within 3 days! So now I am trying the strawberry.
Will include your orders.

I tried both. My family, ILs and myself prefer strawberry. My boy also prefer strawberry. Let me know soon, orders for strawberry are filling fast.
I think so. Actually 42pcs one box can finish quite fast. I myself can finish up to 10 at one go...

At this moment, I have only left 1 box of strawberry, if you want let me know fast.
Just to let you know that the balance 1 box of strawberry is taken up as I didn't receive your confirmation. However, if you don't mind I can share half box (21 pcs) with you.

I will take the strawberry..thanks..please let me know when to collect and the payment cash can ? You still have my mobile no ?
I had already place the orders for the rolls and eclairs and they will deliver to Hong's place (so kind of Hong to offer her place as the point of contact) between 10am - 2pm this Sat 8/7. Please arrange with Hong directly for the collection at Cassia Cresent. As for the payment, please transfer the respective amount to Hong's POSB savings account: 053-13943-4

<font color="ff0000">1) cat_tail
(1 box of roll n 1 pkt eclair) - $20.16</font>
<font color="0000ff">2) keeping_mum
(1 box of roll n 1 pkt eclair) - $20.16</font>
<font color="119911">3) ginger (1 pkt eclair) - $3.18</font>
I have not tried vanilla yet but I presume should be similar to strawberry except it doesn't have the strawberry syrup cream in the filling, only fresh cream. Actually I had ordered two boxes of strawberry rolls, if you are interested, I can let you have one of the box.
12 pcs in 1 pack. If you need extra 1 pkt still possible but anything more I'm afraid quite difficult unless you want to get 1 carton (12pkts).
Hi girls,
can u PM me ur contact so i can arrange for collection.

Not jasmine cant take ur order but we have to order in carton else they wun do delivery.
Hi gals
have not been posting after delivery. Busy with feeding these days every 2-3hours so tired. Also had engorgement the 1st 2weeks after delivery felt so blue!

i'm interested in the eclairs and mini rolls - notice alot of mummies ordering BP. Which brand and why so good? any website to refer to? i would like to order some for Sat. Can wait for me 5min? Thanks lots!
Ok, I have just tt the payment to hong.

U feeling ok? Dun feel blue, if got time then come to the forum &amp; chat with us.
Hi, mummies should we put on this way so easily for Hong to know who's ordering what:

Swiss Roll &amp; Eclairs - Pine Close

Swiss Roll [42pcs - $16.98/box] 4 boxes in a carton

1) Jas
2) Cat Tail
3) Keeping Mum

Eclairs [12pcs - $3.18/pkt] 12 pkts in a carton

1) Jas
2) Cat Tail
3) Keeping Mum
4) Ginger
Cheer up.. everyone of us went through the same thing. If you have time and not feeling tired or need someone to talk to, do come into the forum. BF initially is not easy. Don't give yourself too much pressure okay.

Eclair is the mini one. I can give you one pack of my order if you want. But you will have to transfer the $ for 1 pkt to Hong's account and the $ of 1 pkt to my account. Let me know.

Alamak...I just transferred S$3.18 to Hong. Are you ok to offer me 1 pack of yours? It's ok if you want to keep for yourself. Not a problem. Just let me know.

Do they deliver if we just order 1 carton of eclairs?

P.s Hong, transfer done under ref#7987. I will PM you my H/P no. I will not be in on Sat after 1.30pm. If they deliver earlier, I will get from you immediately. If not, it will be at night. Hope it's ok with you.
Thanks for your kind intention. I believe Hong's would have got the list based on the colourful summary that I had compiled. I am combining orders taken here with the other orders from another thread to make the total purchase. The list you indicated will be misleading as there seems to be unfilled orders which in actual fact had all been taken up.
I can give you 1 pack of mine which I ordered extra for my office. Never mind they can try another time. The transfer you done to Hong still remains, you just need to transfer the same amount to my POSB savings account: 126-06325-3
On Sat, you will collect 2 pkts of eclair.

They do delivery for minimum order of $100 and above, they don't go by no. of cartons. If you are purely getting eclairs only, will need to have 3 cartons.

I will PM you the final order list tomorrow. On Sat, the distribution will be based on this list.
i got ur transfer.

yes only 1 pkt of eclair. Keeping duration? Not very sure, may be 2-3 days?

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