Opened diaper packets safe?


Hi everyone, I was given 2 bags of Drypers size S, for babies 3-7kg. I am due on 21 July. One of them is already opened. And there are also a few diapers that is no longer kept in the original packaging. I have doubts to use the diapers that isn't sealed in the packaging cause I'm worried that it might not be hygienic or sterile. Was wondering if it is actually safe to use it on my baby or if I should discard any diapers that isn't brand new and still sealed in the packaging?

As long as the diapers are not yellowish and look like it is new, I will use. But since u already have your doubts, just buy new ones rather than spending time worrying about this small issue. Cos if your baby were to have bad nappy rashes, your mind will first zoom into the diapers.
