Need advice: breastfeed to sleep

Your boy is probably using your breast as a way of comfort. Therefore, to wean off night nursing you'd have to replace this source of comfort with something else like using a pacifier, a toy, a baby carrier or just snuggle him close to you without breastfeeding. The list is not exhaustive. Weaning him off your breast at night will take time and lots of patience. All the best!
I have tried many brands of pacifier, different kind of toys and bolster, hug him, carry him... all failed... do u mean just keep trying?
Yes you have to be persistent. Talk to him calmly, tell him your breasts are not for sleeping purposes. If you are only night weaning him, to ease the process offer your breast at other times instead of sleeping/naptime. Soon he'll understand that mummy's breasts are not for sleeping. It'll take time. Some take days, weeks or even months but don't worry they won't breastfeed forever.
my boy @ 1yo still does that! yes there r a few ways to wean e latching to sleep but sometimes i think it depends on e baby too. some of my frens' babies are so nice they accept whatever is done to them! but mine... hmmm @_@

my fren said she will read a storybook to bb first, then switch off lights, then drink milk bottle, then let bb just play/roll on e bed by himself (she will just keep quiet & dont entertain him). after some time, bb will be tired & roll himself to sleep. she will then transfer bb to his cot. he took to it by e 2nd or 3rd day

that said, ya it will take some time to wean. e main thing is to just persevere despite all e crying!
