! Pediatrician or GP, ple recommend for respiratory problem


need some recommendation.

My son has got phelgm stucked at his throat for 5 mths. Is v sticky and sometimes when he managed to spit out, the phelgm is clear and sticky. When he is sleeping, I can see him chewing and swallowing his phelgm, a doc told me this is bcos of phelgm. I also got this problem too, stubborn phelgm at the throat, swallow also cannot go down, cough also cannot cough up. We tried mucolsovan and fluimuicil, no use at all.
We do no have cough or running nose. We got H1N1 5mths ago, since then the phelgm is stucked at our throats.

I am more worried for my son, pls recommend a good doc.
Also appreciate any tips/sdvises to rid the phelgm.
Thanks in advance.

Read in newspapers that some milk formula contains a substance that causes phlegm. You may want to check with your pd and change his milk powder.

Fluimucil should be quite effective. It breaks down and dislodges the plegm so it can be passed out through the stools. Maybe you wanna check with doc if can increase d dosage? When it works, you can see the phlegm in the stools.

hope this helps.

thanks alot!

Hi Yin,
Actually doc did not prescribe fluimucil, I bought the children type for him, got see phelgm in his stool. I ate the adult prescription, but not much effect for me and my son.

Hi precios_one,
How do u know if Dr Anne Goh is good? Anyone u know seen her before?
Hi Yin,
saw in other thread that U mentioned Dr Jenny Tan previously in KKH also quite good.
Can explain how good she is?
hallo mummies,

My girl, 16 weeks by this Fri (30 Jul), had flu at her 10th week. From there on, we seen a few PD but didn't see much improvement. Her running nose and cough have stopped, but her breathing is heavy, and has wheezing sound too. She has to sleep with high pillow and non-aircon room, and this has been for 6 weeks now.

Is Dr Chan Kit Yee $ Mt A good for this kind of case? Or Dr Terence Tan is more preferable?

Desperate to look for 1 PD that has higher chance to help my girl. It's too tough for her to be tried on different medicine and continue on nebulizer which I did some research online seems baby less than 6 months may not response to the nebulizer as the vein is too small. She became quite thin now as can't drink properly and sleep properly.

Your suggestion or recommendation will be very much appreciated. Thank you.
Hi apple ,
Thanks, but Dr Terence Tan's waiting time can be up to 4hrs!!

Hi brandedfans,
I will be going to see dr Jenny Tang, she specialises in sleep and respiratory and allergy problem.
Will feedback here again.
by the way, I heard that Dr Ong Eng Keow is good, he's at ICAC at Mt A(international child and adolescent clinic)--phone number is 62555239. He does not have night clinic.
Dr Koh Poh Kian from ICAC also v good, but he's on leave till september. He's my son's PD,I found him good and able to pin-point and treat my son's ailments promptly. But I need a PD who can treat his sleep problem too so will try out Dr jenny Tang.

My son when 2 weeks old was alrdy on neubuliser due to bronchitis, so I think should be fine.

Dr Lilian Lim from Kids' clinic in sengkang treated my fren's daughters's bronchitis. She said she is good.
hi brandedfans,

brought my kid to see dr jenny tang at gleneagles(SBCC) just now.
She seems ok but consultation is $150....

She did mentioned that for my son if he cough or wheeze for more than a week, can develop into asthma, so mus be careful. Wheezing may be considered serious if it is audible even without using the stethoscope to listen to the lungs.

Hope ur child recovers soon.
i saw dr terence tan, he told me kids below 2yo unlikely to develope asthma. but he put my son on neubulizer for a wk and he's ok since then. he said any respiratory problem in young children muz be dealt with asap so as not to develope into asthma as they grow up.

hope this helps. btw, flumicil can buy frm pharmacy,dun need get frm doc. itz cheaper and they have the orange flavour for kids.
thanks for all the feedback and recommendations.

Really appreciate it. My girl is hospitalized since Friday, neb for 2hrly and then 3 hrly today. Hopefully she will get better. Thanks again for the support.
Hi all,

I am really v confused, PDs usually said my son got post nasal drip, the mucus flowed backwards into the throat instead of flowing out, hence alot of phelgm accumulates there. But then is quite difficult for anyone to see if since the mucus doesn't flow out.
The doc now prescribed Amanys nose spray and Arius syrup. Am quite sad, bcos the thing is he doesn't look sick, yet I have to give him medication. The doc said looking into his nose and at his face shows signs that he has allergy Rhinitis..

Anyone use this spray and med before?

Hi brandedfans,

All the best!! Take good care.
Pls feedback here if the doc is good! Thanks
tidalstorm, I think my gal had similar case of mucus backflow when she was like 1yo. Seen Dr Terence Tan, he did a mucus swab test to identify the bacteria then on neb for 4 days..fully recovered. Impressed.
Although long wait, you may want to try. He is having night clinic at Holland V - Henry Park every Monday
Hi tidalstorm, no sign of discharge yet, but at least no more fever. Also trial and error kind of medicine given. Kena asked "if you don't trust us, then what else can we do". Don't know if "suan" me or "scold" me. Now asked to do 2nd x-ray, from my knowledge, adult also can't do x-ray twice, what to say bb 4 month old is asked to do x-ray twice in a week. Helpless... why i dont study hard enough to be doctor, then i wouldn't be blur kena circle ard. Sigh!!
Hi apple,

what symptons did ur gal show then and how do u know and bring her to see doc? From what I seen, my son looks ok, just that i spent alot of times observing him sleeping, then realize he kept "chewing and swallowing" saliva or what though he is sleeping...When he cried, he will vomit alot of clear sticky phelgm out, that's how i feel something not ok. He looks ok, no flu and cough....

Can u give me Dr Terence Tan's contact?
I may give him a try if there is no improvement after a month. Thanks alot!
By the way , did doc gave ur gal any nose spray or nose drip? U neb ur gal at home or have to go back to the clinic?

Hi brandedfans,
I know it hurts u to see ur baby suffering, the doc is quite harsh also, my son was v sick twice and hospitalised too. When he was almost 2 weeks old, he also kena x-ray twice, once during admission, the other was to determine if he could be discharged, both in a week. The nurse came 4 times a day to insert tubes into his nose to suck mucus out, I even refused to let the nurse do it, she bobian had to leave us alone....Everytime she wants to do it, I will tell her to call doc to confirm b4 I hand my son to her, luckily the doc was v sympathetic towards us and tell the nurse not to do it unless my baby cannot feed, sleep and keep crying. That was this senior nurse who told me that they have to do what is right, as the pros outweigh the cons. Like my son, he was v traumatised after the suction and kept jerking, but he was able to sleep and drink after that.

Really hope ur baby recovers soon.
What exactly is ur baby suffering from?
We are not docs, i also feel very helpless when my son is sick.....
Are u in kkh?
Hii branded fans,

I remembered wrongly, he was only x-ray once not twice, so sorry!
hope u dun be mistaken at my post above, i am not trying to say my son is worst-off than urs, just sharing my experience.
All children are v precious and dear to their parents!!

Take care!!
hi all, my boy was admitted to kkh at 2.5yrs old for asthma attack. we have since asked around and hubby learned from a doctor (pretty high post) that his child is seeing another doctor for his respiratory problems. i have yet to bring my boy there as he is still taking the medication prescribed by kkh. if u r keen in trying out the recommended doctor, he is dr oh. clinic is at 116 bishan st 12 #01-28. tel: 63568909. i hv no idea if this dr oh is PD or whatever. those interested can try to call up his clinic.

hi brandedfan, hope ur child is well now. it's must have been really tough for u. take care.
Tidalstorm, my gal is having pneumonia. She has been wheezing for weeks and when x-ray, her whole lung was white. (Full of phlegm). So, put on antibiotics course via injection and medicine, nebulizer etc. Still not much sign of improvement, discharge yesterday evening, but went to hospital again this morning.

No prob on the post, my bb got the 2nd xray yesterday, internal of 5 days. Last Friday is 1st, yesterday (Tues) is 2nd. Well, can see the lung is not so white comparing the 1st time lo. Hopefully she can recover fully very soon. So pek chek see her suffer.

Thanks Banazz.
Thanks banazz for the recommendation, will google on him to find out more. Was that the 1st asthma attack for ur son, what triggered it?

Cheer up, there is improvement since less phelgm in her lungs.
By the way, I was told by my son's pd to carry him in upright position, face on my shoulder/chest level, to help in draining the phelgm, not sure how true but i felt it helped at that time.
Glad to find this thread

I have 2 kids and both are forever suffering from cough.
My elder son, turning 2 soon, have been coughing on and off for the past 6 months liao. Given neb a few times and suck out mucus from nose before oso
My youngest son, only 4mths old, have been on neb once..and I think he is going to have another neb session SOON!!

Brandedfans, are u from the April thread? Ur nick sound familiar. I am shocked to hear that ur child kena pneumonia!!! Hope she gets well soon!!! Actually both of kids kena wheezing before and my PD told me if wheezing for too long, not good… may end up asthmatic or worst case pneumonia… bt I din know pneumonia = lungs filled with phlegm. So scary loh!!!

Actually issit good to do neb???
Tidalstorm, yes, carry my gal upright also help, but too tired keep carry her, and all hswork and cooking, can't do. She is getting better, today is having the nosal spray once and so far, she is napping, still looked very very tired and exhausted. May be sleeping helping her recovering fast fast bah.

Goldfish, so far my PD said neb is the only way and does not have side effect, or at least, very very mild. My gal (4 months) was given 12 times a day when she is hospitalized, and slowly changed to 3 hrly, then 4 hrly, and last is 2 times a day. Yes, i am from April thread. At that time, i was too desperate to know if any PD/doctor is expert in lung / breathing coz my girl very very "gang ko" (breath difficultly). So realized this thread and just post see if someone can shed me some lights. Ya, she initially just flu, got it from #1 as he went to school mah. So, once passed to her, wah.... jialat liaw... cranky and get worse from day to day, then end up wheezing and that's the sign of phlegm or breathing problem. Now she is suspected asthma, and may be temp, may be long term, depend if we take good care or not, coz my family no one got ashtma. Hope this helps.
hi tidalstorm, yap, that was his first attack and has another attack a month later. we believed it's me n my mil who caused the attack cos we hv been really STUPID. whenever my boy ask for snacks like jelly n choc, we usually give in. in e end, it caused a very thick phelgm coating in his lung. that in turns, causes heavy breathing n eventually asthma kicks in. i was super sad when he was hospitalised. during then, my newborn was only a week old and on breastmilk. thus, i hv to be at home with my girl. in laws forbid me from going to hospital cos they r afraid tt my immunity is weak since i juz gave birth. they r worried tt i might catch some germs fr e hospital n pass it on to my newborn. that 2 days was really a torture : (

btw, mummies here.... i hv quite a few sealed boxes of puff to let go. if any mummy needs it, can get fr me if we r using e same type. i'm not selling them. u juz need to collect fr my place or send SAE. i also hv quite a lot of Combivent vials, those that u use with nab machine. all are free. my super kiasu hubby got too many of them.
Glad to know she is on the road of recovery!I bet u must be absolutely tramautized by the whole episode! Same as u, my #2 kena bad flu+cough from #1 who got it from sch. Haiz.. wat to do rite?

Now both tried the neb method. #1 ok liao bt on off still got cough. PD told me to use the inhaler on him on a long term basis to eradicate it but i still dun feel comfortable abt it.

For #2, his cough was quite bad and there is wheezing. The good thing is my PD told me to bring him down for review on a daily basis for 5 days to monitor his situation. My PD din charge me on the subsequent visit. She also helped me to suck out the mucus through his little nostrils....

Actually anyone knows how to know whether issit wheezing stage or not by normal hearing huh? I cannot tell lo!

Now my #2 is coughing and has heavy breathin. Sianz.
oopss... SIL used my laptop, so repost.

Goldfish, ya lo, tramautized so badly lo, but what to do... so heart pain see her suffer and can't complain, can't tell, can only cry and struggle throughout. But now she is better, hope she will fully recover very soon and stop her medicine soon. My gal now is on inhaler also, doc considered her as ashtma now, but I pray is not, and hoping is just temporary.

Wah your PD so good ah... free for subsequent visit. You should be able to differentiate, wheezing is quite loud. I can hear. Basically, to differentiate, easiest is when she is not sleeping, and yet you heard something like snoring, or you hear a little kitten in there that breathing. Hope you get what I mean. My gal always wheezing badly esp after her big cry and once she wake up in the morning, it's really obviously very loud and like I on the fan at speed of 3 lo. Better monitor closely, my gal didn't have fever before she hospitalized, only after diagnosed with pneumonia (next day of hospitalization) that she starts having fever. So, we are so worried, thought her condition changed to worst. I even tell doctor, just tell me honestly to prepare me for the worst, I need to know. Doc reassure me that she is on the road of recovery. Felt relief lo... still struggling as carry her whenever she cry to stop her, so that she can recover faster.
Brandedfans, glad ur gal is on the road to recovery!!!

Banazz,I found it real difficult to control those junk food!! My son got so much from the school's bday goodies bag, sometimes I wanted to tell the principal not to allow food in the goody bags! My son is a junk food fanatic, he will kick up a fuss, real big ones, cry till his nose blocked with mucus and cannot sleep!!
My son ate chocolate (not much) for 5 days, he cannot breathe after that, also yakult!!
What medication is ur child on?
What was the symptons ur child showed when he got thick phelgm?
My son still got phelgm, v worried....

The wheezing sound is like "hew hew hew" (minus the p in phew sound, can be v obvious if serious or u can put ur ear near their lungs and try to listen, mostly thru stethoscope is best method ), usually for young children in serious cases, u can see them v lethargic, their little bodies going up and down with their breathing, and mouths open, for my son, when he sat down(this year) or we put him in sitting position (when infant, he would hunch abit, body will be like soft soft, no strength like that...

i like to know if anyone of U whose child has some sort of respiratory problem, do their mouths always open? Do they swallow or seem to be chewing food or what during sleeping? What colour is the mucus? Do they sleep well/sleep alot?
Anyone's child with some sort of respiratory problem has the below symptons?

-mouth open most of the time
-seems to be chewing food or what during sleeping
-don't sleep well, easily awaken
-phelgm colour?
-pale face
Ur doc say she is asthmatic liao? Actually I oso confused.. just liddat then asthmatic meh? My PD told me if wheezing long term may turn asthmatic bt she also told me that bb at this stage easy to have such similar problem cos their airway is beri small.. so easily kena cough etc.. so I am confsed

My #1 and #2 oso got phlegm now lo. #1 got phlegm whenever I hear him cough. Initially he has runnig nose bt stop liao bt seem like the phlegm In his throat still there? He cough most often when he is asleep!!! Is urs liddat too?

As for ur queries, for mine is:
-mouth open most of the time – (sometimes leh! Bt dunno issit nose stuck… nid to monitor)
-seems to be chewing food or what during sleeping (got some swallowing)
-don't sleep well, easily awaken (erm.. sometimes in the middle of the nite cough VERY LOUDLY and a few times!)
-phelgm colour? (usually yellowish in nose, bt when cough out, transparent)
-pale face (ermm… dunno how to guage leh :p)

Wheezing sound
I still cannot understand wor.. bt I know that sometimes I can hear my sons got those mucus sound in throat liddat lo :S
Hi all,

Although ds is not donw with cough.. but he is having acute constipation.. and im still praying very very hard that the lactulose will help him recover completely... i feel how u mothers feel... It is traumatising to see our baby sick... DS had bronchitis 2 months back..

I just wish i can add some other things i did which hope that it helps.

I did what ever the doctor said and prescribe.. On top of it, i bath him only during the hot afternoon so that nt too cold for him. Put abit of Ru Yu oil on the back of his feet and wear feet 24 hours (coz our flooring is marble=cold). He is drinking abt 180ml (6 scoops) each time.. so i less 1 scoops.. I let him drink luke warm water...

All these are old grandmother method, it works on ds.. and when he has a little sign of flu... i did the same and bring him under a little bit of sun for 5 mins.. and the flu bug is off...
hi tidalstorm, yah it's really hard to nurse our kids back to good health with all these temptation around. and surprising, yakult is a killer too. i din know it previously n gave it to my boy when he asked for it. then... he got his 2nd asthma attack the very next day. since then, yakult has been a no no item in my household. PD says biscuit should be avoid too as they r too dry. So i avoid that when his phelgm starts building up again. my boy takes ventolin inhaler and this nasal spray - avamys fluticasone furoate. he uses this Combivent vials with his nab machine too. i'll use the machine when he sounded more serious. i'm very afraid once he starts to cough cos both his attack started with coughing.
Hi Goldfish,
Mine dun cough and dun have phelgm sound..his current pd said the inner part of the nostrils show allergy symptons.
Went for 2nd review, got slight improvement after applying the nasal spray.....

Hi banazz,
my son is taking avamys nasal spray too, pd said to try for 6weeks , how old is urs and will be taking for how long? Yakult is v high in sugar, my boy took it for a month, not everyday, then his nose was blocked, almost totally, he was always out of breath and needed to be carry even for a short distance and headache everyday,but the pd prescribed zyrtec and antibiotics which din work at all! We brought him to other pd when he digged his nose till blood were flowing out alot! his nostrils were bleeding and he told me got things inside and he couldn't dig out!! So sad leh!! Ended up takin ventolin, singulair and lung tonic for a mth...

Like u, yakult is no no in my hse! IS my number one enemy!
But my fren's kids are ok with it, no problem! I only learned that young children should not be given drinks like this and ribena from a TCM doc.

Today he told me he got sore throat but he can sing loudly leh....Now HFMD on the rise, i am also on tenterhooks!! Check his mouth so many times a day!!

Hi cheer,
thanks for the tips!
Goldfish, not sure if it's asthma or not, doctor may be don't want to officially tell me that as she some how feel I will be upset, coz I keep telling her my family both sides don't have asthma history. But well, my gal is now given Ventolin Evohaler and Flixotide Evohaler by GSK, via Aero Chamber. Do it once in the morning and once in the evening, after she get changed for her sleep.
tidalstorm, ur boy dig his nose until blood flows? my goodness, it's so painful. his nose must be super blocked for his to do that. poor boy... it really pains us when we see our kids gasping for air. it's such a torture.

my boy was also given ventolin, singulair and lung tonic but he has to take it for 2 months. actually he has been taking lung tonic for many months prior to the attack. dunno if it helps or not. so hard to judge. but now with all the other medicine, he indeed gets slightly better. at least he's not as phelgmy as before. and the food controlling part do helps too.

my boy took the nasal spray for about 2 months too but we dun give him regularly now. only use it when he feels unwell. otherwise, we just use e puff and lung tonic.
Yeah banazz,
he sure digged till blood oozed out, not once but twice, when pd saw him, his airway can be considered totally blocked...hence mouth open big big! Kids nowadays got a lot of health problems.
Plus the weather nowadays and the sick people around, make it worse!

Brandedfans, how's ur gal now?
Hi tidalstorm,

My child also has this nose block problem for many years. Whenever she has cough or flu her phelgm is also very thick. I bought her to chinese and western doc. All medicine doesnt seem to help. Docs always give antibiotic or ventolin. Now i'm giving her Noco. The ingredients are ji-lin ginseng, dark plum, licorice root, ganoderma, peppermint and chrysanthemum. The products are based on the proven science of Nutritional Immunology and prevention of disease to promote good health. I realize the importance of proper nutrition to help strengthen the immune system are very important. We are taking almost a year and i can see the improvement of my child nose block have improve.
Hi tidalstorm,

She has it since toddler. Use the spray before not helping also. Sound like the same. Noco is whole food concentrates. Every ingredient is carefully selected for its nique nutritional properties and is then prepared with special care to retain the greatest possible nutritional value. The result is a line of whole food concentrates formulated for excellent health.
Hi tidalstorm,

You can purchase at E excel. You need someone to sponspor you to buy the product. I can help you to buy if you want. I am a member as i find all the products are very good and effective, i join as member in order to purchase cheaper.

Air pollution is a constant threat today. Have you ever considered how polluted the air you breathe is? Can you allow your body to be constantly exposed to such a threat without taking additional precautions?

The respiratory system acts as a barrier against invading foreign bodies. The respiratory system consists of the respiratory tract (nose, throat, trachea and bronchial tubes) and lungs. This system’s immune function works simultaneously with each breath you take to prevent harmful substances from reaching the lungs and harming the body. Respiratory mechanisms can malfunction, especially when we do not eat a balanced diet. Bacterial and viral infections may lead to serious diseases such as pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis and various kinds of respiratory allergies. Common respiratory diseases include flu, common cold, hay fever, bronchitis, asthma and streptococcal infection.

NOCO is specially formulated to nourish the respiratory system. It is rich in plant foods that nourish the body and enable it to better defend itself against harmful substances.

Hi tidalstorm, my gal is recovering, but still very cranky. Can still see her very breathless at sometimes, especially early morning. But is much better at least the wheezing is going away. She still on Ventolin and if she coughs, will give her Flixotide Evohaler also. Each type 2 times a day, once in mornign and once in evening after change her to PJ.
Hi twinklestarsjta,

thanks, will find out more and if interested, i will let u know!

Hi brandedfans,
must be hard on u! U got bring her to follow-up with the doc? Is good to track her recovery since she is still v breathless at times....
hi brandedfans: can understand how u feel. my boy is asthmatic. he's been in and out of hosp since 6 months due to severe wheezing. whenever he gets cough or runny nose, the wheeze will come. he is now 19 months and on Flixotide. Have to be on it for long term until his condition stabalize. His wheeze can be quite bad, and can even hear it even if sitting a distance away from him and no need the sethescope to hear ! sigh ! we are able to better handle his condition now.

Whenever he is admitted, the physio will come and do some chest physio, followed by suction every 3 hourly, and he will start with intensive treatment of neb every 1/2 hourly, followed by 2 hourly, 3 hourly and 4 hourly. each hospital stay is 7 days. really very very tired. this year since CNY until now, there hasn't been any attack, because when we find that he is getting cough, we quickly give the ventolin just to prevent the attack from coming and to break off the cycle. so far so good and hope it will stay this way. We have no family history of asthma and my 2 older kids also no history of asthma. The PD is very good and he will teach us to break off the attack. He will even call us at 1am to find out how is my boy, so we work closely with the PD.

Dont worry ya. Am confident your gal will be fine.
Lets share here k? Take care.
Hi tidalstorm, I did bring her back for review every 2 weeks. Now phlegm are no more, but after she cries for too loud and too long, then you can see she will be breathless, otherwise, she is quite alright now, but still need to be given the ventolin twice a day to make sure she is alright. Doctor prescribed to be on this for 2 motnhs, then see if she is fully recovered or not. So now very important not to get flu again.

Thanks Samval. Ya, hope my gal's is not asthma lo, coz both sides sibling and parents all no one has asthma before. So, keep finger crossed this is 1 off things lo. Thanks again, ya share here is good!
for those child who is on Flixotide, did the doc mention any side effect on long term use?
my boy now on this too to prevent the come back of wheezing which he had it twice last month.
heard from friends that being on inhaler long term will cause skin problems later on.
Although I had asked doc on this, he said skin problem, asthma and sinustis are all connected!
My son has been coughing or 2 weeks. Then he wheezed. Neb'd twice. Now, on road to recovery but whole family sick again. Worried he will get flu again and another attack. My question : he has completely lost his appetite these 2 months. Drink and eat very little (maybe 300 to 400ml a day of milk and 2 tablespons of cereal if we are lucky)......anyone experienced this and any way to increase his appetite?
Hi Warrior_angel,

Wat product is that?

Hi mummies,

My eldest son now is 4yr old... very two weeks then cough and running nose.. go GP sure have antibotics (Klacid)...

Pls advise what can I do to improve his health or which PD or TCM better?


Hi everybody, its true what angel says, do look for nutritional supplements to help our immune system, This is what is lacking in us nowadays, probably frm our lack of nutrition frm foods that we eat etc...I also take some time to understand and learn abt wellnes. Doctors are all addressing at the sickcare angle, that is, they will look at the disease and try to treat, How abt preventing the disease? But also remember to find the right products, as not all products are safe. not even natural products.
