Old wives tale (myth?)


New Member
Hi.. is it ok if I need to install a digital lock at my house main door? I’ll not be at the site during installation, my hubby will be there to supervise. Appreciate some advice pls. Thanks much!

Mm... depend on how you think ba...

I moved house while preg, hub and dip grilled the wall, knock this knock that.. move this move that and I was there..

Everything r ok..

If you worry, can just do it after delivery? But if already spoilt, and it need to be changed, still need to change also ba o_O
Mm... depend on how you think ba...

I moved house while preg, hub and dip grilled the wall, knock this knock that.. move this move that and I was there..

Everything r ok..

If you worry, can just do it after delivery? But if already spoilt, and it need to be changed, still need to change also ba o_O
Thanks for your reply and assurance! I’m relieved to hear from you that everything is ok.
I had to oversee my own houses renovation, through my 1&2 trimester Some days I even stay around while the guys are drilling/ hacking/ knocking to wait for another contractor to arrive. I step away when it's too dusty for health reasons.
My child is perfectly healthy.
