Need Advice about 7th month


Have been seeing most reviews about not bringing baby out in the 7th month.
But My baby is always with Nanny and I have to fetch him home from Nanny's house after work on Saturday 7pm..
What should I do? Is it ok if I rush back home after 7pm?

Please help!

Dear Madam Lim Mun Theng Esther (limmte),


It is not expensive. Some time, it is for free. 有些庙宇有符,可以问之后然后请来给孩子佩戴.向神明说给你要孩子出入平安。反正根本不用花钱。Pai-seh的话,捐点香油钱。父母不方便去庙的话,可以叫阿公阿嫲代劳去庙宇一趟。七月后,带孩子前往该庙拜一拜仪表谢意还愿。

After 7th month, still can be used. If not, burn it away.

Between 7 August and 4 September 2013, there are only four saturdays. 再真的不放心,pay a bit more for the nanny to bring your child back (duplicae your house key for nanny if needed).


趁现在还不是农七月,可以分享我的两则真实小故事。With my own eyes, and I am sharing with everybody. I myself stay at home most of the during hungry ghost festival.

Story 1 - 在农七月份
I walked past KFC one night. Thought of using the toilet, but decided not to go in. At that time, there were not many customers in the restaurant, but it was "crowded"! Imagine it was like Lau Pat Sat weekdays' lunch time. The customers were eating those being eaten food, and those deep friend chickens were covered with unseen saliva. 顾客吃了吮手指,看似吃得津津有味。

Story 2 - 不是农七月份
The venue was the children playground underneath the seating platform at the 春到河畔。Kids were not sleeping and still playing past 12am.

Those unseen children were also joining with human kids playing game. They were everywhere, the huge air-bag slide, water-boat, floating air ball and etc. 不是多到像七月半那样恐怖。

Meanwhile, I have made posts in this thread:
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Do you mean the kids were playing past 12pm? The picture was taken during the daytime, not night time. Why would the playground be opened past 12am? Normally, they would close at night latest by 9.30 - 10pm.
Dear moorspa (moorspa7) ,

It was at night.

春到河畔children playground closed at late hours. Perhaps, next Chinese New Year season (2014), you may go after 11.00p.m., you'll be surprised to see the human crowd at that hour.

As for the picture, it was taken during day time. A picture to show everybody where is the children playground and how does a floating air-ball looks like.

I have never attempt to shoot at "invisible entity" again. If I were to aim with camera aperture at "them", not all are going to be friendly. There are consequences after shooting. Just like ordinary human beings, people dislike to be appeared in the stomp page.

I have watched episodes of T.A.P.S (ghost hunting documentary) in United States, ghost-hunters did lots of stupid shooting using expensive electronic gadgets (cameras, sensors & etc) and they were unaware of their mistakes. Ang-moh mah, can't be blamed. When these ang-moh first started, they debunked all myths harshly. Nearly one year of investigation, these ang-moh started to believe.
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Hi Jolyon,

Like your sharing in various threads. Hope you can share more of your encounter with your special gift of 3rd eye with us.

But then, how come wandering spirit wanna harm the kids? I mean how does it benefit them? (The post about the wandering spirit sneaked into the cute toddler's house)

And also, a silly qns to ask.. Is it ok if we open an umbrella at home for drying?

Dear july_baby (judy_lsk),


游魂贪玩,就跟生人着回家捣蛋。但是,不一定跟小孩一起玩,爱跟大人玩也会跟着回家。幼小的游魂,觉得大人很好,又跟小孩玩的开心就跟着。阴的东西,接触阳体(生人),久了之后,全家走霉运、意外接二连三。That is the time, family quarrel, children fall sick and etc.


Share with you something. In United States, 屋龄都很老。House owner keep changing, hard to keep track. 屋子曾经发生过什么事情,很难去查。成了凶宅,大有可能。要是人住进去就肯定出意外,严重者丢命。尤其,鬼魂呆在屋子几百年,新屋主搬进去,麻烦就来了。也是特别难搞定。条件谈不拢,“对方”就翻脸。Believe me, ang-moh guiwee (鬼) can be tough to handle. 所以,大道理跟“对方”说,恐怕只会自讨苦吃。冥顽不灵的鬼魂,有“他们”的理由不肯走。

One true story happened years ago in the United States. I lived in a suburb (southern outskirt) of Minneapolis, a house opposite where I stayed, happened a suicide case. House owner lost his job shortly moved into the house, slowly became depressed and psychotic. Suddenly out of the blue, house owner shot himself with a revolver. At that particular day, I was at Memphis. When I returned (after two days), I realised the house was cornered with tapes. When I went for a jog passing the house, 赫然发现,躲了1只 but not the houseowner spirit. 有此可见,凶宅极为凶险。房子不干净,惹到屋子里的人鸡犬不宁。

However. road junction and/or vehicle accidents, are different. 亡魂捉交替。要找替死鬼,顶替亡魂位子。所以,一定要有人当场死之后,替死鬼就逗留在现场(或者附近),亡魂才会离开。This process is endless vicious cycle. So, pedestrians while crossing road, must exercise extra precaution.

To answer your question about a taboo in opening umbrella at home is true. 问得好.


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Hi Jolyon,

Thank you so much for your answers. I m asking this because my husband, my tenant & I had been doing it all these while. In fact, I have been feeling uneasy in the middle of night. My kids are having night terror every night, keep taking turn to fall sick. And more frequent quarrels with my husband due to the kids. We are actually free thinker & we do not have deity alter at home.

How can I confirm if there is really 'dirty' thing in the house? I m not afraid of them but I doesn't want my kids to be disturb and us being plagued by bad luck.

And also, I read before every house has a house guardian. And the house guardian will not allow any uninvited spirits to harm the house owners, is this true?

By the way, just asking out of curiosity, did u ever occur that 'Ah Nam' (local artiste) death has to do with those dirty things? (As he was into getai & horror films)

Nice chatting with you.

Dear Madam Dear july_baby (judy_lsk),

1. 先不要自己吓自己。孩子吃错东西也会生病。孩子体弱,八字是可以看得到。孩子常常出意外,八字同样也是可以看得到。孩子前世因,再加上父母今世的恶果报,会在孩子身上反映出来。

孩子若快遇上大劫的时候,我会暗示父母。Very rare case. 也只有在给孩子命名的时候,八字和运程我仔细看一下。我不是在暗示你,要看你孩子的八字哦!Take it easy, 不要往坏的方面想。孩子跟其他小朋友玩的时候,也有病菌传来传去。Common lah... Don't not worry.

2. 现代的家里没有安奉神明。这个很普遍。It is totally alright.

3. 通灵的才有办法知道你家有没有不速之客。不要吓自己啦... 通灵的人有些有敏感体质,很快sense得到(看不到听不到,但是感觉存在 春在)。有些有耳听得到,但是看不到。有些有眼看得到,听不到。有眼看得到比较糟糕,因为会吓到。看得到肮脏有分轻与严重。

To solve your problem (not sure whether there is any dirty thing in the house or not), 你可以到你家的附近庙宇拜一拜,一家大小常常去拜拜会更好。(如果,有印度兴都庙宇,也可以的。)Some temples offer free joss sticks, 点香是免费的。告知神明你家的地址,家里有什么人,感觉怎么样,发生什么事等等。然后,再祈求你要神明帮你什么。诚信请求神明去你家走一趟,看看究竟是怎么一回事,并且帮忙处理。感觉有改善,再来还愿。常常去拜,你也不会损失什么。

4. ‘house guardian’- if the house has been well-blessed before, it might have. So fat, I have never seen Singapore houses being blessed (in terms of other than Taoism/Buddhism religion).
Side-track abit. Resale flat或许有问题。前屋主没有把神明/祖先请走,表面上屋子空空,未必里面就“干净”。

5. 阿南逝世实在令人惋惜。I love to watch his movie. 阿南的八字没有公布,要不然可以知道他何时善终。比如,他注定要活到70岁,而且突然早走的话,不排除冤秦亲债主找上他。Anyway, it is a pity to see him leave. 阿南的灵若有出现,或者阿南家人有尝试找人通灵的话,或许可以知道究竟是这么一回事。

In Chinese culture, there are a few ways to communicate with the dead, and below are two to share.

方法之一 问米 - 新加坡早期有的问米。就是请往生者上来对话。My family consulted 问米 (not in Singapore), and I have talked with my ah-ma. My family verified lots of things first before we believe, and we managed to find out how and why she died. However, Singapore has only one very old aunty doing this. Not sure she passed away or not.

方法之二 观落阴 - 到地府走一趟。No longer can be found in Singapore. 1/10 success rate for a group of people. I did once elsewhere, 还没有游玩办条街就调头了。
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Hi Jolyon,

Thank you for your reply again. Had been waiting for you here, haha.. Actually my husband & I had been to a temple few years ago to seek a tangki as my baby was crying every night at around same hour. He helped us to 'look' at our house. He revealed there is 'something' in our house but it's not dirty spirits, told us not to be scare. I m not sure what it is exactly. I thought maybe is a house guardian or something.

I have seen & encountered supernatural stuffs a few times when I was young so I do believe in it. The worst experience was when I was just a few years old, staying at Toa Payoh. (cannot recall exact age) I was sleeping at that time & dreamt of ghosts chasing after me, I woke up in fright & cold sweat. Then the next moment, I couldn't believe my eyes. There was a vampire (inside my bedroom) hopping around the bed staring at me. I just cried & cried, shouting 'gui, gui'. And my father woke up & came to me.

No one believe me whenever I relate this story.. Haha.. Another incident, one early morning around 6am, my father hailed a cab with me, the taxi stopped, my father opened the car door, an old lady alighted. It was not in human form. I do not know how to describe. The image of the old lady is very blur. Like no weight, smoky form.. I got in the cab & asked my father if he saw an old lady. He was puzzled and even asked the driver. The driver replied no.

During my pri sch time, my father got quite a few of
Hmm.. I am not sure what are those call.. U know those from Thailand (child with pacifier) 'kon man tong' sounds something like that.. My father brought some home & offered them milk, sweets, toys, etc.

And I always 'secretly' played with those toys & ate their chocolates meant for them. I was annoyed that my father had never bought all these for me but for them. :p

Guess what, I can see those toys moving on their own, esp. remote car in my room while I was doing homework. I was freezed totally when I saw that, right in front of my eyes.

Seems like stories in 'Incredible Tales' right? Haha.. I love watching that. But all these are my true experiences too.

Can u share more too? I mean, u can see 'them'.. But did they know you can see them? Did they ever ask you for help in any ways?

Thanks for sharing so much with me.

can i check with you if really need to go out on 7th month evening can i just let my daughter wear a yellow paper charm from guan yin temple @ waterloo street? Because we visit our parents and in law during weekend and usually only return home about 8-9pm......
Hi Jolyon,

May I know when is the right time to bring my baby to my mother's 骨灰? Because my mom died before seeing my son and she hasn't been introduced to him yet..
Dear july_baby (judy_lsk),

This thread becomes ghost-story telling. LOL.. Pardon me, that some questions I refrain from replying. In the end, 会害到人疑神疑鬼了。

Anyway, 我对扶乩没有偏见。我不会去接触,也不会特意去看。自己不会反对或者鼓励人家去问神。I am netural position.

第一. 十个跳童的,一个假的就会还是很多人。乩童未必真的有神明上身,有神明真的没有来,还是装神弄鬼。Horrible.
第二. 骗财又骗色很多!报章刊登了不少神棍,骗了不少妇女。Becareful.

By the way, I have made a post (March 14, 2013 - 10:12 pm), mentioning that I am not a medium.


I have mentioned a post (April 12, 2013 - 4:30 pm) in this thread about 洛阳大伯公宫神迹:
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Dear Jamie (key_word07),


亲自或者常常去四马路观音堂更好(不用等到初一、十五)。进入庙宇后,个人的阳气磁场会纠正(短暂),当阳气磁场纠正之后,肮脏东西不敢靠近(only temporary)。

Next solution, 从阿公阿嫲/外公外婆家出门之前,(如果有安奉神明/祖先)可以点香祈求神明庇佑回到家。Only 10 sec, it won't take you long.

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Dear Lim Mun Theng Esther (limmte),


1. 可以再等他上了小学之后,再去拜祭外婆。何况,孩子年龄幼小什么都不会。外婆的骨灰永远都在,骨灰瓮没有脚不怕跑掉。可以拿令堂的照片给孩子看,看一下就好,然后收起来。先人的遗照不宜让孩子抱着睡,若晚上孩子偷哭就不好了。另外一点,子孙一直想着先人也是不可以。原因是,先人特别敏感,他们在另外的世界会有感应。这个是实际的做法,因为有生活照片就可以认识亲爱的外婆。

2. 去清明打扫拜祭的时候,(清明之后不可以常去)可以跟先人(就是令堂)说,欢迎清明季节到你家看看外孙,保佑后代子平安。顺便交代先人不便触摸幼小孩子。必须告知先人你的地址。不要哭、半滴眼泪不要掉。若亲人一把鼻涕一把眼泪的话,先人会非常-非常舍不得。这个也是实际的做法,因为先人自己来探望后代子孙又可以保佑一家大小。

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Dear Lim Mun Theng Esther (limmte),


Thanks Jolyon.
I will burn incense and pray before going home from my parent/in law place. Thank you so much for your advice.
Obtw..can i ask something also? i heard that pregnant woman cannot anyhow go temple to pray. Can only go GuanYin Temple. The rest best is to avoid. Is it true? why?

Thanks so much!
I still wonder if my mom would be angry if I didn't bring my son there to introduce him to her..
So if it's possible, bring him around 6-7 years old right?
I did cried in front of my mom that time..
What should I do?

Dear Jamie (key_word07),

孕妇不去庙 for health and safety reasons.

1. 庙有二氧化碳以及烟雾,怕危害孕妇身体(尤其是焚烧金纸、香烛)。
2. 有些庙宇有跳童,敲锣打鼓吵起来,孕妇或许会受惊吓。
3. 人潮拥挤,会撞到孕妇,或者有传染病。
4. 早期的庙宇有门卡,因此不少人进门的时候摔倒,导致孕妇在庙内行动不便。
5. 初期怀孕就避免,因为行动多会导致意外流产。


一. 在跪的时候恐有震动到肚子。
二. 跪不好/起不来,摔倒了就惨了!

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Dear Lim Mun Theng Esther (limmte),


我目前没有看过,妈妈会气到责罚女儿不让外孙(女儿的孩子)见外婆。更何况,Lunar 7th month is big vacation for "them", 祖先们若要回来探望,他们自己会认路。

哭了就算了,不要再去想。下次,就不要哭了。Like our social life, when you heard about somebody (may be your close friend) passed away, people knew it definitely feel sad. Or when you crack joke, everybody laugh. 悲哀会传染、高兴也同样。

整天为往生者哭丧着脸,他/她(先人)会留恋人间。If you tell joke, 嘻嘻哈哈话,他/她(先人)也会高兴,说不定吃完东西之后,他/她找“朋友”打麻将去了。往生者走后,必须得要到他/她的世界。下次,清明去祭拜先人的,可以面带笑容献香。高高兴兴说一说趣事。Don't feel awkward or shy, just talk. (e.g. where you buy the fruits, how is the children study progress, what part-time job you are doing, husband working overtime to support family, thinking of upgrading HDB flat, and etc). You only have one time to talk once in a year.

说到留恋凡间的鬼魂,算是潜逃出来的 (those "escapees")。冤鬼讨债的,不一样。因为,冤鬼讨债一般针对一个人,会陪伴他到天涯海角。以后,有机会再写出来。
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Hi Jolyon,

You are a big blessing to us in SMH here. We have indeed gained alot of knowledge from your generous sharing in various threads. And also guiding us to be better person. Can I ask u another qns again?

Is it true when you mentioned children have to pay for their parents' sinful debts? If this is the case, then what should I do so that my children or
i do not have to pay for it? Besides rape & murder, my father had done many wrongs things in his life. Jailed countless times & the total time he had done was close to 20 years. Typically a bad egg in society. BUT he was a good father to me until I was 16 (minus the physical abuse on me whenever he lost in gambling) And when he won $ in gambling, I can request even the moon in the sky. He returned to jail for 55 (code for gangster related) thereafter & I stopped schooling at 16 & started to work as a factory girl then upgraded to an office girl till i got married with a loving husband whom we met at workplace. My mother had left us since I was young. I was never close to her but we are in contact. When she was also jailed for drug abuse, I took leave from work every month to visit them in Changi & halfway house. (For 5 years)

My father's history - he was a head of a secret society (many 'Ka Kia' under him) used to be loanshark & got very cash-rich , a womanizer who enjoyed going to nightclubs. (where he had met my mum as mum was working as a night hostess during that time) smoke & drink heavily, staged robbery, fighting all the time, seek prostitutes & ever infected with SID & spread to my mum, gambling & selling unlicensed stuffs. Spend every cent like water. When out of $, asked for loan from other people and never return. And he ever got few of his women pregnant then got them to abort away including my mother whom had aborted twice. I was almost aborted too. But towards me, he is always teaching me to be good & proper. He won't allow me to be anything like him. Having said that, I feel sinful for him but not sure what can I do. I don't wish him to suffer in anyway in future. He is actually a kind, full of empathy & a generous man to me. Just that money & greed rule over him. I believe if he can re start his life all over again, he will aim to be a successful businessman. But it's too late now.

Thank for every advice given.
Is it true when you mentioned children have to pay for their parents' sinful debts? If this is the case, then what should I do so that my children or i do not have to pay for it?
Thank for honesty and sharing! In American culture, most Americans are honest and frank. I met Americans who are willing to share their family stories. However, in Asia (like in Singapore), it is totally opposite.


富有的家庭,也有自己的烦恼。I have a relative used to be a tycoon in 70s and shareholder of NOL (Neptune Orient Line). His eldest son, a Nanta (南大) graduate who was a womaniser. He had an affair, soon family split and gone bankrupt. He cleared debt with his inherited wealth from dad. After that, he later spent his rest of years working like a cow. 结果,死了(76岁)没人知道。前妻没来,儿子不在身边。还好,有个女儿办理后事。



I have contributed a real account on a post
Wednesday, May 15, 2013 - 8:20 pm

I wrote about an uncle selling "char-kway-diao" at Pek Kio and his wife helped to crack cockle and chop sotong for many years.

Imagine, 1.5kg sotong + 2kg cockle = 3.5kg (cockles and squids) per day.

In one year, minus public holidays and sundays, left approximate 300days for usual business.
300days x 3.5kg = 1050kg in a year.

Therefore, (1050kg/year x 20years) 21000kg cockles and squids used in 20 years "char-kway-diao" business!


从你开始消起,通上(父母)往下(子女)渐渐地消除。消除业力不是一瞬间,而是漫长的岁月。It is like treatment of breast cancer. Patient is put through series of mammogram tests. Inevitably, undergo a surgery, a radiotherapy, follow by excruciating painful chemotherapy and then oral medication.
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Dear Jolyon,

First of all, thank you for not looking down at us based on our background. You are indeed very knowledgable in many aspects. As what you have mentioned are so true. (Abt those few reasons why my father have done all those things) Really touched that someone can really understand.

No matter what he did, he still raised me up though I was taken care by various nannies & maids due to my mum doesn't want/ don't know how to take care of a baby. I don't have any fond memories with my mum. Most of the times I can recall, she will either be sleeping, watching video tapes, taking heroin (in front of me) or fighting with my father. I dun recall her spending any quality time with me. She had never cook once for us. My father got to pay her $50 each time so that she will do house chores. Too many sad memories & i lived in fear everyday. Until my mum stayed outside of the house & only came back to visit me just few times a year. In fact I feel happier that way as I do not need to witness their endless fights with choppers, chairs or any other weapon anymore.

I used to blame heaven on giving me such parents. I must be a bad person in my previous life. I cried every other day & wished so much they should have aborted me, esp. when they told me how they regretted giving birth to me or how they regretted not strangling me to death the moment I was borne. In my heart, I was thinking, I dun even have a choice. If I can choose, I would rather be aborted away than living in such unhealthy family. I have no one to confide to. End up resort to writing diaries. But after some time, I tore away the whole book cos every pages are full of tears & sad memories that no point keeping. Yes, I was an unhappy child, felt inferior, pessimistic, having a lousy childhood & always wallop in self-pity. There was no one to protect me when i got bullied. I felt like an abandoned child.

But irony thing is, my circle of childhood friends envied me alot. Cos I have many times more of their daily allowance from my father.. And the amount of freedom I had. (Since they are always not around in the house day & night) They never thought of how I wished I had their parents instead.

Recently I had a heart to heart talk with my father. He is now with a divorced woman with 2 kids and selling dormicum in order to survive. He told me his luck ran out ever since I was borne. I was born very tiny & due to something wrong with me, I need to be hospitalized. (Didn't mention exactly what happen to me) My father then got really worried & confronted heaven. He said to heaven - let anything happen to him instead & not his baby. From then onwards, his life was no longer smooth. Got poorer & got to sell flat. My parents ROMed 1 week after I was born so that hospital can issue my birth cert. My mother ever told me frankly she married him because he was rich at that time but who knows after having me at age 21, my father became poorer. She blamed me as jinx. She told me all these during my young tender age. Imagine my pain & all the hurt she had given me. Till NOW, she can still tell me.. I m not 'ke lian' at all even without parents by my side because I have all the freedom in life since young since no one there to control me. I was really speechless. Yes, she is right in a way but she shouldn't be the one who said it.

Pardon me for my long grandmother stories.. Shall stop here else I can go on & on. It is simply a love-hate relationship with her.

Thank u for listening. I will start to do something. Thanks to u master.
No matter what he did, he still raised me up ... ...I wished I had their parents instead.


Toblerone: 你非常疼爱你的女儿,太过保护她了。这个女儿将会是你的心肝宝贝。

The entire night conversation was about her daughter. He loves her daughter so much, that he is willing to give up singing career any time. He even masked his living room with sponge and polyfoam just because his daughter fell and suffered a minor small bruise on her eyebrows.


汶川大地震之前,名字已经到阎王手中了,该死的一个都逃不掉。不管什么宗教信仰,好人坏人统统得去阴间报到。那些没爸没妈,侥幸生还的孤儿岂不是更惨?In fact, I visited the aftermath of Phuket tsunami. 亡魂仍然不散,哭声多么悲天悯人。三更半夜接二连三排队来敲我的hotel门,哀嚎多么凄惨,惨不忍睹。有很多亡魂未经超度,恐怕至今还逗留在那个空间。


Recently I had a heart to heart talk with my father. ... the one who said it.


1. 注定一生偏财运旺的人,再怎么不勤劳工作,他还是会钱财满贯。
2. 注定下半辈子,穷途潦倒的人来说,再怎么去存钱,他还是会觉得钱不够用。
3. 注定年迈孤苦伶仃,就是要无依无靠。
4. 注定子孙满堂的人,一定有后代子孙送终。



Pardon me for my long grandmother stories.. Shall stop here else I can go on & on. It is simply a love-hate relationship with her. Thank u for listening. I will start to do something.


Thank u for listening. I will start to do something.


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Xie xie ni for all your sharing & advices. I will keep everything of what you have said in mind. Thank you for all your precious time spent on this forum. They are all very enlighting.

I went down with my husband & kids to our nearest Tampines Chinese Temple last Sunday to pray. As for 'chi su', I did think of it many times but it's not easy esp. I had been having meat in my every diet since young.. & everyone around me are also eating... Err.. I know it's an excuse but I will keep on trying. Eating lesser meat than before. As I read from buddha books, meat are full of toxins. Imagine how those animals suffered from pain & full of hatred/resentment while being slaughtered. All turned into toxins & we actually eating it. We may end up with any kind of cancer in future. And this is one of the reasons how some people died of bird flu, mad cow disease, etc etc.. (All due to the killing of animals for their meat) and also if we do not have meat in our diet, our temperament will be very good too. Won't be that hot tempered and easily get irritated. Correct me if I m wrong.

As for reciting sutra, I have no idea how to start. So far, I have only recite 'mi le zhen jin' before. (It's a song as well) Is it good enough? And also, if it's good to set up a 'guang yin' alter at home? Will it cost a lot? As $ is a constraint.

Even though my life was not smooth in the past but I want to thank god for giving me 2 adorable kids & a wonderful husband 8 years ago. He had been tolerating my bad temper all these years, always giving in to me even though I was unreasonable at times. I do feel guilty but just can't help it at times. My bad temper & impatience are my worst flaw. Now I just hope all my loved ones including my parents will be healthy & happy.

Thank u Jolyon once again for your insight, teachings & valuable advices.
I went down with my husband & kids to our nearest Tampines Chinese Temple last Sunday to pray. As for 'chi su', I did think of it many times but it's not easy esp. I had been having meat in my every diet since young.. & everyone around me are also eating... Err.. I know it's an excuse but I will keep on trying. Eating lesser meat than before.



As I read from buddha books, meat are full of toxins. Imagine how those animals suffered from pain & full of hatred/resentment while being slaughtered. All turned into toxins & we actually eating it. We may end up with any kind of cancer in future. And this is one of the reasons how some people died of bird flu, mad cow disease, etc etc.. (All due to the killing of animals for their meat) and also if we do not have meat in our diet, our temperament will be very good too. Won't be that hot tempered and easily get irritated. Correct me if I m wrong.

As for reciting sutra, I have no idea how to start. So far, I have only recite 'mi le zhen jin' before. (It's a song as well) Is it good enough?



And also, if it's good to set up a 'guang yin' alter at home? Will it cost a lot? As $ is a constraint.

Post Number 235 May 10, 2013 - 10:59 pm

Even though my life was not smooth in the past but I want to thank god for giving me 2 adorable kids & a wonderful husband 8 years ago. He had been tolerating my bad temper all these years, always giving in to me even though I was unreasonable at times. I do feel guilty but just can't help it at times. My bad temper & impatience are my worst flaw. Now I just hope all my loved ones including my parents will be healthy & happy.

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Coincidentally exactly 17 years ago (22th May 1996) I met my first crush for the first time whom eventually became my 'yin shi'. (For 'qiu dao') and under same 'bao shi' & that is how I know of 'mi le jiu ku zhen jin' from them. Got to recite by heart & also 'da xue zhi dao' I even learnt how to ''dian fo deng & song fo deng' ceremony. Gotta 'qing sao' regularly too at others' flat. That time I 'qiu dao' mainly because I liked this guy and wanted to share the same religion with him. His mother is right in saying, I should do it only because of myself & not of other people (his son)

But now, I am thinking to do it for myself & family. But having 2 young kids with no helper, no time to spare.

Ever since you have appeared here, I got keen again in Buddhism. Thank u. You are a god send to us.
Yesterday my husband 'chi su' & tried to recite the 'zhen jin' for the first time. Guess what? Today he striked 4D (small bet). Been a year + since he last strike. He is now even keen to visit the Chinese Temple regularly.
Coincidentally exactly 17 years ago (22th May 1996)

I met my first crush for the first time whom eventually became my 'yin shi'. (For 'qiu dao') and under same 'bao shi' & that is how I know of 'mi le jiu ku zhen jin' from them. Got to recite by heart & also 'da xue zhi dao' I even learnt how to ''dian fo deng & song fo deng' ceremony. Gotta 'qing sao' regularly too at others' flat.
一间刚装修的HDB flat,大门旁边的墙壁插令旗,后来才知道这户人家开得是先天圣堂。改次跟你述说,神迹显化(太多了)。


That time I 'qiu dao' mainly because I liked this guy and wanted to share the same religion with him.

His mother is right in saying, I should do it only because of myself & not of other people (his son)
But now, I am thinking to do it for myself & family. But having 2 young kids with no helper, no time to spare.

Yesterday my husband 'chi su' & tried to recite the 'zhen jin' for the first time. Guess what? Today he striked 4D (small bet). Been a year + since he last strike. He is now even keen to visit the Chinese Temple regularly.

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Dear Jolyon,

I m here again. Just to share with you, I have been going meat-less since Vesak day. No seafood, no meat but still taking dairy & eggs. It's a major change in me as I never thought I can do it. (Hope it can be permanent) I feel happy in this change. (More towards animal rights, health reason & redeeming sins)

But then recently one of my friends told me that her good friend gave up being vegan of few years because she found out from doctor that for her blood group is not suitable to go without meat intake in her diet as lack of nutrients from meat.

I goggled and found a vegetarian society forum. Read it with great interest. One of the threads there did mentioned abt doctors did point out that ppl with blood group O+ should have meat in their diet. But i believe there are many vegetarian out there who belonged to the same blood group too.

What do u think of this? Can O+ blood group go meat-less?
To add on, I did feel loss of energy during the first week. And something weird happened to me too. During my half sleep, half conscious state, I thought I heard someone chanting sutra in my head. The speed of chanting was quite fast & I had never heard of it before. I had tried to goggle 'u tube'.. It seems like chanting from 'Tibet'..
I m here again. Just to share with you, I have been going meat-less since Vesak day. No seafood, no meat but still taking dairy & eggs. It's a major change in me as I never thought I can do it. (Hope it can be permanent) I feel happy in this change. (More towards animal rights, health reason & redeeming sins)
Taking dairy & eggs 是可以。要不然,又少了一样摄取protein的食物。


But then recently one of my friends told me that her good friend gave up being vegan of few years because she found out from doctor that for her blood group is not suitable to go without meat intake in her diet as lack of nutrients from meat.
医生没吃素,当让这样说。有吃素的医生,又给不同的看法。There are millions of doctors in the world, out of those those non-vegan graduated with NUS MBBS likely to condemn vegetarian as nonsense.

I goggled and found a vegetarian society forum. Read it with great interest. One of the threads there did mentioned abt doctors did point out that ppl with blood group O+ should have meat in their diet. But i believe there are many vegetarian out there who belonged to the same blood group too.What do u think of this? Can O+ blood group go meat-less?




1. 少林寺的武僧吃素,不见得他们练武练到爆毙或者deng-chew bai-kar(‘断手跛脚’ in Hokkien)。还是,非得要A or B blood group才能当铜皮铁骨的武僧呢?


2. Hindu religion Medical Practioners are everywhere. 你认为Hindu doctors对吃素有排斥吗?What about Hindu monks? 难道要O+ blood group的印度人都不适合出家?

3. 'Baboo' (Sikhism) 吃长素, 还有很多 'Baboo-Singh' 是PhD holders and Medical Professionals. 你认为Baboo-Singh是傻瓜吗?

4. 新加坡吃长素的人很多,难道O+ blood group不适合吃素?Lau-ah-em,lau-ah-pek吃长斋的多,岂不是每个都要'kong kiang kee chia'?

There are elite military uniform servicemen who are O+ blood group vegetarians too. In fact. all Singapore military camps cater vegetarian food for vegetarian soldiers. 我从来没看过吃素的阿兵哥“ciong-sua-ciong-haii”(‘冲山冲海’in Hokkien)“ciong”until pengsan,或者放弃。那两年的军训,狠狠地磨练性格和锻炼体力。

In United States alone, there are tons of hard-core vegetarians. Strictly organic, not even diary products. Ang-mo吃素吃的方式特别健康。可以做到没盐、没糖,少油。However, their veggie dietry knowledge is fantastic and I take my hat off.
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Vegetarian Diet



红 - 辣椒、胡萝卜、蕃茄、草莓、红枣、西瓜等等。
白 - 米饭类、淀粉类食物、白萝卜、莲藕、冬瓜、平菇、白花等等。
黄 - 黄豆(豆浆、豆腐、豆干等)、花生、南瓜、香蕉、柠檬、橙等等。
绿 - 绿色蔬菜类
黑 - 黑豆、香菇、黑木耳、黑芝麻、海带等等。



  1. 消化系统——需要黄色的食物。养脾(spleen)。
  2. 呼吸系统——需要白色的食物。预防溃疡和安定情绪,养肺(lungs)。
  3. 循环系统——需要黑色的食物。增强造血功能,通便、养发,养肾(kidneys)。
  4. 免疫系统——需要绿色的食物。养肝(liver)。
  5. 内分泌和血液系统——需要红色的食物。增强毛细血管弹性、改善心血管功能,养心(heart)。
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To add on, I did feel loss of energy during the first week.

最难以把持的是‘食欲’。KFC、McDonald's、Long John Silver、Satay、Otak的味道确实香。贪吃馋嘴的,自然受不了香喷喷的诱惑。

During my half sleep, half conscious state, I thought I heard someone chanting sutra in my head. The speed of chanting was quite fast & I had never heard of it before. I had tried to goggle 'u tube'.. It seems like chanting from 'Tibet'.

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Dear Jolyon,

Thanks for all the information. Will make sure I am getting a healthy diet out of veggie. Appreciate your list for me to know.

Few days ago, I told my father I m not taking meat anymore. Don't buy us ham anymore. His response (in hokkien) - why? No meat not gd 4 u. Cannot don't eat meat. Without meat, brain will deteriorate very fast. (Again read from newspaper article from a doc/professor) Me : Speechless (don't know how to response)

Today, another girl frd smsed me to show concern towards me, shared with me her best frd during sec sch suffered from depression after turning vegetarian. Cos due to the lack of nutrients/vitamins which can cause depression.

The rest of cos all saying without meat intake, we will be weak.

Haiz... Standard reaction... If only more & more of us will eat less/ no meat. I m sure we can prove them better.
Whenever I have meat cravings upon seeing TV ads, I will think of how those animals being slaughtered and I don't think I can stomach those dead animals anymore..

Had been watching videos of 'earthlings', 'meet ur meat', etc. It made one weep after watching.
Wish I had seen these videos earlier. 30 years of eating. Felt so guilty.
Hi july_baby (judy_lsk)

Like you, i started going meatless on Vesak Day this year. The 2 days are very tough cos i felt weak.
After the 2 days, i ate a bit of meat and felt worse. So now i abstain from red meat. So far so good.
Slow and surely, if we start with small steps, we will have better chance of success : )
You are not alone in this : )
Yeah! Hi 5 XiaoChuan.. So happy to see your posting.. Let's 'Jia you' together!

Nowadays when I smell of red meat, I felt awful.. Kekeke..

U can try joining vegetarian society forum or such. Very interesting to read from those old vegan..

Share with u more next time, going to eat my vegetarian tingkat now.. (Hehe, can't cook well)

I got my tingkat contact - Yuan Xin from that forum. Cost $190 for 2 paxs. Dun deliver to west side though. So far so gd.. :p
I got my tingkat contact - Yuan Xin from that forum. Cost $190 for 2 paxs. Dun deliver to west side though. So far so gd.. :p
$80 per pax. So, each person eating cost $4 for 20days (minimum). 白饭自己煮,吃不完,可以收在冰箱。





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Yes Jolyon,

Will be mentally prepared for this challenge. Thanks to you, I m doing this. Thought of it long ago but didnt put it to action. Now It's a life change to me and I actually felt happier than before.

Though my husband will not give up meat but he is eating so much lesser than before.
Just wish that one day, the whole family can be vegetarian.
And yes Jolyon, the tingkat charges are reasonable as somemore delivery to doorstep. No need to worry abt rainy weather.. And the best thing, the food & soup taste good too.
Hi XiaoChuan if you are still reading this thread..

Happy 1st veggie month to us!! (If you are also still preserving on it)

Feeling healthier & better both mentally & physically now..

Jia you!!

Hi july_baby (judy_lsk)

Happy first veggie month.
I am still on this. no red meat. Still have white meat once in a while.
I hope i can get off this meat thingy soonest.
