Just to share:
What I did was to go private route with Dr Loke Kah Leong (a very experienced elder doctor, pro natural too) as his package is one of the cheapest I've seen and I get to have scans at each visit (for a peace of mind)
However, Dr Loke only delivers at Parkway East, Thomson Medical and Mt Alvernia.
So what I did for this pregnancy was to stay on his care till 38th week and transfer myself to KKH under The Private Suite with Dr Khoo Chong Kiat. In this sense I still get my great care with Dr Loke during the most important part of my pregnancy and save cost at the same time. I did not want to go to any private hospitals as I'm worried of the medical care and facilities available at these hospitals cos ultimately, should there be any issues, baby and mum will be wheeled out straight to KKH and charges will +20% (sounds too crazy for me)
Patients under KKH do not have any packages thus the reason I went for this route too. Might not be for everyone but I'm pretty happy to take this road